Sunday, June 30, 2013

Big Brother 15: 6/30 Nominations Episode Blog Party - Blog Pool Picks

Well, let's see how the edit comes out, eh? Tonight's show is actually starting on time here on the East Coast. So is the blog party!

As I mentioned in the last update, ORKMommy has finished the random blog pool match-ups. Here's who has whom in the game:

Aaryn - QuixoticElf, Isabelle, April Weaver, Donna in FL
Amanda - Petals, JimmyB, Barb S., PDX Granny
Andy - Nickelpeed, jessica Underwood, Patti, Brent McKee
Candice - Terry is a Texan!, Shannon (purrbal), cloverandthetwins, Michelle C
David - Sally, DebbieD, Sharon S, SSW
Elissa - theresa jordan, Caela, jo, Ninboh
GinaMarie - Merrlee, Jackie, Cheryl, EileenM
Helen - Dr_Celine, Sasha, Buzzmaam, RBennie
Howard - Glenn, Jennasmom, ORKMommy, Aya
Jeremy - Tami, JonMD1267, lynn1, Delee, JOKATS
Jessie - Margo, Janice from GA, Pearlgarden, Dave B.
Judd - Lili, SueGee, Karen in CaliforniaHer, Ed in Ohio, Marlol
Kaitlin - DKNYNC, Jillian's mom, BloggyMom, Billy
McCrae - Tammy, gaylos, Chacha, Joey
Nick - Witt, MikesGirl, Brian, poodlepam, Brenda
Spencer - Becky, monty924, Chris (chrob61), Carrie
Hamster watchers ready? Got your drinks and snacks? Is your showmance partner going to dump you to further himself in the game? (Oh no, did I say that?)
As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this post with the major happenings. But the real fun is the party in comments ... come join us!

The boys decide on an alliance - Spencer, Howard, Jeremy, Nick and McCrae.

David is out for a showmance more than a win. He's now one with Aaryn. Jessie is boy crazy. They've all figured out that Elissa is Rachel's sister. Well, all except David. He ain't too bright.

Time for the Have/Have Not Comp! They're divided into three teams of five (including Jeremy although he has the slop pass). It's Lake Big Brother, playing Cooler and the Gang. They have to go across a "lake" and then build a pyramid of cans. The red team - Howard, Andy, Elissa, Helen and Judd are the Have Nots.

The Have Not room is set up like an airplane. They have to sleep on rows of plane seats.

America's Vote - Have not food for next week - bologna and blue cheese, okra and oysters , and lima beans and liver.

McCrae is getting all kinds of advice to put up: Jessie, David, Elissa and Candice. Well, not all at once, obviously. I'm talking from different sources.

Nominations time - Key Order: Nick, Jeremy, David, Aaryn, Kaitlin, GinaMarie, Elissa, Helen, Amanda, Andy, Howard, Spencer, Judd. On the block: Jessie and Candice. McCrae says Candice needs to play for veto. He told Jessie she was nominated because she's a strong player. Cough.

Tuesday is the MVP and PoV show. But we know already. Bwahahaha! 

Big Brother 15: Blog Pool Picks, Live Feeds Into the Afternoon 6/30


Okay, this is going to be one of those multi-tasking type posts. Get ready. Put on your thinking caps or listening ears or feathery boa. Put on something.

First off -- The show tonight, despite some worries, will air on time on the East Coast. The blog party will be posted a few minutes before 8pm ET.

Second -- I'll re-post this listing on the blog party post, but this will give you a bit more warning ... ORKMommy has finished the match-ups for the blog pool. And, here they are:

Aaryn - QuixoticElf, Isabelle, April Weaver, Donna in FL
Amanda - Petals, JimmyB, Barb S., PDX Granny
Andy - Nickelpeed, jessica Underwood, Patti, Brent McKee
Candice - Terry is a Texan!, Shannon (purrbal), cloverandthetwins, Michelle C
David - Sally, DebbieD, Sharon S, SSW
Elissa - theresa jordan, Caela, jo, Ninboh
GinaMarie - Merrlee, Jackie, Cheryl, EileenM
Helen - Dr_Celine, Sasha, Buzzmaam, RBennie
Howard - Glenn, Jennasmom, ORKMommy, Aya
Jeremy - Tami, JonMD1267, lynn1, Delee, JOKATS
Jessie - Margo, Janice from GA, Pearlgarden, Dave B.
Judd - Lili, SueGee, Karen in CaliforniaHer, Ed in Ohio, Marlol
Kaitlin - DKNYNC, Jillian's mom, BloggyMom, Billy
McCrae - Tammy, gaylos, Chacha, Joey
Nick - Witt, MikesGirl, Brian, poodlepam, Brenda
Spencer - Becky, monty924, Chris (chrob61), Carrie
Oh my. I have GinaMarie. She better shape up soon!
And, lastly ... here's what's happened today inside that Big Brother House of Bigoted Babes and Misogynistic Men:
  • Jeremy told Nick he'd be more than willing to kick Kaitlin to the curb, preferring the MC alliance over her.
  • They both think that all David does is hang around Aaryn, so he might as well go this week.
  • Meanwhile, David has now suddenly remembered about the cameras after two "slips" while changing clothes.
  • Go figure.
  • Andy would put up Aaryn if he won HoH.
  • Hopefully others would, too.
  • MC alliance knows they need to get Candice aboard for her vote.
  • GinaMarie still thinks it's a no-brainer that David is going to stay and Elissa will go.
  • Yeah, right.
  • Although, it's BB. Anything can happen.
  • Spencer continues to denigrate women when he's around men, treat them decent when he's with them.
  • On the other hand, the CMG (Catty Mean Girls) are bigoted both in front of and behind the backs of their targeted slur material.
  • A group got together for massive cleaning of the filthy kitchen.
  • About time.
  • They still can't stop discussing Candice accidentally sitting on Aaryn's hat.
  • Tsk, tsk.
  • Nick denied he's gay.
  • Spencer misses his girlfriend, "a good woman."
  • It's Elissa's anniversary today.
That's about it!

Not a showmance

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Overnight Into Sunday 6/30

Jeremy's sneer says it all

I so love to snag screencaps which don't quite put the hamsters in the best light. Above, Jeremy seems to sneer as Kaitlin hangs all over him. He has no respect for her. But, then again, she doesn't seem to have much respect for herself, either. If she did, she wouldn't be all over any guy knowing him less than two weeks ... and in front of the world, no less.

In my last report I said that I thought the replacement nominee was Elissa although I didn't have confirmation at the time. I was indeed right. On the block we now have Jessie, David and Elissa. McCrae's original plan was to backdoor Elissa. There is a movement to oust David now and to use Elissa's possibilities of keeping on with the MVP vote to their own devices. It's all going to come down to a game of numbers.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of High School Hijinks:
  • They got their first booze delivery since the feeds went live last night.
  • Oh sheesh. Within ten minutes, many were acting all drunk. Amateurs!
  • I hear there's almost a record heat wave where they are in CA. Yet Nick wears a blue hoodie which matches his blue ball cap. He must think he looks fantastic in that get-up or something.
  • McCrae and Andy dissed the hot tub bunch for being "superficial." That bunch includes most of the Bieber Fever group. 
  • I think many of the hamsters ... most of them ... are on the "superficial" side. Isn't it a prerequisite for being on the show?
  • While talking with Nick, GinaMarie did the count of votes and think they'll have enough to evict Elissa.
  • Andy cried ... again. Sigh.
  • This time he was just listening to music in the HoH room!
  • Aaryn, the pretty girl who's not so pretty inside, wants to target Helen. She thinks Helen is against her, David, Jeremy and Kaitlin because of the showmances and knocks them for being young.
  • I don't know. It's more honorable to say a person is young (and foolish) than it is to make fun of the shape of their eyes or using slurs regarding the sexuality of other hamsters. Aaryn has done both of the latter.
  • So, she's no pretty girl.
  • Aaryn and Kaitlin also want Andy out.
  • Oh. And they think Candice will bounce back and forth between the alliances and be a rat.
  • They might be right about that. The MC alliance also doesn't have much trust in Candice.
  • McCrae gets around. He also has a side alliance with Jeremy (of all people). At least he doesn't have one with Aaryn.
  • McCrae is still trying to get Amanda to back off a bit and distance herself.
  • He's not too successful.
  • I have a feeling that when he's no longer HoH, that might fade.
  • Helen's worried that Amanda spends too much time with Bieber Fever.
  • She needn't worry. They don't trust her.
  • GinaMarie keeps running around counting the votes she hopes will save David.
  • Candice and Aaryn, cat fight, meow! It was all over a hat that Aaryn thought Candice bent.
  • Oh geez.
  • Wanting to put distance between them, McCrae isn't going as far as to not make out with Amanda. After all, when has this scrawny scraggly pizza boy had such beauty all over him?
  • GinaMarie (who's fading with my like) is irked at both Jessie and Candice. She thinks Candice is like Monet and wonders why she's in the house. And, she's apparently jealous of Jessie, threatening to punch her if she gets all over Nick.
  • Well, she didn't threaten her to her face, mind you. She made that threat while talking to her soul sister, Aaryn.
  • @@
  • The Catty Mean Girls are now thinking they might want to evict Jessie instead of Elissa.
  • CMG = Aaryn, GinaMarie and Kaitlin.
  • Howard seems to be on an even keel with all, although definitely not a part of Bieber Fever. However, even BF doesn't seem to have him in their sights.
  • Every time they call him Howie, I think of Howie and his Jack Shack.
  • Oy. The memories.
  • Gina is just about as bad as Aaryn. Although Kaitlin first said they'd stick together, Gina had to reiterate that Candice and Howard will stick together because they're black and "blacks do that." She also referred to the two as tokens.
  • That was shortly after Aaryn told Helen to "shut up and go make rice."
  • Aaryn also thinks Andy will win MVP because "America loves queers."
  • ARGH! These are SO not people I'd want to be trapped inside that house with all summer. They annoy me enough on the live feeds where I can turn them off!
  • The waffling continues. Now the CMG don't want Jessie to go.
  • My head is spinning.
  • Jeremy, taken into confidence by McCrae in their side alliance, let on to Kaitlin that Elissa might not be evicted this week.
  • To give him a teensy bit of credit, he realized after he said it that he shouldn't have told her. He warned her not to say anything because others won't confide in him anymore.
  • Kaitlin freaks out anyway.
  • While the girls have clear-cut alliances going on without much side action, not so the boys. Spencer, Nick, McCrae and Jeremy each have deals with others.
  • Oh well. They're all still asleep as I get this posted.

I just don't know


Odd bedfellows?

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - June 30, 2013

Good Sunday morning to all those reading this! If you're here for the Big Brother live feeds posts, the last one is located right at this link. The next one will be posted a bit later today. One of the things I do year 'round here is an off television topic post reflecting on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. You've been warned!

Once again this week, at least in the early week, I got caught in storms heading home. Grr. I thought I put in a request with Mother Nature for the storms to occur during the overnight hours!

On one of the stormy, hot and humid days, I got into a bit of a kerfuffle with some rowdy kids on the train home. They weren't familiar to me and I really didn't expect them to get off at my stop ... screaming and yelling at me. Eep. Thankfully, there were two Plainfield police officers working at the station. When one went to move the obnoxious teens along, the other (after asking where I live), gave me a ride home. Yes, in the front seat! That sergeant ROCKS! That was so nice of him! And, no, he's not one of the officers I actually know on the Plainfield PD.

Those who follow the show know, but others who tune in specifically for this weekly post might not realize -- Big Brother and its live feeds started up for the summer. Working a full-time "real" job and covering the house happenings make for a lack of sleep for about three months. Oy. But, on the other hand, I never have to be worried about having nothing to do!

On the home front, I shared the elevator once again with the now not-so-new upstairs neighbor. No tennis clothes this time, but shorts nonetheless. He's very pleasant and polite. And, that South African/quasi-British accent is a nice change of pace for my ears. He's still quite quiet up there. He can stay.

That's about all I have for you right now ... onto the photos!

Bunny 4 photo IMG_8288a_zps9a9c18d2.jpg
Bunny in the grass

Much better than a snake in the grass, don't you think? Corner of East Front and Berckman in Plainfield.

Rose photo IMG_8293a_zps8cffa705.jpg
By any other name

East Front Street, Plainfield


Saturday, June 29, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Into Saturday Evening - PoV Meeting - 6/29

Some things are best ignored

Since I last posted, the PoV meeting went down. As always, it was blocked to the live feeds. But, also as always, the hamsters talk. McCrae did use the veto to take Candice down (as decided long ago). It seems like Elissa was put up in her place (also as planned). Although the original plan was to backdoor Elissa if all went in motion, the latest target is David (the MVP - Elissa's nomination). The MC (McCrae? Mature Crew?) alliance want to work with Elissa as they think she will keep getting MVP and they can use her nomination to backdoor people.

Here's what's gone down in that Big Brother House of Heck, They're ALL Bieber Fever to ME ...
  • Despite Spencer's long talk with Nick this morning, he's still not quite trusted by the group.
  • Amanda keeps molesting McCrae in bed.
  • McCrae keeps telling her they have to cool it. He tells others she won't stop following him around.
  • Jeremy and Kaitlin are kissing and snuggling whenever and wherever they can. Ew.
  • Howard really is religious, as he said he was. He regularly prays, but thankfully isn't pulling an Amber.
  • Helen continues to talk to others and help them. If she manages to stay in until the end, she'll have no real enemies.
  • Elissa isn't thrilled about the plan to use her MVP vote as they wish each time she wins it.
  • Amanda got a bit pushy about it. "Don't you understand we're keeping you because of it?"
  • Well, that's not so nicely put, is it?
  • Amanda also went on about Jessie still flirting with Jeremy even though he's practically attached at the lips to Aaryn.
  • Children.
  • Sigh.
  • There are probably screen caps out there with David dropping his pants forgetting about the cameras.
  • I don't post those kind of screen caps.
  • But you can bet someone did!
I haven't had any direct confirmation on Elissa being the replacement nom. But some of the things she's mentioned about worrying about being voted out along with the plan to put her up ... she's probably it. If I'm in error, I'll correct it.

Elissa and Helen in the Have Not room

McCrae and his headgear

Oh noes! They killed Howard!