Saturday, August 02, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Saturday - August 2

Eve/Victoria puts on her make-up

Here's today's happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Problematic Punishments:
  • Donny knows that "people" (ie: Frankie) are tossing his name in as a replacement nominee. He told Cody as much.
  • Victoria is finding out why Caleb was a Have Not due to lack of activity on his FitBit. He really doesn't move much unless he's playing pool. He also likes to nap a lot.
  • Donny was worried because Frankie slept in the HoH room with Nicole.
  • Hayden told him that she's still on board with the back door if it can be done, but Nicole was scared to sleep alone up there and there were no other takers.
  • Nicole thinks that Donny is really smart because he used the word "osmosis."
  • Oh my. It doesn't take much to impress her, does it?
  • Oh geez ... Frankie really needs to detach himself from that HoH room! He joked about how he almost grabbed the key on the way out due to habit.
  • If I were HoH, he would NOT be in there.
  • They had the veto players pick blocked to the live feeds. But, as always, we found out anyway -- the additional players are Caleb, Victoria and Christine.
  • Hmm ... not ones I particularly wanted to see up there.
  • Frankie will host. Again.
  • Heh. With all kinds of ruckus going on, Donny said it would be a good idea if they did a grown-up Big Brother.
  • I know exactly what he means. Half the time the hamsters are yelling and shouting. Not in anger, mind you. They're just damn loud.
  • Nicole told Victoria after her punishment with Caleb is over, she can come up and sleep in the HoH room with her.
  • I hope Frankie doesn't think that's an invite for a threesome.
  • Frankie and Christine really want Nicole to backdoor Donny.
  • Ain't gonna happen, kiddos!
  • Nicole or BB announced the Have Nots (blocked to the feeds) -- Hayden, Cody and Frankie.
  • I don't recall a vote, but they also got "Pea Lime Pie" to go with the slop.
  • Frankie is upset that he was named a Have Not.
  • Too bad, so sad.
  • Nicole told Hayden that Christine told her there's an all guy alliance.
  • She did tell her that.
  • Isn't that what started the Amber ouster?
  • Won't it work on Christine?
  • Please?
  • Hayden wants to change the name of the Quad Squad.
  • Victoria claims that Hayden stretched her shorts.
  • He did.
  • She missed the dance he did in them last night. Heehee.
  • The Quad Squad which might be the Rationale now agreed that if the PoV is used by anyone on either nominee, Frankie goes up (and goes home).
  • They think, without Frankie, Zach will be like a lost puppy.
  • I dunno. He's kind of like a puppy with Frankie around! You know puppies -- into everything, running around, acting goofy.
  • Zach, Frankie and Christine are also amazed that Donny used the word "osmosis." Why, he must be a doctor!
  • @@
  • Or a professor!
  • @@
  • Hmm ... why is Derrick trying to convince Cody that Nicole is working against them?
  • Uh-oh. They're losing trust in both Hayden and Nicole!
  • But, wait!
  • Cody told Derrick that Nicole told him that Christine suggested Derrick or Cody as replacement nomination prospects.
  • (She did.)
  • So now, who do they trust? Can't trust Christine! Please go back to trusting Hayden and Nicole!
  • Cody says his gut feeling is that Frankie and Christine are playing them.
  • Duh. Y'think?
  • As I get this posted, the PoV is still on and the live feeds are blocked.
  • I'll let you know when I know.
  • Unless I fall asleep again, that is. I told you I miss having straight theme music because I can nap to that and awaken when I hear voices. These Jeff highlights and interviews are ruining my naps!

Why is he in the HoH bed looking like Pee-Wee?

Just go. Now, please.

The Cody dude

Donny got a Gilligan hat for HoH

Hayden shows off Victoria's shorts again

His hair is as whacky as his personality

Adam waits for Eve in the bathroom

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Friday evening into Saturday - August 2

The King of Nothing

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of This Certainly Is NO Garden of Eden!:
  • Caleb fussed and moaned about not wanting to get his head shaved.
  • He claimed his head is ugly shaved.
  • He claimed to have a "discriminatory tattoo" on top of his head.
  • He claimed that the last time his head was shaved was boot camp and that's when he got the tattoo.
  • Although his claims of a racist tattoo are a bit possible due to his anti-Muslim ranting in the house and on the internet, Derrick called him on it as the service would never allow it.
  • Then he said it's an Iron Cross tattoo.
  • When Frankie looked through his hair for it, Caleb claimed it was small, but was there.
  • @@
  • Caleb fussed more than any woman on any of these reality shows have when faced with a head-shaving!
  • Donny said that both he and Derrick would do horribly with the punishments given Caleb. Oh, no ... they wouldn't fuss so much about the head-shaving (although Donny would look whack with no hair on his head and that beard). Neither one of them would ever go around almost naked.
  • I find that refreshing that the house has people who actually like to keep clothes on this season.
  • Actually, Derrick and Donny are the first hamsters in several seasons that I could see me being friends with if I knew them in "real life." They're both upstanding caring kind of guys.
  • Victoria doesn't have to shave her head, but is very worried about wearing a bikini for two days straight when she's gained 20 pounds since coming into the house.
  • (She still looks better in a bikini than I have ever looked in one!)
  • Thankfully Caleb isn't attached to Amber half-naked. He'll actually be a gentleman with Victoria.
  • Meanwhile, Zach is kicking himself over the BOB loss. He says it's all his fault.
  • Happy Go Lucky Boy Zach is seriously worried he might be sent packing this week.
  • Me? I'd rather see Jocasta go if the noms remain the same. Zach brings entertainment to the house while she brings long extended prayers droning on and on.
  • As Caleb fussed and whined about the head-shaving, Victoria asked him why he can't be normal.
  • Heck, he can't be normal because he's Caleb! Sheesh! She should know that by now!
  • She also wondered why he can't be positive. Doesn't she realize the love of his life is gone from the house and he not only looks like a fool, but will look foolish?!?!
  • Derrick told Christine and Cody that Zach asked him to save him if he wins the PoV. They think he shouldn't use it because Cody will go up on the block if he does.
  • They don't know that Derrick and Nicole have talked Frankie as a backdoor.
  • I don't know if either would go through with that, though. Derrick might kill Team America if Frankie goes (I don't know what happens when one is evicted) and Nicole might not have the nerve for a major power move.
  • Nicole told Donny he could keep his HoH snacks in the room as well as sleep in there if he wishes.
  • So ... how come Frankie is in that HoH bed?!?!
  • Caleb's latest pre-bald rant: "How will I get a modeling contract bald?"
  • What fantasy land is he living in? He's too muscle-bound and short for a modeling contract ... not to mention looking like that Eminem/Charlie Sheen gay romance love child.
  • Victoria started the Caleb head shave, then Derrick took over. He's been trimming everyone's hair for a few weeks now and is pretty good at it. I get the feeling that anything Derrick takes on to do, he ends up doing well at it.
  • Ahh ... Nicole and Hayden talk alone! She really wants Zach and Frankie both on the block! Woot! Woot! Now, if that comes to fruition, I'd love to see them go for voting Frankie out and keeping Zach. Frankie is actually more dangerous to their games than is Zach. Zach is more of a goofball.
  • And, not only that happened in their talk, but they're also planning on discussing it with Derrick and Cody.
  • So, Cody isn't a target and Nicole isn't confiding in Christine.
  • Good.
  • She's much better with Hayden as a close ally than with Christine.
  • Frankie thinks the only one who would use the veto if he won it is Donny.
  • We'll see about that!
  • Frankie wants Nicole to re-nom Donny if someone else uses the veto.
  • I don't think that will happen. She's not going to put Donny up.
  • Nicole thinks the best case scenario is Donny winning the veto, using it to save Jocasta and she puts Frankie up.
  • But, of course, she didn't say that to Frankie.
  • Yet another new alliance has formed in the house -- The Quad Squad -- Derrick, Cody, Hayden and Nicole.
  • Thankfully, Christine is not a part of it.
  • But I wish Donny was ... then all my house favorites would be in it together.
  • Hmm ... Derrick just might have turned the Frankie corner. He knows Frankie is working against them as well as for them (cue Andy).
  • Hayden thinks Caleb is more fun to be around now that Amber is gone.
  • I wouldn't go that far. But, after the head-shaving went down and he stopped whining and fussing, he's been a bit more human.
  • I think that's all we can expect from him ... a bit human.
  • That's all for now. PoV might rock the house.
  • I hope it does!

What? No huge Hayden smile?

Frankie needs to get OUT of HoH room!

Waiting for the reveal

And, there they are!

Adam and Eve pre-head shaving

Derrick shaves Caleb's head

Derrick listens a lot

Friday, August 01, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Battle of the Block Winners Bulletin - August 1

Caleb and Victoria win the BOB!

Yep, they won the Battle of the Block. Donny is dethroned. Jocasta and Zach remain on the block, Nicole is the sole HoH. Zach is not a happy camper. Of course, this increases the chances that Frankie might be backdoored. Hmm.

  • Caleb and Victoria have to be chained together for 48 hours
  • Caleb has to shave his head.
  • Caleb also has a slop penalty.
  • Derrick says that six people are on slop this week -- the four Have Nots and the two on penalty.
  • Donny got dunked in a dunk tank.
  • The comp had to do with dominoes.
  • Yeah, I'm confused. The winners are losers and the losers are winners.
  • In a way.

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds/Nominations Friday - August 1

Donny nominated Caleb and Victoria

Nicole nominated Zach and Jocasta

But are any of them the real target? Here's what has happened so far today in that Big Brother House of a New Regime:
  • Between fish and Jeff highlights feed blocks due to nominations and, right as I type this up, possibly the Battle of the Block, there hasn't been a heck of a lot of feeds time today.
  • The nominations were as discussed last night.
  • If they keep up with the second part of the plan, it's likely that dear Frankie just might find that back door this week.
  • Zach had volunteered to Nicole to go up, saying it would spare her grief in deciding and he actually deserved it from her.
  • Donny is covering the Caleb nom by saying Caleb put him on the block.
  • The women?
  • I guess they're the Forever Pawns.
  • They're reassuring both of them that they're going nowhere.
  • If, come Thursday, Victoria and Caleb remain on the block, Caleb would go.
  • They really want to go for Frankie, though.
  • Donny moved all of his stuff out of the little HoH room (ex-Pandora's Box) in case he's dethroned. Apparently they lock that room up once it's down to one HoH.
  • Victoria and Caleb have agreed to work together to win the Battle of the Block. Donny even gave Victoria a pep talk.
  • Cody thinks he's Donny's target if Donny remains HoH and someone uses the veto.
  • Donny himself, other than talking Frankie a bit with Nicole (which it would be more her move to make), has been a bit tight-lipped about it.
  • But you know he has a plan in place.
  • The BotB seemed to start early this week.
  • I'll let you know when I find out.
  • If I don't fall asleep, that is!

Will they both survive the week?

Amber is gone; Caleb stalks Zach

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Thursday night into Friday - August 1

Derrick consoles Jocasta

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Fresh HoHs:
  • As I mentioned in my previous little blurb -- Nicole and Donny are the new HoHs.
  • Jocasta just about had a nervous breakdown after retrieving her bag. She had wanted to win so bad and to go out first again!
  • Derrick really did a good job consoling her.
  • But her first again out of a comp didn't go unnoticed.
  • Zach told Nicole she could put him on the block and he'd have no hard feelings.
  • He better be careful what he wishes for!
  • Nicole told Cody she wants to protect Derrick, but doesn't want to show all of her cards to Donny.
  • When Derrick told Nicole that her plan to lose comps failed, she told him she felt she had to go for the win with Caleb and Zach still in the game. She's sure one of them would have put her on the block.
  • Hayden thinks he's safe because he's close to both Nicole and Donny.
  • He's probably right.
  • Donny said he had a plan for HoH last night before going into it, but it was more of a single HoH plan. He thought they'd stop having the two.
  • Donny told Derrick he wouldn't nominate him.
  • So, Derrick seems to be sitting pretty this week, too.
  • Caleb talked about going out on a date with Amber after the season ends.
  • @@
  • Donny seems to be leaning towards Caleb as a nomination. He told Caleb that if he did nominate him, it's because Caleb had nominated him before. He also said it would be a nomination with a chance to win at BotB or PoV.
  • Donny got a sweet letter from his girlfriend at home.
  • Aw.
  • With Hayden present, Donny said he'd probably put up Caleb and Victoria. Nicole thinks she might put up Jocasta and Zach.
  • Hayden kept talking about Frankie being the impetus to most of the things going on in the house.
  • I don't think Donny would put Frankie up due to TA.
  • I don't think Nicole has the nerve to make that big a move.
  • But I do think that Nicole just might be willing to backdoor Frankie.
  • Hmm.
  • She says she's not sure ... but maybe!
  • The latest new final four group is Nicole, Hayden, Cody and Derrick.
  • We'll see how long that lasts.
  • And we'll see how the nominations go later today ...

Zach offers to go on the block

An Amberless man

Storage room meeting

Who wants to see my HoH room?