Sunday, January 11, 2015

Still Here

Yes, I'm still here -- just not feeling well today. I also took only a few (bad) photos this past week.

A rather unfocused cardinal

Plus, he wouldn't turn around!

After the sunrise

This morning on one of my many trips down for my Sunday Courier-News which never came (or was stolen). The supposed redelivery also never arrived.

Catnap needed

Sunday, January 04, 2015

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - January 4, 2015

Yep, it's another Sunday. Nope, haven't been watching too much television. I have a few reasons for that. First, if I concentrate on the screen or try to follow a story too long, I get a whopper headache. Or, at the very least, I tend to lose focus. Unfortunately, that goes for reading books and computer use, as well.

That said, I was happy to see a new episode of Blue Bloods this past Friday. I think it might be the first new episode of any show I watch since the beginning of December! That might be a good thing due to my health. But I really need to work on building up my tolerance for such things. I go to the doctor on Thursday -- high temperature of 19 predicted as opposed to a high of 57 expected today. I'll see what he says. I really wish they could do something or give me something! I feel like I'm in Limbo.

Wednesday night was New Year's Eve. I spent my time loosely following the Twilight Zone marathon on SyFy. I was a bit surprised that some of the episodes were ones I don't remember. I'm not sure if that was because of the post concussion syndrome or I just don't remember them. As it went for midnight, I turned to the ball drop and then headed to bed. I lead such an exciting life, don't I?

On New Year's Day evening, there was a homicide just outside my own neighborhood.  That's not the best way to start the year in Plainfield. Not to worry about me, though. As an older woman, I'm really not the demographic of crime victims in town. Plus, I don't wander around in sketchy neighborhoods at night. Where the murder happened, though only a five minute or so walk away, is not anywhere I'd be after dark.

Once again, I didn't really go anywhere this week. So, once again, the photos offered up this week are suffering. You can always check out my other blog -- I Shoot Stuff I See -- for updated photo fodder daily. They're not new photos, mind you. They're just ones from my computer files over the years. Anyway ... onto the sights from this week.

I see hamburgers

I noticed these on Berckman Street as I walked to the bodega around the corner. Hamburgers and cheeseburgers. On the road. No buns, no traces of buns. I have no clue. They didn't look like they were edible, even in their prime. But they were gone the next time I walked through there a few days later. Maybe the fox my neighbor sighted last week found them.

A touch of snow

Before it turned to slush, then vanished in the rain yesterday, we had a touch of white in the Jersey 'hood. I was hoping to see the fox, but I did not. I will keep watching for it!

The gnarly tree

Its branches were covered with snow until late afternoon. Now all is just wet out there. (Still no fox.)

My other injury

The day after Christmas, I heated some mashed potatoes covered with Saran wrap in the microwave. Stupid me (I blame the concussion, it can't be my own stupidity!), even though the Saran had puffed up like a Jiffy Pop pan from the olden days, I grabbed a corner and got a steam burn. It hurt at the time and turned a section of one finger a pretty pink. But I didn't think it was too bad. While it only hurt a day or two, it now LOOKS bad. But it doesn't hurt.

Think OUTSIDE the box, Vincent!

I keep telling him that if he wants to be successful, he needs to think outside the box. There are too many internet kitty stars out there. He needs to be unique in his talents. Alas, he thinks he should just retreat to the box and let me support him in his luxury cat ways. I'm actually surprised this box has lasted this long. Maybe that's due to the scratchy thing being more tempting to chew apart and spit all over the floor.

Thursday, January 01, 2015

Happy New Year!

Wishing all of my friends here on the blog the happiest of New Year wishes! Thank you all so much for hanging out here year 'round!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - December 28, 2014

Yep, it's yet another Sunday. While I've been on a bit of a holiday season mixed with health issues hiatus from television posting, this is another rather abbreviated photo post of the week gone by.

Um. Oh, wait ... it was Christmas, wasn't it? I hope you all, all who celebrate Christmas that is, had a great holiday.

Me? As per my usual, I had a quiet holiday at home with a certain cat. The holidays aren't a great time of year for many people, including me. With my parents gone for decades and no relatives close by, Christmas tends to be just another day in my life. Oh, I did make it a bit special meal-wise. I had bought a small butterflied boneless leg of lamb and had that with mashed potatoes, cauliflower and a fancy-schmancy chocolate pie for dessert.

I feel a bit better with my post concussion syndrome, but still have some dizziness problems and headaches if I watch TV or am on the computer too long. Every now and then I forget stuff, but I'm thinking that might just be me. I don't know.

Before I forget to mention it -- my new blog, I Shoot Stuff I See, is updated every day with photos I've taken in the past ten or so years. And, you really should check it out from the first post on. I hope you enjoy it!

I really didn't get out much this week, just a few walks to the bodega around the corner. I even walked with peanuts in my pocket hoping to get some squirrel shots and saw NO squirrels! Gah! Thus, my photo pickings were a bit slip again this week.

I hope everybody has a good week!

New era fuzzy dice

It used to be fuzzy dice hanging from the rear view mirror in cars. I guess fuzzy soccer balls are now the in thing. I found these abandoned near the sidewalk on East Second Street in Plainfield. I would imagine whether dice or soccer balls, they're probably all illegal as they block the driver's view. There used to be a time when folks wouldn't get stopped for that. But, back then, seatbelts in cars were a rare thing.

Going downhill fast

This was taken early in the week. Today the "new" scratch pad is looking downright downtrodden. Yet, as I type this us, Vincent is catnapping in what's left of it.

I was so tempted

Yes, it's a VCR. I had recently been thinking what will happen if/when my VCR dies. While I have a collection of movies and TV shows on DVD, I have a lot of movies on VHS. I'm not sure how long VCRs will remain on the market. I recall buying one of the last 8-track tape players when I knew they were going down. But that technology sucked while VCRs were actually very good. My personal guess on this one by the sidewalk on Berckman Street in Plainfield is that it probably works and was just put out there due to its upgrading of technology. I passed it up, then it was gone when I walked back by.

In the long run, it doesn't matter. Amongst some other things my neighbor gave me due to his upcoming move was a VCR/DVD combo.

In a catnip daze

Vincent bids all adieu until next week!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas and an Announcement!

Merry Christmas to all of my family and friends, near and far.
(I haven't been able to get Vincent to wear his Santa suit for years now, so this is far from a new photo of him!)

The announcement? Well, I've been working on a separate photo blog since summer and I'm releasing it today! Nothing will change on this blog -- it will still be TV and the weekly photo review posts on Sundays. However, the new blog -- I Shoot What I See -- will be updated daily with one or two photo posts. Some might be new photos; most are ones I've taken over the last ten or eleven years. 

At the moment, there's a lot of content on there. But the posts are short -- few words, one or two photos per post. If you click on the month on the right side column of that blog, you can quickly go through them by the month. When you first check it out (IF you do and please and thank you!), click on the link to the welcome/about post I have linked in the sentences written across the top. (Please and thank you!)

I hope you enjoy it!

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - December 21, 2014

Oh my gosh ... Christmas is just about here! Welcome to my weekly off television topic (kind of) photo post. I say "kind of" because, once again, I don't have all that much in the way of photos taken this week. I've certainly found out that post concussion syndrome really messes with you. Since I didn't have any doctor appointments, I really didn't go out or do much this past week. I even had a Peapod grocery delivery, so I didn't have to go out for food.

On a television note, I was pleased with the winners of both Survivor and The Amazing Race. Both shows look like they're going to have good seasons starting up in February.

I did take trash out to the Dumpster at my apartment building and spotted this --

Huh? Whazzat?

Why, it's a kitty cat!

I hate to see cats out loose on these streets in town. Yes, there are a lot of feral cats who seem to be wise in the ways of traffic and such. But this little one is too clean to be feral. And, we haven't had a regular population of feral cats in the immediate neighborhood in about a decade. This one is probably someone's pet and, unfortunately, its life expectancy is cut way down because they let her out. (Yes, it's a "her" -- it's a calico and they're always female.)

On the other hand, there's a certain Vincent cat who got a new scratching pad handed over to him this week. He had killed his last one and I have a few that I bought a while ago and tucked away in the closet. Yes, he does scratch on it. But he also sits in it, sleeps in it and bites chunks out of it (and spits them all over my floor, thank goodness for hardwood instead of carpet). Silly Vincent!

Oh! And I took the next shot of a bit of color remaining from the fall (happy winter, y'all!):

Hanging in there, as am I

I should have a post up later this week for the holiday, so stop on back! Heck, I might even try for a television post!

Friday, December 19, 2014

The Amazing Race 25: Season Finale Blog Party

Here we are ...the season finale! For the first time, we have four teams heading into the last leg. Who's going to win? As the show airs here, I'll do my best to give your the major updates. Refresh the page to get the latest. As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join us!

Here's the latest blog pool standings from the Magnificent Margo:

Adam & Bethany - chrob61, Kathy in Brooklyn, Kelsey NY, Zoetawny
Brooke & Robbie - Caela, Sharon, Sharon N, Willie J
Maya & Amy - Ed in OH, Karen in CA, Lynn1, Margo
Misti & Jim - Cheryl in NC, Laurie, ML, OrkMommy

Sorry you have been PHILIMINATED
Lisa & Michelle - Becky, Delee, dla, Donna in AL
Dennis & Isabelle - Auntie Leigh, Brian, David, Donna NY, sanra
Michael & Scott - Donna in FL, Glenn, Jackie, Marlo
Keith & Whitney - Jean, Jennasmom, Nana in NW, PDXGranny
Shelly & Nici - Buzzmaam, Merrilee, Rbennie, SueGee
Tim & Te Jay - Babs, Brent McKee, Dusty, Monty924
Kym & Alli - Brenda, meb, Nicklepeed, Rochelle, Terry in TX

Ready to race?

Teams are flying to Los Angeles. All teams are on the same flight. The vehicles they get into after the flight are Ford product placements. The scientists, followed by the surfers make it to the first clue. Then the dentists arrive. Now the scientists seem to be in the first place.

The have to perform a stunt crashing through a plate glass window for the Roadblock. Who wants to be a Hollywood action hero?

The wrestlers are totally lost, haven't made it to the city hall first clue.

Scientists still in first place, wrestlers still not to first clue. Scientists forgot to take the costume off from the Roadblock and now the surfers pass them onto first. Wrestlers finally got their first clue.

They have to go on a search and rescue exercise with the Coast Guard. Adam and Bethany running first place, then the scientists followed immediately by the dentists.

Now the dentists are in second place.

Uh-oh. The wrestlers are at the stunt man task and Phil is approaching. Onto commercial. Yep, Phil told them they missed their "call time" for the stunt and they're Philiminated.

Another Roadblock. Who can contain themselves? They have to find nine shipping containers that represent nine cities and get them in the right order. Bethany has to do it as Adam did the stunt.

Amy is first to try to write the clues down. Then Bethany. Then Misti. All relatively close. It's a run to the final pit stop in a taxi.Uh-oh, Bethany and Misti screwed up their numbers. Misti gets it first. (Grr.)

Whoa! MAYA AND AMY win The Amazing Race! If Bethany and Adam can't win, they're the best second choice for me right now! They're only the third all female team in 25 seasons to win it.

Then come Jim and Misti.

Then Adam and Bethany.

Next season is "dating couples" with five couples meeting as a blind date to run the race. That's different!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Survivor: San Juan Del Sur Season Finale and Reunion Blog Party

Oh my. It's the season finale tonight! On a Wednesday even. How odd is that? I'm personally hoping for a Natalie win because she's the only one who's been consistently PLAYING the game. Of course, I don't always get my way in these things. We'll see, I guess.

Tonight is a two hour show followed by an hour of reunion. I'm really not sure how well I'll be able to do with the updates. Last night I was quite ill and still a bit iffy today. But I'll try my hardest to update this entry with the major events as they air here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest!

As always, the real party is in the comments area ... please join us there!

Here's the latest on the blog pool from the Lovely Lifeguard Laurie:
Baylor = Glenn, maquinn78, Sharon S
Jaclyn = CYW Coleman, rbennie
Keith = Donna in FL, PDX Granny  
Missy = Ed in Ohio, Monty924, Sharon N
Natalie = Jennasmom, Kelsey NY

Out: Nadiya
Val = Brenda, Nickelpeed
John R = Cheryl NC, MikesGirl, Terry in TX
Drew = Delee, Petals, SueGee
Kelley = Babs Dud, ML, Russ
Dale = Brian, Margo
QUIT -- Julie = Donna NY, meb

Josh = crob61, Rochelle, Jackie
Jeremy = Becky, Nana in the NW
Wes = Buzzmaam, ORKMommy, sanra
Reed = David, Kathy, Lynn1
Alec = Karen in Case, Merrilee
Jon M = Donna in Alabama, Laurie

Survivor fans ready?

Ah, a recap of the season so far starts us out.

Aw, Jaclyn is crying. Too bad, so sad. Baylor and Missy want a final three with them and Natalie.

Reward Challenge - Attached to a rope, unspool rope, build a bridge, use sandbags to knock down blocks. Playing for an advantage in the upcoming immunity challenge. Missy cannot compete with fractured foot yet remains in the game.

KEITH wins reward! He sends Jaclyn to Exile Island.

This is being done a bit differently this year with Jeff segments live from California interspersed with show segments.

Keith's advantage is a practice table for the Immunity Challenge. Once he walks away, he can't return. It's an odd doohickey transferring balls via spoons.

Immunity Challenge time. Keith didn't do great in his advantage tries, but at least he has a heads up. Missy is actually going to compete in this. (About time as she should have gone out rather than skipping challenges!)

Keith WINS individual immunity, guaranteeing him a spot in the final four!

Jaclyn tries to work on Natalie to team with her to vote out Missy. Baylor wants Natalie to give her idol to Missy. Don't do it, Natalie!

Tribal - Not overly exciting prelude. Jaclyn is pretty sure she's going home.

The Tally -- Natalie plays her idol for JACLYN! (Jaclyn had promised not to vote for her in the next tribal.) This was the last time the idol could be used.

Jaclyn, Jaclyn, Jaclyn, Baylor, Baylor!

The jury is thrilled! Baylor is voted out! She goes graciously and even says it was a good move.

Missy is taking it surprisingly well, too.

The plan is to vote out Keith if Natalie or Jaclyn win -- he's the bigger threat.

Immunity Challenge time again. It's very physical. Missy won't be able to play. There are obstacles and puzzle, then raising a flag.

OMG! Jaclyn WINS immunity!

Uh-oh. Jaclyn is thinking Natalie for the vote out. oh noes!

Tribal, the tally --
Keith, Missy, Keith, Keith.

Keith is gone. Rats, guy did his best and got far. It's an all female final three!

And, best of all, Natalie is still in it. The power shifts to the jury.

Final Tribal Council, jury questioning.

Opening statements:
Missy -- Humbly sit here, I could be there. You will affect the rest of my life, loyalty was my game. Voting out Jon biggest move, broke my foot.
Jaclyn -- Ups and downs like real life. Felt alone, still fought. Align with others, middle position. I took over the reins. Brings up her medical condition which doesn't allow her to bear children.
Natalie -- I feel I deserve it. I have outwitted, outplayed, outlasted the other two. Went from surviving to trying to win. (Great speech!) She admits that had they made the right decision last night, she would have gone home instead of Keith. (Did I say great speech?)

Jury questions/statements:
Jon -- Jaclyn, present a big move or decision she was solely responsible for making and affected the game. She says the Josh out vote.

Keith -- Nat, how does it feel that the last words you ever spoke to me was a lie? Nat says that she knew if it wasn't him, it would be her. He sticks on the lying aspect and how he didn't lie.

Alec -- Nat, biggest one move and impact? Voting you off, she says. She explains the chain of events.

Alec -- Missy, mother? I directed people to vote who I wanted out.

Baylor -- Mom, much more than a game for us. We've been through the wringer. (On and on.) Most incredible thing you've ever done. Love you.

Josh -- Jaclyn, reason you're here on your merit or choices from stronger players. She talks of Jon being her stronger player. One move yours and no one else? Voting you out.

Wes -- What was it like to play with your loved one? Eh. Natalie is so proud to make it this far.

Jeremy -- Student of the game. Likes big move. Best player is going to win. Give Natalie her credit. Don't be mad.

Reed -- Nat, loved watching your gameplay, congrats. Enjoyed getting to know Jaclyn. Missy, you cast yourself as motherly, really wicked stepmother of the tribe, feels entitled. Lights into her!

Baylor cries.

Jon writes down Jaclyn, Jeremy wrote Nat, Baylor voted Missy. No surprises there!

Onto Los Angeles --

The tally: Jaclyn, Natalie, Jaclyn, Missy, Natalie, Natalie, Natalie!

NATALIE WINS (as she should)!!!

Next season teaser -- White Collar, Blue Collar, No Collar -- Survivor Worlds Apart

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - December 14, 2014

Is it that time of year?

Well, I got a few shots this week, better than last. This post concussion syndrome is really knocking me for a loop. I have no energy to go anywhere. I can't read or watch TV or be at the computer screen for too long or a nasty headache and lack of focus kick in.

Let's see ... what happened this week?
  • I got a FedEx delivery which was left outside the main door of my large apartment building without even ringing my intercom. Just because it didn't require a signature doesn't mean it should be left where anyone can steal it! Luckily I had gone online to track it a bit after 9am and it was listed online as delivered already. I ran down to retrieve it. I didn't get the text from Amazon that it was out for delivery until an hour later. Two hours later I got the text that it had been delivered. Grr.
  • I went to the neurologist and now have another month off from work, returning to him the second week of January. It's the first time in forever I've had time off around the holidays. I only wish I could enjoy it.
  • I had to go into Westfield to get cat treats and run a bank trip. I've been spoiled with direct deposit. Workers comp sends actual checks and I don't have a bank branch right near me. The only bank easily in walking distance is Bank of America. And, I don't like them.
  • As a matter of fact, I have to go to the bank again today.
  • But I do have a Peapod grocery delivery coming tomorrow. Yay. That's one thing I don't have to worry about.
  • There was gunfire in the middle of the night last night at the house in back of me where they have the live Mexican Polka bands in the summer. It woke me up, but I wasn't sure enough that it was gunfire to call. I turned on the scanner and they had gotten a Shotspotter alert on multiple shots fired. Police all over, flashlights, spotlights. No one seemed to be shot, although they did tow a car away. It must have been shot as they took it to the police station, not the regular towing yard.
Oh, well. That's all for now.

Aw, look at Vincent in his box like a normal little kitty cat! He usually just bites the cardboard and spits it out.

I wonder if that yellow is Bodega Yellow. It seems to be prevalent at all the bodegas around here. This is around the corner where I go for emergency milk, etc. purchases.

Oh my gosh ... a bunch of fallen innocent little trees!

The Christmas tree trailer appears as if by magic every year.

Oh, go stand in your box, Vincent!

Where they chopped the trees down by the Plainfield Train Station does allow for better train shots from East Third Street, but it's ugly. I had to walk downtown in order to catch the 819 bus to Edison for the doctor visit.

This was about the only interesting thing I saw near the doctor's office in Edison's backwoods territory. I was waiting for the bus at the little strip mall (bus stop sign under traffic light, no shelter). There's a 7-11 there, a paint store and a few small restaurants. What was the crime going on here? Um. I think it was lunch at either the pizza place or the Chinese restaurant.

Now, Vincent ... that's not polite. Stop sticking your tongue out at people!

Friday, December 12, 2014

The Amazing Race 25: December 12 Blog Party

Here we are ... the penultimate show of the season! Next week is the big finale! As the show airs here tonight, I'll do my best to update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest. As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join us there!

Here's the latest blog pool standings from the Magnificent Margo -- the same as last week due to the non-Philimination:

Adam & Bethany - chrob61, Kathy in Brooklyn, Kelsey NY, Zoetawny
Brooke & Robbie - Caela, Sharon, Sharon N, Willie J
Maya & Amy - Ed in OH, Karen in CA, Lynn1, Margo
Misti & Jim - Cheryl in NC, Laurie, ML, OrkMommy

Sorry you have been PHILIMINATED
Lisa & Michelle - Becky, Delee, dla, Donna in AL
Dennis & Isabelle - Auntie Leigh, Brian, David, Donna NY, sanra
Michael & Scott - Donna in FL, Glenn, Jackie, Marlo
Keith & Whitney - Jean, Jennasmom, Nana in NW, PDXGranny
Shelly & Nici - Buzzmaam, Merrilee, Rbennie, SueGee
Tim & Te Jay - Babs, Brent McKee, Dusty, Monty924
Kym & Alli - Brenda, meb, Nicklepeed, Rochelle, Terry in TX

Ready to race?

They're heading to Manilla. The Speed Bump is at the Detour clue. The Detour is This or That. Bethany and Adam get there first. The Speed Bump has Brooke and Robbie helping reload a street vendor's goods. The other two teams took transportation (jeepney's?) in the wrong direction, so they're behind.

The This detour has them scoring 21 points at a basketball hoop against local guards.

Adam and Bethany are in the lead, but seem to have lost their clue. Brooke and Robbie made it to the Detour before the other two teams who finally realized they went the wrong way for an hour.

The other two teams go for That when they arrive (wrestlers did This). That has them pedaling a bike cab with a sidecar.

Gah. The wrestlers stole the lead from the surfers. Roadblock is Go Coconuts, delivering items to shops. Robbie missed some instructions as he headed out. Hopefully he'll screw up and the surfers will find the Roadblock. They know the street.

Now the surfers found their clue, Robbie figured the instructions but screwed up the amount of coconuts, Jim and Adam both missed the locations just as Robbie first did and Maya/Amy just started.

The wrestlers get through the Roadblock first.

Now, the only team left at the Roadblock is the Scientists.

Pit Stop --
1. Brooke and Robbie - Final leg starts right now and they race on, must fly to Los Angeles.
2. Adam and Bethany
3. Misti and Jim
4. Maya and Amy -- they're still in it! For the first time in TAR, four teams are going into the final leg. Phil warns them that one team will be eliminated during the final leg!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Survivor: San Juan Del Sur Blog Party - December 10

Thankfully it's not another double episode tonight! I overdid it last week with the two hours and got a killer headache. The promos hint there might be a medical evac tonight. Maybe it will be a concussion? As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll try to get the major events updated right here in this entry. Refresh the page to get the latest!

As always, the real party is in the comments area ... please join us there!

Here's the latest on the blog pool from the Lovely Lifeguard Laurie:

Baylor = Glenn, maquinn78, Sharon S
Jaclyn = CYW Coleman, rbennie
Jon M = Donna in Alabama, Laurie
Keith = Donna in FL, PDX Granny  
Missy = Ed in Ohio, Monty924, Sharon N
Natalie = Jennasmom, Kelsey NY

Out: Nadiya
Val = Brenda, Nickelpeed
John R = Cheryl NC, MikesGirl, Terry in TX
Drew = Delee, Petals, SueGee
Kelley = Babs Dud, ML, Russ
Dale = Brian, Margo
QUIT -- Julie = Donna NY, meb

Josh = crob61, Rochelle, Jackie
Jeremy = Becky, Nana in the NW
Wes = Buzzmaam, ORKMommy, sanra
Reed = David, Kathy, Lynn1
Alec = Karen in Case, Merrilee

Survivor fans ready?

Natalie tried (and succeeded) to convince Jon that she was confused with the splitting of the vote and voted Alec by mistake. Heh. She's still on her agenda against Jeremy.

Reward has them going through haystacks, filling buckets of water, solving a plank puzzle. Two teams. Reward is a spa and feast. Keith, Missy and Jon win it. Jon gives the reward to Baylor so she can be with her mother. Natalie volunteers and gets chosen for Exile. The lovebirds will be alone at camp.

Missy got hurt in the challenge.

Immunity. Missy's ankle looks at least sprained. The others brought Natalie some rice to eat before the challenge. Missy refuses to quit. Jeff thinks medical has to look at her ankle before the challenge. The medic thinks at the least it's a severe sprain, possibly broken. He says he has to pull Missy from the game to go have an x-ray. Ah, but then he says he can immobilize it and she can stay in the game, sitting this challenge out.

The challenge has them balancing on a teeter-totter while balancing a vase.  Jaclyn out first. Baylor out. Keith out. Jon out. Natalie wins immunity!

Jon thinks Natalie is still on board to get Keith out. Meanwhile, Keith bonded more with Missy and Baylor at reward.

Natalie wants the vote split between Jon and Jaclyn. Missy doesn't want to vote him, though. 

The tally - no idols played - Keith, Jaclyn, Keith, Jaclyn, Jon, Jon. Three way tie. Revote -- only Baylor, Missy and Natalie can vote.

Re-vote --  Jon, Jon. YAY! Jon is voted out!

Sunday, December 07, 2014

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - December 7, 2014

Vincent says hi

It really wasn't much of a week. I didn't take any good photos. I went nowhere. It rained a lot. My mind is fuzzy.

Friday, December 05, 2014

The Amazing Race 25: December 5 Blog Party

Wow, time is flying this season! We're down to the final four. As the show airs here, I'll do my best to update this entry with the major happenings. My mind is still on the fuzzy side, but I'll do my best. Refresh the page to get the latest. As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join us there!

Here's the latest blog pool standings from the Magnificent Margo:

Adam & Bethany - chrob61, Kathy in Brooklyn, Kelsey NY, Zoetawny
Brooke & Robbie - Caela, Sharon, Sharon N, Willie J
Maya & Amy - Ed in OH, Karen in CA, Lynn1, Margo
Misti & Jim - Cheryl in NC, Laurie, ML, OrkMommy

Sorry you have been PHILIMINATED
Lisa & Michelle - Becky, Delee, dla, Donna in AL
Dennis & Isabelle - Auntie Leigh, Brian, David, Donna NY, sanra
Michael & Scott - Donna in FL, Glenn, Jackie, Marlo
Keith & Whitney - Jean, Jennasmom, Nana in NW, PDXGranny
Shelly & Nici - Buzzmaam, Merrilee, Rbennie, SueGee
Tim & Te Jay - Babs, Brent McKee, Dusty, Monty924
Kym & Alli - Brenda, meb, Nicklepeed, Rochelle, Terry in TX

Since there are two more episodes after tonight to air, I predict a non-Philimination leg. What do you think?

Are you ready? Let's GO!

Teams are flying from Singapore to Manilla, the Philippines.

Ah, good. The dentists are on a different flight, getting in a little later than the others. That might not mean much as they could catch up, but ...!

It won't mean much. They all have to wait for a flower vendor at 6:30am.

Detour - Catch or Coach. Filling three buckets of fish or mounting a sidecar to a bike. Maya and Amy are behind because they didn't follow a clue and lost time. Robbie is freaking out about handling fish.

Brooke and Robbie, the only ones doing the fish, finish first and head off for the next clue. Then Bethany and Adam finish the bike first.

Yay! It's the "I broke my ox" challenge. They have to use a water oxen to find a clue in a huge mud field.

Jim and Misti find the clue in the mud first, then the scientists. It's off to the Pit Stop on foot.

1. Jim and Misti - won a trip to Vietnam
2. Maya and Amy

The wrestlers and surfers were almost simultaneous in finding the clue.

3. Bethany and Adam
4. Brooke and Robbie.

I was right. It was a non-Philimination. All teams still in.

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Survivor: San Juan Del Sur Double Episode Blog Party - December 3

Well, this is going to be an interesting challenge. I'm not sure how well I'll be able to do with a double episode tonight. I'll give it my best shot to update this entry with the major events as they air here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest.

As always, the real party is in the comments area ... please join us there!

Here's the latest on the blog pool from the Luverly Lifeguard Laurie:

Alec = Karen in Case, Merrilee
Baylor = Glenn, maquinn78, Sharon S
Jaclyn = CYW Coleman, rbennie
Jon M = Donna in Alabama, Laurie
Keith = Donna in FL, PDX Granny  
Missy = Ed in Ohio, Monty924, Sharon N
Natalie = Jennasmom, Kelsey NY
Reed = David, Kathy, Lynn1

Out: Nadiya
Val = Brenda, Nickelpeed
John R = Cheryl NC, MikesGirl, Terry in TX
Drew = Delee, Petals, SueGee
Kelley = Babs Dud, ML, Russ
Dale = Brian, Margo
QUIT -- Julie = Donna NY, meb

Josh = crob61, Rochelle, Jackie
Jeremy = Becky, Nana in the NW
Wes = Buzzmaam, ORKMommy, sanra

Survivor fans ready?

Ah, good. Jon and Jaclyn are arguing.

Reward == How well do you know your tribemates. The chopping at a rope one. The reward is a horse ride to a resort, barbeque, overnight.

Reed is the first one out of the challenge due to being chopped by the others. Alec out.  Keith out.

Since the rest were so friendly about it and wanted Missy to win, Jeff gave it to her. Jon goes to Exile. Missy can bring two people -- Baylor and Natalie.

Stand off between Reed and Missy because Reed called Baylor a brat.

Jon found another idol. Oh, well.

Baylor and Natalie are upset that Alec and Jaclyn are flirting (after they return from reward).

Immunity Challenge -- Balance oversize paddle on a stand, roll balls into holes, must get six. Keith wins immunity!

Huh. Jon and Jaclyn had another argument. Reed tried to get J/J to work with his side. Jaclyn is pouting. Jon told Missy he found the idol before even Jaclyn knows (unless I missed that).

Tribal - Missy votes Reed, Reed votes Missy. No surprise there.

The tally - (no one plays an idol) --
Reed, Missy, Reed, Reed, Reed, Reed.

Reed is gone. Whoa ... even Alec voted Reed!

Jon thinks he's controlling the game. Huh.

Reward - Standing on a small block holding a ball with a thing against a frame.  Winner gets a king size canopy bed and feast.  Alec out. Missy out. Keith out. Baylor out. Jon out. It's Natalie and Jaclyn left. Jaclyn out. Natalie wins reward! She sends Alec to Exile. She chooses to share the bed with Jaclyn, then Jon, too.

Heh. Natalie is being strategic. She tells us she wants to build Jon's trust, then wham him out! Good for her. She wants revenge for his part in getting Jeremy out. Meanwhile, Jon is getting cocky, sure he has Natalie in his back pocket.

Immunity Challenge -- Pull on a rope balancing a table, retrieving blocks, first one to stand all their blocks wins.

Gah. Jon wins Immunity.

He wants Keith to go, as does Missy. They plan to split the vote between Keith and Alec. Natalie and Baylor are not happy.

Natalie is talking to Keith, but thinks she could flip the game, get Alec out and use Keith to get rid of Jon. Meanwhile, Baylor is getting smitten with Alec.

Tribal - Natalie knowing it's not time to make her move, talks about the solidarity of the alliance of five. We'll see the vote.

Tally --
Keith, Alec, Keith, Alec, Keith, Alec, Alec.

WHOA! She did it! Alec joins the jury. Jon and Missy are befuddled.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - November 30, 2014

Good morning! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! This is my weekly off television topic post in which I reflect on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way.

Speaking from Concussion Land here, while I've rested a lot this past week, it hasn't been necessarily easy. The fuzziness is really bothering me. I'm not used to thinking of each word I want to say, nor taking five minutes to write a coherent sentence.  I have found that I'm better at typing than actual writing. But, still ...

My only outing this week was to the neurologist follow-up on my brain MRI. The results of the MRI were good (which I already kind of determined from looking at the CD the MRI place gave me -- no huge splotches, etc.) So, the doctor says it will just take time and told me to take another two weeks.

My own Thanksgiving was quiet, just Vincent the Cat and me. I roasted a chicken, made stuffing, cheated with frozen Brussels sprouts, frozen Green Giant garlic-roasted potatoes, canned cranberry sauce and triple chocolate gelato for dessert. My appetite and sense of taste seem a bit off. I'm still living off the leftovers. Vincent had turkey with gravy canned cat food.

I find the events of Ferguson this past week incredibly saddening. It seems hard from all sides. Living in a black majority community (with Hispanic rising) here, I can't imagine a basically all white police force. While Plainfield definitely needs more Spanish-speaking officers to keep up with the population influx and language barrier, this traditionally diverse town has a majority of black officers.

The community here still bears the scars of racially-incited riots back in 1967. While I was aware of the Newark and Watts riots of the 60s, I was young and living in upstate New York at the time. I didn't know about Plainfield. I was advised upon moving to New Jersey, NOT to live in Plainfield, mainly due to racial and crime issues.

Guess what? I've lived in town for thirteen plus years now. While I've seen the increase of Hispanics and do have a bit of communication issues with them due to the fact that my Spanish is horrible, I've had absolutely no problems with the black folks in my community. If anything, the people here are the friendliest of any place I've ever lived. People are people. There are good and bad, wise and foolish, people of every kind.

That said, I can't imagine a situation like Ferguson going down here in Plainfield these days. First off, a one-man unit would call for back-up in a situation like that. It sounds like back-up wasn't called for until after Michael Brown was already down on the ground. Wilson shouldn't have even left his car until he had back-up. He knew the kid was shot and would have to seek medical help. He didn't see a weapon other than his own. Maybe it's not typical of Ferguson, but there seemed to be no common sense in how the officer handled the situation. Brown himself was no angel. It's a shame that his own actions paint him in the light they do (as a faraway observer), but Wilson was also wrong. Brown didn't deserve death for being a stupid big kid pushing his weight around. I really don't think the situation would have gone down the way it did had Brown been white.

It saddens me to think that there is still such a racial divide in our world. I'm glad there's not that kind of hate within me, but wish everyone would just accept folks as inherently the same regardless of color, religion, etc.

I have no answers. I can only do my part by thinking every person I meet on my path might add something positive to my own life, every interaction might be warming or thought-provoking.

If only ...

This post at the Friends (Quakers) Meeting House in Plainfield has the saying in four different languages. This past week's events across the nation and some of the hate I've seen on the internet is disturbing and very sad. What does it say for us as a people? I mean ALL of us.

Tom Turkey and wreaths

This duplex on Berckman Street in Plainfield is always symmetrically decorated each season. I always wonder if it's one person's doing or a joint effort. Either way, it's always pleasant. This house also had the ONLY clear sidewalk perfectly shoveled and salted on the block last winter. I caught a woman doing that. Go figure.


Friday, November 28, 2014

The Amazing Race 25 November 28 Blog Party

Hello, Black Friday survivors! As it is the Big Shopping Day of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, we might not have a big turnout at the blog party. My concussion-related issues may make my updating this post as the show airs here may end up being a bit muddled, but I'll try. You've been warned. The real party is in the comments area ... come join us!

Here's the latest blog pool update from the Marvelous Margo --

Adam & Bethany - chrob61, Kathy in Brooklyn, Kelsey NY, Zoetawny
Brooke & Robbie - Caela, Sharon, Sharon N, Willie J
Kym & Alli - Brenda, meb, Nicklepeed, Rochelle, Terry in TX
Maya & Amy - Ed in OH, Karen in CA, Lynn1, Margo
Misti & Jim - Cheryl in NC, Laurie, ML, OrkMommy

Sorry you have been PHILIMINATED
Lisa & Michelle - Becky, Delee, dla, Donna in AL
Dennis & Isabelle - Auntie Leigh, Brian, David, Donna NY, sanra
Michael & Scott - Donna in FL, Glenn, Jackie, Marlo
Keith & Whitney - Jean, Jennasmom, Nana in NW, PDXGranny
Shelly & Nici - Buzzmaam, Merrilee, Rbennie, SueGee
Tim & Te Jay - Babs, Brent McKee, Dusty, Monty924

Are you ready?

Teams are off to Singapore with a Double U-Turn ahead. Most of the teams have made a pact to U-Turn the cyclists. I'd rather they did it to the dentists.

Uh-oh, due to a bad move by Bethany/Adam, they are on the second flight with the dentists.

Fast Forward - Riding the Wave - surfing in a special water park type place. The cyclists are going for it.

Roadblock - Tightrope walking 600 feet from the ground between hotel towers.

Surfers Adam and Bethany head for the FF even though they were on the second flight. Maya and Amy are currently in first place having finished the Roadblock.

Detour - China cups - removing toxins by getting cups applied to skin, Chili Crabs - preparing local dish crabs.

Adam and Bethany WIN the Fast Forward!

Pit Stop -
1. Adam and Bethany - Also won a trip to Bali

Maya/Amy and the wrestlers decided to U-Turn the surfers and cyclists. Maya/Amy got there first, U-Turned Bethany and Adam. Good luck with that, girls. Brooke and Robbie didn't U-Turn anyone. They figured the surfers would go and the cyclists were way far behind them. Jim and Misti (dentists) also don't U-Turn anyone.

Duh. Amy and Maya believed the lies the wrestlers told them about not finding the clue to the Pit Stop and are wandering about.

2. Brooke and Robbie
3. Jim and Misti
4. Amy and Maya
5. Kym and Alli -- Philiminated

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Survivor: San Juan Del Sur Blog Party - November 26

Good evening! I'm kind of surprised that it's not a clips show tonight, Thanksgiving Eve. To be honest, I'm not sure how many folks will be showing up as so many are traveling. I'm here. Well, kind of here. I'm still off from work with my head injury, still feeling like scrambled brains. I'll do my best to update with the major events as the show goes along. Refresh the page to get the latest! And, as always, albeit might be a bit quieter tonight -- the party is in the comments area. Come join in!

Here are the latest blog pool standings from Lovely Lifeguard Laurie --

Alec = Karen in Case, Merrilee
Baylor = Glenn, maquinn78, Sharon S
Jaclyn = CYW Coleman, rbennie
Wes = Buzzmaam, ORKMommy, sanra
Jon M = Donna in Alabama, Laurie
Keith = Donna in FL, PDX Granny  
Missy = Ed in Ohio, Monty924, Sharon N
Natalie = Jennasmom, Kelsey NY
Reed = David, Kathy, Lynn1

Out: Nadiya
Val = Brenda, Nickelpeed
John R = Cheryl NC, MikesGirl, Terry in TX
Drew = Delee, Petals, SueGee
Kelley = Babs Dud, ML, Russ
Dale = Brian, Margo
QUIT -- Julie = Donna NY, meb

Josh = crob61, Rochelle, Jackie
Jeremy = Becky, Nana in the NW

Survivor fans ready?

I can't believe I'm saying this. But I'm actually liking Natalie. She wants to get rid of John. She feels herself blindsided by Jaclyn/John blindsiding Jeremy. Meanwhile, Jon tells her he has an idol and says they're still with her.

Reward challenge - in water, to platform, key, puzzle. Two teams. Reward is delivering baseball gear to needy kids, enjoying baseball food. It's a schoolyard pick. Keith wasn't picked.

Jon, Jaclyn, Reed and Alec won Reward. Reed gives his spot up to Missy because he thinks she needs it. Wes goes to Exile Island.

While the others are away, Reed works on ousting Jon.

Natalie took Baylor looking for an idol. Natalie has it! She thinks they need to target Reed first, then Jon.

Immunity challenge. Balancing your feet on narrow perch holding a handle.

Jeff tries to tempt them with a dish of candy. Jon goes for it. Missy is out next, no treats for her. Jeff brings out cookies and milk -- Baylor and Jaclyn are down. Wes goes for chicken wings and two beers. Keith is out, feet are purple and in pain. Alec out.

It's Reed and Natalie remaining. After 3 hours, Natalie asks Jeff for food and gets it. Reed wins immunity.

Lots of confusion and whispering at Tribal. Jon plays his idol!!! Votes cast for him don't count. Keith plays his idol! No votes for him count.

The tally: Jon, Jon, Jon, Keith, Keith, Jon, Keith. Wes, Wes.

Wes is out. Natalie and Reed voted Wes, I think.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - November 23, 2014

Sometimes you feel like a nut

I realize it's Sunday, the day I usually post a gazillion off television topic photos of the week gone by. But this week, I didn't really take many photos. I pretty much only went out of the apartment to go to a neurologist appointment (bitter cold, nothing interesting to photograph), go have an MRI done (dark outside, not cameras allowed in MRI room itself) and hit up the local bodega around the corner a few times.

The neurologist ruled my injury indeed a concussion and ordered the MRI to rule out anything more serious. The MRI experience was ghastly, but I didn't move and they didn't have to redo any of it. The only cool, yet weirdly creepy, thing about the MRI is that they gave me a CD of it for my own records. There's a built-in viewer and everything. At least I know I still do have a brain even though it's not working quite right at the moment. 

Sometimes you're always a nut

A tough nut to crack?

Friday, November 21, 2014

The Amazing Race 25: November 21 Blog Party

Good evening! After a week off for an awards show, TAR is back on tonight! The only problem is that I might not be. I need to have my head examined. Oh, yes. I know what you're thinking -- it's long overdue! But, more seriously, I have an appointment for an MRI of my brain to rule out anything more serious than a concussion. I might not be back in time for the start of the show. So, I'm setting this to post automatically. Hopefully, that won't be needed and I'll chime in on my return.

The blog pool's standings from the Marvelous Margo -- The last episode was a non-Philimination leg with Tim and Te Jay arriving last:

Adam & Bethany - chrob61, Kathy in Brooklyn, Kelsey NY, Zoetawny
Brooke & Robbie - Caela, Sharon, Sharon N, Willie J
Kym & Alli - Brenda, meb, Nicklepeed, Rochelle, Terry in TX
Maya & Amy - Ed in OH, Karen in CA, Lynn1, Margo
Misti & Jim - Cheryl in NC, Laurie, ML, OrkMommy
Tim & Te Jay - Babs, Brent McKee, Dusty, Monty924,

Sorry you have been PHILIMINATED
Lisa & Michelle - Becky, Delee, dla, Donna in AL
Dennis & Isabelle - Auntie Leigh, Brian, David, Donna NY, sanra
Michael & Scott - Donna in FL, Glenn, Jackie, Marlo
Keith & Whitney - Jean, Jennasmom, Nana in NW, PDXGranny
Shelly & Nici - Buzzmaam, Merrilee, Rbennie, SueGee

Please make yourself comfy in the comments area and party hearty! If you can throw in an update or two, that would be appreciated!

Okay, I'm here. They're off to Malta. After a balancing glasses/booze act, they will rappel off a cliff in Malta.

Detour - Flag or Shine - no explanation for them. Grab flag at the end of a greasy pole (each get one) over water.

Tim and Te Jay's speed bump is to paint a Maltese cross on a shield.

Shine has them shining each other in armor.

While the others struggle, Adam and Bethany use their Express Pass to skip the detour and head to the Pit Stop.

Pit Stop -
1. Adam and Bethany! Each won $10,000
2. Misti and Jim
3. Kym and Alli
4. Amy and Maya
5. Brooke and Robbie
6. Tim and Te Jay -- Philiminated

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Survivor: San Juan Del Sur Blog Party - November 19

Hey, welcome to the blog party! Due to some health issues (concussion), I don't think I'm going to be able to update this entry while watching the show. It's going to be hard enough for me to concentrate on the show! So, I ask folks to put updates in the party comments below. I will include whoever gets their torch snuffed at the end.

Supposedly, tonight will have the biggest blindside of the season. We'll be the judge of that.

The latest blog pool standings from Lifeguard Laurie:

Alec = Karen in Case, Merrilee
Baylor = Glenn, maquinn78, Sharon S
Jaclyn = CYW Coleman, rbennie
Wes = Buzzmaam, ORKMommy, sanra
Jeremy = Becky, Nana in the NW
Jon M = Donna in Alabama, Laurie
Keith = Donna in FL, PDX Granny  
Missy = Ed in Ohio, Monty924, Sharon N
Natalie = Jennasmom, Kelsey NY
Reed = David, Kathy, Lynn1

Out: Nadiya
Val = Brenda, Nickelpeed
John R = Cheryl NC, MikesGirl, Terry in TX
Drew = Delee, Petals, SueGee
Kelley = Babs Dud, ML, Russ
Dale = Brian, Margo
QUIT -- Julie = Donna NY, meb
Josh = crob61, Rochelle, Jackie

On with the show ...

Baylor wins immunity.

No idols played.

Keith, Reed, Keith, Reed, Reed, Jeremy, Jeremy, Jeremy, Jeremy, Jeremy.

With an idol in his pocket ...Keith remains.