Monday, November 07, 2016

BBOTT: Nominations, HoH Camera - Into Monday, November 7

Why did I do this? Tell me again.

Oh, don't worry. It's still a house divided. But, that said, they are spending more time blurring the lines. Ah ... but to what purpose?
  • The HoH camera came out and, unlike some other times, all got involved and had fun with it.
  • Even if they didn't have fun with it, they pretended to do so.
  • That's much better than outright hate and refusing to participate.
  • They had fun in the yard with three-legged races and such.
  • Sundays, with the exception of the Safety Ceremony in the evening, are so boring in the house that they'd to practically anything to amuse themselves and pass the time.
  • But, the big news of the day was indeed the Safety Ceremony.
  • As expected (by us because we eavesdrop), the nominations are Danielle and Shelby.
  • Justin and Jason are all smug because their "plan" went off without a hitch -- their strongest comp competitor is on the block while the other side's weakest comp competitor is up.
  • Dependent on the America nomination, they think Danielle has the strongest chance of winning the veto.
  • If Danielle wins it and saves herself, because Jason nominated her, he gets to nominate a replacement.
  • That replacement would more than likely be Alex.
  • No matter who America nominates, if Alex and Whitney are on the block, one would go home (Alex of those two).
  • Justin is still into keeping Whitney around for his own self as an ally.
  • Danielle knows the plan.
  • However, we all know that the best-laid plan of mice and hamsters often goes poof.
  • The Veto comp could be a crap-shoot type with anyone able to win it.
  • Things also hinge a bit on America's nominee and America's vote.
  • I'm actually a bit surprised that Shelby went along with putting her weakest member on the block against Danielle, who's been winning comps.
  • I thought she'd be smarter than that.
  • But, then again, her weakest person is also the bottom member of the alliance and one they've had concerns about flipping to the other side.
  • Maybe she could be considered expendable to them.
  • Hmm. 

Hamming it up for the HoH camera

Not quite guffaws

The only real entertainment in town

Having 3-legged race fun in the sun

Safety Ceremony is done

Sunday, November 06, 2016

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - November 6, 2016

Good morning! Since it's Sunday morning, it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. This is a regular Sunday part of this blog in addition to the television posts. Right now I'm covering Big Brother: Over the Top daily -- you can find those posts at this link. I'm also live blogging Survivor episodes as they air on Wednesday evenings. Come join the blog parties!

Well, the election will be over in a few days. But we all know that, with all of the issues, it will never be over. No matter who wins, the folks on the side that lost will continue the hate. I'm tired of it all. I fear for the future of the United States and the world on the whole. In addition to society's radical elements and religious zealots, we now have radical political zealots in our midst. Well, many have been vocal for a number of years, now they're coming out of the woodwork. I'm so tired of all of the hate without rationality. 

I was sick most of this past week with a bug that seems to be going around -- very sore throat, fever and no appetite at all. While I'm still not 100%, I've been going to work, missing a few days mid-week. 

This coming week, I only have four work days and a personal day. I'm taking next Saturday off for the Plainfield Public Library Photo Exhibition and Awards. If you're in the area, stop on by and see what Plainfield (and I) can do with our cameras and a theme!

Onto this week's photos ... clicking on an image will open a larger version!    

Despite frost on the pumpkin ...

... the displays still look good in Bridgewater. This past week, the landlord's new public display (whatever) person had benches installed throughout. Very nice!

ATTN: NJ Transit and Plainfield Police!

When I arrived home from work to the Plainfield Train Station on Saturday evening, about 7:45pm, this is what I saw when I opened the elevator door on the Track 2 (eastbound) side. It's bad enough that when I want to go through the tunnel to the other side of the station I have to hold my breath due to the constant stink. But now they've moved in, mattress and all? SERIOUSLY NOW. Something has to be done. Start giving out trespass warnings, then follow through with arrests. This is beyond ridiculous. 

I work for a living. I use the train station. I pay taxes. I'm not responsible for the bad life choices the riff-raff who hang around the train station have made. I fought my own demons in life decades ago and have always worked to keep a roof over my head. I don't squander what little money comes my way in life on drugs and alcohol. In a space such as the Plainfield Train Station, honest working people who actually use NJ Transit should not have to deal with this!

Avoiding the pigeon-neck harvesters

These pigeons heard word on the streets that the next delicacy will be pigeon necks sauteed in a garlic-butter sauce. Necks? We have no necks! Atop the Chotola Apartment building on North Avenue in Plainfield.


BBOTT: Some Are Safe - Through Saturday, November 5

Will it be her week to GO HOME?

I've decided I like the Safety Ceremony and "block passes" lighting up much better than the way they've been naming the nominees the last few seasons on BB. I used to like the keys in the lazy susan thingee. But the pictures appearing on screens has turned me off since they started it. The safety necklaces are more interesting and suspenseful (even though we know what they're going to do from the live feeds).
  • It was a relatively lazy Saturday in the house with the exception of the Safety Ceremony.
  • Even then, with dwindling hamster numbers in the house, the action didn't last long.
  • As we knew from previous conversations between Jason and Shelby, Shelby saved Morgan and Jason saved Kryssie.
  • That was it for the Saturday night Safety.
  • We know, however things go down, Danielle will go on the block. Shelby and the girls want that and Jason has all but offered her up on a silver platter.
  • It's a bit trickier on the other side. The girls don't really want Alex to go up as she just might go home. They'd prefer Whitney.
  • (Remember, Jason and Shelby agreed to put up one from each side.)
  • The girls are very worried about "what if" Danielle wins veto.
  • As annoying as Danielle can be personality-wise in the house, she has proven that she can win comps. They should worry.
  • The girls (Shelby, Alex and Morgan) are very worried about Whitney's reaction if she goes on the block.
  • Well, I don't think Whitney is a stupid girl. I think she must realize that she's the low end of the totem pole with the girls. At this point, I think she'd have a better chance of winning if she flipped to the other side. 
  • Whitney would actually need to win some comp to better her position with either side at this point. Other than basically being a decent person, she's pretty much nothing other than a vote number.
  • A lot will depend on whom America nominates, as has been the case all season. The ONLY guaranteed safe hamsters are Shelby and Jason. 

The numbers are dwindling

Morgan is safe

Jason saves his choice

Saturday, November 05, 2016

BBOTT: America's Co-HoH Care Package and Stuff - into Saturday, November 5

Have Nots can chow down

Once again, things have gone topsy-turvy in the BBOTT and America has thrown a monkey wrench into the best-laid plans of hamsters.
  • Well, we've done it again. We're keeping the house interesting this season! It also helps that recruits are few and far between among the hamsters and we don't have people working to just stay to get in the jury for the full stipend.
  • This week's care package -- Co-HoH -- went to JASON.
  • The note said that, if the vote came to a tie, the best player on veto (Jason or Shelby) would cast the deciding vote.
  • They're actually working together pretty well ... until Shelby broke down later. They think they should nominate one from each side.
  • They're talking about themselves each putting a person up from their own side.
  • Jason is leaning towards putting up Danielle.
  • He's pushing Shelby to put up Alex, telling her than Alex has been working behind her back.
  • Even before that, Shelby told Jason that her "must keep" person is Morgan. She doesn't think Morgan would beat her in the finals. Jason said his is Kryssie.
  • The Have Nots will not be voted on this week due to dwindling numbers. By default, they are Alex, Danielle and Morgan. They will be the last Have Nots of the season.
  • While, when they were talking together, Shelby and Jason really talked down to earth and worked together well. They worked out an every other night deal for the room.
  • That is, until the breakdown. Shelby cried and cried. Her HoH has been stolen! She can't nominate who she wants to nominate! He's never done anything but be on a previous season! He didn't win anything! Her family didn't send her a letter! Wah! Wah!
  • Of course, she didn't do that in front of Jason.
  • Now, I'm not saying that I wouldn't break down if I were in the house. I probably would have on Day Two. I think all the stress just caught up with her.
  • Oh. And Alex had a breakdown, as well. She was irked about Shelby's breakdown and I think she thinks she might be targeted this week. I don't know.
  • And the drama goes on ...
Hey, Nicole ... how a bun is done!

Remember, cameras 24/7

Here it comes!

Sharing the roost with Shelby

Friday, November 04, 2016

BBOTT: Julie Announces Upcoming Double Eviction - Thursday, November 3

Don't call me "Baby."

For the most part, yesterday (Thursday) was a day of nothingness in the BBOTT house. The big event of the day was the weekly Julie Chen live video visit.
  • Julie asked them about Scott leaving. Kryssie and Alex said nice things about him. She didn't ask Danielle much about him.
  • In the talk, Danielle said that she didn't want Whitney to go, so was happy when America gave her Scott on a silver platter.
  • I personally don't think that statement was all that great for Whitney's game. While her allies figured she made a deal to stay, they could say it was to save her own game. Now they find out Danielle WANTED her to stay? Hmm.
  • Justin called Julie "baby" again, immediately apologizing.
  • He claims it's a New Orleans thing. Perhaps it is. It took me a while to get used to being called "Mami" with the increased Hispanic population where I live. At first I thought, "I'm not your mommy!" But then I realized it's just a harmless greeting, even one with a bit of respect.
  • Julie showed them video of the Halloween veto comp. Being the pragmatic I am, I'm not sure why any of them were acting so terrified during the comp. It's not like BB would allow an actual chainsaw murderer in there!
  • Then came the big announcement -- next week will be a double eviction. 
  • Thankfully, things will start off a bit earlier with the weekly "show" starting at 8pm ET. I'm glad the show is just a recap of the week as I have a date with Survivor at that hour! The first eviction is after the show. I can do that. 
  • In other news, apparently they really liked Scott more in absence than they appeared to like him in the house.
  • Alex thinks that Scott has an actual real social life while Jason's whole social life is BB.
  • Hmm.
  • Both Scott and Jason probably have more active social lives than do I. So, I can't say much. (But, when I was their ages, I too had an active social life.)
  • Kryssie and Justin think America won't want to watch Shelby, Morgan and Alex all alone in the last week or so. After all, THEY (K&J) are the entertainment.
  • Hmm. Yes, they can be entertaining. Or, Justin can be. But he's just kind of floating through the game being himself. And, while Kryssie has great moments at times, she tends to take the game so personally and lets her frustration bring out the worst in her. The three girls are definitely strategizing and playing the game.
  • Justin really really doesn't like Shelby.
  • Other than the constant faces and chewing her lips, she's not that bad. She's a pretty smart cookie.
  • Danielle made comments about Shelby being a nobody, just a waitress in a restaurant. First off, those kind of statements bug me. Everybody is somebody and a waitress often has to work hard for a living. But, of course, Shelby has a law degree. Would knowing that make her "someone" in Danielle's eyes?
  • Ha!
  • All is still up in the air over nominations. They want to see who receives the care package and what powers the recipient receives.
  • But, Shelby is certain to target Justin ... if not Jason and Justin. 

Split ends splitting is big entertainment

No social life outside of BB???

Lip chewing is worse with lipstick on

Trendsetter - leopard spots and plaid

Thursday, November 03, 2016

BBOTT: HoH Comp - into Thursday, November 3

Has she a reason to smile?

Nah. She didn't win HoH this time 'round.
  • The comp was a face morph one. While they expected it, they all didn't think it would come so soon.
  • In this face morph, it was only a mix of two faces for each picture.
  • Yet, it was quite the challenge ... more for some than for others.
  • Kryssie, in tears, timed out when the time limit was still 30 minutes.
  • Shelby rocked the comp, coming up with a 3.42 minute time to beat by the remaining players.
  • Jason was so lost in the comp that he couldn't even find his own face parts in there!
  • But it was Justin who totally screwed up. The way he was hopping around and correctly naming a face to each picture, he then ...
  • ... kept going for the buzzer.
  • He didn't listen to the instructions! It's a morph! Two slots, two names! 
  • Watching the reaction of those waiting inside the house was just about as priceless as watching him keep thinking he was right with one name under each picture.
  • Silly boy.
  • Even his allies all had to laugh.
  • But he wasn't laughing after the comp.
  • Y'see, while Justin is popular in the house, there's one person he claims he hates and she hates him.
  • Yep, that would be Shelby.
  • I personally have been liking the sides changing power changing in the house. So, a Shelby win is okay with me.
  • But, who will she nominate?
  • She was angry and suspicious when Whitney was taken off the block the other day. She's sure Whitney flipped and made a deal with Danielle.
  • (And, Whitney did make a deal with Danielle.)
  • And ... Shelby doesn't care for Justin. 
  • Hmm.
  • Whitney and Justin are still tight. But I think any of the other girls on that side would just as soon Justin might go. None of them want to be with him in the final three and they're thinking game.
  • Shelby made note that Whitney didn't hug her when she was officially pronounced HoH. Not a good move for Whitney there.
  • Meanwhile, especially after last week's care package, Shelby wants to see what the care package is and to whom it goes before she makes any big decisions.
  • It should probably go for granted that Morgan and Alex will NOT be nominated this week. Anyone else is fair game, methinks.
  • Justin is sure it will be him.
  • And, it very well could be. 

Oh my!

The time to beat ended up being 3.42

Now, that is scary!

Thankfully all didn't take the 30 minutes each!

Justin! Two names! Morph! Combination!

What the hell is Justin doing?

Who wants to see my HoH room?

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

BBOTT: Weekly Show and Live Eviction - November 2

I'm putting up this post so anyone who wishes to do so can comment on the weekly show. I'm not going to live blog the show as we've already discussed all that happens. As it is with this online BB version, I will post about the HoH comp in the morning. Midnight starts for it are too late for East Coast people!

I will step back in for the live eviction, though. I've been swamped at work for several weeks and now have been sick since Monday. Danielle saved Whitney and put Morgan in her place. Shelby can/will negate the votes of three people. It's Shelby, Morgan and Scott on the block. Scott is acting like a Dead Man Walking ... and he most likely is.

Ah, not quite 11pm here and they've started their save me speeches. Gee, surprise -- Shelby prevented Justin, Kryssie and Jason from voting. Who woulda thunk that, huh? 

The votes to evict:
Alex - Scott
Whitney - Scott

Dead Man Walking is outta there! America also voted to evict him. What a shocker!

Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen-X Blog Party - November 2

As Survivor airs here on the East Coast, I'll be live-blogging with the major events.  As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the fun! Later on tonight, I will have a post for the BBOTT show/live eviction. 

Here are the blog pool match updates from the Lovely Lifeguard Laurie:

Vanua - Orange 
Chris Hammons - Cheryl in NC, Jennasmom, Lanell from TN 
David Wright - Buzzmaam, MikesGirl, Sharon C 
Michelle Shubert - Ed in Ohio, Nickelpeed 
Zeke Smith - Beachmom, monty924 , Glenn

Takali - Purple 
Adam Klein - Brian, Kelsey NY, Sharon N
Jessica Lewis - Cupcake, Jean, Petals 
Ken McNickle - Dolores in Hollywood, Margo, Russ 
Taylor Lee Stocker - Donna in FL, Janice from GA, Stephanie in Baltimore

Ikabula - Green 
Bret LaBelle - Brandi Peralta, Judi Sweeney, Skyriverblue 
Hannah Shapiro - David, meb, Terry is a Texan 
Jay Starrett - Becky, Jackie, Shayne 
Michaela Bradshaw - Donna in NY, Krysta G, Pinky 
Sunday Burquest - Brenda, Kristen from Ohio, SueGee 
Will Wahl - Cheryl, Indiana Jane

x Rachel Ako 
Mari Takahashi - cwcamper, Marthalight 
Paul Wachter - ChickMc, PDX Granny 
Lucy Huang - Delee, ML 
CeCe Taylor - Anonymouse, Merrilee
Figgy Figueroa - Donna in Alabama, Laurie 

Fourteen are left. Who will be voted out tonight? Survivor fans ready? Let's go!

Oh, geez. Taylor's world is grey without Figgy. While Adam thinks he made the right choice in voting her out, Taylor promises revenge.

On Vanua, David works on his trust with Zeke, tells him about finding the second idol. Zeke takes the trust seriously ... for the time being.

Time for the Reward Challenge! Work together to unwind, release three balls, push them through a tunnel, place all three on a perch. The prize is a chef cooking for them. Second, kebabs.  

Vanua wins first place! Ikabula gets second place!

On Takali, Ken and Jessica are sizing up which is best for their own strategy -- Adam or Taylor. They think Taylor might be more honest.

On Ikabula, Michaela, worried about showing how strong she is in comps, works on her social game. Hannah thinks Bret is lying about being a funeral director. (He's a cop.) Hannah thinks he's a cop. She has her fellow Millennials also wondering.

Immunity Challenge time! Throwing coconuts into a net, flag with numbers drop, retrieve key with combination from flag numbers, sandbags, target. 

Takali wins Immunity! Vanua takes the second Immunity! It will be the first tribal for Ikabula.

Bret and Sunday are sure that one will go because there are four Millennials against them. The Millennials plan to split the vote in case of an idol. On the second vote they all vote Bret. Meanwhile, Jay is realizing how big a threat Michaela is in the game and works his buddies to vote her out. But it might not happen. Hmm.

The tally:
Bret, Bret, Michaela, Michaela, Michaela, Michaela

She lit into Jay. Hannah goes all panicky.  

I'm sorry to see Michaela go. She is one of the strongest most consistent players this season. 

The merge is next week. 

Monday, October 31, 2016

BBOTT: America's Nom, PoV and Halloween - Monday, October 31

OMG! It RAINED outside!

They're the first hamsters in the BB house for Halloween. The least BB could have done is give one of them a hamster costume! Sheesh.
  • America's nomination came through. Surprise, surprise ... it's Scott.
  • (Not a surprise, not at all.)
  • The real horror story of the day is that it rained overnight and all the stuff in the yard got WET.
  • Horrors!
  • The veto comp had them going through the house one by one looking for dead Clementine's belongings (or something like that). Thrills and chills abound.
  • Danielle won the Power of Veto.
  • It's kind of doubtful she'll use it. Shelby can negate three votes. It's more likely than not that Scott will leave.
  • What a shame.
  • Ha.
  • In other news, Jason is out of cigarettes. BB gave him nicotine patches.
  • But it's not the same.

Spooky veto comp

Body language

Studies package for 20 minutes

Then does this

BBOTT: Nominations and Stuff - into October 31

Needs to stop chewing her lips

The hamsters are all excited about being the first ones to be in the BB house over Halloween. Of course, today is also the reveal of America's nominee and the veto comp. 
  • In the Safety Ceremony last night, Danielle made Scott, Morgan and Alex safe.
  • So, as I surmised in my last update, the nominees are Shelby and Whitney.
  • Shelby has her America's Care Package, but what good will it do her now?
  • Well, if America puts Kryssie on the block, her side knows to vote that way and she could negate three of the Late Night Jamboree votes. 
  • And, if America nominates Scott, he should go barring a veto win.
  • Of the two known nominees, it's more likely Whitney would stay over Shelby.
  • Shelby has rubbed more the wrong way at times while Whitney cruises through not offending anyone and being as sweet as pie.
  • Shelby said that she definitely will cancel Kryssie's and Justin's votes She's not sure of the third. But, of that bunch, the only vote she'd let go through is Jason's.
  • Hmm.
  • Jason was the main Shelby "attacker" just a bit ago.
  • Nothing will be settled until America's nomination is announced later today. 

Pumpkin pal

Now she's got Whitney doing it

Not a jamboree

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - October 30, 2016

Good morning! Since it's Sunday morning, it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. This is a regular Sunday part of this blog in addition to the television posts. Right now I'm covering Big Brother: Over the Top daily -- you can find those posts at this link. I'm also live blogging Survivor episodes as they air on Wednesday evenings. Come join the blog parties!

Happy Halloween tomorrow to all! While many at my workplace are wearing costumes and their are costume contest prizes, I'm not partaking. I've had too much on my plate the last few months at work. Tomorrow will just be another day with too much I need to get done and not enough time to do it in. I won't have time to partake in any of the work festivities. However, I might snag some chocolate from the lunch room to keep me going!

In all the years I've lived in this apartment, I've never had a trick or treater even though children live in the building. First, I got to the point where I'd buy only Reese's peanut butter cups or, perhaps Butterfinger bars, because I like them and would eat them if no children came by. Some years went by that I bought no candy and no one came. This year, unless I pick up some tomorrow, I have nothing for kids. No kid better knock on my door!

Someone stole my Sunday newspaper. Grr. I went down relatively early for it and it was gone. I have gone several months with no Sunday newspaper thefts, now have had two in the past four weeks. Someone new in the building? If I didn't want online daily access, I wouldn't get a hard copy at all. And, subscribing to just Sunday's paper is the cheapest route, plus I can use the grocery coupons. I really hate thieves. I wish I could get them to throw the paper up on my fire escape. But, with my luck, they'd probably break the window with it or throw it onto the wrong fire escape.

AMC is showing all of the Halloween movies. I've had them on since about 6am. I wish I didn't have to work during their Stephen King marathon this past Monday. I like scary stuff although real life is a lot more scary. Speaking of horror ... wow, Walking Dead. Just wow. Rest in pieces, Abraham and Glenn.

While I don't really know any new tenants in my apartment building, some tenants (I also didn't know) moved out this past week. I can't believe the stuff people throw out when they move! They could have made several hundreds of dollars selling the stuff on Craigslist! They chucked a good condition couch and matching chairs. Now, I'd never trust that stuff due to bedbug scares. But I did grab a small metal (in brand new condition) baker's rack shelving doohickey. It perfectly fits between my table and refrigerator in the kitchen. And, it's perfect for my onions and potatoes on lower shelves, canisters on the top. Heck, I can even fit my toaster on a shelf and free up counter space.

That's about it. Onto the photos for the week! Clicking on an image will bring up a larger version.    

Downtown mums

The planters in downtown Plainfield are now sporting yellow mums. I'm talking light yellow, not the gold of the ones near my workplace. It's great to see the planters go seasonal in Plainfield -- I remember many years when they didn't have them. They're a nice touch for the aesthetics of downtown.

Autumn in the 'hood

We have touches of color mixed in with the green leaves many trees are still sporting in my neighborhood. The acorns are coming down on rapid order, making squirrels happy little critters. Where I grew up, the trees are already barren by Halloween. Here, they haven't even hit peak yet. This year many of the trees were de-leaved with heavy winds for nearly a week, though! I'm still waiting for the trees outside my windows to turn yellow.

Whole lotta pumpkin

Even though there's been frost on the pumpkin a few times during the week, the ones adorning my workplace grounds are still looking mighty good! I've noticed some of the small pumpkins have gone missing (grr). But the large ones would take a few people to pick them up.