Tuesday, September 13, 2016

BB18: PoV, (Not Live) Eviction, HoH Show Blog Party - September 13

Hamster watchers ready?! Tonight's show with its (not live, taped yesterday) eviction will get us down to the final four!

Also, if you're a Survivor fan, the blog pool is open for signing up! Please don't sign up on this BB post -- go to this link to join in!

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be constantly updating this entry. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area!

Sure enough, they're making like this is live. Julie tells them that they're about to begin a surprise eviction episode. Then into the recap ... 

We got a peek at the comics PoV. Derrick will be visiting to give his take on the final five (which we've seen on the feeds too much already -- they're using him in the feeds block).

Victor tells us he has no respect for Nicole/Corey anymore. Paul is ticked, too. But, on the surface, out of the Diary Room, they're not acting out. 

Paul decides he needs to try to talk to Nicole and Corey. He tells them how sad Victor is. Corey calls Victor up. He tells them it was all strategic. Victor says that he will be relentless and ruthless if he wins and stays. Paul tells us that, since one of them will go home, if Victor keeps acting like that, it will be him. 

Time for the PoV comp! BB Comics has 16 new superheroes. It's played individually. Must pull down comics that exactly match the order they see while hanging on the line. They only have 35 minutes each. Quickest time wins. There are slight differences in many of the comics.

James ran out of time. 

Corey 20:37
James 35:00 Out
Nicole 13:55
Victor 29:35
Paul 18:04  

Nicole wins the Power of Veto! 

Time for Derrick. They talk about the three sets of duos making it to the final six. He talks about the genuine bonds formed. He's rooting for a Nicole win. 

Veto meeting time. They don't get a chance to speak. She does not use the veto.

Hugs all around. 

James, Nicole and Corey discuss who should leave. The editing sounds like they want to evict Paul. But I'd advise not to trust that. 

Time for the (not live) eviction.
Paul - Six times on block. Does a Victor soulmate bit. James, last rodeo. Makes a snake analogy to Nicole, a cutting ball analogy to Corey.
Victor - Talks about knives in his back, loves Paul.

The votes to evict:
Nicole - Victor
James - Victor

Victor is voted out again!   

HoH comp time! They're in booth set-ups. What the bleep? The statements from the fellow Houseguests. Choose right input from Julie as to what the bleeped word might be. 

Gah! James got a Natalie quote about him wrong! Nicole and Paul are even. Nicole in the lead after the third question. Now, a few questions later, Paul and Nicole are even. It's to a tiebreaker for Paul and Nicole! A number, closest without going over wins. In seconds how long was the slide-in theater comp.

Paul wins HoH!  

Either Corey, Nicole or James will be evicted live tomorrow night.

The live feeds won't be back on until late tonight. I will post the nominations, etc. as I learn them!  

Survivor 33: Millennials vs. Gen-X Blog Pool OPENS!

Survivor fans ready? The wonderful Lifeguard Laurie will be running the blog pool once again. Have I ever mentioned how much she rocks?

The season premiere is next Wednesday, September 21 at 8pm ET/PT leading into the 90-minute BB18 season finale. I recently posted a bit about the upcoming castaways and Jeff Probt's cast assessment -- you can find those by going here.

Join the fun with friends at the blog party as the show airs on East Coast time on premiere night!

Okay, here's how the blog pool works:

  • Names are matched up randomly with the castaways.
  • You get to cheer on your chosen castaway until they're kicked off the island or named the sole Survivor.
  • If your chosen castaway is creepy or cries a lot, we won't hold that against you personally.
  • Not much, anyway.
  • Heehee
  • There is no wagering of monies.
  • The winner(s) of the blog pool retain bragging rights until the premiere of the next season while we all bow to them and lament on what could have been.
How do you get involved? Sign up right here on this post! If you're posting anonymously, you need a sign off name on your comments. We don't care if you're a boy named Sue, we have to know something other than anonymous. The cut-off for entering is this Monday evening, September 19, 9pm ET/6pm PT. 

REMEMBER - YOU NEED TO SIGN UP ON THIS VERY POST YOU'RE READING! If you sign up on another post or the Facebook page, your request might be missed.

Survivor 33: Gen-X - Takali Tribe

 Bret LaBelle
 Age 42
 Police Sergeant
 Dedham, MA

He thinks he's funny/hilarious. Hmm. People who think they are often aren't. He also thinks he's most like Johnathan Penner. Well, that would be okay. Does his voice sound like Alan Alda, too? He's in it for both the adventure and the money. Maybe ...

 Ciandre "CeCe" Taylor
 Age 39
 Insurance Adjuster
 Granada Hills, CA

She enjoys reality television shows. That's probably a good thing. She's heavily influenced by strong women and thinks of herself as such. She thinks she's most like "A combination of Spencer Bledsoe and Tasha Fox" game-wise. If she's all she thinks she is, she could be a contender.

 Chris Hammons
 Age 38
 Trial Lawyer
 Moore, OK

He seems to be big on the "pulling himself up by the bootstraps" kind of life. He went to college on a football scholarship and seems to be the big fish in his small pond hometown. He thinks he's most like Boston Rob. If only ...!

 David Wright
 Age 42
 Television Writer
 Sherman Oaks, CA

He believes in breakfast and Mr. Spock from Star Trek is his hero. If he could have them, he'd want beads, polished rocks and string to create fake idols for others to find. The man is a bit a kilter, but might be entertaining.

 Jessica Lewis
 Age 37
 Assistant District Attorney
 Vorheesville, NY

Vorheesville? Someone from Vorheesville is on television? They have probably less than 3,000 people in the village. She'll be their first big star! (I lived in Albany, near there.) Her parents were farmers. No surprise there. I'd like to see her do well!

 Ken McNickle
 Age 33
 Denver, CO

There are models in Denver? He has a non-profit, HumaneKind. And, he's into the Dalai Lama. He wishes he could bring a ukulele and a good book because he loves inspiring literature. Then he goes and likens himself to Ozzy Lusth. He also claims to be outdoorsy. My jury is out until I see him in action.

 Lucy Huang
 Age 42
 Diamond Bar, CA

She thinks she's stubborn, hardworking and controlling. Well, that might be the kiss of death on Survivor! Stubborn and controlling rarely go over well on the show. She doesn't like lazy people and whiners. Gulp. Deeper and deeper. She thinks the others will respect her. I think they might just want her out first.

Paul Wachter
Age 52
Boat Mechanic
Sugarloaf Key, FL

Whoa! He's "old" for this crowd! He thinks he's intimidating. Boo! He sings in a rock band and says David Lee Roth (Van Halen) is his hero. Yet another one likening himself to Ozzy Lusth. I'm not sure Ozzy should feel honored.

 Rachel Ako
 Age 37
 Recruiting Director
 Los Angeles, CA

She thinks she's fun, energetic and authentic. She also likes high-adventure activities. Well, she might have gone on the right show! When asked who she's most like, her reply was, "Myself, I’m bold, sexy, fun, confident, and real. At least she doesn't think she's an Ozzy or Boston Rob!

Sunday Burquest
Age 45
Youth Pastor
Otsego, MN

Uh-oh. She thinks she's "bossy, compassionate, and tenacious." Huh. Maybe there will be fisticuffs between her and Lucy! None of her interests seem to be related to the show. Well, I guess repurposing furniture maybe? She won't be able to do much thrift shopping. That said, she's been a fan since the first season, so maybe she can make it.

Monday, September 12, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds Off Until Tuesday Night

Well, not quite RIGHT back.

The BB18 live feeds have been blocked since the hamsters were awakened this morning.

They set them up with the arts and crafts so they have something to air on BBAD. 

Today, they should be filming the Victor eviction, HoH and nominations for the Tuesday (not live) show. The banner atop the live feeds say they will be back up at 10pm PT tomorrow (translated to 1am for me), an hour after the show ends on the West Coast.


In the meantime, I'm posting the upcoming Survivor information and will be posting the blog pool sign-up post tomorrow. 

Stay tuned.

Survivor 33: The Millennials - Vanua Tribe

 Adam Klein
 Age 25
 Homeless Shelter Manager
 San Francisco. CA

He doesn't believe you have to pay your dues to be successful. Hmm.
He thinks he's most like Spencer Bledsoe, wise beyond his years. We'll see about that.

Jessica "Figgy" Figueroa
Age 23
Nashville, TN

She says, "I will lead my tribe and make it to the end with my lovable personality, my drive, and work ethic."
She sounds like she could be scrappy. That's good. She most admires Stephenie LaGrossa, a good choice.

 Justin "Jay" Starrett
 Age 27
 Real Estate Agent
 Fort Lauderdale, FL

He purchased a house at the age of 25 (from himself?) and his hero is his mother who has had severe health problems, yet shines.
He thinks he'll be most like Russell Hantz.
Oh my.

 Mari Takahashi
 Age 31
 Los Angeles, CA

She has climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro. Impressive.
She says, "One doesn't accrue over 35 million fans across the internet by chance; it's strategic, calculated, technical, smart, and is exactly how I will play and win Survivor." Eep! 

Michaela Bradshaw
Age 25
Vacation Club Sales
Fort Worth, TX

She worked three jobs throughout college and paid off her $31,000 college debt by the age of 23.
"Being a Millennial means I am bold enough to state a want and stubborn enough to work for it, despite obstacles and the opinions of others."   

Michelle Shubert
Age 28
Missionary Recruiter
Yakima, WA

She thinks she's most like Boston Rob. We'll be the judge of that!
She says, "I seek beauty, adventure, and adrenaline. I like nature, exploring, rock climbing, slacklining." She also studies dragons and the stars. Okaaay ...

Taylor Lee Stocker
Age 24
Ski Instructor
Postfalls, ID

He doesn't like selfies. I like that in a man boy.
He says, "I love my generation. We are all-around epic." I don't know about that.
He claims he isn't even thinking of the money -- he just wants to "kick ass" in the game.

Zeke Smith
Age 28
Asset Manager
Brooklyn, NY

His hobbies include writing, improv, cooking and gym. We'll see how those translate in the game.
He says he's most like,"Tony Vlachos (Cagayan). I mean, I'm not personally like a cop from New Jersey and I would never live in New Jersey." Oh, geez. New Jersey jokes are so baby-boomer!

Will Wahl
Age 18
High School Student
Long Valley, NJ

Speaking of New Jersey! He's the youngest castaway ever.
He wants to play his own game and not be like anyone else ever on the show. He's a huge fan, too.
This could be interesting!
Hannah Shapiro
Age 26
West Hollywood, CA

Um. She can hula-hoop and walk at the same time. Well, there's an accomplishment!
It sounds like she's going to play up the weird factor. We all know how rarely that works.
However, she is a big fan and wants to play like Cochran.

Survivor 33: Millennials vs. Gen X - Meet the Cast

Since the BB18 live feeds are down until after the Tuesday night eviction show airs on the West Coast tomorrow (1:00 am Wednesday return here), it's a good time to bring out the Survivor posts! The new season premieres on the same evening BB18 has its finale. Survivor at 8pm ET/PT, BB18 finale at 9:30pm ET/PT on Wednesday, September 21.

Takali Tribe - Gen X
Vanua Tribe - Millennials

BB18: Live Feeds into Monday - September 12

Joy! Joy! They're playing cards!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Cagey Cards:
  • Locked inside while the comp set-up is being built in the yard, they turned to playing cards, cooking and eating for most of the evening.
  • During the extended card games with all five playing, there was absolutely no game talk.
  • Well, no BB talk ... there was plenty of cards talk.
  • The BB game talk turned on when it was just Paul and James in a room together in the late night hours.
  • Paul makes a good case -- they need to team up together to split up Corey and Nicole because Corey and Nicole would take each other to the final two. He also pointed out that neither of them (himself or James) could win against either Corey or Nicole.
  • It's definitely a sound strategy.
  • Paul thinks it needs to be them (him and James) in the final two if either has any hopes of winning.
  • Yeah, sounds logical and it's probably true.
  • BUT ... rumors have it that James and Nicole have a pre-season pact to be the final two.
  • If James gets in power and Corey is out of the picture ... would he take Nicole or Paul to the end?
  • I think it would be more strategical to take Paul.
  • However, I also think James would lose against either if the jury isn't a bunch of bitter biddies.
  • Paul is a totally obnoxious person. But he's escaped the block after nomination numerous times. He's a good strategist. He has won some comps.
  • Nicole has never been on the block. She could claim to be playing a game like Derrick's -- puppetmaster.
  • What can James claim? That he's a nice guy? That he slept most of the game away and let his showmance take over?
  • Any scenario of a final three that includes James at this point (even throwing Corey in the mix) has James taking second place.
  • But Paul is right ... they do need to split up Corey and Nicole or those two would be the final two.
  • While I think there quite possibly is a final two pact with Nicole and James, I think James would uphold it while it's extremely possible Nicole won't. It's quite likely she would take Corey.
  • I guess we'll see! 
  • Oh, yeah ... it will be Victor going out tonight. There are no doubts about that bit. 

Excitement abounds!

Breathtaking action!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Sunday Evening - September 11

Much better than that horribly messy "bun."

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Betrayed Boyz:
  • Well, they were thinking the schedule would be changed up a bit as we head into the final days of the season.
  • Now they know for sure as the PoV meeting was held this morning instead of its usual Monday slot.
  • There weren't any surprises. 
  • Nicole chose not to use the Power of Veto.
  • Paul and Victor will remain on the block and one of them (Victor is the plan) will go home ... tomorrow.
  • Sure, the show will be on Tuesday evening (8pm ET/PT). But the actual eviction will be taped tomorrow night. Tuesday's show should have the comic veto comp and meeting, plus the first eviction of the week.
  • I expect an extended live feeds block from sometime tomorrow afternoon to um ... whenever.
  • Everything remains calm in the house. Victor and Paul continue to be friends with all and friendly to all despite Victor's initial outbursts after being betrayed.
  • They have their cards once again. I'm surprised BB hasn't brought in the dollar store arts and crafts stuff.
  • The dominoes remain among the missing.
  • And, of course, Pablo has never returned. I hear he's getting psychiatric help for stress from being attached to Paul so often.
  • Lots of small talk, production talk (You are NOT allowed to talk about PRODUCTION), previous hamster talk, final comps of previous seasons, how much Victor and Paul miss boning ... you get the drift.
  • They had the yard for a bit, but complained of the heat.
  • Now they'll probably complain about being locked inside for comp set-ups!
  • Victor and Paul practiced their speeches. They want to be witty, yet biting. I think they think they're ZingBots.
  • That's about all I have for you tonight!

They have the cards again.

Eat, eat, eat. Sleep, sleep, sleep.

Like a kid stealing from the cookie jar

BB18: HoH Comp Completion, Nominations Show Blog Party - September 11, 2016

Hamster watchers ready?! Who will rule the slip and slide?

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be constantly updating this entry. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area!

But first ... we have to sit through "previously on Big Brother."

Okay, we pick up on the slip and slide HoH comp! Paul and Victor are still thinking their final four with Nicole and Corey might keep them safe. Victor can't compete in the comp as the outgoing HoH. Nicole tells us it might be best to get either Paul or Victor out this week. In a clip, Corey tells James they have his back. He then talks to Nicole about it. Then both talk to James.

Uh-oh -- Victor and Paul need to watch their backs! 

These slip and slide comps always have plenty of funny falls. I wouldn't want to be the one falling, though. Nicole is going for the smaller container to get the big scoop. Corey is in the lead with the big container. James is in second. Paul isn't doing well at all. 

Nicole gets the big scoop. Paul is still trying to go for the big scoop. They edited this to make it seem like he was closer to Nicole than he actually was. Corey is doing the comp amazingly fast. 

Corey wins HoH! 

Paul and Victor are pretty confident that they'll be safe this week even though one would have to go up as a pawn with James. 

Victor says it's great to finally have an alliance that wins and keeps their word.

Into a segment about how James and Natalie patched things up before the live show. He apologizes to her for the things he said. She hides under a blanket. She still claims she never threw him under the bus, but if she did, she apologizes. Say what?

A Corey on Nicole salty water prank bit, then onto the HoH room reveal. He got Taylor Swift music, not surprising at all.   

Corey and Nicole talk. Corey wants to put Paul and Victor on the block, Victor the target.  

Paul is starting to worry about "sneaky" James getting in Corey's ear. Too late and James didn't need to get in Corey's ear anyway! Paul offers to go up as a pawn against James. Heh.

They're editing the show like there might be doubts about the nominations.

Corey goes on an anxiety-driven cleaning jag.

It's time for the nominations ceremony!

Corey nominates Victor and Paul. He tells them that strategically it's not in his best interest to put James up. If one was up, they could win veto and he'd have to put Nicole up. Victor and Paul took it okay on the surface.     

Victor tells us how betrayed he is.

I say, hey ... it's Big Brother. Trust no one.  

Remember -- the next episode is TUESDAY AT 8PM ET/PT this week! 

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - September 11, 2016

Good morning! Since it's Sunday morning, it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. If you're here for Big Brother news, everything I have for you can be found at this link. I'll be posting another live feeds report late tonight as well as live-blogging the aired show. But this ain't that. This post is a year-round regular "feature" while Big Brother is a summer obsession. Or, something like that.

That said, this week's off topic post is a bit abbreviated for a few different reasons. First off, today is the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. That struck this area, the NYC Greater Metropolitan Area, quite hard. Many folks here work in Manhattan. Several people in the local area died in the attacks. My company lost seven people on one of the planes. It's a somber day and we'll never forget.

Also, my sprained ankle and the heat factor this week limited my desire to take photos although I did work this past week. I'll include a few of those in next week's off topic photo post.  

911 Memorial, Scotch Plains, NJ

September 12 is Vincent's "birthday"

On September 12, 2009, I went into the city to New York City Animal Care and Control (NYCACC), the shelter system which handles all the strays, abandoned, etc., animals in all five boroughs of the city. I went to the East Harlem (AKA Spanish Harlem) location and met a cat they called "Sal." Unfortunately, due to volume, the shelter system is a fairly high kill one. People want kittens. I wanted a cat. Sal, whom I decided wasn't a pizza delivery guy, I renamed Vincent. He was due to be euthanized the next week because he was a cat, not a kitten. When I opened his cage door, he leaped on my shoulder and purred so loud I could hear him over the cacophony of dogs barking and busy street traffic. He was the one and he's been my best friend ever since. This is a shot of him on the train home on adoption day.

Good food, good company

I went to a big backyard cookout with friends yesterday. The food was amazing! The company was great and a good time was had by all.

BB18: Live Feeds into Sunday - September 11

I have a few days left

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Dwindling Days and Deflated Egos:
  • With Nicole winning the Power of Veto, Victor sees the writing on the wall.
  • He's expecting to be evicted for the third and last time this week.
  • Paul is a bit resigned that he'll be following Victor out of the house. 
  • Oh, he's asking a lot of questions and plans to study for a mental HoH, but much of his bravado about how he and Victor are ruling the game has ended.
  • He knows that, without Victor, he's not horrible in most comps (except the slip and slide!). But he's not the competition beast kind of guy. He's more the guy who stands behind the competition beast kind of guy.
  • Victor and Paul, in a talk with each other, spoke of the good run they've had in the house.
  • Victor, in particular, is proud of his integrity and loyalty.
  • I would guess that would make his parents proud. His potty mouth might be another matter.
  • But we ... the constant audience for the hamsters ... know that integrity and honestly don't get you far in the game of Big Brother.
  • Loyalty, on the other hand, is indeed a good thing in the game. But it's the loyalty between a few people from the start that seems to work best. Think of Danielle and Jason. Think of Derrick and Cody. When hamsters allow the flip-flopping alliances with the weekly power that be, it's not a good thing. Victor and Paul were loyal to each other, but they flip-flopped with the powers. Would they have made it to the end as a lone wolf duo? I don't know.
  • I'm kind of surprised that neither Paul nor Victor are trying to convince Nicole to save one of them. But that would be futile. Whichever one saved if James went up ... the other one would go home.
  • I think we're in for doldrums this coming week because Victor and Paul are accepting their fates so peacefully and everybody is in the "we're all friends and it's a game" mode.
  • About the only excitement would be if Paul manages to win the upcoming HoH or veto.
  • Otherwise, we're going to be on auto-pilot.
  • You can unbuckle your seatbelts and return your seats to recline. 

Nine days and one wake-up left!

I'm an a__hole. I know it.

That bun always looks like a rat's nest!

BB18: Live Feeds into Saturday Night, Power of Veto - September 10

Has Corey given up Nicole for Victor?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Stuporheroes:
  • I was out tonight. Uh-oh!
  • So, this will be rather short and sweet.
  • The Power of Veto comp was the comic book one.
  • And, Nicole won the Power of Veto!
  • It sounds like James did the worst of the bunch.
  • Victor is sure that he's going to be the one sent packing.
  • And, that's probably true.
  • Paul wants to study hard for HoH because he knows he's on the real short list.
  • Everybody is getting along and friendly.

I love the HoH pillowcases with his dog pics!


Now Victor has gone to Nicole!