Wednesday, November 30, 2016

BBOTT: PoV and the Final Three - Tuesday, November 29

Determined to win?

Well, well, well. Of course, the only really big news of the day was the Power of Veto comp.
  • It was called End of the Road.
  • They had to run through metal police crowd control barriers set up in a switchback kind of queue.
  • Jump over hay bales.
  • Grab a hamster face picture, then return back the same way they came.
  • Nine pictures in all. Had to get one at a time.
  • The puzzle questions might have more than one possible answer.
  • But there is only one correct solution using all nine.
  • Justin was into making sound effects and cussing as he went along. He started to put faces in the spots first, getting a few wrong.
  • Morgan decided to get all the faces first and solved some as she was bringing them back.
  • In the end, it wasn't really any contest. Morgan solidly beat him, had all the answers right while he had some answers wrong on the board and didn't have all the faces.
  • Surprisingly, in view of his behavior the last few days, he left the house on a good note.
  • Julie came to the final three in video form, congratulating them and telling them they need to prepare a two-minute speech each.
  • Those speeches will air live on Wednesday at 7pm ET/4pm PT. 
  • The final three -- Morgan, Kryssie and Jason -- popped the champagne and got giddy. 

All spiffed up to host the comp

Monty was there.

Game faces on

The running was unreal.

It wasn't an easy puzzle, either.

Morgan WINS! She's in the Final Three!

Says he loves them. Yeah, right.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

BBOTT: Nothing to see here. move along - into Tuesday, November 29

Eddie McGee, BB1 Winner

The Power of Veto comp isn't scheduled until 5pm today, Tuesday. I will report late tonight on its results. Otherwise, things have been pretty much the same in the house with even more tension due to the boredom.

In other news, I watched the Elementary episode from November 20th and immediately recognized BB Season One winner Eddie McGee in it! 

Monday, November 28, 2016

BBOTT: Into Monday, November 28

Jason being mellow? That won't last!

Well, Justin got up a bit more today ... 
  • Unfortunately, he decided Morgan is his buddy now.
  • Now, they're both slated to go head-to-head in the Power of Veto comp (today, Monday) together.
  • She's been almost constantly studying or spending time with Jason and Kryssie.
  • In comes Justin.
  • The not so smart thing he does is to keep talking about how he has to win this comp, then the game, then "rub it in their faces."
  • Um.
  • He's saying that to his competitor.
  • Morgan has been actually restraining herself quite well -- not saying much about how SHE needs to win the comp and then the game!
  • Kudos to her for her restraint!
  • At one point, she did say something. Justin claimed none of the people in the house have souls. She said, rather quietly, "Everybody has a soul."
  • Justin, at one point, sat down with the rest and ate something. As they all talked, I noticed he was paying absolutely no attention to the others, would occasionally glance up at a camera and then start dancing in place to music in his head. 
  • The others are right that he's very camera-conscious.
  • I don't know how Morgan is putting up with all of Justin's bragging about his game and how he will win.
  • Darn it, she wants to win, too!
  • He told her how the LNJ had to keep fighting to keep in place and now the ones remaining have deserted him.
  • Heck, Justin. Morgan's side also had to fight with the up/down power changes week to week! And, she's the sole remainder from the Ball Smashers!
  • I'm also sick of hearing him tell how many women are willing to have sex with him and how much he misses having sex. @@
  • We'll know more once the PoV comp goes down.
  • May the best woman win that one!
  • Heehee. 

Justin actually posed for one HoH camera shot

Morgan studies some more

I don't like any of these people

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - November 27, 2016

Good morning! Since it's Sunday, it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. This is a regular Sunday part of this blog in addition to the television posts. Right now I'm covering Big Brother: Over the Top daily -- you can find those posts at this link. I'm also live blogging Survivor episodes as they air on Wednesday evenings. Come join the blog parties!

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving! As per my usual, I spent the day here with Vincent. I don't really have much family left and, of what few are left, no one is local. I often turn down invites to join families of friends for the day. I would feel like an intruder and, after all, it's not my family. After decades of such, I've grown to like the peaceful solitude of the day. I made a turkey breast feast for myself and relaxed. I always have to work the Friday and Saturday after the holiday, so I can't travel anywhere. I'm also in a very busy and stressful work environment, even worse at the holidays. So, I'm content with what I do for the holiday. Maybe, if I ever do get to retire before I pass, I'll travel to visit family. But for now and many decades gone by, as they say, it is what it is. Christmas is pretty much the same.

So, this isn't really my favorite time of the year. I do enjoy seeing the excitement of children, especially toddlers, seeing the hubbub and lights. I do have some very good memories of the season. But it's all photographs and memories at this time for myself. And, work, work, work, then more work.

I am thankful for the friends and family I have in my life, as well as you folks who faithfully follow this blog! I'm certainly thankful for Vincent, as well as my previous cat companions over the years. I'm thankful I've always held a job and kept a roof over my head even though I'm so ready, beyond ready, to retire and pursue things I want to do rather than things I have to do. I'm thankful for Peapod Grocery delivery so I don't have to deal with supermarket madness. I'm thankful I live in an area with so many different kinds of people with lives so different from my own, yet enriching my own life and enforcing the realization that the majority of people are good at heart.

Okay, onto this week's photos! I didn't really get great shots this week. I managed to arrive near the train station one day just in time to snag a few photos of another (the same?) Red-Tailed Hawk atop the Chotola Apartments Building on North Avenue just as he was preparing to fly away. 

Sitting in the railway station ...

... got a ticket for my destination. Whoowoo. ('Homeward Bound' - Paul Simon) I was actually homeward bound. This is last night when I arrived back home in Plainfield after yet another workday in life. Although the train itself stretches perhaps a long block, only about ten people got on or off at this time at the Plainfield Station. However, inside the train -- the two cars that were open -- it was quite full for a train this day and hour. Many people were heading home to NYC from the holiday or just heading into town (Manhattan) for holiday season happenings. I just wanted to get home and put my feet up.

Where'd they all go?

Y'know ... there was a party going on with pigeons and starlings here. I come and they all flew away! Do I have bad breath? Am I inappropriately dressed for the party? Every time I try to join in on the bird fun, everybody leaves me here alone! I feel shunned! It's enough to give me a complex! 

Getting ready to swoop away.

At least I got nice detail on that red tail of his!


BBOTT: It's Official - Two of the Final Three Confirmed - into November 27

Just a few more days ...

Nothing much has changed in the house.
  • Jason is still HoH.
  • Kryssie is still Kryssie and will always be Kryssie.
  • Morgan has been repeatedly going through all the comps, things in the house and hamsters trying to prep for the Veto Comp tomorrow.
  • Justin has been in Audrey mode, occasionally coming to life, but mostly in bed.
  • The decision to take someone to the final two became official yesterday.
  • But we knew since he won HoH, Jason was choosing to take Kryssie.
  • That's what started Justin's poor behavior in motion.
  • On the other hand, I've been very impressed with Morgan's behavior in the house since her best and last ally Shelby got the boot.
  • She's mixed. She's mingled. She's been partaking in things. Plus, every moment she can, she's studying.
  • I hope she wins the veto!
  • As for Justin, I'd say I'm disappointed.
  • But I'm not, really. I've said all along he was just coasting and being himself. He's entertaining when he wants to be, but he hasn't been playing the game of Big Brother
  • In this last stretch, he has to play the game or get the boot.
  • Instead, he's still working on America's vote -- talking to the camera about all is love and how he wants to start a fishing program for the kids in New Orleans.
  • True, that's a worthy goal. But it's not something you need a half-million dollars to put in motion! If he really wanted to do that, he could get active in the community and work on getting people to sponsor the much less than a half-million needed to get it off the ground.
  • I think he wants to convince America that he's all that, a bag of chips AND has these lofty goals to give back to the community.
  • Personally, I don't care what reality show folks do with their winnings ... with the exception of the arrest/drug stupidity of a few. That's total stupidity.
  • It's their money. They went before the public eye, endured mocking and ridicule to win it. They can spend it however they want -- college loans, bills, homes, cars or wasting it away. I don't expect anyone to suddenly become a philanthropist and give it all away to a good cause. Very few do that.
  • All will tell tomorrow when either Justin or Morgan win a place in the final three.
  • At this time, I'm really hoping it's Morgan. She's been very impressive lately. Well, with the exception of that 11 minute time in the Maize Maze, that is. 

It's AUDREY! Er, I mean Justin.

Repeatedly going over days and comps

Opening last nicotine patch