Thursday, August 31, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds Bulletin - HoH Winner - August 31

Well, we know Josh and Paul are safe

Apparently the rain let up enough for them to do the HoH comp. The feeds were blocked for it. But when they returned, Christmas was wearing the HoH key. My early guess is that Alex or Jason will be the target.

BB19: Live Eviction and HoH Show Blog Party - August 31

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging and constantly updating this entry -- refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun! 

For those who, like I am, are in the NYC viewing area -- WCBS 2 out of Manhattan has football, sister station WLNY 10/55 is airing BB at its normal time.

Here are the blog pool match-ups for easy reference tonight --

Alex Ow - jujufruit423, caela, Donna in FL, Nickelpeed
Christmas Abbott - Willie J, Rich from Buffalo, Glenn, QuixoticElf
Jason Dent - Donna in Alabama, Cheryl in NC, jo Chapman, Marthalight
Josh Martinez - Petals, Stormy, Kelsey in NY, Dr_Celine
Kevin Schlehuber - elee86, aya, SueGee on the Left Coast
Matthew Clines - JonMD1267, T-Town Chick, Sharon C
Paul Abrahamian - Indiana Jane, Jackie, Brian, Marlo L
Raven Walton - Kristen from Ohio, David, Nora

Cody Nickson
Elena Davies
Mark Jansen 

Hamster watchers ready?  Let's have a recap!

Julie tells us promises made can blow up your game. (Y'think?) And, then we're into the recap. 

They promise us chaos (probably not to the extent we saw on the live feeds) and a jury segment. Julie mentions that they all have started to turn on each other. Well, that was sure to happen.

Raven tearfully tells us how loyal a game she has played. Mark continues to smile as he talks (and later will smile while yelling at Jason). He claims that Jason is hiding in the storage room. And, yes, he is.

Mark confronts Jason. Raven screams at him saying he lied. Jason denies he said he would take Raven off the block. (Yes, he did tell her that.) Alex thinks what Jason did is bad for her own game. (Yes, it is.) Both Kevin and Josh have moved in case of fisticuffs. Matt is off the wall mad ... although smiling. At least his tongue isn't sticking out.

Meanwhile, Paul works on reeling Raven into the fold. 

Matt decides to play spy and find out who voted for him to go last week. He asks Kevin first. Kevin said he voted Mark. Jason admits being one vote. Alex lies and said she voted Mark. I actually don't blame her because the wrath would then come her way. 

Kevin tells Matt alone that he didn't vote out Matt. Paul goes to run interference. Paul thinks Kevin is in cahoots with Matt for jury votes. Paul spreads his theory to the rest. And, like with all so far this season, they believe Paul.

Josh picks a stupid fight with Kevin. Josh brings up Kevin winning the 25 grand. Kevin says that Josh is being set up and Josh is just a little chump. Kevin knows the score. (But can he actually win anything?)

Now both Jason and Kevin are targets and Paul is gleeful to have set it in motion. 

Josh cries to Christmas. Christmas picks up on the fact Kevin wouldn't swear on his kids that he didn't take the money. Christmas knows, since Kevin did swear on them about the Matt vote. She draws the conclusion that Alex was the second vote and is "dangerous." 

Jury house segment. Elena and Cody have Paul's number. Mark not so much but he's getting there. 

Live vote. Julie tells us Matt has a penalty vote for not following Have Not rules.
Matt -- Thanks to CBS and BB, love all the HG, don't kill each other, Raven best human.
Raven -- Thanks BB, speaks of disease. Thanks to Matt. It will be different without you.

The votes to evict:
Alex -- Matt
Kevin -- Matt
Paul -- Matt
Christmas -- Matt
Josh -- Matt

Unanimous plus one for Matt to go. Raven cries more like it's news to her.

Yikes! They can't play the HoH comp right now due to rain conditions! 

Next Thursday will be a double eviction.

I don't think the HoH comp will play out on the live feeds. And, even if it does, I have to be up early in the morning to go to work. I'll let you know what I find out when I find out! 

Thanks for coming by!

BB19: Live Feeds into Thursday - August 31

C'mon, Kevin ... win HoH!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Inmate Ingrates:
  • Keep telling yourself ... it's a show. It's not life or death or even someone whom you really know or love. It's a television show. They signed up to be in it. We know better than to ever apply to be on it.
  • I'm so tired of all of the ire, media frenzy and outrage. It's just not worth it all. I put a lot of effort into things BB and have since the first season. Every year there are embellishments, outrage and such. This year is hitting a peak.
  • You just can't let the show or its cast get to you. It's a television show.
  • Okay, to what happened yesterday ...
  • Um, not all that much.
  • Jason told Kevin that if it comes down to between Alex and him (Kevin), he'd have to go with Alex.
  • After all, she's his ride or die.
  • Unless they keep winning, she will be the "die" part of that.
  • Paul, Christmas and Josh plan on taking them out next.
  • With the exception of Jason, pretty much everybody else is almost shunning Kevin.
  • I would so love to see them scamper for his favor if he were to win HoH tonight.
  • Kevin and Jason had a long talk -- Kevin wants to apologize to Alex. He claims he doesn't dislike her, just dislikes how she's treating him.
  • I would think she (and the others) actually owe Kevin an apology.
  • But I doubt that will happen.
  • Unless he wins HoH, that is.
  • Unfortunately, at this point, I'm not sure Kevin can even win any comps.
  • Kevin is rotating between saying he wants to go home and he's not ready to leave yet.
  • Hmm.
  • Matt continues to break the rules. Now it's to the point that if everyone voted for Raven to go, Matt would probably go on penalties.
  • They'll be voting him out anyway.
  • Most of them have been studying days and comps in preparation for the HoH comp.
  • They're not including Kevin in the study groups.
  • If he's thinking on his own, he has no one to really correct him if he has something in the wrong order.
  • Sigh.
  • As the night wore on, Kevin did join in with small talk with Paul, Josh, Jason and Christmas. It was cordial. But no one talked game to him.
  • Later on, Paul tried to convince Kevin to throw the HoH comp.
  • Kevin told him he doesn't want to be a Have Not again.
  • I guess we'll see tonight what happens. 

Trejo, whatever

Christmas ... bah, humbug!

I hope they don't fall out

Definitely falls for peer pressure

Symbolic of Final 3? No. 4 below?

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

BB19: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - August 30

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging and constantly updating this entry -- refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun! 

Do remember ... this is a television show. We have much more critical things affecting our lives than what stupidity and such these fools say and do in the house. And, with that in mind ... on with the show. 

Recap time. And we're reminded that Kevin is the odd man out. Of course. 

Jason tells us there is no backdoor plan for Kevin and that Matt is the target. Both Jason and Paul have Raven convinced she will be pulled off the block if someone wins veto. Jason also tells us he's wearying of protecting Kevin. 

Matt sincerely promises Raven that if he wins veto, he'll save her. I do believe he would. But his statement about her deserving to be in the game more? I personally don't think either was good casting this season -- both have been just having a summer vacation. 

Alex tries to convince Jason that Kevin is mean to everyone. She wants him out over Matt and Raven. 

Veto players picking time! Jason randomly picks Josh. Matt gets Paul. Raven gets Kevin. Ha. She didn't want Kevin! 

Paul tells us if he wins, he'll pull off Raven, Jason will put up Kevin and he (Paul) will stir the pot while keeping "squeaky clean." Jason doesn't feel right about the situation and claims (to us) that he needs to win the veto to keep the nominations the same. According to him, it was only a ruse they were pawns. He doesn't want Kevin out. At least, not this week.

The backyard has cabanas and new pool toys. It's the Hide a Veto comp during which they hide the vetoes and then go seek. The one hidden the best wins. This is the veto comp in which they destroy the house. They each get three minutes (separately) to hide their veto cards. Then they each have two minutes to find a veto. All of them go in separately and Jason was the first one to find one.

Heh. Raven finds Matt's veto. 

Kevin seems to be kvetching more than searching. Raven finds a second one. Remember -- it's not what they find, it's the one not found that wins. Matt finds one. Jason finds the fifth card.

The cards found in order:
1. Jason found Josh
2. Raven found Matt 
3. Raven found Kevin
4. Matt found Paul
5. Jason found Raven

As his card wasn't found, Jason wins the Power of Veto!

They returned to the trashed house. But, at least they have new pool toys! Alex thinks that Jason will put Kevin up. 

Kevin goes to talk to Jason. He asks if Matt goes out. Jason decides to ask of Kevin would be a willing pawn if he pulls Raven off. Kevin doesn't see the logic in the plan. He thinks someone else put a bug in Jason's ear (or so he tells us). He does not want to go on the block. Jason tells us he won't do it -- he considers Kevin his pal. Alex and Paul are not thrilled. Alex thinks that putting Kevin up would buy peace for the week. Jason is getting the idea that Paul and Alex actually want to vote Kevin out. 

Alex now wants Kevin out more than ever. She thinks Jason has gone rogue and is too chummy with Kevin. Christmas backs up Alex with Jason and talks about Matt and Raven's jury votes. Then Paul joins in on the talk. Jason talks to us about the mob tactics used this season in the house. At least he sees it exists. 

Veto meeting time.
Raven -- I trust you.
Matt -- At home on the block, please use on the little gypsy.

Jason -- Coming back to my core thoughts will work best. I've decided not to use the power of veto. Will entertain a question from you if you wish. Alex and Paul look ticked, perhaps more ticked than Matt.

Raven cries to us.

BB19: Live Feeds into Wednesday - August 30

Things are all going kerflooey for him now

This isn't going to be the usual live feeds from inside the Big Brother House of Toxicity:
  • There have been many controversial, false accusations and just plain acts of stupidity in the house the last few days.
  • The backlash will affect the livelihoods and lives of the hamsters involved, without a doubt.
  • Chances are the redress will go towards the hamsters saying the nasty things rather than the person who's the target of the statements.
  • While I'm not happy that my own guilty summer pleasure and I put such work into this each summer for a few dollars here and there and the community on the blog ... I'm not about to get all up in arms over the hamsters.
  • I work in a toxic enough workplace in my personal life.
  • I don't like to be amidst hate and hostility.
  • It's just not me.
  • I personally don't think folks should get all excited about some people on a television show. Get excited about helping people struck by Harvey. Get excited about the unrest in the nation and in the world. Get excited about the real catastrophes going on in the world today.
  • This is just a TV show we watch.
  • Yes, if we were in there, it could be construed as a hostile workplace or some such thing.
  • Yes, if we were in there, we would be surrounded by toxic people and our lives would be miserable.
  • But in the grand scheme of things ... they chose to go on the show. BB gives them counseling after the season. Perhaps they didn't realize how horrible things can get. but there are some issues every season.
  • The positive is that BB production might realize changes need to be made. 
  • Let's all take a few deep breaths and relax a bit ... or take our passion to the important things about living on this planet today.
  • If someone on the show says something stupid or unwarranted, hey ... that's on them. They will have to live with any repercussions.
  • And, just how does that affect us? It doesn't, really. If it does, perhaps it helps us to realize that we might need to be more compassionate and caring about others.
  • Please keep comments to the PG-rating. If you quote from other sites that are more lenient than that, go for all asterisks. 
  • As for the house news, yes ... they are ganging up on Kevin at Paul's bequest. Paul wants them to think that Kevin turned against Jason and Alex. And, it's working.
  • Kevin admitted to Matt that he lied about the 25 grand with good cause, but never lied about the vote for him last week.
  • Matt continues to defy the Have Not rules and will surely go home this week.
  • Paul and Christmas next want Jason out.  

Hold it together, Kevin.

The tongue strikes again

Please let that shirt go with Matt