Monday, February 12, 2018

Celebrity Big Brother: Monday Live Eviction Show Blog Party - Feb. 12

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be updating and live-blogging away the best I can. Refresh the post to get the latest news! For more information on how I'll be handling this season on the blog as well as the show schedule, check this post out. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- join on in!

Although tonight is the live eviction, we have to see who wins PoV first! Unless someone is saved, either Omarosa or Keshia will go home tonight. I know the Plan B. But we'll have to see how things play out. 

Well, at least Julie Chen isn't wearing a big red box tonight. We're in recap. 

Now we're on a segment with the aftermath of the nominations. Omarosa is being Nice Good Omarosa to Ross. Meanwhile, Brandi and Ari talk about how Shannon needs to go. They think Ross is scared to nominate her. They think Shannon and James are the biggest threats. They think Omarosa is a weak player.

Heh. Don't fall for the little now and then coughs, gals.

However, I do think that Shannon and James are the best. They go to Ross about backdooring Shannon. And, yeah. Ross is afraid. He's afraid Shannon will get him out next week! Ross talks to Ari about whether making a big move is the right thing or not. 

Another Omarosa White House segment. This one is about DACA. But, as both Ross and Mark say, it's all coming from Omarosa, the Reality TV Villain. Who knows?

Ross goes to Mark to see if they might have the fourth vote to backdoor Shannon. He's willing. He tells us that he's just floating along. Mark wants to get James in on it. Oh noes! That's almost a guarantee that it will get back to Shannon!

Metta is in the hot tub. The guy is fun to watch when left to his own devices. He has the "ducks" (as he called them when this happened) fight. I had a screen cap of this last week in a feeds report. 

Ah, the random draw just went down during commercial -- Ari, Shannon, Marissa
Celebrity Cruise Line, they're the stars. Two at a time face off, look at billboard, answer more, exactly or less.

Keshia and Ross -- Keshia wins, Ross eliminated
Shannon and Omarosa - Omarosa wins, Shannon eliminated
Ari and Marissa - Marissa wins, Ari eliminated
Omarosa and Keshia - Omarosa wins, Keshia eliminated
Omarosa and Marissa for the win - MARISSA WINS POV! 

Now, going into commercial, Keshia is in tears begging them to send her home. Sheesh. 

Live veto meeting:
Marissa does NOT use the veto. Probably because of Keshia's freaking out. 

Time for the live vote and eviction:
Keshia - Thank you. Begs to go home, breastmilk is depleted, need to go home. Tells James it was everyone, not just her against him.
Omarosa - Doesn't know what the house will be like without you. All have taught me, please make the decision that's best for Keshia.

The votes to evict:
Shannon - Keshia
Ari - Keshia
Brandi - Keshia
James - Keshia
Mark - Keshia
Marissa - Keshia
Metta - Keshia

I mean. What else could they have done? 

HoH will be the focus of the Wednesday show.

Celebrity Big Brother: Live Feeds into Sunday Evening - Feb. 11

When will we play PoV?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of At Least They're Not Kids:
  • Welp, Big Brother kept up with the uneventful doldrums kind of Sundays we know all so well.
  • It looks like the Veto Comp will play either tomorrow or on the live show tomorrow night.
  • At one point they were told the Veto Comp player picks would be in an hour.
  • Hour(s) went by. If they did it, I missed it.
  • Big Brother also cut off a conversation I was interested in ...
  • Metta asked Omarosa if she considered herself a "strong black woman." She agreed. He went on to say that the meaning of brown is love while the meaning of black is evil. He said their skin color isn't black, it's brown. Why wouldn't they want to be called brown? She said black was the latest but they're African Americans. Metta wanted to know why this month isn't African American History Month?
  • It was actually an interesting conversation.
  • But BB cut it off and went to someone putting on make-up.
  • In a different Omarosa moment, she referred to Ross as "The Pillsbury Dough Boy."
  • Not to his face, of course.
  • I noticed that someone in one of the live feeds comments was upset that the chamsters (celebrity hamsters) had cellphones.
  • No, they don't. 
  • They do have a media room where they can send out tweets but can't read replies.
  • What they're doing -- and they did it again tonight, screen cap below -- is acting like their microphones are cellphones. 
  • The screen cap has her calling James's restaurant while he's saying it isn't open yet also using his mic as a phone.
  • They played truths and lies.
  • Keshia seems to be the kitchen and first aid queen of the house.
  • There were no brouhahas, not even a kerfuffle.
  • Omarosa was Good Omarosa, not Evil Omarosa, and mingled with most of the others most of the day.
  • She seems fully recovered.
  • I really like the smaller indoor hot tub they have.
  • Metta did not try to escape today.
  • Brandi did not get drunk today. 
  • Others still think Metta is America's Player because he acts weird.
  • They mentioned that today makes two weeks in the house. And, we've only seen four days of live feeds and shows.
  • If Omarosa somehow survives the eviction, I think she might go after Shannon moreso than Ross. She'd probably put them both up. But she feels betrayed by Shannon and the loss of control over her is eating up Omarosa.
  • Shannon is still the back-up plan if one of the nominees is saved.
  • She's shown herself to be the strongest player in the house in comps and superfan-wise. 

Mixing and mingling

Talking black vs. brown with Omarosa

Explaining his old eye surgery

Sloppy chowing down

"Calling" the restaurant

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Celebrity Big Brother: Sunday Night Show Blog Party - Feb. 11

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be updating and live-blogging away the best I can. Refresh the post to get the latest news! For more information on how I'll be handling this season on the blog as well as the show schedule, check this post out. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- join on in!

Recap first ... of course. 

Into the aftermath of Chuck's eviction. James is being all kinds of smug. Metta thinks they're all animals in the house. Well, that goes for every season, kiddo! 

Ross, James, Shannon and Ari make a final four deal. Omarosa and Keshia think they can only trust each other. Shannon tries to explain why they did what they did. She tells Omarosa that the others thought she (O) had a side deal with Chuck. Omarosa doesn't think Marissa or Brandi could ever come up with strategy.

True to Omarosa form, she's exerting control. Shannon isn't comfortable. So, she thinks she should tell the rest about Omarosa and her having a deal since the first day and that she had been using it for information gathering. 

Heh. Omarosa and Keshia have to explain backdoor to Metta. He tells them he voted for Chuck to stay. Bwahahaha! They tell him the vote was to evict.

Time for the HoH comp -- it's the spinning/bowling one. They're all in tutus. Names are drawn for the order in which they compete against each other.

Omarosa tries to control them by conniving before they all start. 

Omarosa chooses Marissa. Marissa wins. Omarosa is having breathing problems. She has asthma and needs her inhaler.

Ross chooses Metta. ROSS wins! 

Mark chooses Brandi. MARK wins.

James chooses Ari. JAMES wins. 

Shannon chooses Mark. MARK wins.

Marissa chooses James. JAMES wins.

Ross chooses Mark. ROSS wins.

Ross against James. James tells us he will throw it. ROSS wins HoH!

All they know at this point is that Omarosa seems to be missing. They search, but she's nowhere in the house.

Ross says he doesn't want to make big waves and is thinking Omarosa and Keshia. That is IF Omarosa returns. 

Marissa and Shannon think Omarosa won't come back, mainly because the comp didn't go her way.

Ross talks to Marissa about possibly putting up either Shannon or James on the block with Keshia if Omarosa doesn't come back. 

Ross gathers them all as he has received a message. "Omarosa has been taken to the hospital due to an asthma attack. She will return to the house before nominations and the game will proceed as normal." 

Ross is reluctant to nominate someone coming back from the hospital. He sees James and Shannon on the spycam and they agree those are the two who they should worry about. 

All of a sudden they realize that Omarosa is in bed. I guess they don't realize they probably sent her in via the Diary Room. They all hug her. Ross is still in a quandary about nominations.

Nominations ceremony. Ross nominates Omarosa and then Keshia. Ross tries to tell them it's Big Brother. Omarosa cuts him off and speaks for Keshia as well as herself telling him doesn't need to go on.

Remember ... tomorrow at 8pm ET/PT is the live eviction show.

Celebrity Big Brother: Live Feeds into Sunday - Feb. 11

A bite of the poisoned apple?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Legends in Their Own Minds:
  • Ah, Keshia (who said yesterday that she wants to go home) told Mark that she now realizes the person behind all the problems people have with her is ... Omarosa!
  • Mind you, it's Keshia and Omarosa on the block, nominated by Ross.
  • So ... Keshia wants to go home yet is going to campaign against Omarosa?
  • And then she worked on Ross and Marissa.
  • Hmm.
  • Keshia and Metta (two of the three black folks in the house) are both angry that Omarosa has tried to work racial issues into things.
  • Mark continues to work his way in with the In Kids.
  • Omarosa mingled with them, as well.
  • And, she was even cordial and non-confrontational.
  • Oh my.
  • She has Ross doubting which persona is real, the Nice Omarosa or Evil Omarosa.
  • I personally think she can bring either out dependent on the situation.
  • He thinks that anyone against Omarosa in the Final Two will win.
  • So, now he wants her to stay? Hmm.
  • Ross and Marissa remain the closest alliance in the house.
  • They're worried about James winning HoH. They think he'd put them on the block.
  • Ross told Marissa that Shannon did indeed throw HoH.
  • Well, she shouldn't be winning all the comps! She's already put the target on her own back without any help from others.
  • They also wonder, if they keep Keshia, will they be able to work with her?
  • Ross thinks that Shannon and James are the biggest threats in the game, but it's too early to go after either of them.
  • Marissa thinks they should make a big move.
  • They ponder backdooring Shannon.
  • Oh my!
  • Ari and Brandi seem to be quite tight -- perhaps not as tight as Ross and Marissa, but ..!
  • Metta has decided he needs to nap everywhere he can in the house. When the others told him about people posting segments of hamsters, he got even more excited about it. Excited enough to go for a nap.
  • Ross and Marissa wonder if the fans are having Metta do strange things like trying to escape and napping all over.
  • No, we're not. Metta is strange enough on his own.
  • Brandi got miffed that people were lying to her about being out of wine.
  • "Don't EVER lie to me about wine!"
  • The rest do actually want to limit her imbibing because she goes overboard.
  • She is apparently aptly named.
  • Ross feels left out because he invited everyone up to the HoH and no one came.
  • So, it's not just Keshia.
  • Marissa told him it's because they all pretty much know what is what.
  • Hmm.
  • They will play for veto today.  

Not a target

Do NOT lie about no wine left!

Rather mellow ... watch out!

Sir Naps-A-Lot

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Celebrity Big Brother: Live Feeds into Saturday Night, Nominations - 02/10

I really like the bathroom!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of D-List Doofuses:
  • It was a bad asthma attack that sent Omarosa off to the hospital. So, she didn't break a foot or anything.
  • I can see why she had it with the spinning/bowling comp. That would be rough on a person with breathing problems.
  • The other hamsters were kept in the dark about whether Omarosa would return to the house or not ... until she walked in late afternoon/early evening.
  • So, she's back.
  • Of course, it put a hitch in any strategic planning that might be going down.
  • Keshia thinks that the others threw the HoH comp to Ross. Metta denies it because Ross beat him and he (Metta) really wanted to win.
  • Oh, yeah. Now Metta wants to stay again.
  • James even called him out on flip-flopping on staying or going.
  • "I'm here to play."
  • Um. Okay ... Metta.
  • One thing I think Metta has spot on is that he told Keshia that he believes Omarosa is so upset because she can't control things -- in the house, no one can control things.
  • Yup, yup, yup. It's not quite The Apprentice.
  • Now Keshia says she wants to go home. She says she misses her daughter.
  • Last night she was worried that she would be the next eviction target.
  • We had lots of Critter Cam on and off.
  • Omarosa came back just to ...
  • ... be nominated for eviction.
  • Yes, the news is finally in.
  • Ross nominated Keshia and Omarosa for eviction.

Should I stay or should I go?

Chow down

What? A different cap for each day?

Make faces like no one is watching

Omarosa is back in da house

Celebrity Big Brother: Live Feeds into Saturday, HoH - Feb. 10

Bunny Cam!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Excruciating Egos:
  • No, I don't have any good screen caps (other than Bunny Cam!) for you as most of the time was indeed Critter Cam.
  • After the live show ended (on the west coast) we all saw the Omarosa we love to hate. Spitfire in that girl!
  • Metta thought he voted to keep Chuck when in actuality, the vote is to evict. He claims confusion, telling Omarosa and Keshia that he meant to vote with them.
  • At least, that's what he told them.
  • Keshia is as salty as Omarosa about the blindside, but certainly doesn't have quite Omarosa's flare for drama (despite the fact that she's the actress out of the two).
  • Ross tried to strike up a deal with Metta. Y'see, Metta still wants to go home. Ross told him he'd work with him to get him out within three days but Omarosa/Keshia would keep him until the final three.
  • Metta doesn't think they'd keep him in that long.
  • But, then again, he didn't realize there was a girls alliance.
  • He feels he was "disrespected" by all for not being sent home. So, now Metta wants to win HoH and put James and Shannon on the block.
  • Hmm.
  • Metta told Ross that, no matter what happens, if Ross makes it to the end, he has his vote.
  • Ross tried to remind him that it was Keshia who didn't nominate him (Metta), not Shannon or James.
  • Oh, well.
  • Metta claims not to be in any alliance, but does like those people Ross likes.
  • Ross warned him that Omarosa and Keshia will push him.
  • After Ross left the room, Metta turned to the camera and told us that he's glad he's not playing 100% but he would try to win HoH.
  • Brandi told Ross and Ari that Omarosa made a snide comment about the "white girls alliance."
  • I'm not sure if Omarosa said it or not -- I didn't see her say it. To be honest, I wouldn't put it past her to go there. But, maybe it's Brandi instigating. I just don't know.
  • Later on, Omarosa confronted Shannon about how she (Shannon) didn't want to be an "evil scheming b****." 
  • Oh my.
  • After Shannon tried to explain everything that went down from her own point of view, Omarosa still lit into her.
  • Now, THAT is Omarosa Mad and we all know from The Apprentice that it makes good TV but you don't want to live around that!
  • (It turns out we might not have to, but read on.)
  • Shannon told Ross, Brandi, Marissa and Ari that she had made an alliance on Day One with Omarosa and that's where she got information she shared with them.
  • But it's all over now!
  • Then we went into Critter Cam for hours and hours.
  • Ross won HoH! You go, Ross!
  • It sounds like it was the spinning and bowling comp.
  • Omarosa got hurt and had to go to the hospital. As of the time I'm getting this written up, she hasn't returned.
  • Marissa beat Omarosa in the comp while Ross beat Metta.
  • Ross told Marissa that, if someone within the alliance wins PoV, he won't want his nominations changed -- he doesn't want to backdoor anyone. He wants to be honest and straightforward about everything in the noms.
  • But ... who will he nominate?
  • They didn't say! And, now they're asleep.

Friday, February 09, 2018

Celebrity Big Brother: Friday Night Blog Party - Feb. 09

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be updating and live-blogging away the best I can. Refresh the post to get the latest news! For more information on how I'll be handling this season on the blog as well as the show schedule, check this post out. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- join on in!

And, yes ... it's two hours tonight. Eep. 

Julie is dressed better tonight -- no boxy big red dress! 

We start off with a recap. I expected that. It is indeed the first live eviction with PoV and eviction all included.

James thinks he was put up for no reason. How wrong can he be? Keshia, like Shannon before her, wants to target James. Chuck wouldn't have been Keshia's choice if he hadn't gone for the bag. Shannon hints to James that he's not the target in hopes that he won't try super hard to win the veto.

Mark told James that if he (Mark) wins veto, he'll use it to save him.

Omarosa told Keshia that seven people alliances on BB never work out and suggests BGM -- Black Girl Magic. In other words, an alliance between the two of them. Omarosa tells us that it's just a side alliance because she thinks her first ally, Shannon, has gotten a target on her back.

Random Veto Pick time --
Keshia, Chuck and James. Keshia gets Houseguest's Choice and goes for Shannon. James ends up with Ari. Chuck gets Mark. She chooses Omarosa to host the comp.

Mark foolishly tells Keshia he is thinking of saving James if he wins veto. Uh-oh. She then talks to Chuck.  

A segment with Julie about what they miss from home. Julie lets them in on a few happenings with a true/false headlines game. Nothing that will affect the game, but what about no information from the outside world? Hmm.

The Four Seasons Spiritual Spa is the set-up for the veto comp. It's a retrieving letters, spelling the longest word comp. There is a punishment for losers. Giant noses sneeze on them as they scramble about for letters.

Mark - SOME
Keshia - PRIMED
James - FAMIL
Chuck - SPANNED 

Ari and James get costumes. Shannon wins PoV!

Keshia wants Shannon to take Chuck down, put Mark up (because he said he'd use the veto to save James) and still target James. Ross doesn't think the plan makes sense, but would go with it.

Omarosa tells Shannon that she's only thinking for herself and not the alliance because Shannon wanted to talk to Chuck. Ah, a bit of Control-arosa has arrived! Ross is feeling left out because he thinks the women alliance might be dismissive of him. Cracks are forming. 

Brandi, who knows and "loves" Ross, is shocked. Yes, shocked, at how they're treating him. He goes on to talk to Marissa. Now she's questioning her alliance and feels she let down her community. Oh, tears flow quietly. Ross tells us that he will let them all underestimate him right up to the finale.  

Ari and James's punishment is to wear baby costumes and crawl instead of walk. Every time a baby crying is played, they have to suck their bottles.

Keshia tells Omarosa that she thinks James and Mark are more dangerous than Chuck in the game. They want Shannon to take Chuck down. Ross thinks that's bad for Shannon's game and tells her so.  

When Shannon goes to Keshia about it, Keshia is a bit abrupt and reminds her that they had all agreed. Omarosa and Keshia are pushing their BGM bit. Shannon is just getting all befuddled and frustrated. Brandi now seems to have declared (although not to anyone but us) Omarosa as her personal Public Enemy Number One. 

Shannon tells Omarosa that "someone" told her that using the veto would benefit Omarosa more than anyone else. Omarosa thinks it's Brandi and that the move is perfect -- taking Chuck down and putting Mark up. Oh, geez. Shannon cries and seems to agree with her.

Time for the veto meeting!
Of course, James is interrupted by the crying baby and must drink from his bottle.
James - Had a lot of fun, good sport, want to continue, did not use the bag, good ally.
Chuck - Like them, having fun, playing the game by going for the bag, good ally.

Shannon does NOT use the veto. Both Keshia and Omarosa look very displeased.  

Segment with commentary from Ian, Derrick, Nicole and Josh. 

Ross builds his alliance with Shannon. Neither of them trust Omarosa. Shannon would like to flip the vote and get James to work with her and Ross. Shannon brings Marissa, Ari and Brandi into the flip idea.  

To the living room for the live vote.
James - Humble and filled with gratitude 
Chuck - Great to get to know you all, will try to help others

The votes to evict:
Brandi - Chuck
Ari - Chuck
Omarosa - James
Ross - Chuck
Metta - Chuck
Marissa - Chuck
Shannon - Chuck
Mark - Chuck 

The flip worked. I personally LIKE Chuck more than I like James. I don't care for James at all. But it will throw more chaos into the game. That's always good. 

Omarosa and Keshia are shocked. Omarosa ran ahead to the door, giving him something and telling him it was from Omarosa. Hmm. 

All of the evicted hamsters will be on the jury. A big difference is that they aren't sequestered and can watch it all. He got sad goodbye messages. Everyone liked him. He was just in the wrong eviction chair at the wrong time.

Sunday will be the HoH/nominations show. Not sure when they'll actually play for it. But when I know, you'll know.

Celebrity Big Brother: Live Feeds into Friday Morning - 02/09

More observer of the game than player

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Superficial Celebs:
  • Dang. They keep going back and forth so much between evicting James or Chuck that it's hard to keep track of the latest.
  • On the feeds, I personally LIKE Chuck better. I'm finding James full of himself and annoying.
  • But keeping James in the house might be more interesting.
  • Would it be the best move for the hamsters? I dunno. James could very well be better at the comps than Chuck.
  • Keshia and Omarosa have fallen a bit out of favor with the rest of the house as they keep enjoying each other's company rather than putting themselves within the group.
  • The newest larger alliance is Shannon, Ross, Brandi, Ari, Marissa and Mark.
  • Um. Those aren't all girls!
  • Ross told Mark that Omarosa and Keshia wanted Shannon to use the veto to pull Chuck down and put him (Mark) up in Chuck's place. They wanted to do that because Mark had said that he might use the veto on James if he were to win it.
  • Nice seed planting there, Ross!
  • When Ross asked him who he wants in the final two, James didn't say. Bit he said he'd like three of the final four to be himself, Shannon and Ross.
  • Oh, yeah. The boy is a playah.
  • Lots of talk about Keshia going out next.
  • But they still don't seem to have their minds made up James versus Chuck!
  • Meanwhile, Metta is just sitting back and smiling.

Distracting Chuck

So much for the girls alliance

Worried about Chuck

I predict neither of these for the win

Celebrity Big Brother: Live Feeds into Thursday Night - Feb. 8

If the ears fit, wear them

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Wannabe Celebrities:
  •  Just to catch you up a bit, PoV was already played (not on the feeds) -- Shannon won it, did not use it. Chuck and James remain on the block.
  • Of course, the PoV win only serves to prove James's claim that she's a dangerous competitor.
  • The abbreviated backyard of this abbreviated season was shut down not long after some got up for the day.
  • Brandi doesn't remember being drunk and obnoxious.
  • She apologized to Mark for her behavior, still not remembering it (of course) but told him the others told her.
  • @@
  • There was a lockdown with puppy cam.
  • When they came back in, they now have a media room where they can send messages, but not receive them.
  • Um. Okay.
  • James told Omarosa he feels he was targeted for something he didn't do on the first day (before the live feeds). Something about a bag or moving a bag ... not the swag bags. It sounds like he moved someone's BB bag or, at least was blamed for moving it.
  • Omarosa and Keshia talked about James's behavior.
  • Chuck and Shannon eavesdropped on them.
  • Omarosa and Keshia also later talked about Shannon and how she was putting a target on her back by boasting her BB superfan status.
  • Omarosa has watched all 19 seasons. I wonder if she watched live feeds?
  • Metta still wants to go home.
  • But, no. He won't self-evict.
  • Shannon and Ross plan to split up from the girls alliance ... maybe sooner rather than later.
  • Yes, some cracks are appearing in the girls alliance.
  • Keshia and Omarosa have a final two plan. Ross and Shannon are in an alliance. 
  • Shannon is worried that Chuck might win the next HoH (since the target is James this week).
  • So, she talks to James about trying to flip the vote.
  • Hmm.
  • She thinks James will work with them. But Ross isn't keen on the idea.
  • Keshia wanted a meeting in the HoH room and Brandi blew her off.
  • James told Shannon he wants Keshia out. Shannon told him she also wants Keshia out.
  • And on it goes. 

I feel your pain, Ross

Omarosa being athletic

He thinks he was targeted from Day 1

Are they disrespecting the HoH?

Thursday, February 08, 2018

Celebrity Big Brother: February 8 Episode Blog Party

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be updating and live-blogging away the best I can. Refresh the post to get the latest news! For more information on how I'll be handling this season on the blog as well as the show schedule, check this post out. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- join on in!

The gift bags won't come into play until nominations. Then the HG who wants to open his or her bag goes to the Diary Room to open it. If someone dethrones the HoH, he/she must make immediate nominations.

(Sorry, I'm a bit distracted tonight.)

The women are scheming about opening all of their bags to optimize their chances to keep HoH.

James is wanting to work with Chuck. They knew each other prior to the show.

Mark tells Shannon that the biggest threats in the house are James ... and her. Well, um. That wasn't too bright. Meanwhile, she runs and tells Ross about what Mark said. She thinks he (Ross) would work well with the girls, perhaps even be a spy for them. Ross is open to it -- he knows the numbers are there.

Chuck knows that he needs to get closer to the women at this point. James remains quite full of himself. Chuck lets the girls give him a facial. Metta lets them do his fingernails.

The guys are trying to convince Mark that he needs to use his bag. Chuck points out that no way will the women do anything but put two guys on the block. 

Omarosa tells Shannon that she lost hundreds of friends by being loyal to one. Keshia thinks that Omarosa's loyalty to He Whose Name Will Not Be Mentioned On This Blog. Omarosa tells Keshia that many black folks felt the same way about Cosby and those who remained friends with him. Oy. 

James approaches Shannon after Chuck did. In the conversation with Chuck, it was evident that there is a guys alliance. James denies it when she asks. He again tells Shannon she's a threat. Silly James. 

Metta tells Shannon he wants her to nominate him -- he misses his wife and kids. He thinks he made a big mistake coming on the show. She tells us that sending him out wouldn't be the best move for her, but she now knows he won't use his gift bag. 

Heh. Ross is "doing investigation journalism" for "you all." He gets Omarosa to open up about her time on The Apprentice and in the White House. She cries. Real tears? Ross isn't sure and neither am I. I will say I've been impressed on how she's doing in the house versus what I saw of her on The Apprentice. She tells Ross things aren't okay and won't be okay in the White House and also says she would never vote for "him" again. Oh my.

The girls decide James and Mark as a pawn.

Shannon gets Mark to agree not to use his bag, she'll keep him safe no matter what. She tells James they need a pawn and want him to not use the bag. He says he doesn't want to wear a silly costume anyway. Keshia thinks they should put Chuck and James up if someone uses the bag, claiming they broke the deal.

Uh-oh! Chuck goes for the bag!  Brandi, the other girls and Ross all go for them so there is a random draw by BB. 

All go to the living room. They each drew a colored chip in the Diary Room. BB chose Orange. It's not Ross as his was the only one shown and it was red. 

Nominations Today!
KESHIA has the Orange chip! She takes over HoH. She nominates James and Chuck.  

Since the power was used, the gift bag twist is over. Shannon is pleased -- no blood on her hands. 

Celebrity BB: Live Feeds into Thursday Morning 2/08

They got the yard
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Pseudo-Celebrities:
  • Although all seemed to be doing okay on the live feeds previews we saw, it seems a bit of heck has broken loose in the house.
  • And, it wasn't Omarosa.
  • Although we could see on the televised premiere last night that Brandi might have a problem with alcohol, they really hadn't had much since that night. And that was filmed about a week ago. 
  • They had some leading into the start of the live feeds last night.
  • Oopsie!
  • Keshia and Chuck commented at different times that all had been going smoothly ... until "tonight." 
  • To me, it looked like Brandi was playing to the cameras just as much as she was tipsy, if not more.
  • I'm glad I never watch the Housewives shows. I don't care for her. She can go away.
  • They played charades until about the time the yard opened up.
  • While Metta seems to like his alone time, he gets along with the others.
  • Metta did the dishes and told them it was out of appreciation.
  • Hmm ... Brandi had said the guys hate Shannon and will be putting her on the block.
  • Brandi creeped me out as she drunkenly (for cameras?) told her she would take her clothes off to prove what she's saying and other stuff.
  • Say what? 
  • She also had a rather lewd act with a squash.
  • She must have said something about someone's nose looking Jewish, too. Chuck and James were talking about that. 
  • Chuck mentioned that they all agreed not to get racial, etc.
  • Metta played in the indoor hot tub. He was actually kind of fun to watch. He thought the pink flamingo inflatable toys were ducks and had them fight. Nothing like watching a huge dude play in the tub with his "duckies."
  • Chuck and James think all of Brandi's antics are due to the live feeders audience now being there.
  • I think so, too. But I also think she's trash and needs to go away.
  • I noticed that these folks, whether because they're older on the whole or just because they're a bit used to the public eye, don't cuss as much as regular hamsters. 

Chilly out there?

Hugging it out

Forgive Brandi? Hmm

Cool fireplace addition in the yard

Metta plays with "ducks" in the hot tub

Wednesday, February 07, 2018

The Amazing Race 30: February 7 Blog Party

Ready for two hours of this? Oy! I'll be live blogging the major happenings the best I can as they air here on the East Coast. But the real party is in the comments area -- come join in on the fun!

The Left Coast Lovely SqueeGee SueGee has updated the blog pool --  

#TeamBigBrother (Cody & Jessica)    DeLee, ChicMc, Megan H
#TeamExtreme (Kristi & Jen)    Janice from GA/FL, Kristen From Ohio
#TeamFirefighters (Eric & Daniel)    Judi Sweeney, Indiana Jane
#TeamIndyCar (Alex & Conor)    SueGee, Brian, Brenda
#TeamOceanRescue (Lucas & Brittany)    Donna in FL, Glenn Allen
#TeamYale (Henry & Evan)    Jackie, Ed in Ohio

#TeamRingGirls (Dessie & Kayla)   
#TeamGoatYoga (April & Sarah)    Sharon N, Merrilee

#TeamSlamDunk (Cedric & Shawn)    Nickelpeed, Willie in NC
#TeamChomp (Joey & Tim)    David, Chrob61, tbc 
#TeamWellStrung (Trevor & Chris)    Fred aka TwoBlackAces, Petals 

Are we ready? Yep! Let's get this show ON!

Teams are heading to Zimbabwe. They are at a Wildlife and Rhino Conservatory. Each team must build their own tent. Cody gets his tent done first. Jessica wasn't really any help.

Phil wakes them all up before dawn. He tells them they will partner swap and we get a commercial. Since Cody's tent was first, he chooses to swap with the Ski Gals because they're the strongest. Ocean goes with IndyCar. Yale gets the twins. They split up within that. 

Must take a raft out looking for canteens containing their next clue. From there they go to a ranger tower.

Detour: Rhino Track or Bushwhack. The rhinos horns have been removed already by the staff so poachers leave them alone. They must retrieve poaching clues or gather water. Neither Jess nor Kristi can drive a stick shift, so they can't do Bushwhack. 

Cody and Jen are through the Detour first and are on their way to the Pit Stop.

They get to the Pit Stop first but Phil tells them they need to wait for their teammates. Alex and Brittany arrive next. Lucas and Conor arrive. The partner swap is over and the race is still on. They get their next clue.

The teams are heading to the capital of Zimbabwe. 

Double U-Turn -- Indy U-Turned Yale, Ocean U-Turned Jody.

Delivering mail or delivering tires. 

From there, it's onto: Must learn a song and perform a local dance. Kristi and Jen are in the lead. Because singing the song is so hard, both U-Turned teams caught up and all are trying the song. Ocean gets through it first.

Pit Stop:
1. Lucas and Brittany - won trip to St. Lucia 
2. Kristi and Jen
3. Alex and Conor
4. Henry and Evan
5. Jessica and Cody
6. Eric and Daniel -- Philiminated

Celebrity Big Brother: Season Premiere Blog Party

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be updating and live-blogging away the best I can. Refresh the post to get the latest news! For more information on how I'll be handling this season on the blog as well as the show schedule, check my last post out. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- join on in!

Since the season is so short, I'm not going to have a blog pool going for this one. 

Not sure if big boxy red dresses are best for Julie Chen. We're into the intros. Metta World Peace hasn't a clue about the show.  Man, they're dragging this out. Brandi, Metta, Ross, Mark, Ari go in first.

Shannon is a BB superfan. Hmm. Marissa's SON is the BB superfan. Omarosa is also a self-proclaimed BB superfan.

Finally, 20 minutes into the hour-long show, all the celeb hamsters are in the house. Interesting ... Shannon and Marissa are friends outside the house.

Brandi doesn't like "pretty boys." And Pretty Boy James doesn't like her.

Shannon and Omarosa scheme for a womens alliance along with Marissa. They go after the other women to join in. There are six women and five men. They have the numbers.

HoH competition! They're all dressed in tuxes. Award to "sexiest hg not on the block" -- it's a random pick by where one chooses to stand. Omarosa wins safety for the week and cannot compete.

Award Squeezin' - must squeeze hug their trophies, hang on tight. It's kind of like the hot dog holding comps in the past. The trophies raise. They're wearing goggles -- I'm anticipating a reason for that. 

Oh geez, it's into a song and dance around them with Paul, then Rachel, Jess and Cody in the audience. No, Paul can't sing. Eek. Jesse, Mr. Pectacular.

Marissa falls.

Then the rain starts.  Metta is out. 

Now goop is on them. Mark is down. Ross is out. Chuck is down. Ari is down. Keshia is down, then Brandi.

James tries for a deal with Shannon even though he's the shakier of the remaining two hanging. James slips! 

Shannon is the first HoH of the season!

They have to go into the house and each needs to grab a gift bag. And, we get a commercial. 

Julie tells them that Shannon is HOH for now. Someone's bag will allow them to recast and take over the role of HoH. And, it's "goodnight houseguests."