Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds, PoV Winner - Feb. 6

Orwell slept with Tom, but kept tux on

Here's the latest from inside that Celebrity BB House of Blocked Live Feeds:
  • No matter how much he tries to mix and mingle in the house, Tom remains just about shunned by the others.
  • Sure, they'll small talk a little with him.
  • Since Kato left, Tom's only true ally is Orwell the Owl.
  • But even Orwell won't disrobe and sleep under the covers with him.
  • Tom's girlfriend must appreciate that!
  • It turns out that the cost Lolo was talking for her health insurance is twenty grand a year. Eep. Of course, it's due to the risks an Olympic athlete takes, but still.
  • BB woke them up very early -- before 8am their time -- today, supposedly telling them they would have an "event" in the morning.
  • Hmm. Event = blocked live feeds.
  • It seems like most of the chamsters are a bit under the weather with headaches and overall not feeling well.
  • Now, it could be the stress and/or not seeing the sky for so many days. Their backyard is actually inside. Poor babies. They're each getting a couple hundred grand for this. They'll live.
  • Lolo, already giving Tom shade every minute, apparently didn't get picked to play for veto. That's his fault, of course.
  • The feeds were first blocked for the "event" and then for the veto comp.
  • TOM won the Power of Veto.
  • He may have no allies other than Orwell, but he holds all the power right now.
  • Ricky thinks Tom will keep the nominations the same -- himself and Natalie.
  • Lolo is still super-ultra-uber paranoid that Tom will put her on the block.
  • Tamar started screaming at Tom about threatening her. Umm. No, he didn't.
  • Then we get another long feeds block. Under an hour, but sheesh.
  • Now, Kandi, Tamar and Lolo keep talking about Tom "threatening" them. I'm seeing no such thing. He's playing the game. He wants to talk and try to keep his own butt in the house. Before they thought he and Kato were bullying them. I'm honestly not seeing any bullying or threatening.
  • Telling someone you're considering putting them on the block isn't threatening any more than asking someone to pay money owed or you'll take them to court.
  • When the feeds returned, Tom was chilling by himself.
  • Well, I think Orwell was with him.
  • His target is Ricky out this week.
  • However, he obviously hasn't got a voting block. So, who knows?

Tom chills

A different look every hour

Then there's the Unibomber look

Dina's the Hat Lady

Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds, Nominations - Feb. 5

My choice for best final two partner

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Celebrity Sillies:
  • Why Dina for final two? She hasn't done much at all. She's not hated. Anyone against her will win.
  • Well, perhaps anyone but Tom.
  • However, I'm accepting the fact that he's very unlikely to get to the end at this point.
  • He is, though, head of household this week (two days).
  • He did his routine of talking to everyone although I do believe his mind was pretty much made up ahead of time.
  • He tried for deals with people.
  • He hinted to Lolo that he doesn't want to nominate her, but it's possible if someone uses the veto, she would go up.
  • Ricky agreed to promises of keeping Tom safe, but he isn't to be trusted and Tom knows that.
  • Tamar, remember the Drama Mama? Well, she is playing so good right now. She thought to not offend Tom or Kato previously and got Kandi in with her on it. She also on the surface gets along with Lolo, Natalie and Ricky. Without even a double agent act, she has both sides thinking she will work with them.
  • In actuality, I think the only thing she wants is for herself and Kandi get to the final two and then the win.
  • Tom knows he's grasping straws and, with Kato out, no one will really support him in the game.
  • After talking with everyone, it was time for nominations.
  • He nominated Ricky and Natalie.
  • Not unexpected. 
  • Lolo is more bent out of shape than either of the actual nominees. Tom had said something to her about how he doesn't really need the money and he knows she does because she mentioned needing money for health insurance and such. 
  • How dare he! He's tromping on her Olympic dreams! Don't even go there!
  • Never mind that I already reported that she said the insurance thing days ago. Apparently she can use it to plead her need for the win. But Tom can't use it to not put her on the block.
  • So, she's pushing how evil Tom is and now has Natalie agreeing on his evilness.
  • What about Ricky?
  • "It's a game. We're on the block. One of us will go home. The other two will remain to work on winning."
  • And on it goes ...

We should have kept Kato!

Tom is so evil!

Leave my Olympic dreams out of this!

Currently playing the best game

Expected the block, got the block

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds, HoH into Tuesday - Feb. 5

Someone's in the kitchen with Dina

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Late Night HoH:

  • Once again, the feeds were blocked for a number of hours after the live eviction show.
  • Yep, it was the HoH comp we weren't allowed to see.
  • When they came back on, Tom had a tux on from the comp.
  • They were talking about Omarosa -- she apparently hosted the HoH comp, but I'm not sure what they actually did.
  • The big news is that TOM is the new HoH!
  • That's good and bad, y'see.
  • If he didn't win, he'd likely go home next.
  • However, since he did win, he can't compete for the next HoH and is likely to go home. He only bought a couple days.
  • While I think he's most deserving (either him or Tamar of those left in the house) to win, from the talk I've been seeing they are treating the show like a popularity contest. It seems like if he makes the final two, they'd vote for whoever wasn't Tom.
  • Oh, well.

Tom rereads his HoH letter

Monday, February 04, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Eviction, Etc. Show Blog Party - Feb. 4

I don't know how they're going to fit everything into an hour! Let's see … the last aired show ended at the eviction of Joey. That means that we will have the HoH comp (taped the other day), nominations (yesterday in real life) plus the veto comp (which hasn't happened yet so that should be live) and live eviction. Oh my.

Here's the latest update on Lifeguard Glenn's blog pool --

Glenn - Natalie Eva Marie
SueGee - Natalie Eva Marie
Donna NY - Dina
Kelsey NY - Kato
Jennasmom - Tom
Bizaro22 - Kandi
Cheryl in NC - Lolo
Jennifer - Ricky
Monty924 - Tamar
Marthalight - Tom
Joyce Johnson - Dina
Dr Celine - Kato
Merrilee - Natalie Eva Marie
Brian - Tom
Ayana - Kandi
CaelaXO - Lolo
Fred AKA Two Aces - Ricky
Janice - Tamar
Skyriver Blue - Lolo
Cherry Pie - Kato
Karen in CA - Kato
Judi Sweeney - Tom
Donna in FL - Kandi
Sharon N - Lolo
Alicia in Tx - Tamar
David - Dina
Renee Buck/Renee from NJ - Ricky
Jenna G - Natalie Eva Marie

Chamster watchers ready?

Ah, Julie is wearing royal blue tonight -- my favorite color and it looks good on her! We're into Previously on …

I like how they say LIVE when the HoH was indeed played after the live show on Friday. 

Julie tells us although the vote was unanimous, the house is far from united. Tamar tells us that she couldn't vote out Kandi because they recently made up. She's also worried that she's the lowest in the alliance and needs allies. It turns out that the girls were going to keep Joey but it was Tamar switching it up last minute. They knew they didn't have enough votes without her, so they ended up voting Joey (which is what Tom/Kato wanted).

Tamar doesn't trust Natalie or Lolo and wants to keep Kandi on her side. She also wants the others to focus on Tom and Kato. She doesn't want Kandi (or herself) making waves and becoming targets.

HoH time. Tom, outgoing HoH, can't compete. So, he and Kato need Kato to win. Picture Imperfect, find something wrong with BB's favorite magazine covers. It's a face-off kind of comp. Three covers to see.

Random draw Ricky and Tamar - Ricky out.

Tamar chooses Kato and Kandi to face-off. Kandi out.
Kato chooses Lolo and Natalie - Natalie out.
Lolo chooses Dina and Kato - Dina out.
Tamar and Lolo - Lolo out.
Tamar and Kato - TAMAR WINS HOH!! Of course, she's happily dramatic about it.

Nominations ceremony -- Tamar nominates Kato, then Tom. She says Kato is a big threat, Tom is a threat. Not personal, it's a game.

She tells us she knows she needs to get rid of some of her shade-mates, roommates. She tells Kandi that she would put up Natalie or Lolo if one gets pulled off. Kandi is already scheming for a Natalie gone if one of the guys come down. Dina and Kandi are with Tamar. 

Live veto comp -- Lolo, Dina and Kandi are the additional three.

They have to watch the stage for a special performance. It's GALLAGHER the comedian! I didn't know he was still around! Yes, he's smashing food. He was Blue Man Group before they were blue!

They will be asked questions on the performance. Smashing Success. True or False questions. One point for every right answer. Seven questions. Most points win.

1. All right
2. Tamar, Dina, Lolo and Kandi right
3. All right
4. Tom wrong again, all the rest right.
5. Lolo, Tamar and Kato right
6. Lolo only one right, has six points
7. LOLO wins PoV

Hmm … from the talk after the comp, some are confusing Gallagher with Carrot Top. Sigh. I feel old.

Veto meeting time. Lolo does not use the veto. 

Julie says she can't tell them who won the Superbowl. She then tells them the power awarded one person has now expired and went unused.

Live vote and eviction --
Tom - Amazing seeing Gallagher. Lot of fun, thanks people. Crazy, haven't been outside in over 20 days. Cheering for you all, especially Kato.
Kato - What Tom said. Carl Reiner wrote Enter Laughing. I will exit laughing, had so much fun. Thanks, loyalty is key, loyal to Tom. Vote with your heart.

The votes to evict:
Ricky - Kato
Kandi - Kato
Dina - Kato
Lolo - Kato
Natalie - Kato

Lolo blew it that they knew the Superbowl winner. (They had a party yesterday.)

Kato is gonzo. Sigh. I liked the dude.

Sunday, February 03, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds, Nominations - Sunday, Feb. 3

A different look every half-hour!

Here's the latest from inside that Celebrity BB House of Froot Loop Dinguses:

  • For the most part, today's been a bit of a day off so far for them.
  • Sure, the screen in the living room read "Nominations Today" but that could have all been predicted the moment Tamar became HoH.
  • Yep, she put Tom and Kato on the block.
  • No surprise there.
  • Before the nominations Tom wanted to talk to a producer to tell Tamar she can't lie in her nominations speech.
  • He still has a bug up his bonnet about being called a bully.
  • He didn't get to talk to them and it wouldn't have made any difference if he did.
  • They can say whatever they want.
  • It's Big Brother, not Truth or Dare.
  • BB threw them a little Superbowl party with cupcakes and a card which said Rams and Patriots.
  • Isn't that going against the rules of outside news?
  • Hmm.
  • Not too much going on. They seem to think the veto comp might be tonight.
  • With the wacky schedule, I'm lucky to know when the shows air on television!

Finally not on the block

Tom mingles

Kato makes a show with Snapchat glasses