Friday, August 02, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds into Friday - August 2

Game on!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Flailing Ferrets:
  • Are the show fans finally going to get a real reprieve?
  • It looks like we are!
  • Bur first … if you have the time to do so, make sure you watch the YouTube video I posted on my last update. It explains the chaos leading into last night's live show. Make popcorn.
  • If you missed the news, JESSICA won HoH.
  • And, thanks to much which was revealed in that hour of chaos, people know a lot more of what's really going on in the house.
  • As a result of more knowledge, it looks like Cliff's Angels -- Cliff, Nicole, Jess and Kat -- are ready to actually play Big Brother.
  • Knowledge is power, after all.
  • Part of why this report is so late is that, since I slept during the overnight, I ended up watching their long, long strategy talk this morning.
  • Finally! It seems to be game on!
  • They plan on including Nick as a peripheral, but he's not really a part of their group.
  • Oh, by the way, they formed Cliff's Angels as a take-off on Charlie's Angels last week. But they really were clueless about much going on, so they really were out of the loop.
  • Jess wants to target the Jacks. The Angels all agree they're good targets.
  • She seems to prefer Jack out over Jackson out. 
  • If she puts them up and one gets saved, they think Analyse because she keeps saying she wants to go home and she has been rude and lying to them a lot.
  • Both Kat and Cliff were very quick to speak up not to nominate Christie. Supposedly, Kat "loves" Christie. And, we know that Christie and Cliff are working together to an extent. But, of course, Cliff didn't admit that to them.
  • As an extension of Christie, Tommy is also off the table for nomination. They all recognize the Christie/Tommy power duo, but think they can be used right now to get either Jack or Jackson out because that would keep that particular blood off the hands of C/T.
  • In all of the talks about who knew whom before coming in the house during the chaos and leading into it, the ones who know each other best and are working together -- Christie and Tommy -- are still a secret.
  • They talked about having Christie not use her power if they tell her that she and Tommy are safe. She has been having some issues with Analyse, so they think that's acceptable.
  • It's the last week of Christie's power. I'm not sure if she won't use it even with safety promises. Of course, she could turn it into some kind of drama.
  • Kat was also quite forward about wanting to keep Holly safe. She's denying the aspersions cast that they know each other but …!
  • Although Kat and Holly had a bit of a kerfuffle about Kat referring to Jackson as disrespectful to women and aggressive -- Holly told her she shouldn't say those things because they're on TV (yet she's had sex on TV with him @@) and you don't want to ruin his reputation, Kat is in Holly's corner. 
  • I say, "Too late for that and he did it to himself."
  • That said, the others aren't too bothered by Holly in the house. It's Jackson that bothers them.
  • And Jack.
  • They even discussed how they don't want "them" gathering together in the Have Not room if Jess has to nominate Have Nots.
  • Cliff suggested the first three out of the HoH comp which would include himself, Analyse and Nick -- none of them have been Have Nots before, so two good reasons.
  • Apparently, had Jess not won the comp, Nicole would have, She came in second.
  • Oh, and Jack cried while off all alone in a bed.
  • Poor sad Jack.
  • I think we're getting some satisfaction this week.
  • I hope.
  • Nominations will be later today.

Who woulda thunk it that she'd be the one?

Will he indeed stop running to Christie?

What comes around goes around, Jack.

Trying to protect Holly. but not the Jacks

The pact is made. Done and done.

BB21: Mysterious Live Feeds "Leak" Before the Show - Aug. 1

I interrupt your regularly scheduled blog post to bring you the following video. I will post an update a bit later, but thought y'all might be interested in this. I don't know for sure if the video will remain up. I don't know if it's a "leak" by the production team or not, but suspect it is. It's a shame they blocked us from seeing this drama on the feeds yesterday! Language alert!

Thursday, August 01, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds Bulletin - HoH Winner - August 1

As I predicted, the comp was blocked to the live feeds. I really don't like this practice of doing that this season. They returned about an hour and twenty minutes after the show ended. And, we have a new HoH.

So … who won HoH? Hold onto your glasses and weaves now.


Well, that's different. But I don't have any real high hopes.

BB21: Live Eviction, HoH Show Blog Party - August 1

Tonight we should see either Kat or Sam go home. Sigh. We should also find out more about that field trip that fans will be voting on. And, thankfully, we won't have an extra two and a half hours on top of the live eviction show like I did last week blogging the endurance comp. As far as I know, the comp will conclude within the show.

Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool and you can find your hamster right at this link.

I'll be live blogging and updating this entry with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest update! As always, the real party is in the comments. I hope to see you there!

Julie tells us that the past hour (blocked to live feeds) has been wild in the house with all kinds of accusations. She said she's not sure how anything is going. Hmm. Then we're into the Previously On.

Uh-oh. He said the battle for power begins again. I certainly hope it ends by the end of the show!

Back to Julie, she says the Six Shooters haven't turned on each other … until tonight. The early clips now focus on Sam being likely to go home. Sam thinks Analyse is a vote for him to stay. She tells us if there's any way to save Sam, she would.

Poor Tommy and Christie's poison ivy. Oh, now the calamine has cured them and they can finally go outside!

Kat has been working with Holly and decides it's time to get Holly to split with the Six. Kat tells on Christie's plan not to go to the final four with couples. Now Holly is concerned that Christie is getting into alliances with others. So Holly goes to Analyse with Christie suspicions. Deals with CLiff and such are the fodder, along with Christie making all the decisions for everyone.

Cliff is working on Christie to get her going on splitting up the couples. (Thusly proving Holly's concerns.) 

Julie tells us Sam takes a last ditch effort to break up the couples because he has nothing to lose. He runs to Jackson/Holly about the conversation regarding Cliff and Christie going after them and Jack. Sam says it would be beneficial if he stayed. Jackson asks him if he'd be willing to work with him and Holly if he stays. So, now the editing is turning towards Sam staying.

Of course, Holly is reluctant because she's working with Kat, unknown to all. Now, she doesn't have a vote tonight, but Jack/Jackson do. The Jacks meet and Jackson tells Jack about the Christie/Cliff news.

To the living room live. Julie congratulates them on making it to 44 days. She asks Cliff about being away from his wife. He gets a bit teary saying he misses her. Nicole, dealing with being locked away. Tough, but new different family. Now to Tommy with his little dance routine he taught them all. We get clips and this is just filler fluff. It's not like the show has been getting bad press not addressed or anything.

To the living room again for the live vote:
Kat - Confident about being a woman, sometimes in BB it can't be, hope her parents see she's the strong woman, can be nice and win.
Sam - Shout out to wife and kids, Daddy's coming home. Didn't come in to babysit, I came in drama free nothing to do with me, love ya all.

The votes to evict:

Christie - Sam
Nicole - Sam
Jackson - Sam
To commercial …
Jack - Sam
Nick - Sam
Analyse - Sam
Jess - Sam
Cliff - Sam
Tommy - Sam

Sheeple! Although I know Sam told Nicole to vote with the house.

Julie tells Sam that he was actually safe and they planned to keep him at 3pm their time today but then all heck broke loose. He says that Kat cried more than he did and maybe he should have played pity party. He gets nice goodbye messages from Nick, Nicole, Cliff and Holly -- she tells him she has a final two with Kat. 

The field trip eight days of voting, special competition. Winner safe that week, second place a punishment, third person on the block as a third nominee. It would all go down for the eviction the week after next. Voting live at the CBS BB website.

HoH comp begins. It will obviously run over after the show as it's five minutes to go. Camp Expo. Kiosks with ads for many camps, head to booths, series of true or false questions. Wrong, eliminated. Their study time begins now.

Good luck and goodnight from Julie. Sunday the HoH will be announced plus what happened before the show tonight with the chaos.

I don't think they're going to air this on the live feeds, but when I find out that or who won HoH, I'll post. I think it's going to blocked, though.

BB21: Live Feeds into Thursday - August 1

He's losing the loser spotlight to Jackson

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Sleazy Squirrels:
  • I feel like I must be some kind of prude or something.
  • Y'see, putting the racist issues and any bullying aside, it's really bothering me that so many in the house are so quick to have sex, mostly unprotected, when they don't really know each other, have no plans of long term relationships and THEY'RE ON CAMERA TO THE WORLD.
  • I do like Kat, for example. But … before the feeds went on, she went ahead and had a single bout of unprotected sex with Jackson (with basically a stranger) and now she's worried she might be pregnant. 
  • Gah.
  • BB supplies them with condoms event. Oh, but the "boys" don't want to use them.
  • @@
  • The HoH shower should be closed off and disinfected.
  • Dang, it makes me wish for the olden days of Howie's Jack Shack. At least that wasn't something that might affect the rest of someone's life.
  • Moving on …
  • This big alliance is just a hot mess. Thinking of Level 6 last season, that worked because they maintained confidences, weren't blatantly hanging out together (although this season the outsiders are still in the dark because they're just that bad at the game) and were loyal to each other.
  • This year we have people wanting in on the Six -- Cliff, Sam, Nick (back in for him) and Jess. The only one who's totally out and doesn't want in is Nicole. Therefore, she must be dangerous. Kat is a peripheral -- not in, but not out with all of the six.
  • The six have people who know each other from before the show -- Christy/Tommy and Holly/Jackson (to an extent, on Instagram).
  • Holly MIGHT have more loyalty to her peripheral knew (but not closely) before the season online buddy Kat.
  • I think we just might need flowcharts to try to keep track of who's with whom. Level Six was plain old clear and simple … and none had a previous relationship of any kind.
  • In other news, Sam is sure he's the target, but he's not going to go down without blowing up the game of whomever he can.
  • That said, he told Nicole to go ahead and vote with the majority so the target doesn't intensify on her.
  • Of course, the majority doesn't usually include Nicole, so she has to hope Jess or Cliff might tell her or guess.
  • Sam told Holly and Jackson that Christie made some deal with Cliff the week of his HoH to target Jack and Jackson.
  • He even got the Jacks doubting their loyalty to each other.
  • Tommy's running around to everyone hasn't gone unnoticed.
  • Analyse is on the suspicion list for Holly/Jackson, too.
  • But Analyse is just basically clueless and not overly bright. Although she came close to winning the endurance comp, thinking just ain't her game.
  • Kat found out that Sam was hoping she'd freak out like she did when she was on the block before.
  • She has remained cool and sometimes even comedy relief throughout.
  • I can't say for sure, but it still looks like Sam will go tonight. Since he didn't play his own game and wanted to be in with the Six, I won't mind bidding him adieu. In another house, we could have had a contender.

They can't figure her out

But … but … I want to be in with the cool kids!

Sam's campaigning and seed-planting

Simply sleazy this season. Trashy indeed.