Tuesday, September 03, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds into Tuesday - September 3

Pawning his way through the game

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Dwindling Days:
  • Gosh, it's been so exciting in the house!
  • Er.
  • Or not.
  • They received the grill for the yard and Jackson decided he was the chef.
  • He burned the burgers.
  • He burned the buns.
  • He burned his hand.
  • Tommy and Christie actually think they have a chance to get Nicole to flip her vote, keeping Jess and evicting Cliff.
  • That's not going to happen.
  • While Nicole has really sucked in comps and played so few veto comps at all, she's sitting rather pretty right now with Cliff, Jackson and Holly.
  • Plus, Nicole has been saying for weeks she wants to target Tommy and Christie.
  • Why would she abandon what she has and work with people who would turn on her immediately?
  • Unless people cave and "house vote" once again (gah), I see it as a tie this week. Holly/Nicole vote out Jess, Tommy/Christie vote out Cliff. Then Jackson breaks the tie, voting out Jess in his big power move.
  • Yes, "power move" is sarcastic.
  • As far as I'm concerned, the only successful "big move" HoH of the season was Jess putting up Jackson/Jack and getting Jack out.
  • Back to Nicole sitting pretty …
  • She has a way with people. Although friends seem to be slim pickings, she has had Cliff in her camp all along (although he'd dump her in a second to further his own game). She's had Nick who, in the after-interviews, honestly seems to care deeply about her (not romantically). Now she seems to have Jackson under that same spell. While he doesn't look on her as a romantic kind of thing, he's having this brother/sister kind of relationship. I do think he also cares deeply about her -- and, in a more lasting way than his relationship with Holly will ever be.
  • After panicking last week that they're heading for a double eviction, they seem to not be thinking about that for this week.
  • Heh.
  • I just hope BB waits until the actual live show Julie announcement to clue them in!
  • Other than Jackson and Holly's breaking up/making up a few days ago, there have been no kerfuffles and definitely no brouhahas.
  • Everyone is getting along all too well.
  • It's boring.
  • And, there ya go. You too have now been bored.
  • You're welcome.

She'd be long gone if not for him

Like, y'know, like, I'm like on the like, block

Power duo. One needs to go.

Monday, September 02, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds Power of Veto Meeting Update - Sept. 2

The live feeds were blocked for the veto ceremony and a whole lotta minutes around it. As you recall, Tommy won the Power of Veto.

Of course, Tommy saved Christie with the veto. As he and Cliff had previously discussed, Jackson put Cliff on the block as a pawn against Jess (his target)

This was Jess's reaction after the meeting -- right here.

In other news -- Holly and Jackson broke up. Then Holly and Jackson made up.

Sunday, September 01, 2019

BB21: HoH Completion/Nominations Show Blog Party - Sept. 1

Tonight we get to see the completion of the "epic" HoH endurance comp which had its start (and, technically but not on the show, end) on Thursday evening. Then the new HoH will name the nominees of the week. Then we'll probably see a whole bunch of Diary Room clips each telling us how they HAVE to win PoV.

Since this is a show post and in real life the PoV comp is already history, I ask no spoilers that haven't been shown on the aired show.

I'll be live-blogging, updating this entry with the major events as they air here on the East Coast. Refresh this page to get the latest happenings! As always, the real party is in the comments section -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

Previously on ... like we just don't know, right?

Finally we open with the HoH comp going on. Nicole is tired of not winning. She wants to hold her weight in her group of four -- Cliff, Jackson and Holly. Ghosts are slamming into them, rain is coming down and they're getting slimed. Jackson would like to see either Nicole or Cliff win. He doesn't want Tommy to win. Christie is feeling confident and claims she doesn't need to win this HoH. Cliff doesn't think he can win, but would like Nicole to win. 

Now they're getting gassed with ice flashes. It sucks to be them, huh?

Jess is out first and makes an epic fall and yell as she goes down. It did look painful. But very funny! Cliff is the second one down. We could have predicted that. Christie just gives up.

The comp is down to Nicole, Jackson and Tommy. And we're into commercial.

Jackson tells us if Tommy goes down, he'll go down and let Nicole take it. Unfortunately, Nicole slips and goes down, leaving Tommy and Jackson to duke it out for the win. Nicole is in tears in the DR -- she really thought she could win this one and wants to see her family.

Jackson tells Tommy he's good (if he falls). Christie is still feeling all kinds of confident -- she'd rather Tommy win, but feels Jackson won't target her. Tommy ends up going down. Tommy points out to us that Jackson can't play HOH next week and the deal doesn't include Christie.


Jackson tells us he didn't want to win this HoH -- but didn't want Tommy to win it. He seems sincere about being in the alliance of four. Christie isn't so sure she's good with Jackson. Jackson is actually very consoling to Nicole. Nicole is upset that she contributes nothing to the group and feels she needs to "build her resume" in the game.

Jackson tells us he promised not to put Tommy up. He can't put up Holly, Nicole or Cliff. It only leaves Jess and Christie. Cliff thinks he himself would rather Tommy and Christie on the block.

Jess is feeling safe because Jackson is HoH. I say she's about as safe as she was in the wall comp just as she started to fall. 

Jackson tells Christie he's putting her on the block with Jess. Jess would be his target. He tries to convince her it's a good move -- their deal to use her as a pawn will be done, Jess is a mental threat to his game and blah-blah-blah. Christie cries to us.

Christie cries more to us. Nicole and Christie have a teary talk in the dark bedroom. Nicole and Christie cry and, of course, Tommy is the one to offer them comfort. Christie cries about crying. The BB voice announces, "Big Brother loves you." Gag me with a spoon please.

Holly tells us she thinks it's smarter to get Christie out rather than Jess. I agree with her. But Jackson didn't ask me. 

Cliff tells Holly and Jackson that if they need to put him up as a pawn if the veto is used. Jackson likes that idea.

Christie, the one who didn't think it important for her to win HoH and dropped just because, is upset that Tommy didn't win the comp. She's mad that he didn't include her in on the deal with Jackson for safety. After all, he's practically family! She thinks Jackson/Holly are working with Cliff./Nicole and tells Tommy that. He thinks it could be. (And it is.)

A segment on Cliff missing his wife and his love of dancing with her. And, the love he has for her. He would like to renew their wedding vows. Very sweet.

Jackson tells Jess he's terrified going up against her and Christie in upcoming memory comps. He loves her but there are two seats he has to fill. He starts talking numbers. He's skirting all around the core of his intent then blurts out that he probably will have to put up her and Christie. She's shocked. 

Christie goes up to the HOH room to suck up to Jackson. She asks if Jess wins the veto, who will go up? He tells her Cliff. She wants to make sure she (Christie) has the votes to stay. Jackson would have to break a tie if it happens. He tells her he wants to work with her. She tells us she knows he wouldn't keep her over Cliff. She tells him she trusts him. 

Time for the nominations ceremony. Jackson nominates Christie, then Jess. He tells them they have the greatest chance of beating, he loves them both and it's a game.

Tommy tells us he'll feel partially responsible if Christie leaves and he'll be along. Christie and Jess both say how they need to win veto. 

Saturday, August 31, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds Power of Veto Update - August 31

After a several hours long live feeds block for the Power of Veto comp, they returned. It was the Hide and Go Veto -- the one which has them tearing apart the house looking for the hidden vetoes. 

The one I thought would want to win the least won -- Tommy.

I have to suppose he feels obligated to save Christie. In that case it would probably be Cliff on the block as a pawn and Jess going home.

Perhaps Jackson can convince Tommy that there's no way Christie is going anyway (his target IS Jess) and then something can go awry and send Christie packing! Wishful thinking.

The house isn't AS messy as some years.

BB21: Live Feeds into Saturday - August 31

Am I crazy for holding out hope on her?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Froot Loops Doofuses:
  • I don't really have all that much to report.
  • As Jackson repeatedly said yesterday, he nominated Christie and Jess for eviction, with Jess being his target.
  • Of course, he didn't tell Jess that.
  • The nomination put Jess off into loops of crying jags and her "always the outsider" pouting.
  • It put Christie in the "manifesting her destiny" mode.
  • And, naturally, it gave Tommy the chance to go around being oh-so-concerned for everyone.
  • The only good thing about Jackson/Holly in power is that they do really seem to want to stick with the Cliff/Nicole final four.
  • One bad thing is that they're not intent on splitting up Tommy and Christie.
  • Amazing as it might seem, the Tommy/Christie pre-show known for years and years bit is still kept secret.
  • And, I consider it a very unfair advantage for them even though a few others slightly knew each other -- Kat/Holly for example.
  • Besides a mostly unlikable cast this season, we're seeing a move opposite of many past seasons -- they're SO into jury management. True, Paul probably should have won his seasons based on his game play, but the jury was turned off by the way he treated people. Now this crew is going the opposite direction. They're PANDERING to the jury -- especially Tommy.
  • Sigh.
  • Last night's live feeds weren't even jazzed up with a rare booze delivery, something we've seen very little of this season.
  • They played games.
  • The nominees fussed and cried, then tried to act all stoic about things.
  • The Power of Veto should be today.
  • It would be a hoot if Jess won it, wouldn't it?
  • Then we'd likely see Christie finally go home.
  • But, then again, Jess also does well at driving me a bit bonkers. I can listen to her ramble on for five or ten minutes and still not be sure what point she's trying to make.
  • I guess we'll see.

Always the outcast victim in her mind.

He can't be everyone's sympathetic friend forever.