Monday, August 17, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds PoV Meeting Brief - August 17


Well, how do you think it went? Memphis is the HoH. Memphis nominated two people for eviction. Memphis won the PoV. Will he change his own nominations by using the veto to save one of them?


Of course not.

Nicole A and David remain on the block.

BB22: Live Feeds into Monday - August 17


Kaysar needs to slow down and think

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Hapless Hamsters:

  • Yesterday brought about the reopening of the yard. In the daytime that tends to cut down game talk a bit as they all gather out there.
  • Ian continued to do his "plays" at BB's beck and call. His audience has grown tired. Thankfully, Da'vonne and Bayleigh still try to show some support.
  • Memphis is obviously not trying to win any friends here. He's become bullyish and showing his temper a bit much.
  • That said, I don't think he's ready for any big moves as far as changing the nominations.
  • While Memphis' gameplay doesn't surprise me, Dani's sure is.
  • Now, I realize that she has always had that mean girl streak in her.
  • But I thought she operated with common sense.
  • Janelle told Dani she would never vote her out or nominate her. She TOLD her that.
  • So, what does Dani do? She goes on a campaign bad-mouthing and scheming against Janelle to whomever will listen.
  • Two people I thought problematic in their own seasons have really upped their gameplay -- Bayleigh and Christmas.
  • Don't get me wrong -- Bayleigh's voice makes my ears hurt and Christmas talks way too much.
  • Bayleigh and Da'vonne should make note not to isolate themselves too much. When they are out mingling in the house, they both seem to be working their way in with others.
  • Christmas is being a hit with slop recipes and exercise routines.
  • I like that Bayleigh is working with Janelle.
  • Kaysar is tending to be too much too soon in his actual game talks with people. 
  • Nicole A is just sad. So many of the others talked about how the PoV comp was almost made for her to lose. It was more of a man's comp requiring upper-body and arms strength.
  • Huh. Sounds like it was made for Memphis!
  • It seems that, if nominations are not changed, it's likely that Nicole A will go home over David.
  • Part of that is her isolating herself and crying over the nomination.
  • A bigger part seems to be that Memphis doesn't care for her and both Dani and Nicole F have been trash-talking about her all along. Both refused to do Nicole's podcast; Nicole F because she hates the co-host and Dani just because she couldn't be bothered. Both have been mocking her and laughed about ghosting her pre-season.
  • Now, Janelle and Kaysar wanted to work with Nicole A. But Nicole would rather talk about nominating them.
  • Poor choices, just like she made last season.
  • The veto meeting will be sometime today.

Sure she's the one

Nominee chat time

I don't get Dani's gameplay

Have hammock, will lounge

Getting more obnoxious over time

Sunday, August 16, 2020

BB22: Nominations Show Blog Party - August 16


Well, at least we're not starting past 10pm ET like we did last week!

I'll be updating this post with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh this page to get the latest happenings! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the fun!

I'd like to remind everyone that, since this is an aired television show post and not a live feeds post -- PLEASE DO NOT POST SPOILERS FROM THE LIVE FEEDS IN THE COMMENTS HERE. Please stick to the live feeds reports for spoilers as the shows are a few days behind. People read the show posts and sometimes follow the show only. I end up with complaints about the spoilers. So, don't. Please!

Previously on yada-yada-yada. Let's get to new content!

We pick up with Julie telling them goodnight after the Memphis HoH win. He's beside himself with the win. Kevin is happy to still be in the house. While Dani is pleased with Memphis as HoH, others not so much. Many seem comfortable with him. But then there's David.

Memphis calls everyone to the living room for Have Not selection. Each exiting Have Not has to choose someone to take their place. Memphis picks David and told him to have fun. Ian looks for volunteers and Nicole F volunteers. Nicole A chooses Christmas because she thinks she will be cool with it. Kevin chooses Kaysar. 

Memphis and Cody talk targets. Is it too early to put up Janelle and Kaysar? Or, is it safer to go after Nicole?

Time for the race talk of the night. Da'vonne talks of the name-calling she endured for years because of the color of her skin. She feels she's even dark compared to others of color. In a talk with other hamsters, she touches on current events and Black Lives Matter.

Memphis is thinking of the Safety Suite. He can't play for HoH next week. He would like just him and Cody playing next week in the last Safety Suite. But he has to convince everyone else to play this week. Nicole F doesn't want to "waste" her one shot at it.

Nicole A goes to talk to Memphis. He claims he hasn't thought of nominations but he thinks she will be fine this week. Ian goes to talk to him. Memphis thinks he owes it to his old buddy Dan to take Ian out. Memphis suggests to Ian that everyone should play for Safety. Ian sees the ulterior motive in that.

Okay, the Safety Suite is now open. Kevin wants to go for it. Nicole A is wondering what would be the right thing to do. Even Tyler is seeing right through Memphis' ploy. Heh. 

David plays first. Lots of going back and forth for many. Da'vonne decides to play. Cody, Ian ... there's a rush at the last minute. Nicole A dawdled too long and is now wondering if she might have made an error she'll regret.

Ian asks Christmas if she wins it, will she save him? He promises he will do something down the line to help her. 

The comp is delivering drinks at the BB Bar. All the tables are wobbly ... and moving. Fastest time delivering all to the tables and ringing the bell wins.
David - 2.53
Cody - 2.44
Christmas - 1.38
Da'vonne - 8.41
Bayleigh - 2.48
Ian - 3.16
Kevin - 2.22

Christmas WINS! She is safe and follows through on her promise - IAN is also safe!
Ian will have a punishment but he's okay with that. Memphis now can't get revenge for Dan and nominate Ian. Too bad, so sad. Heh.

Into the pre-nom scrambling for favor. Christmas tells Memphis why she chose Ian as the Plus One -- not the real reason, mind you. She told him she did it to cover the alliance. 

Time for nominations. Memphis first nominates Nicole A, then David. He tells Nicole he chose her because she didn't play for safety. David -- You're at the grown-up table now, you're going to have to prove it.

BB22:Live Feeds, Power of Veto - August 16


Is that hat really necessary?

I think BB hates East Coast people. Yeah, it must. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Disgruntled Doggies:
  • Waiting for the Power of Veto comp to start was ridiculous. The hamsters thought it rough, they should try to live here!
  • We had one long feeds block with the adoptable animals.
  • But it wasn't the comp.
  • It was the first of Ian's Safety Suite Plus One punishment and we weren't allowed to see it.
  • But we did catch a few performances later on before the Veto comp played out (and blocked the feeds again).
  • Ian has been assigned four different vignettes from Big Brother Star Wars.
  • The first one we saw had him acting out three different roles in costume in a scene. I liked his robot the best.
  • The second scene, a long time after the first, he recruited a volunteer to help him -- Da'vonne jumped into the role of Baron Odious who gets killed by Ian's character. 
  • In another one, Nicole A helped him.
  • Ian had fun with it -- he always gets a kick out of the punishments. 
  • But I can see it wearing thin as it goes on for the week. He has to do the performances at BB's whim.
  • Even the audience grew tired of it.
  • But it's possible that waiting on the PoV comp to start affected their behavior.
  • It affected mine!
  • Finally, just shy of 3:30am my time, the PoV comp started.
  • When I got up not too many hours later, it finally ended.
  • Memphis won.
  • I don't know what he'll do with it. After all, he made the nominations as HoH. Will he want to alienate someone else?
  • But, then again ... Memphis is an odd unpredictable duck. You never know.

Thespian at large

And drama ensued

The literally captive audience

I can't win ANY comps!

Saturday, August 15, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds into Saturday Afternoon - August 15


I'm surprised Dani's not targeted

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Wayward Boys and Girls:
  • As I mentioned in my last update, Memphis put Nicole A and David on the block.
  • That had been his plan, along with Ian as a back-up if someone is saved with the veto.
  • The Ian bit is out the door as Christmas saved him with the Safety Suite Plus One.
  • I had mentioned that Memphis was irked about the save as (he claims) Nicole F had saved Ian from being a Have Not just that morning. I found out how she did that -- apparently this year the Have Nots each name someone to be a Have Not the next week. Ian was named and Nicole F stepped in to take his place.
  • Ain't that sweet?
  • It's about the only sweet thing she's done this season!
  • Anyway ... back to the nominees ...
  • Nicole cried some and is upset because she thought that Memphis wasn't going to nominate her after their pre-nomination talk. She told the others that Memphis did not encourage her to play in the Safety Suite while he's going around telling people that he told her she should play. Her tale is the truth. Eventually she turned back into her little I CAN DO THIS persona.
  • Then there's David.
  • He says he's more upset about the words Memphis used ... for the second time in a day ... than being nominated. After all, he's 30 years old and a grown man! 
  • I found out in a later conversation David was having with Christmas that Memphis told him during nominations that he wanted to sit at the grown-ups table so there you go. And, apparently he made a similar reference about David not being worthy of All Star in the Have Not ceremony.
  • That triggered all kinds of inadequacies for David. From what he is saying to others, he has always felt to be an outsider and not a part of any group either due to being Black or just plain old being David.
  • From their conversations throughout the house, it sounds like everyone except Memphis think that Memphis was rude, harsh and it was uncalled for.
  • So, David cried some, too. Now he magically thinks he can win the Power of Veto and save himself.
  • I guess we'll see.
  • Meanwhile, Kevin is still acting way too nervous and others are picking up on it. Janelle, Kaysar and Bayleigh had a long talk about Kevin getting on their nerves and being too needy.
  • While Da'vonne and Janelle were talking late last night the BB Voice said, "Da'vonne ... please move your hair away from your microphone." Both of them were shocked by the specification in the announcement as they have never heard that kind before.
  • I wasn't surprised. Her hair was muffling up the mic as well as making scratchy sounds. I totally understood the direction!
  • Ian apparently isn't getting his costume/punishment until after the PoV comp.
  • Enzo will be hosting the comp while Memphis, Nicole A, David, Nicole F, Ian and Tyler play.
  • I'll let you know when I know.

I haven't a clue but I will win!

If ever a man NEEDED a man-bun

YIKES! Call hair maintenance!

Aww, think unicorns kiddo!