Monday, August 16, 2021

BB23: Live Feeds into Monday Evening, POV Meeting - Aug. 16


Awkward silence moments ensue

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Lying Lemmings:

  • There really hasn't been a heck of a lot of content so far today.
  • Forget the fact that Kyland was up all night "interviewing" others in the HOH room
  • Big Brother let them sleep in, with them not getting up until past 1PM my time.
  • And then, of course, the live feeds went into a lengthy block for the Veto Meeting.
  • Argh.
  • But it went down as planned.
  • Alyssa did not use her veto.
  • Kyland took Claire off the block and put Britini up.
  • He told her in what was supposedly a long convoluted speech (we didn't see it) that she was the only one who denied talking game to people when others all admitted it, etc. and blah-blah.
  • She is not taking it well.
  • Now, remember, her buddies and ex-teammates Azah and Derek know this is to be a blindside of Britini.
  • Derek is trying for an Oscar performance portraying the Woe Is Me, I'm Going Home Whatever role.
  • He knows he's not going anywhere.
  • Britini seemed to forget she was ranting about being nominated to the other nominee on the block as she went on about always being picked on and such.
  • She also tried to throw blame about the BB bucks on SarahBeth, insisting SB was lying and received the $100.
  • Of course, Britini maintained her lie and is still lying claiming she didn't get the $100.
  • Everyone is getting ticked at Kyland.
  • SarahBeth thinks he's on a power trip.
  • Azah and Derek F think that he could have made different decisions.
  • Tiffany is getting a headache from listening to Kyland ramble on.
  • I can't help but wonder if they will gather together once again tonight for a big house Kumbaya session.
  • Normally I'd doubt it.
  • With this crew, it just might happen.

Still lying about winning the $100 BB bucks

The epitome of thirsty laziness

BB23: Live Feeds into Monday Morning - August 16


Two donkeys surrounding Tiffany

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Dancing Donkeys:

  • Sundays are usually the laid-back day in the house.
  • Oh, no. That just won't do!
  • Let's hold more one-on-ones in the HOH room!
  • (Even though the veto/renom decision was made long ago.)
  • For those who missed it -- I don't know how that is possible -- the plan is for Alyssa not to use her veto. Kyland will use his and save Claire, then he will put the target Britini on the block.
  • They actually went and told Azah today.
  • Why, I just don't know.
  • Kyland told her it was because Britini had been voted for the $100 and probably would get it each week and win the power.
  • I say that's not it.
  • I say he's been pressured to not nominate others and yet others are in the Cookout.
  • So far Azah hasn't told Britini but it seemed to me that she was hinting at it a lot.
  • Either way, whether given a heads up or blindsided at the veto meeting, Britini is sure to freak out.
  • Right now she thinks Derek F is the target.
  • But if she goes on the block with him, I think she will realize she's the target and not a pawn.
  • Tiffany and Xavier talked about the Cookout and the relationships with others. Tiffany says she likes some of the others better than some of the Cookout. Xavier reminded her that their goal of the Cookout is to have the first Black BB winner.
  • Claire's and Kyland's punishments ended.
  • Derek X and Xavier donned Kyland's two costumes and ran around hee-hawing at everyone.
  • "This is very disturbing."
  • But funny indeed.
  • I really don't have much else for you.

He needs to stop having all these meetings!

Listening to Tiffany jury management her

Casting went less for "characters" this season.
A good move.

She is so tempted to stray from the Cookout

Azah wasn't around in the 60s
but her style was

Sunday, August 15, 2021

BB23: HOH and Nominations Show Blog Party - August 15


Good evening! I hope all is well with you and yours! Tonight's show should be the HOH as they didn't show that Thursday, nominations and, I believe, the start of the High Rollers room twist. It's hard to tell these days. Since this is a show post, it's a NO SPOILERS ZONE. That means no spoilers from the live feeds as some folks only read the show posts and we know the show is a few days behind the action of real time.

I will be live-blogging, updating this entry with the major happenings, as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the fun there!

Sitting through the "previously on" segment. I just can't go back to the past!

We pick up the action and the backyard is full of musical instruments. It's the BB Lounge. The comp is "Name That Croon." It's one of the comps in which they pair each other off in a face to face. They have to tell which of the three types of comps -- HoH, Wild Card, Veto -- the song depicts. 

The first random pairing is Britini and Claire. Claire is out. Britini picks SarahBeth and Kyland to face off. SarahBeth out. Kyland chooses Britini and Azah. Britini out. Azah chooses Kyland and Alyssa. Alyssa out. Kyland chooses Azah and Derek F. Derek out. Azah chooses Tiffany and Hannah. Hannah out. She chooses Azah and Kyland. Azah out. She's mad because he didn't let her win. Next is Xavier and Tiffany. Xavier out. Final round is Tiffany and Kyland. Tiffany out even though Kyland tried to throw it to her. She rang in with the wrong answer. KYLAND WINS HOH!

Tiffany is crying because she knows he won't nominate SarahBeth. Azah is mad because he had agreed to throw the comp to her and didn't. Well, perhaps she should have tried to win for herself? She is worried that Britini will go home. Xavier tries to console the miserable. 

And, gee, Derek F is giving Kyland game advice. Kyland tells him that Claire, Alyssa and Britini could be targets. Tiffany tells Xavier she is worried that Claire will go on the block. Tiffany tells him that she feels closer to some outside the Cookout than in it.

Azah talks to Kyland. He tells her (when she asks) that he kept picking her to go up because of her tight ties with Britini. She demands to speak of her feelings. She's very salty for someone who hasn't won anything, isn't she? She thinks he's thinking of his own game while he claims he's looking out for the Cookout Six.

Claire talks to Kyland. She hasn't talked much to him the past few weeks. She offers to help him by voting the way he wants. She suggests a Joker or Xavier. Derek F talks to him. He is suggesting all non-Cookout members and SarahBeth as a pawn. No way. Kyland suggests putting Britini on the block and Derek F balks at that. Kyland asks him if he would go up as a pawn and he reluctantly agrees to protect Britini and Azah.

Nomination ceremony -- Kyland first nominates Claire, then Derek F. He says actions taken in yesterday's comp caused him to re-evaluate his position in the house.

Azah is confused. Derek F tells us he isn't telling them that he's a pawn because they would slip up and say something. Tiffany is upset that Claire is up there, especially with a Cookout member.

The High Rollers Room is open! It's a casino. They can gamble for greatness. They can bet on $50 is Veto Derby betting on one player to win veto and getting a second veto, $125 can remove a nominee, $250 coin of destiny, call coin toss and overthrow the HOH.

Sarahbeth - 50, uses it to play veto derby which entails sliding a cup down a shuffleboard lane. She will receive the number of points she earns in three shots.
Hannah - 75, saves money
Xavier - 75, saves money
Britini - 100, saves money
Azah - 50, saves
Alyssa - 50, saves
Kyland - 50, plays the veto derby
Tiffany - 75, plays the veto derby, all  three fall
Derek X - 100, saves money
Derek F - 100, plays the veto derby
Claire - 50, plays veto derby

Kyland calls all to the living room. The results of the veto derby -- 
1st - Kyland
2nd - Derek F
3rd - Claire
4th - SarahBeth
They can place their bets after the veto players get drawn.

And that's it ...

BB23: Live Feeds into Sunday Morning - August 15


Oh noes! There's WHEAT in this!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Veto Voles:

  • While Azah pretty much admitted that she threw the veto comp to Britini (who didn't win anyway), Kyland denies he threw the comp to Alyssa (which the others think is very obvious).
  • Yes, he wanted Alyssa to win the veto.
  • Since he bet on her in the High Rollers Room, he would have a veto for himself.
  • Plus, he has plans for the veto. 
  • He has asked Alyssa not to use it but has not told her of his plan to blindside Britini. She agrees the less she knows, the better. She promised him she won't use it.
  • He wants to go first in the veto meeting to make her move (or lack thereof) less demanding.
  • Meanwhile, Derek F knows what he plans to do and is okay with it.
  • Derek F wants to tell Azah, though.
  • That would be a big mistake, methinks.
  • Xavier, Tiffany and Claire know the plan.
  • Kyland told Claire after the comp that he will indeed be saving her.
  • He is still denying that he threw the comp, though. He keeps saying he was a bit confused looking at two cards in the comp, looked up and saw Alyssa running to OTEV.
  • Yeah, right.
  • Unless Derek F tells Azah and she feels the need to tell Britini, which would probably be the case, today should be quiet.
  • Fireworks are expected tomorrow after the veto meeting.
  • Even though Derek F is walking around acting like he's the target this week, Britini will surely freak over being on the block again.

Wonder bread? Really, BB?

Currently has no idea she is to be blindsided

Safe only due to Kyland's reign of power this week

Privy to the blindside

Saturday, August 14, 2021

BB23: Live Feeds POV Bulletin - August 14


Oh geez ... the Power of Veto was over with rather quickly. It seems just about everyone is upset, except the winner.

Azah and Derek F are mad, feel they have been targeted. Claire says she will never trust Kyland again. Derek X is mad and says that Kyland is playing a good game ... for himself. Tiffany says she thinks he will take Claire off.

And Alyssa has the second veto?

Oh my.

Kyland is telling Derek F that he will use the veto to save Claire and put  Britini up with him on the block and that Alyssa will not use her veto.

Okay, so it was Alyssa who won the actual veto from the comp. It was indeed OTEV. Kyland won the second veto because he had bet on Alyssa to win.