Saturday, August 14, 2021

BB23: Live Feeds POV Bulletin - August 14


Oh geez ... the Power of Veto was over with rather quickly. It seems just about everyone is upset, except the winner.

Azah and Derek F are mad, feel they have been targeted. Claire says she will never trust Kyland again. Derek X is mad and says that Kyland is playing a good game ... for himself. Tiffany says she thinks he will take Claire off.

And Alyssa has the second veto?

Oh my.

Kyland is telling Derek F that he will use the veto to save Claire and put  Britini up with him on the block and that Alyssa will not use her veto.

Okay, so it was Alyssa who won the actual veto from the comp. It was indeed OTEV. Kyland won the second veto because he had bet on Alyssa to win.


Petals said...

How were there 2 veto winners?

Petals said...

So Alyssa won OTEV, but KY won a 2nd veto from a bet Claire made. When will this air?

Jackie S. said...

Petals - I don't know. If you read the post before this, it's all very confusing. There was a second veto but I don't know how it all worked. I'm just going about what they're saying in the house.

Sharon N said...

Petals, I wouldn't be surprised if all we see Sunday is the HOH comp.
Since the "bonus" thing was apparently really fast, I think they might save the results from Bonus and Veto for Wed.

Petals said...

I'm piecing it together.
The HGs were able to bet on the winner of the OTEV comp.

Jackie S. said...

Yes, Petals ... that was in my last post.

Jackie S. said...

Alyssa actually won the veto for the OTEV comp. Kyland won the second veto because he had bet Alyssa would win.

Judi Sweeney said...

Wow…. Thanks Jackie!

Petals said...

AND he threw it to her so that he WOULD win the 2nd Veto. (his words, not mine) X is the only person (except Ky & Alyssa) that knew it was thrown.

CherryPie said...

What a mess...i hope my girl Brit doesnt get targeted....i want her to stay