Sunday, September 04, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 HOH Comp and Nominations Show Blog Party - Sept. 4


The show should cover the HOH comp and nominations. I know the live feeds are beyond that point. But I ask that no live feeds spoilers be posted on the show posts. Thank you very much!

I will be live-blogging and updating this post constantly with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

We will sit through the Previously On segment. I hope you don't mind. Oh, yes. ZingBot is on tonight. Sigh.

We start off with the puzzle HOH comp which started on Thursday night at the end of the show. In the Diary Room segments during the comp, it seems all want to target Michael. He is the biggest threat in the game. Brittany is the only one not targeting Michael.

Michael EASILY wins HOH!

Michael promised Turner that he wouldn't nominate him this week. He plans on keeping his promise. He plans it that the Brocella group -- Brittany, Monte and Taylor -- will be safe. Oops. That leaves Terrance and Alyssa, huh?

Taylor gives Alyssa a bit of a pep talk about Alyssa voting off her showmance. Alyssa had made up with him and plans to see what happens after the season.

ZingBot has arrived. He's on the balcony over the yard. Turner -- van lifer everywhere but the shower. Masks are now optional unless your face looks like Michael, cover that up. Monte - I'm good at impressions, I'm Monte and I'm so boring. I could use something icy and cold -- could I borrow Taylor? DJ Showtime, popular in the underground because that's where they find fossils. Alyssa -- you're a winter jacket in the desert --dead weight and useless. Brittany - I have a song for you ... Jeepers Creepers where did you get those peepers? Crazy eyes! Tells them that they're hard to look at and calls them losers before leaving.

Is it a wonder I can't get by the mean-spiritness of ZingBot? I understand it's a BB institution. But I don't have to like it.

Monte is telling Turner that if they can take out Brittany, they should. That way, if Michael goes to the final two with either of them, there is a shot they could win over Michael. They could target the timing of the Kyle news as leverage.

Brittany and Taylor are talking. Even they understand that Michael will have to go. Brittany tells us that she is totally loyal to Michael. She does not tell Taylor that.

A segment on Alyssa's sore back. She has a meditation session with Alyssa. Keep in mind that Brittany is a hypnotherapist.

Terrance talks to Michael. He wants to know what the options are. Michael tells him he promised Turner safety. Terrance says he wants to fit in the space that's now here. Okay ...! Terrance tells him a bit of the truth about Dyre Fest. Michael is pushing to see if he was the backdoor plan last week. Terrance won't give him that info.

Then Alyssa goes to talk to Michael. She tells him she is now a free agent. Tears come. Would love to work with him. Tells him Kyle told her about inside the Leftovers another alliance called the Pound -- Kyle, Turner, Terrance and Monte -- had a final four deal. Michael already knew it, so it's not a big deal that she told him. 

Turner talks to him next. He says the obvious choice is Terrance and Alyssa. Michael says that Terrance throws Taylor's and Monte's names around. Turner tells him that if he wins HOH next week, he will work with him. Michael tells us he doesn't trust him.

Brittany talks to him next, but not the same kind of talk. Michael tells her he would prefer Terrance go but is worried that Alyssa might go instead. She advises him to get Turner out.

Time for the Nominations Ceremony -- Michael nominates Terrance, then Alyssa. He says no easy decisions left in the game. Terrance, I heard some things that led me to believe I wasn't in your favor (paraphrasing) and Alyssa, you held out info until I was in power.

Saturday, September 03, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds Power of Veto Bulletin - September 3


Exciting day pre-veto

The live feeds went down at around 5:40PM EDT for the veto comp. Turner is the only one not playing in the comp this time. The live feeds didn't come back until about 11:50PM EDT! Ack.

Michael is (once again) wearing the veto necklace.

Will Alyssa win veto? Bwahahaha!

Monte wants Turner to win HOH and
do the dirty work of taking Michael out

She's a Kat Dunn (BB21) fan

Houseguests ... NO NAPPING!

BB Comics veto comp

Friday, September 02, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Friday, Nominations - September 2


I will poison the jury!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Questionable Timing:

  • As you know from my previous post, Michael is once again HOH.
  • Although the people to choose from are limited, he has some options.
  • He's been close-mouthed or they just haven't shown discussions on the live feeds his choices.
  • Monte thinks he will pick Terrance and Alyssa because they are the only two remaining non-Leftovers (even though the Leftovers seem to have gone bad now).
  • I could see that. It would be the most popular with the rest of the house.
  • And, I certainly wouldn't mind if Terrance went.
  • I can't see him really touch either Brittany or Taylor, so let's eliminate that possibility.
  • Gamewise, his strongest competition would be Turner. Maybe followed by Monte.
  • Both have voiced how they need to get him out before he gets to the end.
  • Other than Brittany and MAYBE Taylor, I think they all have that in mind. They need Michael out for a chance to win.
  • Meanwhile, Terrance has now latched onto Monte going over and over about Michael holding back the Kyle information until it was convenient to help his own allies.
  • Keep in mind that Terrance doesn't like Taylor and Michael talked AFTER he won the veto. He could only save one person with the veto. He talked because he wanted to save BOTH women and get Kyle out.
  • Terrance keeps harping on the timing, mostly to Monte, sometimes to Turner. 
  • Terrance is also sure he will be nominated and voted out this week.
  • He says he will poison the jury against Michael.
  • In his talks, he's driving me bonkers by repeatedly saying "you know" and "you know what I'm saying" after about every third word.
  • It's making my head hurt!
  • Other than that, I'm waiting for the nominations to happen.
  • But, while I have you here, I just want to remind you that this is not the place to post racist comments, whether white, black, hamster or commenter. Stop it. 
  • Oh ... I forgot to mention ZingBot. (Maybe because I don't care for his voice which I can barely understand, and insulting people is not really my thing.) 
  • ZingBot basically called Monte boring, mentioned something about Turner not showering, roughly said Michael was ugly, Taylor has a cold heart, mocked Terrance's DJ persona, Brittany has crazy eyes and Alyssa's life is like a movie (a porn show?).
  • Now I might be a bit wrong on the "zings" as they were not on the live feeds and just talked about later.
  • Still waiting on nominations. I believe it will be Alyssa and Terrance with Terrance being the target. If Alyssa is saved, I would expect him to put Turner up. If Terrance is saved, probably still Turner with Alyssa being voted out.
  • Waiting ... the feeds went blocked at 6:28PM EDT.
  • Feeds returned at 7:40ish ET.
  • Alyssa and Terrance on the block.
  • Alyssa is talking with Monte, kind of expected to be nominated.
  • While Terrance has been saying he will be nominated and go home this week, he's still up there trying to plead his case to Michael -- who doesn't have a vote as HOH!

Am I a Leftover now?

He can't win every comp until the end

Is Turner the real threat to Michael's game?

Monte now has Terrance glued to him. Poor Monte.

Thursday, September 01, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds HOH Bulletin - September 1


The live feeds returned after the HOH comp was over. They did not play it out on the feeds. But they do talk.

MICHAEL won the HOH comp. That makes the week a bit predictable.

Big Brother: BB24 POV Meeting, Live Eviction Show Blog Party - September 1

Tonight's show should be good. Maybe we will have a brouhaha! Or, at the very least, a kerfuffle! Julie promised us the house meeting last night. Now, I believe that was before the Veto Meeting, but since neither aired on the live feeds, I can't say for sure. We should also be getting the live eviction tonight. 

I doubt we will have the HOH shown until Sunday night. For some odd reason, like the Slip and Slide is usually an HOH comp and was veto this season, Julie announced today that ZingBot, usually a veto comp will be the HOH comp. Eh. I am not a ZingBot fan anyway. 

Before we get into the show, Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool --

Alyssa          - JonMD1267, Auntie Leigh, SueGee, Gibby in MI
Brittany    - Judi Sweeney, MikesGirl, Tilde, YoDave
Kyle    - RJM in SC, Nickelpeed, Donna NY
Michael    - Jennasmom, monty924, KelseyNY, Fred aka TwoBlackAces
Monte    - Sally, Willie J, Rodney
Taylor    - CherylNY, Donna in AL, Cherry Pie
Terrance    - Lili, Caela, Ayana, Nora, AprilW
Turner (Matt)- Bizaro22, Glenn Allen, Jasonuwp

I will be live blogging the show, updating this post with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments section. I hope to see you there! By the way, Blogger is throwing some comments into its spam folder. I don't know how to stop it. I'm going in during commercials and restating the comments. So, if you notice that some innocuous comment you made has gone missing, please don't double post -- it will be back!

Julie has a bright yellow top with black slacks tonight. She sounds almost ominous as she says that things will happen that will affect the show and cause people to look into themselves. Then it went to Previously On. The narrator mentions the house meeting.

Day 58, Julie tells us allies have become adversaries. But first ... Kyle discovered his theories got out and are about to change everything. Kyle goes to Brittany. He's actually denying he said what he said. He insists he's not a racist. Brittany says it transcends the game. She tells him she doesn't think he's a racist, that it's very complex. But he said some things he might not realize how they came across.

Kyle goes to Terrance and Monte, telling them that he thought Taylor, Joseph and Monte would work together. Monte points out that at that time, he would never work with her. Terrance is shaky-voiced because he got Joseph out when Joseph was actually telling the truth. 

Monte and Terrance are questioning why Michael and Brittany kept this to themselves for so long. They tell Turner that and he suggests a house meeting.

Ohh ... Julie promises us a live HOH comp? Will they even have time?

Kyle starts off the meeting apologizing because some things he did affect the games of others. He asks Michael to start off. He interrupts Michael and takes over. He claims to be naive and sheltered. Brittany tells him they were indeed not on board. Terrance wonders why Michael and Brittany waited so long to tell. Monte says the waiting was hurtful to him. Taylor says she won't hate him as a person or call him a racist.

Monte tells the group they can grow together with the discussion. Taylor says the only consequence she wants is that he gets evicted. He's handling it well, expecting worse.

Veto meeting time. Michael takes Brittany off the block. Turner puts up Kyle as the renom. Kyle tells the group he would like to continue to have talks with them during the week. Alyssa tells him that she thinks they need to not be in a relationship.

Kyle talks to Monte and the tears come out. Kyle is outright crying as he tells Monte he did nothing wrong. Monte tears up as well. He cries and tells of how he went to an all white prestigious high school and felt like an outsider due to race. He then found comfort in hanging out with people who looked like himself. He told Kyle he loves him.

Monte is still questioning the timing of the telling to Taylor. He thinks that if they can take a shot at Michael, they should. He definitely has a point. All race issues and such aside, Michael will win it all if he gets to the end. If you or I were in the house, we'd have to be looking to get him out, too!

To the living room for the eviction.

Kyle - Loves all, says nice things about each and every one. 
Taylor - I choose strength. Strength means love. Loves Kyle and will keep in touch.

The votes to evict:
Michael - Kyle
Alyssa - Kyle
Terrance - Kyle
Brittany - Kyle
Monte - Kyle 

Unanimous and expected.

The talk with Julie: He tells her that he is grateful for the experience and loves the compassion from the people. He says it didn't click in his mind that his talk about Cookout 2 was so bad. Now he knows. Did he think Joseph was in a secret POC alliance? He thought Joseph was close to Monte and Taylor and he himself was bottom of the Leftovers (which is why he spilled about it).

Now it's 9:55PM here and Julie says the HOH comp "kicks off live." So, it won't be shown until Sunday. I will have the results in my live feeds reports before then.

Julie tells us Zingbot returns. Double eviction two hour show on Thursday. 

HOH comp -- Burning Bot. ZingBot Festival. Transfer puzzle pieces one at a time, two sides of puzzle, front must face a certain direction. And the show ends. I doubt they will air it on the live feeds. But if they do, I will make a post to cover it.