Tuesday, October 03, 2023

BB25: Live Feeds into Tuesday - Oct. 3


Pushed to NOT backdoor Cory.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Changing Time Slots:

  • As you know from my bulletin yesterday, Cameron did NOT use the veto and the Backdoor Cory plan lies sullied and abandoned in the BB gutter of time.
  • The nominations remain Felicia and Mecole.
  • How did that all come about when Cameron just the day before the veto meeting was gung-ho about Cory being such a threat in the game?
  • No, it wouldn't be to break up the showmance, something others would focus on.
  • He sincerely seems to think that Cory is a big threat to his own personal game.
  • Now, according to what was said on the live feeds, Cam came to the realization that it would be better to rein in Cory to work together with him towards the end goal.
  • Cam couldn't get both of his main allies -- Matt and Jag -- to go along with the Backdoor Cory. Matt was aboard.
  • But Jag kept pressing for Cory to stay. Now, of course, that was for his own game needs, not Cameron's, not the house in general.
  • Without the support of both, Cameron schmoozed with Cory and now they're working together. For now, that is.
  • Cameron is pushing the idea to Cory that Blue is targeting him and that Blue has lied to him about Cory himself targeting Cam.
  • Well, dang. EVERYONE has targeted Cam! He was voted out unanimously!
  • According to conspiracy theorists, production doesn't want the showmance to stop as they think people watch just for the showmances.
  • Huh. That theory didn't help Blue and Jared. (And, neither did the theory production wanted to have Jared/Cirie as the final two.)
  • Cory, but of course, went to America about his talk with Cameron, telling her that Blue seemed to be targeting him and he was mostly displeased that his buddies Jag and Matt didn't let him know.
  • Cameron also schmoozed with Bowie Jane, telling her she is his person. Lucky them, I guess.
  • Bowie Jane kept on smiling.
  • At the veto meeting, blocked to the live feeds, Felicia apparently blew up Cory's game and went on a diatribe about him.
  • Felicia is determined to keep pushing to stay despite the fact that it looks like everyone has already written her out of any plans.
  • She refuses to campaign against her best ally Mecole and will instead just concentrate on her strengths.
  • As the talks continued among hamsters already figuring Bye Felicia, it seems the next targets will be Blue, then Mecole.
  • What about Cirie? Oh, she can wait. After all, she's not dangerous and they all like her so much!
  • They think the next HOH will be the slip and slide. We will see.
  • Laters!

No shock and awe with noms this time.

More loyal to Jag than he is to Cameron.

Will campaign for herself but not against Meme.

And Bowie Jane keeps on smiling.

Monday, October 02, 2023

Survivor 45: Blog Pool Match-Ups!


The Industrious Lifeguard SueGee has made the random draws for this season's blog pool. Thank you, SueGee! 

Here we go --

Belo – Blue Tribe – Fijian word for Heron

Brando --- Jasonuwp, Marthalight, MikesGirl

Bruce --- Krysta, Skyriverblue

Jake --- Donna in FL, TS14Fan

Katurah --- Donna NY, April W

Kellie --- Michelle, Bizaro22

Kendra --- Cherry Pie, EthanC

Lulu – Yellow Tribe – Fijian word for Owl

Brandon --- Indiana Jane, SueGee

Emily --- ChicMc, Donna in AL, Jackie

Kaleb --- CherylNY, Cookie Jar

Sabiyah --- Cheryl in NC, cctru

Sean --- Auntie Leigh, David

Reba – Red Tribe – Fijian word for Goshawk

Austin --- Pearl, Nora M, Sharon N

Dee --- Judi Sweeney, Brent McKee

Drew --- Dr Celine, monty924

Maya --- Petals, Glenn Allen, Nickelpeed

Julie --- Andi, PDX Granny

Nicholas “Sifu” --- KelseyNY, Debbie in FL

BB25: Live Feeds POV Meeting Bulletin


Just a random shot to throw y'all off!

The live feeds were down for a few HOURS for the veto meeting ... which probably took five minutes. Of course, now they are all talking meatloaf and hamburger and not the veto meeting. Grr.

Apparently Cory got spoken to by Felicia ... quite harshly.

Ah, finally. Cameron did NOT use the veto. It's still Felicia and Mecole on the block.

BB25: Live Feeds Sunday into Monday - Oct. 1-2


Are we boring you, Blue?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Misfit Mice:
  • Previously on ... Cameron nominated Felicia and Mecole for eviction. He has wanted Felicia out for weeks now and wants her gone before jury. Although she promised to vote for him if he makes the final two, he doesn't trust her. He considers Mecole someone who would save Felicia if she won veto or vote for her to stay, so she's the pawn.
  • Felicia has now reconciled with Cirie and thinks that they, along with Matt, Jag and Mecole, should take down Cameron next week.
  • Um. That would be hard to do if you're gone, Felicia.
  • Meanwhile, Cameron's attention has turned to Cory. He notices that Cory's spending a lot of time with Blue and with his gal America.
  • Cameron pitched the idea of backdooring Cory to both Jag and Matt.
  • Matt was fine with it.
  • Jag not so much.
  • Cameron told Matt that he thinks Cory and Jag might have some kind of deal going. Matt said he didn't know of one.
  • Ah, but they do. It's part of Jag trying to be in good with all.
  • Now, half the house (if not more) have the idea that Cameron might be thinking of backdooring Cory.
  • So, what does Cory do?
  • Thinking he's putting himself in good graces with Cameron, he starts talking about how well he will do in the final comps which are more cerebral than physical.
  • Um. Um. Shut up, Cory.
  • Cory was talking like they would work together.
  • But I think Cameron saw red flags and more reason to get Cory out.
  • Cirie and Matt talked. Both are for the idea of getting Cory on the block. They will work on it!
  • Cirie and Felicia buried the hatchet, extended the olive and kissed cheeks to seal the deal -- let bygones be bygones, start anew and now they are The Bookends.
  • The feeds were blocked for Cameron's POV win treat of the new Exorcist movie. He invited Matt, Blue and Jag to see it with him.
  • The Veto Meeting is later today.
  • I do think Cameron just might use that veto.
  • Uh-oh. 
  • After coming out of the diary room in the wee hours, Cameron is talking to Jag and Matt about not backdooring Cory.
  • Oh, the suspense!

Bowie Jane keeps on smiling.

Mecole is me-cold.

Matt is starting to get cocky.

It's Cameron's influence on him.

At least Cirie is smiling, but not like Bowie Jane.

Sunday, October 01, 2023

BB25: HOH and Nominations Show Blog Party - Oct. 1


Good evening! Tonight we get to see the HOH comp from the other day and the nominations the new HOH made. Isn't that exciting? Well, more exciting than the Zombie Week, for sure.

I will be live blogging this show, constantly updating this entry as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest updates! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Once again, tonight's show is scheduled much too late for my liking - 10PM ET/PT. Please note that the veto shows will now be on Tuesdays at 8PM ET/PT and, despite them earlier announcing that the live eviction shows on Thursdays will be an hour earlier, they are once again scheduled for 9PM ET/PT.

Hamster watchers ready?

Sitting through the Previously On segment much as I always do.

We pick it up with Jared walking out the door. (Good.) Cameron is ready to kick it up into high gear. Cirie feels sad about Jared going but now doesn't have feelings for the rest of the cast. Jag is happy because he, Matt and Cameron work together well. Blue is in tears. Felicia and Cirie comfort her. Blue actually thinks she can win an HOH comp.

HOH comp in the backyard with a space set-up. Cory can play as last week was skipped. The comp is a puzzle building rockets.

We get the standard "I have to win this comp" diary room bits. It's a 14-piece puzzle. Cameron gathered a lot of intel while zombified. America should be more careful. Most are having puzzling problems with their puzzles. And we go to commercial. Oh, the suspense!

Cameron is leading it, followed closely by Jag. Matt is doing well. But ... CAMERON WINS HOH ... of course he does. Matt ALMOST had it! Heh, Cirie says "of course he does" after I typed it here. Felicia is sure she will be on the block again.

Cameron tells us he hopes the groundwork he laid down last week will go well this week. Cory thinks he's safe with Cameron this week. Jared had asked Cameron to protect Cirie and he promises to do so. Will Cirie work with Cameron?

Jag tells Matt they need to talk with Cameron. He and Matt have kind of been working with Cory and America. Felicia and Mecole look miserable.

Ah, no one knows Emily Dickinson is except Cirie! Cirie has to go to the diary room just as Cory decides to ask Survivor questions. He thinks of Cirie as his Survivor Google. She is not thrilled with it!

Cam, Matt and Jag share beers in the HOH room. The Fugitives are together again! Cameron decides his target is someone he doesn't want in the jury house. Cam thinks Cory might be dangerous.

Lots of filler bits. Cleaning and America's kissing history.

Cameron talks to Cory. Cory thinks he has a great relationship with Cam. He has never betrayed him. Cameron tells us no one should be comfortable.

Cameron talks to Blue. Cam likes to gather the information on the others during his talks. Blue wants Cory out. Then it's time to talk to Felicia. She tells him they have never talked game. He tells her he never felt like there was an invitation for game talk. Her gut tells her he is putting her on the block. He tells her she is the greatest persuader in the house. She throws Cirie under that bus. He asks if he has her vote if he is sitting in the finals. She promises him her vote.

Cam talks to Mecole next. He tells us he needs to sit his target next to a pawn. Cam tells her it's just a situation, she knows the vibe and she is not a target, no malice, etc. In other words, she's going to be a pawn. She tells us that she will go after Cam.

Time for the nominations ceremony. Cam nominates Felicia, then Mecole. He tells Felicia her conversations have made her a competitor. He apologizes to Mecole. He tells us Mecole cannot win the POV and save Felicia.