Wednesday, July 19, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Schtuff - 7/19 Daytime

Ah, voting day in the Big Brother house. It's typically a fairly calm day, especially once all the votes have been cast. The houseguests aren't allowed to discuss their votes (the votes are considered Diary Room sessions) and there's no longer a need to try to sway others to vote a particular way. So, the day tends to be a bit peaceful and there's not a heck of a lot of strategic planning going on.

No, the live feed watchers aren't privy to the votes, either. I can tell you no secrets. (Rats!)

Here are some of the highlights and low dives happening today so far in the Big Brother House of Boisterous Buffoons:
  • Will was up fairly early (before 9 AM their time) and addressed one of the cameras. "The twist this season is depression!" He again requested to talk to the BB shrink.
  • Will keeps singing which, in turn, blocks the feeds with flame/clouds and the new annoying show theme. [Editor's note: If you're not familiar with the reasoning -- it's because the show broadcasts over the Internet. Theoretically, if they sing a song, the show must pay royalties. So, when the HG sing, we get blocked. The HG know it and sometimes deliberately sing.]
  • James complained about the wake-up song -- said it was too loud. System of Down? We also don't get to hear the wake-up song BB blasts them with to get them out of bed.
  • Diane told Erika BB called her before the show, they didn't call Jase. But Alison was in on it. [Editor's note: This would be the infamous alleged Mr. & Mrs. Smith Alliance - Alison, Jase and Diane. I still don't know exactly its extent, but there does seem to be communication between those three prior to the season.]
  • The HG go one by one as called to the Diary Room to vote.
  • James shops at Trader Joe's. [Editor's note: I deem this worthy because I'm a Trader Joe's shopper myself. Great store!]
  • Some talked about what they're wearing for the live show. It always gets me that these people are watched all the time, but when it comes live show... they primp and fuss. Don't they realize that most of the show's fodder comes from day to day?
  • Nakomis and Janelle are holding out hope for some kind of twist that might affect tomorrow's eviction.
  • Jase told the others he cried when he wrote his HOH Diary entry last week. [Editor's note: @@ He gets the eyeroll! He knew what he was getting into when he went in the house. Sheesh!]
  • Both Diane and Nakomis have to pack their bags.
  • George made a Jedi In Training hat out of foil and is wearing it. [Editor's note: Heh, reminds me of his space suit in the john bit in Season 1! He's a goof, but he makes me smile.]
  • Kaysar got his HOH camera and, as usual, they had fun taking pictures. At least this season, the house isn't so divided on a personal level that a whole group doesn't participate. At least, so far...

That's where we stand at the time of posting. I want to give thanks to those who have made donations to this blog (button on right), AOL for featuring my blog feeds on their Big Brother feature page and to Deidre over at TV Squad for linking it in her show recap! But, most of all, my thanks go out to the readers. It's your encouragement that keeps me going on these Hamsters. I treasure you all!

Graphic by Zoetawny


Anonymous said...


Per other BB sites, Lisa from BB3 has been talking about the Mr&Mrs Smith alliance, that Jase/Diane/Alison are not the only one. She was suppose to go into the house alligned with Boogie, Will and Marcellas. She states that a S6er is in the alliance as well as a girl, but says Erika is not in it, nor is James. So it only makes sense now why no one can figure out what Kaysar is doing or why he won't put Will/Boogie up-- he is with them in a Mr and Mrs Smith alliance. At some point Lisa backtracks and says that Kaysar is not in this alliance, but I don't buy that. She also states that Danielle and James are alligned together. Here is the link

Anonymous said...

Hey Jackie,

Great job on the blog. I love knowing what's going on before the show airs. Question for one time I used to get an email when you posted a new entry on this blog, but now I don't get them anymore. Know any reason why? Anyway, if ya don't know, I'll just have to keep checking back to see if you've posted anything new.


Anonymous said...

James gains a point on my scale of not so great HG's for shopping at Trader Joes......can't get there any more, but I loved their bread!Not to mention the muffins.....can you tell, I need my carbs!! lol

BTW: I have BB blinkies on my site, come on over and visit!

Anonymous said...

Love your site Jackie! How's the knee? Is there a link to Zoetawny's site? Do you remember the site that had all the crazy bb6 graphics last year? I can't seem to find it again. I am glad I saved your site in my favorites from last year. I also enjoyed your amazing race blog. Thanks from Ca.!