Sunday, July 30, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Regarding Show Recap

Someone in comments asked me to write up a show recap on tonight's show. I don't usually recap BB shows with the exception of just touching on them or discussing the live show -- most of the feeds reports I've posted already cover the show's happenings except on the live show.

But, if you missed the show, TV Clubhouse has a thorough step-by-step through the show here. In the morning, TV Squad (linked in right sidebar) will have their recap up and CBS Innertube will have the show available for viewing on the website.

My only real notes on the show: They didn't show the end of Will's puppet show where he tossed all the duckies leaving his own as the winner. And, yep... Janelle told Mike Boogie she was putting him up because she disliked him. In the feeds she said that just came out and she really didn't mean or plan to say it. It looked pretty spontaneous.


Anonymous said...

I think Diane is underrated after watching the show. She played Janelle to the max, laying on her bed and looking so vulnerable...pleading for her safety saying they could be friends and the hug. Puhleeeese, Janelle ate it up! Diane is not a floater, she is just as dangerous as any of them.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else think the show tonight made it look more like Janelle is not really planning to go along with CT, but is pretending to consider their alliance proposal? I was much more pleased by what I saw on the show than what I've read on the blogs and message boards about her "joining willboogie".....that thought scares me! UGH! Hopefully she's playing the game well and realizes willboogie can't be trusted!

Anonymous said...

hi jackieeeeeeeeeee,
someone told me, and i dont want to mention any names,that the twist this year is that they are goin to bring someone else, not evictees, onto the show. Maybe Eric, josh, junnnnnnnnnnnn??? only time will tell:>
janey is playinnnnnn them, shes really smart, and knows what shes doin, will will leave, watch and see. thanks jackieeeeeeeee:>

Anonymous said...

hi jackieeeeeeeeee
pss sss, lol
hey if you go to the hamster site, check out Destiny357 blog site, she is awesome with the video.
thanks jackieeeeeeeee:>

Anonymous said...

I think they will bring in one or a few of the 6 people out of the original 20 who didn't make it in the house originally...i.e. Ivette, Monica, Lisa, of these folks. That's my guess anyway.

Anonymous said...

the more and more i see boogie talk in the feeds, the more i hate him, he and dr will, another az hole, are making themselves look like slop, untasteful. i mean, come on, who in their right mind want to see azs playing the game? they have the nerve to talk about howie and that he's dumb, at least howie still has his manhood on. please america, janelle or whomever has anything to do with this, get the clowns out!

Anonymous said...

I know this is going to sound, really ridiculous, there are times, Will actually was right on target, he observed many hidden alliances before anyone even knew, recall, when he stated James and Danelle were together, nobody knew that, everyone laughed, I even thought oh please Will, he said that the 1st week in jest, as he was right, he said Allison, Diane, and Jase were together, Jase for some reason when Jackie question him in regards, to Mr& Mrs.Smith, he was defensive, Will does lie, but he also, has been pretty much on target, on who is working with who, hes a Dr. he can make assessments, and generally a good doctor doesn't want to be wrong, thats why he chooses the reverse aspect, when he told Diane he will target S6, this time, he knew in the back of his mind, she is his target, for this week, he and boogie will keep true to their word, they know, they have no choice, so in effect, it will appear disgenuine, however, thats the reason they said only 1 week. Therefore, Janelle should also consider, she will be a target perhaps' 2 weeks in a row, and so does Will and Boogie.