So, they had their big movie (one many of them weren't too thrilled about seeing, but had to act excited about anyway. They seemed to enjoy the competition, so that's something.
While the one group watched the movie, the other group just played games for a few hours. No strategy talk, not even many humorous moments. Yipes! You could hear BB yelling at Will for doing stuff while watching the movie. Yesterday they told him to attach his mic to his shirt when he wasn't wearing a shirt. @@ Yep, an eyeroll to BB!
But once the movie winners came out of the HOH room, things picked up once again. So, here's the latest from that Big Brother House of Dizzy Daredevils:
- Diane said the movie was horrible and possibly the worst movie she's ever seen. [Editor's note: Great review for the movie, eh?]
- Mike agreed, but said he would say it was good in his Diary Room segment.
- Will claimed he'd be the best actor in the DR saying how great the movie is. [Editor's note: This should be interesting to watch knowing they actually hated the movie.]
- George is just happy because he got to sit in a racecar. Ah, the simple pleasures in life!
- Mike Boogie put a bug in Howie's ear (not a real bug, sillies!) about James and Danielle getting closer and closer.
- It turns out BB was yelling at Will to "Stop that!" because he dumped two boxes of candy while watching the movie.
- Janelle told Kaysar she wants Diane out because of nasty things she wrote about her on the JokersUpdates site. He told her he didn't think Danielle would put her up, but Diane might. All he'd say is she has to do what's best for her. She told him that ChillTown would vote to evict Diane.
- Janelle then went to Erika asking if Danielle had said anything and telling her she didn't want people mad at her. [Editor's note: Yipes, Janelle... do me a favor. Never win HOH again! You're going to make someone mad no matter what you do. Just make a choice and get on with it. Geez!]
- Erika told her she had to do what's best for her.
- Meanwhile, Mike Boogie was telling Kaysar that he didn't want to vote out Diane, but would. He and Will would be S6's servants for the week. Kaysar told him he trusts him. [Editor's note: !! Eep!]
- Janelle then asked Kaysar to go upstairs because she's made her decision. (Really?)
- Diane told Erika and Danielle that Howie is making her feel uncomfortable sleeping in their bed. She "doesn't want to say anything" about it, though.
- Janelle told Howie Will is safe and Diane is gone.
- Janelle talked to Will again. Once again, the same promises and speech out of Will (who had just told Danielle that he'd target S6). He asked her the order of loyalty to S6 and she said Howie, Kaysar and Marcellas. Note Marcellas has replaced James in her ranking. She didn't mention him at all. Will swore he and Mike would be loyal to her.
- While talking to Danielle, James said if they (he or Danielle) get HOH next week, they'll put up Marcellas and Janelle. Snake Alert!
- Then, foolish Janelle decided she had to run her decision by Marcellas. [Editor's note: SHEESH! NEVER WIN HOH AGAIN! NEVER!] She told him she plans on putting up Diane. He tried to talk her out of it -- Diane's a nice girl, blah-blah-blah. Just talk to her, blah-blah.
- Howie told Janelle not to worry that James will be mad if she puts up Diane. Just tell him that was best for her as Diane is a threat to her.
- James got mad at Janelle. As if by script or premonition or something. He ranted about putting Jase up once again.
- And that's pretty much where we stand. Once again, most have stayed up through the overnight hours. @@
Ack!!! What has happened to Janelle? I can't help it, I still like her but she has lost her mind!! WILL! WILL! WILL!! PUT UP WILL!! I don't really care one way or another about Diane but Will is going to win again because these people are blind or seduced or something. Ack!!
LOL...ok, rant over. A question: The only season I didn't watch was the first one. So here's my dumb question: Why is George called "Chicken George"? Am I the only one who doesn't know? Thanks in advance for an answer.
And thank you Jackie, you're the best :)
Foolish Janelle, you described it perfectly Jackie. What is going on with the usually smart cookie. I think it is the PINK room, it is sending out confusion vibes. At least she could keep her mouth shut about her order of liking instead of telling the enemy. Thank you ,Sue
Ceorge is called "Chicken George" because, during Season One, he took care of chickens that were in a coop in the backyard.
Yes, it is that simple.
I think Janelle is worried about
keeping everyone happy just in case
the people voted out now are a part
of the finale vote to pick the winner.
Jackie, I have a question about the "floaters". Isn't that term supposed to be used for hgs who don't have an alliance (meaning aren't with either CT or S6), so that their vote can't be counted on at any given eviction? My question is, who are the floaters? Haven't they all already found their buddies? When Kaysar speaks of floaters I think he is speaking of Erica, Danielle, Dianne, maybe Marci and George. Is that right? We know from the feeds that those hgs have alliances and are with CT (or do we?) James seems to me to be the only floater in the house, we.. and George. You can see I seem as confused as the pretty blonde girl in the pink fuzzy room. Can you help me out and explain it to me? Also, do the hgs not know about Erica and Boogie and James and Danielle and other alliances? Sue
While I do understand the need to take out floaters because there votes are unknown they know where CT stands. Either side will gun for S6 so it is probably better to leave CT in for awhile. I do think that Janelle is making a big mistake trusting Will. He is definitely playing the game! I think she is thinking of trying to save herself in weeks to come. The only problem with that is I think everyone sees her as the biggest threat. She will definitely be the first one nominated from that alliance.
I love seeing Will he makes everything more interesting. I hate to see him go but this is there chance otherwise he will make them pay.
Janelle is being charmed by the "bad boy" of BB. For once Howie is thinking more clearly than Janelle. He made a comment while watching Will's puppet show in the bath tub that they were "making a deal with the devil." It seems Danielle has lost that title for now.
Janie needs to listen to Marcellous and forget about her little crush on Will - Janelle thinks she is flirting and winning points with Will but he is just playing her like a hot pink fiddle.
Beware the power of the Botox stare Janie.
OMG I FORGOT TO COMMENT LOL! janelle should just trust WILL OMG!
Thank you, Mase, for your answer about Chicken is pretty straightforward.
And LOL@Lucy "beware the power of the botox stare" :)
As Maya Angelou says, "When someone shows you who they are...believe them...the FIRST time." Janelle should have considered that her mantra from the moment she won HOH. She has made some really ridiculous choices this past week - trusting Will (although he makes me laugh!), running to everyone for their opinions (outside of her alliance), being so indecisive (and, frankly, betraying her alliance with her late-night discussion with Will). She has really blown it this week.
Will and Boogie had it right when they did their 'phone call' in the DR...No matter what they do, people STILL keep them! Unbelievable!!!
hi jackieeeeeeeeeeee
poor kaysar is right. i feel sorry for him too. he sees his group fallin apart and thats another reason why he wants to go home, he have lost the winnin feelin. james cheatin on them, janey actin dumber, howie gettin smarter.
thanks jackieeeeeeeeeee:>
howie gettin smarter.
Now that is the scariest thought this whole season!!!!
Man what is the deal with Janelle??? I wonder if her current feelings about not wanting to make anyone mad at her have anything to do with the way the public acted toward the "nerd heard" last year. Seems that everyone but especially Janie is being really careful about of they step on especially if they feel they would be America's Favorite person. Just a thought.
WHAT UP KAYSAR???? What is his deal. He has totally lost his star power in this season... hardly seems to be a contender and honestly if he wasn't on last season and didn't gain his popularity there he would be not even worth watching.
As it stands right now I REALLY like James' chances of taking this whole thing. He is playing an extreamly smart game and working EVERY angle.
This whole All-Stars theme isn't what I thought it would be. :-(
I think right now Danielle is playing a good game and she could go all the way. Will is the best but he will definitely be taken out. S6 is for sure playing a safe game, but I can see why it just doesn't make for interesting TV. They are still my favorites!! I hope Danielle wins she deserved it her season and is definitely showing her skill at this game.
Well, Janelle wimped out and Diane is now up for eviction along with Erika after Mike (I refuse to call anyone in their 30's "Boogie") used the veto on himself. Sigh. Apparently, Janelle struck a deal with Will and Mike where they promised to not put up a BB6'er next week if either wins HoH as well as both with vote to kick out Diane. How anyone can trust Will or Mike I cannot understand.
Now, don't get me wrong, Diane is unbelieveably annoying and should be out of the house, but I wanted Mike and Will to go before her.
Could work if BB6 (and/or Marcellas) keeps winning HoH.
why hasnt jackie updated?
Jackie, You are worth waiting for. We know you are stuck in traffic, lost computer power, or (sheesh) at work! It is just that we are addicted to you. In a wierd way and only because I want to think good things of Janelle's brainpower and not that she has lost her game playing nerve (could we put something in her about her "WILL Power"? )but I can kind of see why she wouldn't take out Will this week. If Will is seen as the strongest player in the house, then odds are he will go on the block before she does in future noms. If he went out this week, then she would be next in line. Although, that isn't a given, maybe she would be up next no matter what. In past shows these guys were all younger (weren't we all!) and more of risk takers, and after getting out of their past house, they saw how the viewers second guess every move. Maybe that is playing on her. I don't mind Will staying a while longer, but want him out before Janelle goes. Sue
I think Jackie is at work today. :( Poor thing can't afford to take the summer off to watch the feed this year! I wish I could afford to pay you for a summer off Jackie!!
And about Kaysar....I don't care if he is a lump on a log this year...he's dang cute and I can watch him doing nothing and be happy. Of course, he's looked so sad lately that my happiness is not so bouyant, but I do like to look at him, happy, sad, lump, energetic...doesn't matter to me! ~SharonS
Anonymous - Some of us have to work for a living. What are you going to do with your blog when you return to school in a few weeks? Should I stop by there asking why you haven't updated every time you don't have it updated to MY satisfaction?
hi jackieeeeeeeeeeeeeee
im disappointed in that person talkin about why you havent updated him. its not about you. some people have a life buddy. jackie is doin a fine job with the feeds, if you dont like it, ok. but please dont disrespect. i dont hear her askin people why they are not commentin on the things she is typin, beggin people to respond. jackie, your cool, keep up the good work for those that reallllllllllllly appreciate you.:>
Thanks, Pat. When you see those comments, it's always the same person. I've managed to pick myself up a harasser this season.
@@ (Not at you)
GREAT comeback about 'why haven't you posted?", Jackie! :) You take as long as you want, whenever you want...We all love you and know you have other things to do besides watch the house (implode). Thanks for all you do!
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