Tuesday, August 08, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Into The Evening Tuesday 8/08

Well, now that the show aired the POV Comp, it's easy to see how the houseguests weren't sure who won what. In a way, it was rather eerie with the graveyard set-up, but I think it was an excellent competition set to instill distrust and uneasiness over the house. As if they didn't have enough of distrust and uneasiness! And, now you can see why I was confused from what they were saying in the house about who won what.

Here are the events from Tuesday late afternoon and into the evening from that Big Brother House of Loose-Lipped Liars and Ne'er-do-wells:
  • Despite the devil duckie gone missing, George's chicken necklace vanished and the tarantula cage open... these houseguests haven't really thought anything except game. [Editor's note: @@ Eyeroll alert! In past seasons, they looked for whatever BB may have done while they were in outdoor lockdown. Now they're just all hung up in their own dreamworld strategies.]
  • Danielle told James she didn't intend to backdoor Kaysar.
  • Mike Boogie and Janelle talked about Howie not winning comps and Mike asked if it were between them (M & J), should he throw it to her? She told him no - she'd give it to him, but they must go after Danielle.
  • George warned Howie to "watch out for the boys." When George asked Howie why Will doesn't get nominated, Howie told him it was because he throws comps and isn't seen as a big threat. [Editor's note: Will won his season and threw every comp. Nuff said.]
  • Janelle told Will she would date him. His reply? "I would, too."
  • Will told Janelle that he's "honest to a fault in this game." [Editor's note: COUGH.]
  • Janelle told Will that Erika was working Boogie every minute. He replied, "He's solid, we're solid." [Editor's note: Does Janelle have a problem with women? Is Marcellas right in that Janelle wants to be the only woman in the house? Hmmm...]
  • Howie visited the Jack Shack... again. He is NOT the Master of his Domain.
  • James told Danielle that Kaysar indeed fought to save Erika. Danielle had thought that Kaysar lied about that.
  • Erika isn't "working" anyone this evening that I can see. She's very lethargic. She's on slop and I don't think she's even eating much of that.
  • Janelle and Kaysar had a pillowfight. Now, there's fun. I guess. To me, it's only fun when feather pillows are used and they break open. I think I'm reliving my childhood. Nevermind.
  • Janelle is thinking of wearing her black dress for the live show as it will be a very black day.
  • James told Mike Boogie in his goodbye speech he plans to tell Kaysar, "I wanted to play as a team, but you [BLEEPED] me, so... goodbye!"

And so it goes on...

Graphic by Zoetawny.


Anonymous said...

YES FIRST TO COMMENT JHAHAH! i really will be sd when K leaves! BYE KAYSAR!!!

Anonymous said...

Danielle told James she didn't intend to backdoor Kaysar ?!?

How are we interpreting that comment? And how did James react?

Jackie S. said...

I think the implication was that she really intended him to win Veto and, even if he saved himself and Kaysar may have gone on the block -- the target would be Janelle.

Anonymous said...

Whoa, Jackie... check this out... I just happened to flip on the feeds around 12:30 AM EST and the Slowly Starving Erika screams bloody murder and says that she just saw Alison's scary face staring through the kitchen mirror at her... the whole place goes crazy yelling for Alison to talk to them, Howie goes alone from room to room, flips lights on & off-- looking in all the two-way mirrors for anything or anyone. The Doctor thinks that Erika is having Slop Hallucinations, and is asking her if she also hears voices... Erika retreats to the hammock and Mike Boogie is right there to hug/hold and reassure Erika that he will stay the night with her... "Yes, tonight and every night from now on, I can't be alone! " She's freaked out because apparently it REALLY scared her... Will is whispering to Janelle that he thinks Erika has lost her mind big time. Now some of them are convinced that other faces will be seen tonight when they go to bed, that's why BB has told them to go to bed, they are saying.

If they do show scary faces, it would go along with the grave theme from the comp. I suppose... JACKIE, do you think that game was meant to be played at night, but they changed their mind for some reason? I thought maybe the reflection of the didtal screens may have shown in the windows, or SOMETHING?? That game would have been EXCELLENT at night, it was pretty good all around! Thanks, Jackie!! You are the Master of This Disaster! Your Big Fan, Robin in Manchester (ashamedly only 10 minutes from Mike Boogie's hometown...)

Anonymous said...

LOL @ the disappearing lines in Will's face in your picture. Hey, getting botox pre-show would have been a smart move, actually. It hides facial expressions making it even easier for Will to lie

Anonymous said...

JAAACCKKIIEEEE.... ahhhhhkkkk!!! Now I'm terrified!!! At exactly 1:14 AM, in the kitchen BB showed us Alison's SCARY face TWICE in shades of reddish flame colors, just what Erika saw... I totally agree with her-- it was darn frightening! It looked like one of those Xmas images people light-up on their garage doors, like a projected image. It was not actually Alison, but just as scary! Did anyone else see it?? This is gettin' gooood... Robin in Manchester

Anonymous said...

1:20 AM, they just projected it onto Janelle's bedroom mirror and she screamed her head off.... oh, yeah-- Will has been missing, no where to be found in the house for about 45 minutes, they looked everywhere. Robin in Manchester

Anonymous said...

1:23 AM Mike, Erika, and Janelle scream as Jase's face is projected... is anyone watching????? Robin in Manchester..... Will is back now.

Anonymous said...

Boogie is screaming as much as the girls are lol-Jessiesgirl

Anonymous said...

OMG! This is great! I had to laugh when I read these posts. A ghost, eh?

As for the show tonight. The competition was fantastic! I was laughing so hard, I could hardly bear it! Danielle thought everyone she picked would help her. I guess she thought nobody would be greedy. Just too funny!

Thanks so much for the blog, Jackie. It's greatly appreciated!!!


Anonymous said...

OK, if you all went to bed, America, I guess I'll tell you that another face was being projected in the living room and no one noticed...... it is now clear that Mike Boogie is a bigger chicken than Chicken George.... he and Erika are huddled together on the HOH floor scared out of their minds. marc. & Dani just went to sit alone in the dark, and were shown nothing.... Mike Boogie and Erika say they are "scarred for life" now!! Will, Howie and James are lolling arond in the lvgrm. saying they are COMPLETELY bored and depressed, "This sucks..." James invites "internet" to commit mass suicide with the three of them... What a shame they can't have fun when there is ACTUAL fun to be to had! Janelle went to sit alone and wait to see it again-- she has her Game Face ON!! Meanwhile, Kaysar is talking stragedy with C. George outside, they don't seem to care about the scary faces.

I've been laughing my a** off at all of them... a great night. Hope you saw some of it, Jackie! R. in Manch.

Anonymous said...

Oops, ment to post this in my previous one. I finally got to watch tonight's entire show.

Will is so funny. He had me rolling when Boogie and he were talking about whether or not they won the POV. Nope, I got $5,000. OMG. If only all of them could have his sense of humor. LOL. Danielle is right, she's working with a bunch of idiots. LOL! I love this! hahahahaha


Anonymous said...

Penny, I am totally with you. Even though you know Will's lying, he does it with such great sense of humor... something the others are so sorely lacking... that you can't help but laugh at him and with him. He is the sole sense of fun in the house.

Anonymous said...

I WISH they would STOP talking about BACKDOORING! We all know that means it was INTENTIONAL! Danni WANTED Janelle out, not james or Kayser....you would THINK they know their own lingo.....lol

Anonymous said...

Why didn't I think of it before? The PERFECT alliance would be Danielle and Janelle. Think of it...everyone thinks they hate each other and they both have the devotion to the game that nobody else seems to have.

thanks jackie, for all you blog.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the fabulous blog Jackie! Can someone please post a pic of the 'Jack Shack'? Where is it exactly? !n the backyard? Hilarious!

Jackie S. said...

Thank you! The Jack Shack is in the backyard and it's just a box, not a huge one at that. Laying on its side, it's a bit higher than knee height and perhaps three feet long... barely big enough for a grown man to get into!

Anonymous said...

Jackie..Thanks for answering my Danielle question a few back. I agree with your response, Danielle (and all of them) have different people to play against (and with) this year and that really does change my perception of them. What surprised me most during the Tues show was that, at least in the edited version we saw, Danielle still doesn't get it that her alliance aren't stupid (as she calls them) and they do understand how to play the game (as she seems to think isn't true) but that she can't trust any of them. She got out of confinement and went back to business as usual instead of using what Veto taught her. And wasn't it nice of BB to set it up so she could see the lay of the land. The same was true of Janelle and Kaysar, who still seemed to think James was one of S6. That leads me to ask...is he and we just don't know. He is a snake, but one whose whiney hisses cover his trail. When Will dissappeared (from the live feeds convo) we just had Boogie claiming he wasn't in DR and was not anywhere in house...was Will really "gone" for a while? Was it a ploy (read that lie) by Will and Boogie? Is there a secret room that we don't know about yet? Thank you Jackie. Sue

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jackie for explaining the Jack Shack. I looked it up on You Tube and felt a little ill after watching the Mike Booger footage. Now I know why CBS doesn't allude to it. Yikes!

Anonymous said...

To whomever asked about the Jack shack, if you go to youtube.com, there is a clip of Boogie in it and everone in the house talking about what he is doing in it.

As for Boogie being scared, perhaps its his strategy to act scared to get close to Erika?

How can people be mad at Will? LMAO. He is absolutely hysterical. I don't know that he is lying anymore than the rest, he's just having more fun while doing it! (You have to laugh just a little bit at him and Boogie's diary room phone calls). If people are dumb enough not to see through his lies, he deserves to ridicule them ESPECIALLY if they saw that he did this before?!

Though,part of me thinks Will going missing isn't coincidental. Perhaps he isn't TRULY playing the game, but is planted there by BB to mess people's games up..It's a stretch, but would be a good twist

Anonymous said...

What was Danielle thinking when she put up Kaysar? Is everyone in that house deaf and dumb?

Jackie S. said...

Anon at 2:56 - Although I like to watch Kaysar, I understand why Danielle put him up. She seriously wants to dwindle S6 numbers in the game. She had wanted Janelle to leave, but Janelle won POV. James was already on the block (supposedly a pawn), she had promised Howie she wouldn't nominate him. That left Kaysar - her only other choice in her strategy.

Anonymous said...

I understand her strategy. However, the better choice would have been Will/Mike Boogie. What I don't understand is "why" they (HG)believe everything those two idiots say. In my opinion Chicken George is the only one that sees through their smokescreen. What say you? Also I think BB wants Janelle to stay in the house.