<--- This is the image frightening the houseguests as folks have started posting about in my previous entry. (Check the play-by-play there!)
The brand new show promos talk about ghosts from previous seasons and it's started.
Now the houseguests are sure someone is coming back.
jackie, did you figure out where Will disappeared to for so long? i'm reading summaries on another site and he's back, but they didn't mention where he was. it said while he was missing, they checked all the rooms and he wasn't in diary either....
He had talked about using the Jack Shack earlier. :::grin:::
I haven't a clue. He's fussing about the show and "lame" gimmicks. He also said that the DR told him that his "sweetheart" remark to Julie Chen on the live show was condescending and not to do it again.
That face, it is Dick Cheney in his hunting gear...eeeeek
Who is THAT supposed to be? There is a creepy screenshot on the silly hamster site also. I can't figure out who that is either. They are creeping me out though lol
- Jessiesgirl
The more I look at it the more I think it's Jace. It looks like he has long hair though.
In the meantime, Kaysar and CG are having a laughing good time reminicing in the backyard completely oblivious of the "scary" sightings in the house.
the jaw looks like eric from S6 -- i think it may be a combination of the 5 previous evictions or a combination of someone from each season.
april anyone? haha -- Kyle
I've heard that the producer came to Will to be on the show and he is gaurantee a spot but Will told the producer he is not coming to the show unless Boogie comes with him. I knew it was hard to imagine people actually voted boogie to be on the show...so now I know the show is rigged. The producers want Will so bad they had to bring boogie with him. Maybe all the players got paid to act on the show. The $500,000 is just the bonus money. To think of it, all the people in the house are either famous villains or popular with fans. They sure want the rating....has reality TV came to this to make scripted so-called reality TV? CBS must think we are all dummies...maybe we are...we are still glued to big brother 7. Just my opinion...i wonder how you (Jackie) or other readers feel about this.
Janelle just told Danielle she is pregnant and waiting for results of some test she took in April.
I doubt she is really pregnant as that would be close to 4 months, probably more. Janelle does not look pregnant! If for some odd reason, she is pregnant, BB House is not a good place to be with the Slop, the Stress, and more. I also doubt BB would allow a pregnant woman to be in the house knowing the hardships they could encounter. Janelle has been doing all the physical challenges, risking a lot to be ACTUALLY pregnant..wonder if she is just throwing that out to the Float herders as I notice she told Dani and not Kaysar or Howie.
I like Janelle, don't believe she would really be pregnant and in the house or ect.
Just a question for everyone who says the show is "fixed": Are you entertained? Are you enjoying the show? Is it hurting anyone?
What does it matter? Sit back and enjoy or turn the channel. But don't pull a James and complain about it. By the way, has it escaped notice that his last name is Rhine and rhymes with what he does so well?
actually, they could put boogie in there for will because the producers picked the rest of the players. america only voted for 6 of the 14 houseguests...or maybe with the extra players it was 8 of the 14. and the producers filled in the rest. will, boogie, george, marcellas, danielle, & allison were all producer picks i think. i've read that, too, that he told them he would only come on the show if boogie was on.
responsed to 3:14 post. thank you for ur info...i didn't know producers get to choose players and viewers only had 6 or 8.
to responsed to 3:13am post, yes i am entertained. No the show is not hurting anyone but the name of the show is reality tv...do u know what reality TV means? it's not scripted tv.... yes i still will watch the show, i don't know for how long. I think viewers are more intellegent than the producers give us credit for. just be honest and said it's a scripted reality show...don't fool the viewers.
Weeell I voted for Will, Boogie, Chicken George, Howie and Kaysar.
Kaysar lots if times. I really wanted Monica and I also voter for Nak.
The image looks like Jack, the former FBI guy that was with Erica during her Big Brother stint and is now doing postings along with other former houseguests on the CBS Big Brother website. - Chris
I'm out of the loop compared to most of you! But I think the bottom part of the picture looks like Jace. The top, I'm not sure; maybe like someone else said, a compilation of others. Creepy, anyway!
They sure want the rating....has reality TV came to this to make scripted so-called reality TV?
Well of course they want the ratings......that is all every tv show wants and needs. The show is there to sell products during the commercials. The more people who watch the show the more money they get for commercials. Why not just enjoy the show.......does it matter if it is scrpited or not. Because if you really thought it was rigged and it bothered you would you not have stoped watching already. Just enjoy
OMG OMG OMG! That's so cool, I'm really excited! I really wish Bunky would be back, it would make BB alot more funnier because I'm sure Will and Boogie would harass him. :)
I have always been a fan of the women on the show, but why are they being hoodwinked by Chill Town so much this year? Did Danielle actually think Will and Boogie would go after the POV? And why was Jeanelle so easily manipulated into believing that Marcellas had won all the good prizes in the POV competition? I don't understand why these smart women players are being manipulated by two swarmy guys who (if they had watched the previous seasons) they should know would lie to them. I am getting so frustrated watching Will and Boogie making fun of the women behind their backs.
I find it hard to believe that Danielle trusts Will/Boogie/James I think she is showing what she wants to show. She has been telling them too much.(Somethings up there) I think it's not in her character, but who knows that just what I think.
What if the coup d'etat is the houseguests who did not make it on the first show? Wouldn't that be a blast and they could eliminate one of the current houseguests! Don't I have a vivid imagination?
Jackie you said one time that you liked that blending of faces competition. I think BB listens to you and that is the ghost face (as a commenter pointed out). Can anyone see any of Cowboy in it? I mean, is it a blending of those who didn't make it back into all stars. I have always expected them to make some kind of appearance. They could pool their vote into one to add to the hgs vote to evict. I just hope BB has fun with Thursday's "twist". Too many times I have expected something big and it turned out to be, to use Will's term "lame". Sue
Sue - The HG who saw the images swear Jase and Alison. I can't really say WHAT or WHO I see -- just too weird and unfocused.
As for comments about the show being "rigged" - I think that BB is more proactively involved this season, yes. I think that's because the HG are rather spoiled. Fresh meat isn't as demanding as this group... they think they're stars for the most part. In the long run, I doubt BB will influence the outcome, but I do think they're doing some damage control and steering this season. But that's only my opinion.
hey whats up,
this is my first time commenting, does the faces have anything to do with this coup D'etae thingy julie mentioned, thanks for listening
keep up the great work
p.s. is there anything on AOL that i can read or look at
my email is AutismSpeaks@aol.com if someoone could send me a link thanks
Welcome aboard, Rokez! The HG don't know anything about a coup d'etat yet and I'm not sure what, if any, connection the haunting has to do with it.
As for stuff on AOL about Big Brother -- there's an AOL link on my right sidebar that leads to the AOL BB Feature page - from there they link all kinds of stuff including the BB message boards.
Oh and as for Will gone missing....Someone mentioned the Jack Shack. Wouldn't big brother have caught that on tape like they did with Boogie?!? So the guests might think Will went missing, but wouldn't bloggers know where he was due to the feeds?! I can't imagine Boogie didn't think to check the Jack Shack, either. Boogie surely would't pass up the opportunity to let others know Will is in the Jack Shack.
I know its a stretch but maybe Will is working more with BB than he is towards winning the money. Maybe he is planted there just to mess people's games up?!?
Cc - It's a hiding place for Howie (and Mike) - a box they get inside of and um... pleasure themselves.
i'm betting those who come back are the ones from the 20 not voted in...
Anon at 2:28 - Maybe not limited to the 20. So far the ghostly faces include Jase, Alison, Bunky and... ERIC (Cappy). Eep!
I doubt they'll be back in for the season. The press releases say it's to do with this week's HOH Comp.
How did Will disappear and nobody on feeds saw it? That is what I don't understand. Don't they ALWAYS have cameras on them? I can understand the guests not knowing, but the feeds?!? That being said, is it possible he disappeared because he is actually working somehow with the producers?! Crazy, but you never know.....
Also, do we know for sure he WAS missing? It is possible Boogie just said "nope, not in here" while looking right at Will?!
I agree about Will not being in the Jack Shack. I think he has too much ego to do that. Also, I think if he was in there, some houseguest would have been WAY more willing to bust him on it and tell the whole house. I am sure they checked there
Anon at 3:34 - We don't see everything on the feeds. We see four camera views - often two at different angles on the same scene, sometimes all four on one room. That's not even taking into consideration when we're blocked due to singing (copyright issues) or other things producers don't want us to see.
But, if the HG are in three groups talking, we may only see two. So, Will could be anywhere and we wouldn't know unless they talk about it or we see him on a feed.
I was joking about the Jack Shack possibility - I don't think he'd use it.
Hi, my first time commenting..... I love your site Jackie.
About Will missing last night, I heard on the live feeds that he was in the DR room last night, about the time he was missing for about 45 min. Will later said that in the DR he got yelled at about calling Julie "sweetheart" on the live show. .... this might be where he was, in the Dr.
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