<--- A bald bored Kaysar listens as James drones on and on about politics and war. Kaysar told James more than a few times that he'd have to study to have an informed opinion. But, to me, it sounds like James feels he himself is an expert. I don't think he's interested in anyone's opinion but his own.
The house has been relatively quiet with the houseguests once again sleeping in. They have to stop staying up all night!
Oh! And, while I'm quasi-ranting here... Danielle LIED on the show the other day! You heard me. She lied. Which lie, you ask? She does not get up at 7 or so every morning. Yes, she's the "early riser" in the house, but usually it's well after 8 AM their time, many days well after 9. Can I get an eyeroll from everyone?
This morning's big thrill is a toss-up. Either it's George's invention of "milk" for himself (instant creamer) or the weight scale the HG had. Apparently, George has lost more than a few pounds, down to 212.
Exciting, huh? Well, Jase is tailoring a t-shirt for his own devious nefarious deeds.
Notice they give them childrens' scissors with the rounded ends. So, if Jase or Will decide to run with scissors, no one will put an eye out.
In other news, the upstairs HOH bathroom is still pretty much off limits since last night's tub flooding. BB should send them the repair bill. I've had upstairs neighbors like that.
About the only game talk was James voicing his concerns to Kaysar about Janelle and Marcellas.
A few more things:
One commenter asked what penalty nominations are. They're a punishment for misbehavior in the house that isn't serious enough to be an automatic boot from the game (like the Justin/Krista knife incident in Season 2 or 3, whichever). I've seen penalty noms often threatened, but never utilized by BB. If used, that person would be up on the block like a regular nomination.
I will soon be having the opportunity to interview BB's Executive Producer Arnold Shapiro and would like to have input on what you'd like to know about him or the show. Now, keep in mind, I don't want to alienate the man, nor be nasty to him. That's just not my style. But, feel free to submit questions you have and I'll try my best to include some in the interview. The interview itself will be conducted next week.
Thanks again to all the readers and commenters here. You guys rock!
Hi Jackieeeeeee, wow, you get to interview the producer!!! Look, go back through all your comments and do a quick scan to see what you might want to ask, i want to know if he will have super stars do it maybe one time? love it:>
hi jackieeeeeeeeeee, lol ps
ask the producer to allow the next bb8 to view some of the dirty things people are saying about them whileeee still in the house, like when they are on the block, they get to see what a certain person is saying in the diary room. everyone knows that if you have a diary, your parents or someone finds it, so what about others finding it innnnnnnn the bb house:>
I was watching the feed when George took a header off the chair... PLEASE tell me you can post that footage. It was hilarious!
Hey Jackie,
Can you ask him about new feeds when the cameras are blocked.....Like how about some Diary Room Sessions from past seasons instead of the flames and music....we pay for the feeds so why not keep us happy with some dirt from the previous BB Seasons!
anything is better than the flames and the looped Quiz.
HI Jackie! Just wanted to say congratulations on how well your blogs are doing! I practically LIVED here last year. Personal question for you...Have you found a way to do this for a living? You were so amazing last season! Also, How's your knee?
I am Snowqueen at Jokers site and ssamocki on line.
hey jackie. thats awesome about the interview. what i would like to know is, are the events and competions planned out before the show, or do they kinda just wing it? like george's veto competition. did they have that planned that they were going to do a competion like that in week 3 before the show aired?
oh, and why did they decided to pay the houseguests so much for being on the show and in sequester?
hi jackieeeeeeeee, tell the producer he is doing a great job, whether you like the outline or not, the show has fans that love or hate the cast. tell the producer that we would like to see you on the show, maybe as a hg or just the stenographer in the house at all times:>
and what about the alliances???
Hi Jackie, thanks for all the updates. Good luck with your interview. I have a question... I was wondering if anyone caught when Nakomis was evicted that she had no goodbye messages to her? Just thought that was odd. Thanks.
Hi - I have a question - have they ever considered having the HG who wins the POV have the ability to name the replacemnet nomination if they use the POV to save someone?
I hope this is the last year for an all star BB. It was a mistake to trust the guests to play without all sort of alliances from outside the house. I like to see new, fresh faces. People who come in clean, so to speak.
Hello Jackie,
Thank you for all your work. Your site is the first one I visit, every time I go online.
I have two questions for the producer:
1. Was Mike actually voted into the house or did BB put him in?
2. Will there ever be an international Big Brother with people from different countries?
(I would love to see the cultural differences)
Keep up the great work, and "Thank you" again :o)
hi jackieeeeeeeeeeee, i agree back at you alana with more than once a year for so many weeks. i drive my husband crazyyyyyyyy because i schedule everything around BB. Like i said i know you have some people that talks negatively about bb, but they are still fans, and they are still watching and we want moreeeeeeeeeee:>
I agree with Pat, too. I would like to see Big Brother go longer or twice a year. This is sunny California and we can do this all year. No to International BB. Yes to different Americans.
hey like someone said, about the feeds! it would be really cool if we could watch the spiders instead of the flames! watching the flames is really boring. also, congrats on interviewing the producer!! one question i think you should ask. 'what season will bb go up to? 8/9?10?11 etc..'
Question for Mr. Shapiro:
Why is BB more and more often forcing the houseguests through grotesque and inhumane escapades like eating slop and swimming in garbage? Personally, I prefer to watch the houseguests strategize and scheme against one another than endure indignity and injury.
hi Jackieeeeeeeeee, what kind of questions do you have to ask, and alana, i'm sure we are not the only ones with husbands or wives that have to compromise the tv. my husband can have all the shows, but just leave me the spot for BB. I LOVE YOU BIG BROTHERRRRRRRR. MORE THAN ONCE A YEAR PLEASEEEEEEEEE!!!:>
I think the producer need to put Boogie on pently nomination. He's very obnoxious and rude.
I really liked BB having two HOH. At some point in this year's game, I would like to see it happen again. Is there any chance? Imagine after some of the politics and bickering, having two HOH's from difference alliances!!!
Ask Shapiro if there will be a BB8 and put an end to the rumor mill!
Hey Jackieeee -- ask the producer to let us vote either to nominate or evict or maybe to grant a stay for a HG.
I agree about less gross stuff. Let's see more physical challenges and stategy sessions.
Jackie, if anyone could interview Shapiro it would be YOU. I don't think we could submit any better questions than you would think of yourself...but thanks for asking. ;) Your blog makes watching BB7 twice the fun.
Jackie just love the updates you take the time to give us!Congrats on your upcoming interview with Mr. Sharipo! I would like to know how you scored that! Anyway I would also like to know if the rumor mills are true about this being the last season. of our beloved BB. Oh please say it isn't so! Again thank you for keeping us so well informed. You Rock!!!!!
I just emailed him asking if he would do an interview and told him where it would be posted. He had to clear it with CBS, but his assistant contacted me the next day and set up a date next week. When he emailed me that he had to clear it with CBS, I thought it would be a no. But, nope. It was a yes!
Hi Jackie,Just wanted to let you know how much I love reading all of your updates. Nobody does it better than you! Cograts on the upcoming interview with Mr. Shapiro! I would also like to know if the rumor mills are true? Oh please say it ain't so. I have to have my BB fix! Keep up the great posts! You Rock! Sherry
Whoops sorry didn't mean to blog twice. You really lucked out with that! Can't wait to read it. What day & time will it be? Sherry
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