Well, well, well... it took James no time at all to slip right into his HOH role. After he talked to Will, he then asked that Diane be sent to his room.
This ain't no disco. This ain't no foolin' around. This is James and he's taking his Head of House seriously, folks! Will he buckle? Will he fold?
Here's the latest from the Big Brother House of Faltering Floaters:
- In his talk with James, Will implied that the producers had promised him something "big." If they don't come through, he seriously wants out.
- Diane thinks Janelle and Howie were the two votes to evict her. Well, she's half right.
- Will reported back to Mike Boogie and Diane that James admitted the S6 Players are indeed an alliance. He also told them that he told James if they got HOH, a S6 will go on the block - no deals. Will wasn't quite honest with his own Boogie Boy. Interesting, huh?
- Diane and James seem to both think Chicken George should go on the block. [Editor's note: Why are people so scared of George? @@ - Must roll my eyes, must!]
- Their meeting was cut short by the arrival of BB pizza. The slop eaters have real food to eat.
- Janelle said she was upset by some anti-Janelle post that Diane made at the Jokers Updates website prior to this season.
- James claims he'll put up Will if Jase wins POV.
- When James talked to Erika in HOH, she said she wants George and Jase on the block. She thinks Chilltown would save Jase, but George is a huge threat... turn around and he'll be in the final three. [@@]
- Erika said she thought she was part of the S6 alliance when James said something about her being a floater.
- Janelle asked Kaysar why he never told Nakomis the vote fell through. He told her that he did let Nakomis know in the morning, so she was prepared.
- Janelle thinks the second vote for Diane was Jase. Say what? Smith, what about Smith?
- Marcellas told James that Jase was very unhappy that he won HOH. He wants James to forget Chicken George and concentrate on Chilltown.
- Marcellas took offense when James referred to him as a floater. James told him he himself was a floater -- he's in the game to win for himself, after all.
- Kaysar also wants George to be evicted this week.
- James told Jase he will not be nominating him this week. (Argh! He should!)
- James also told Jase that "someday he may return the favor." Not quite a deal, but a hint at a deal.
- Diane and Jase had a clandestine meeting in the Red Room. The Smiths said they had to be careful.
Later today should be the food competition and this evening should be nominations. More later!
I'm getting really tired of S6 always winning HOH, gloating and thinking they are the shit. nooo, the game's not fixed @@ whatever.
I was hoping james would make the game fun to watch and turn on his alliance but i guess he's a wimp and wont do that. poor james. if that works out he's not gonna win. he wont make it past 4.
I am really very intersted in just what the producers have PROMISED James and they BETTER deliver "or he is outta here" deal comment????
What is this all about???? The producers make promises to the players, if so, I sure would like to know WHAT promises and secondly, WHY would James even worry that they wouldn't DELIVER?
Why are thye focusing on George? They can get rid of him at anytime. It's not like he is likely to win any competitions. If they're worried about floaters, they should be worried about Danielle and Ericka.
That flosters thing still has me eyerolling. Wouldn't it make more sense to get a floater on your team than to get rid of them? Why waste so much time saying that word "floater". BB should make a collage of it for the next show. Anyway...I just watched Nak on Early Show. She said All Stars is (she sees in hindsight) an individual sport as opposed to regular BB which is a team sport. Smart girl. Does Kaysar know that yet? Thanks Jackie, Sue
Also, I have heard several times and in a variety of places that James hates George. Way before James was HOH. Is it just the snoring? Did something happen before the show? Does anyone know of a specific reason James would pick George to hate...other than the older, out of it, guy part, I mean. I know they all say they couldn't stay to think of G winning, but James seems to go beyond that. Sue
they promised WILL something big, NOT james
I have to say that I did appreciate all of the nice airtime that Kaysar received last night on the show. Anytime he's on my tv, it is a good thing. :-)
I for one am delighted that S6 is winning HOH. As for James turning on his alliance, this is James! I doubt that they completely trust him.
James has had it in for George since he began the 'slop' diet. George rubbed him the wrong way.
Why do the HOHers think they are playing well when they put up floaters? Confront your enemies now! It makes for better TV
If the S6 people don't get rid of Will and/or Mike after winning the HOH three times in a row, then they (S6) deserve to lose.
I agree that S6 (and no one else for that matter) can trust James, I think he will thinking about at least giving the illusion to S6 that he is on their side. I would like him to put Will and Boogie up, but that would either be impossible (if he is secretly with them) or out him if he is pretending to them he is, but isn't really. Yes, Jackie, tangled web, as you wrote. That might be his reasoning behind putting up George. G might be the only person who wouldn't interfere with all the irons James has in the fire. (or balls he is juggling?) Thank you Jackie, Sue
No thanks, I'll wait for Jackie to post the results.
I'll wait for Jackie too. She's the best!
ok went to bbvi!!! Won't make that mistake again you can't even read all the info, because he has different color of type!!! I agree from now on I will always wait on Jackie!!!!! She is the best!!!
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