After a few hours of flames... yes, hours... it looks like it's Chicken George and Will up on the block.
A full feeds update will be posted later tonight. We've had severe thunderstorms and power outages through this area.
And, then, flame/clouds for a few hours.
New logo by Zoetawny... she rocks!
Okay- has anyone commented on or know why we didn't get to see the "Good-byes" for Nakomis? No time? I love that part!
You're right - We didn't get to see her 'goodbyes'! I always love that part, too!
Love the new logo, Zoetawny!
:) Nancy
Yay! Will's finally on the block. I wish S6 people would hurry up and send Chilltown home. Sounds like Will got what he wanted. I don't know why James didn't put up Mike Boogie. But who knows? and I understand about putting George on the block. James knew if George wasn't targeted now, then George would go far in this game.
Alas, it looks like George is the target, not Will.
And, as for the Nakomis goodbye tapes, a lot of folks have asked. I haven't seen her address the issue in interviews. I would guess it was a lack of time. I'm sure they made them.
THANK YOU so much for your posts. I love them. And, Zoetawny - you are fantastic!!!
Thanks again.
Penny (binxb1)
I should have added....
Why is George the target? He's harmless. What I think is happening, is I truely believe the serious players want serious competition. They don't want to go up against the so called "easy" floaters. They want someone they can REALLY compete with.
I guess it does make for some interesting TV.
James didn't put up Boogie because of his secret alliance with Will/Mike and Daniellle. Will is just a pawn but to look like he is targeting CT. George is getting on all of their nerves plus if you notice James is trying to make George look even worse. He is playing a good game... he's quite smart
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