<--- Marcellas and Janelle share a tender moment.
Touching, isn't it?
Today's been a bit of an odd day in the Big Brother House of Bamboozlement. They slept in and were awakened in time for a lockdown leading into the food comp (see two entries back). There were several periods of flame/clouds and a very extended period of such (nearly two hours) as they did the nomination ceremony.
I'm sure the noms didn't take anywhere near that long and the feeds were blocked so that the news wouldn't get out as quickly. Of course, once they returned, it was only a few minutes until we heard references as to the noms. Prior to the nomination, nothing too much really happened strategy-wise. So, I'm going to pick up on the events since the feeds returned:
- Will seems happy that he's nominated, while George is taking it a lot quieter. Remember, Will doesn't want to be in the house come time for sequester.
- Will joked about Howie being backdoored this week and scared the Jedi Warrior.
- From what Mike said, it sounds like James mentioned George spying on people when he nominated him.
- Jase thinks James wants to "throw him under the bus."
- Will claims he doesn't want the POV used and, if he wins it, he won't use it to save himself.
- Marcellas fussed to Janelle about his key being so near the end of the drawing.
- Jase told Mike Boogie and Will that Danielle is a snake in the grass. [Editor's note: Coming from three snakes in grass? Okay...]
- Supposedly the reason behind George and Will is to make George step up and play the game instead of playing the janitor or Will to get his wish to go home before sequester.
- Janelle and Marcellas wish Mike Boogie was on the block instead of Will. [Editor's note: So do I! Mike is the annoying leader of Chilltown!]
- James said that Howie's key was last merely for effect. [Editor's note: And Marcellas was whining? Howie probably freaked!]
That's pretty much where we're standing at the moment.
I still can't believe that poor George is being targeted. WHEN are these people going to really start playing the game!Myself,I hope James has it in his mind to backdoor BOOGER and then have two CT on the block.But are any of them that smart? We will see.
And might I say that BOOGER's actions concerning the "jackshack" just confirmed what I knew to be true,he is a low-life,crude,rude person and I would LOVE,love,love to see him out of there. I just want to mash his smarmy looking face!!How disgusying is he and I hope TPTB make HIM clean up his own mess!
Hey Jackie! Sure hope you didn't loose power because of those storms. I don't understand how the producers can promise Will that he would be out before sequester. Is the show more scripted by the producers than we know? Opinion anyone?
I really wish they would shout there POTTIE MOUTH's and not use the four letter word so much....Mom!!!!!
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