This blogger will be right back!
Hum your own bad theme music to go with the image and you're set.
This morning, only Danielle and Janelle were up when Big Brother blasted "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" by WHAM! -- aimed towards Jase, I presume.
And, then they went-went. The feeds have been blocked ever since. Now, today the HG usually practice for the HOH Comp so they don't throw off the timing of the live show. That's always blocked. They have to clean the house, too. And, trust me, this house is filthy and cluttered with George being the only one doing most of anything which gets done. They also primp for the show as if they don't realize that any moment they're there might end up on the show. Primping doesn't help when they're popping pimples and picking their nose on film. ;-)
I think the feeds should be back before the live show shuts them down again and I'll update when I can! I didn't want you to think I was just not updating because I'm heartbroken about Jase's expected eviction or anything...
can't wait for the live eviction tonight! COME ON JASE, WALK OUT THAT DOOR BABY!
hi jackieeeeeeeeeeee, thanks:>
I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. Thanks for keeping us updated.
Jackie I have so much enjoyed you blog much more than I have enjoyed the show! This year stinks. I am finding myself not even watching the show and just reading about it. Thanks again you have done a great job two years in a row! ~Carrie
GO George!! I hope he wins HOH or some other NON S6 player. That'd really shake em up.
GO Will you are playing soooooo good! I hope he wins HOH Too!
I'm fine with Jase going, I'd be fine with Will going. I didn't like Will in his season and I don't like him now. I don't get why people like him. I think he's arrogant, smarmy and full of himself. I'll tell you what I really think ;) He is right about one thing...anyone who keeps him in the game is foolish. Oh, and a supposedly grown man who goes by Mike "Boogie", well you can guess how I feel about that one. I'll be very happy to see him go!
Now Jackie, that's another story...she's the best. You are so clever and creative in your reporting...I LOVE your House of... descriptions. Keep it up, please or I might have to resort to actually watching the feeds. Thanks Jackie!!!
Why why why did James not put up Mike instead of Jase? HELLO??? That way you definitely break up that alliance and then there would be a re-evaluation of everyones alliance. Whoever wins HOH tonight, will almost for sure put up a Season 6 person (unless a Season 6 person wins!) and even if one gets POV, there are two more to put up. That is unfortunate, I am enjoying watching James, Janey, Howie and Kaysar. They are my faves.
I was one of the people who voted for Jase to come back in.
In fact he was my number 1 choice for guys.
I was sad to see him go in season 5 and I will be sad to see him go again.
Keep stirring it up, Jase!
Here's to Will's eviction tonight!
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