Here's the hoppin' happenings from the late night and overnight in that Big Brother House of Silly Hamsters and Their Diabolical Doctor:
- Now Marcellas and Erika are both going to vote to evict Diane. For now. It may change with the wind.
- George had a talk with S6 and floaters about his season and asked a lot of questions about the other seasons. Yawn.
- The HG played pool. The HG played charades. The HG played with slop -- er, dressing up the BB Slop so it was more interesting to eat.
- George is at home in the kitchen.
- Big Brother had to tell them to be careful in the pool as they played a game underwater. Big Brother probably didn't want to have to save them. Big Brother was getting a bit annoyed and sharper in tone at them. I love when Big Brother (the voice, anyway) gets ticked and off the taped announcements.
- Some of the HG acted out scenes from a in-house soap opera Marcellas created.
- Will/Boogie conspired against Janelle. "Cut off the head and the body dies."
- Mike told Erika they were going to go @%# with Janey as they went to talk to her.
- They pried her for information on the S6 Players alliance. She said there wasn't one. They tried to get her to make a deal that if a Sov. 4 person won HOH, they wouldn't put up a Chilltown. She made no deals. [Editor's note: Good girl. Better than Kaysar's decision!]
- Mike Boogie told Marcellas they were trying to be "good TV." It was better TV to be scheming with Janelle than goofing around with Howie. [Editor's note: Um. Okay. I kind of like watching George learn the Jedi ways with Howie.]
- Janelle shrugged off the idea that S6 Players want to get rid of Chilltown. Obviously an act, but did Mike/Boogie accept it? She ended up lying to their faces. [Editor's note: She should wear Will's "I'm Probably Lying" t-shirt.]
- Marcellas seems to have forgotten how much he hates Danielle. His targets now are Jase (especially, at the moment), Mike and Will.
- In a talk with James, Janelle told him Mike was their leader. He must go. [Editor's note: YES!]
- Diane worked on Marcellas trying to get him to keep her in the house.
- Janelle, Kaysar and Howie decide to lie to floaters.
- No one at all can figure Chicken George out. That may work to his benefit if he's not targeted week after week.
- Howie, Janelle and Kaysar think a great showdown at the end of the season would be S6 against Chilltown. [Editor's note: But, but... Mike? Aren't you going to get Mike Boogie out of there? I don't like him!]
- Danielle agrees to vote to keep Nakomis if they go after Chilltown.
So, who will stay? I don't know. If it's a tie, Kaysar will vote to keep Nakomis.
I really want to see Dr Will hang out for a bit, I want to see his botox wear off.....
Thanks for the updates Jackie!! Look forward to catching up everyday by stopping here!!
Since you have posted about Hell's Kitchen before, I just want to say...What the Hell is wrong with Gordon Ramsay? He left that insipid Sarah there and I was sure she had a one way ticket out of Hell's Kitchen last night! If she should miraculously pull off a win...I will personally write Gordon a letter with expletives so he can understand it!!
It is kinda fun to not know who is going to go until the Chen lady sings LOL
Mike needs to go~~ Will only has power with him there....please Kaysar WAKE UP !!!
Kaysar cant do a thing. If Erika chooses not to use the POV then we have to wait for next week.
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