<--- A bald Chicken George, now looking more than ever the part of a janitor, thinks about 101 Things You Can Do With Slop. He now realizes the move he made to win the Power of Veto isn't going to be easy. Meanwhile, Danielle's been helpful to him by encouraging him to go on. And, then there's Howie... "Oh, Georgie! You can do it, Georgie! You're a Jedi!"
Is Big Brother ever going to make these people sleep at night? This season is the worst yet in regard to the houseguests staying up until dawn! Other years, the producers enforced a lights out time. If they don't do something soon, the HG will all be sleepwalking through the competitions. Last night was a night of meetings and strategies in the Big Brother House of Boisterous Buffoons and Flittering Floaters:
- Will and Mike had an extended meeting with James and Kaysar in the HOH room (screen cap below). They pushed for Marcellas to be put on the block... like Janelle will let that happen! Will/Mike claims they want to work with S6, not against them. They want the floaters targeted. It seemed like they were talking forever, but not really saying much. They tried prying for information on how cohesive S6 is, but Kaysar and James played the meeting fairly well. Will the push for the Marcellas boot work? Will he be the target and not another member of Chilltown? I guess we'll see.
- Will/Mike said they would not put up Kaysar or James if they get HOH.
- Outside of the room later, both groups said they didn't really trust the other group. Good. They shouldn't.
- Will says he still wants to go home before sequester. If, by chance, it's him and Mike on the block, he will campaign for Mike to stay in the house.
- Mike Boogie told Kaysar/James that Marcellas was talking about them (S6 males, not Janelle) as a threat.
- Will said he made a deal with the producers that he'd only be on the show if Mike Boogie was on it. [Editor's note: And I'd like to see him stuck on the show with Mike Boogie gone!]
- Mike Boogie said that he wants to join forces with the S6 Players if Will goes home this week. [Editor's note: @@ Sure, he does!]
- When Howie stopped by the room, Will asked him if he was ready to go on the block. Howie faltered for a moment, then smiled.
- When the meeting ended, James and Kaysar told Janelle that Chilltown wants Marcellas out. No way, she insisted.
- Now Kaysar is changing his floater tune and saying a Chilltown must go.
- Marcellas pushed Janelle and James to put Jase on the block, as did Danielle to a lesser extent. Erika and Diane remained true floaters, telling James that they'll abide by his choice (as long as it's not them). Erika admitted to "leaning towards Jase" but that was all she'd say.
- Kaysar thinks Marcellas is a loose cannon in the game and seems to be not overly thrilled that Janelle is so close to him.
- James wants to put up Mike Boogie while the floaters and Janelle make the case for Jase. James doesn't seem to be entertaining the notion of Jase going up at all. Not at all. [Editor's note: Can you say pre-show alliance? I thought you could!]
- Meanwhile, at the pool, Jase is pretty confident thant Mike Boogie will go on the block, not himself. [Editor's note: I think I'm going to call the Jase/James alliance the SS -- Slimy Snakes!]
- Danielle and Diane seem to be successfully playing both sides. How long before they're called out on it?
- Marcellas tells all he knows to Danielle. [Editor's note: Once again, I feel I need to mention that Danielle is the one to watch in this game. Yeah, she screwed up the first week, but I think right now she's the smartest player in the game.]
- Diane fussed that S6 never gets her involved in conversations. [Editor's note: Well, duh! There's a reason, Mrs. Smith!]
- For a while, James entertained the idea of putting up Erika or Marcellas.
- No one, not Chilltown or S6, has a grasp on Erika. That's not so good for her because neither group trusts her. They feel she's a wild card.
- Will keeps singing so BB will yell at him (and block the feeds).
- James is still on his "the producers rigged this game" kick.
- At one point when Howie entered the HOH room, he was told they decided to break up the Jedi Alliance and put them both on the block. Once again, it took him a moment to get it and laugh.
- Mike Boogie tried to sell his Evict Marcellas (or even Jase) Plan to Howie, then ran and reported back to Will.
- S6 think they have the votes to evict Mike Boogie - their three votes, Erika and Danielle. They won't ask Marcellas because he'd just rant that he wants Jase on the block.
- S6 keeps going back and forth between Jase and Boogie being put up in George's place. The final decision is Mike. No, wait... Jase. No, Mike. [Editor's note: I personally don't think Jase will go up as I feel there is indeed some sort of pre-show agreement or alliance with James. It's his decision at the end and he'll choose Mike Boogie, I say. If it wouldn't alienate Janelle, I think he'd put up Marcellas. But it's too early in the game to blow his cover with S6.]
All are now sleeping. The POV Meeting should be later today and the suspense will be over.
I think they are underestimating Will and is power to persuade people into changing their votes to evict him. kaysar put up nakomis and diane with the votes to evict diane. no contest.. do they know that it is Will and boogie who started to campaign for diane to stay? i hope Will is going this week. i'll have to throw a hissy fit if boogie or jase leave lol. cause i dont feel like watching the janelle, howie and kaysar show. no thanks.
Jase should go because he's an idiot. He blew his chance to get rid of the S6 players when he didn't go with Alison and Dannie's plan to not agree with Janey therefore they both would have been on the block and Janey would be gone.
I hope James puts Jase on the block in place of George and Jase gets voted out. I agree that he is an idiot..he should of eliminated the S6 players when he had a chance. I want to see Will and Boogie hang in there..they are the only real entertainment on the show
I really think they should get rid of someone from Chill Town, but if you keep passing on George, he will be the next Cowboy and get to the final two. I just wish they had taken him out in week one.
I don't think BB will make George eat slop for the full 60 days. Just cause he said he would do it for that amount of time, doesn't mean that they'll make him. Naturally , none of us have seen the actual competition, so we don't know exactly how the question is worded.
God bless him if he does, though!
Hi Jackie...I just wanted to let you know that you are a great writer...apparently we have similar taste in shows...I read your recaps of survivor, big brother, apprectice...and amazing race...and i agree that sometimes..i prefer your recaps to the actual shows :) big brother all stars is definately booooring..LOL...you liven it up just a bit:) keep up the good work!!!:)
I would agree that jase should go over chilltown if will wasnt going to leave in a week or 2. if jase goes up it would be smart of boogie to vote out will. (if will is actually wanting to leave the next week or 2) because that way he still has someone. if jase leaves, then will, then boogie is left out in the cold by himself.
I hope boogie is smart enough to think of that. unless will plans on getting HOH next week, then there is no need for him in the house any longer.
Jackie, just had to let you know that you are WONDERFUL! Reading your blogs is just like watching the feeds myself. Thank you for your hard work!
It breaks my heart reading about CG...he's just like everyone else in trying to get the money...I wish he was happy again.
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