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Thursday, August 10, 2006
'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Update - Live Show HOH
Erika is the new HOH.
I know now that BB7 is rigged!!!! Howie hit the button & it didn't light up.
uh oh...I'm afeared for that "ewe" (I think I already know the secret phrase!) with those people. I hope they treat it well...and don't try to feed it slop!
Erika's going to put up Janelle and Howie.
I think I want to vote George for Prom King. Is that bad?
Did anyone else hear the surprise (make that shock) when Janelle "lost" out on HOH. Then we find out that maybe it won't be a good week to be HOH. Smart cookie or unlucky?
Is it me or did Howie push the button, and it NOT count...That was not fair...He should have not be out of the comp. He should yell at BB, and demand and new HOH comp..like that would happen, but I can wish...Does anyone else think that Howie pushed the button before Julie asked him too?
George for Prom King!! Also, Boogie should have left instead of Janie at that point. His light didn't work, same as Howies, except Julie didn't catch it.
I know now that BB7 is rigged!!!! Howie hit the button & it didn't light up.
Seems like the buzzers did not work very well. Boogies wasn't even lit when Janelle was out.
uh oh...I'm afeared for that "ewe" (I think I already know the secret phrase!) with those people. I hope they treat it well...and don't try to feed it slop!
Erika's going to put up Janelle and Howie.
I think I want to vote George for Prom King. Is that bad?
Did anyone else hear the surprise (make that shock) when Janelle "lost" out on HOH. Then we find out that maybe it won't be a good week to be HOH. Smart cookie or unlucky?
Oh nooooooo, Howie got ripped off big-time, I rewind my tape and it clearly show's he hit the button before anyone else did.
SharonS - I think George would make a perfect Prom King. We ought to try to get a movement going!
Is it me or did Howie push the button, and it NOT count...That was not fair...He should have not be out of the comp. He should yell at BB, and demand and new HOH comp..like that would happen, but I can wish...Does anyone else think that Howie pushed the button before Julie asked him too?
I don't care who wins as long as Janelle is safe!!!!
George for Prom King!! Also, Boogie should have left instead of Janie at that point. His light didn't work, same as Howies, except Julie didn't catch it.
I think that we should vote George as Prom KIng and Marcellas as Queen.
That would be really funny.
I am just sick...
First James getting what he wants, and then Julie telling Kaysar what really went down. It was obvious he was quite upset.
At this point I don't care who wins as long as James goes ASAP.
Willboogie will continue to throw HOH Comps.
I see Erika putting CG up, she has never liked him. As far as who goes next to him. I see it being one of the S6.
Most annoying goes to James...
Thanks Jackie!!
Carrie in TX
PS: Someone give Howie a shirt that says "Thanks Jackie" instead of Thanks Julie.
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