Thursday, August 10, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Update - Voting/Eviction 8/10

James nullified Janelle's vote prior to the votes being cast. (Remember, he won the right to nullify one vote in last week's HOH.)

These are the votes to evict as cast:
Marcellas - Kaysar
Howie - James
Erika - Kaysar
Janelle - James (Nullified)
Will - Kaysar
George - Kaysar
Mike - Kaysar

5 to 1, Kaysar is evicted.


Anonymous said...

hi jackieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
since you are in the answerin mode, lol, tell me if it is alright to shot out names from hamster. im mad my kaysar went home but janey and dani are still my favorite.:>

Anonymous said...

Thanks for answering my question! It's sad that Kaysar is going home on his birthday. Hopefully if they do bring a hg back, he'll be voted back in.

Anonymous said...

I really had a disdain for S6 and their arrogance, but most of that was directed at James. It is sad to see Kaysar go, but he was a little too pasive this time around.

Now that Erika has won HOH, I bet she is going to have to put two up immediatly and the next eviction on Sunday.

Janelle and CT on the block.


Anonymous said...

I really, really dislike James now. Poor Kaysar. he was in shock that James betrayed his alliance. Kaysar is too good of a person to play like James though, hence why he is home.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure if America voted someone back into the BB house Kaysar would be in without any problems, awwww the look on James face, as Kaysor fronted him it would make ratings skyrocket.

Anonymous said...

Wow, if Janelle had been on her game like she was last year, she would have PURPOSELY voted for James, KNOWING he would nullify HER vote since he told her that to her face last night in the house.... of course not that it mattered since no one in that wacky asylum had the GUTS to shake things up! Yikes.. Will someone explain to me why George voted Kaysar out?

Now I'm watching the live feeds and James is sitting there all angry and bummed-out looking... even when someone says something funny, you can see that he WANTS to laugh, but makes a set decision NOT to... what a sad, sorry dude.

Oh, well, Jackie... I hope you're ready for another week of JAMES.... arggghhhhh. Poooor Sarah. Thanks, Jackie, Your Big Fan, Robin in Manchester