Thursday, August 03, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Update and Live Show Blogging Schedule

Well, I shouldn't have betted two days for Janelle and Kaysar's go to bed early, get up early and eat healthy plan. They were up all night once again leading into today. How do they expect to win comps? I realize they have been, but sleep deprivation will catch up to them.

What's been happening today in that Big Brother House of Rising Suspicion?

  • Will's still hungry.
  • Janelle thought last year was more exciting and fun because of "all the hate." [Editor's note: Well, Marcellas and James seem to find it.]
  • Janelle and Will talked about James' reaction to Diane's expected eviction. They also discussed, but didn't carry out, changing all the clocks to freak the others out. [Editor's note: BB1 had no clocks. Wasn't it George who made the potato clock? Remember that?]
  • The wake-up song, played by BB at about 10:15 AM PT, was The Ramones "I Want To Be Sedated." Perfect!
  • Lots of morning flame/clouds. At one point a glimpse of some show staff was seen. Woo!
  • Mike Boogie told Kaysar that if he or Will get HOH, the rest will want them to do their dirty work and they refuse. He indicated Marcellas might be on their nom list.
  • Mike also said he thinks the HOH will be either Kaysar or Danielle. [Editor's note: I doubt Danielle. She doesn't really play to win the HOH often. Best to let others win and for herself to just be supportive of whomever needs support.]
  • James fussed again about S6 and Janelle's nominations. [Editor's note: Oh, James, just knock it off.]
  • It sounds like we may be in for an endurance comp. Eep.

That's about it except for small talk and Jedi playing.

We have severe thunder storms going through here, expected to last the next few hours. Power staying (please!), I will post the big breaking news from the live show -- Eviction, HOH (if not endurance past show, regular feeds update if it goes beyond the show) -- in East Coast Updates as they occur here. So, tune in to get the breaking news and tell those thunderstorms to avoid me!


Anonymous said...

Jackie those thunderstorms better stay away from you. Also I hope Howie or Kaysar win HOH!!


Anonymous said...

hi jackieeeeeeeee
thanks for all you do. i love to read your blogs after havin a rough day. i cant wait for the hamster people to update as well, shot out to destiny247, luv your feeds too. once again jackieeeeeeeeee good job on the interview:>

Anonymous said...

I am trying to will the thunderstroms away from you Jackie.;) Thanks for your blog I love it. Great job on the interview also. Keep up the good work.:)