Mind you, if you're a James fan, I won't agree with you, but you have the right to cheer on whomever you like. One thing I've seen in the comments is that Janelle has been no more honest than James. James, not Janelle, has talked to everyone in the house about voting out S6 players... even before Janelle's nominations. He's been slowly betraying the alliance since he arrived in the house. No, they haven't totally trusted him either, but they didn't go to others saying they plan to evict him.
Ah, well... here are the events of the day from that Big Brother House of Cold Shoulders and Hot Jack Shacks:
- James and Mike Boogie woke up rather early (for them) and noticed they were in an indoor lockdown with something going on in the backyard. Of course, BB had the shutters drawn, so they couldn't see.
- James fussed to Mike that Kaysar and Janelle "gave away their strategies and put targets on our backs." [Editor's note: He's S6 for a pity party when he wants.]
- James told Mike that everyone's sad that Kaysar is leaving. [Editor's note: Keep in mind this was way before the ceremony took place.]
- Mike and Danielle talked. She said she's staying close to Marcellas so (paraphrasing) he won't go astray. Apparently she doesn't want him talking to people. They both said he doesn't lie, but he can be a jerk.
- James used his phone call that he won in POV for a call from Sarah. He said she cried. [Editor's note: Maybe because she thinks he'll be home way too soon! I know, I'm bad. But I couldn't resist!]
- Will and Mike Boogie don't think Erika can be trusted. They hatch a plan to tell her something to see if she runs to Danielle with it.
- James said in idle conversation that "NYC is pretty much a Third World Country." [Editor's note: Racist much? Maybe if everyone was pale with a forehead the size of Ohio, he'd be a happy guy. Probably not.]
- After a long period of flame/clouds, the POV Ceremony had finished and, indeed, Janelle saved herself (can't really blame her - she would have been evicted for sure had she remained on the block) - and Danielle nominated Kaysar in Janelle's place.
- Danielle and James talked about what would happen if there is a tie. James wanted her to say she promised him she wouldn't vote him out, but she said she doesn't want to say anything about promises. James said something about the others will say "James had already written me off" plan that I personally don't understand. I think she just doesn't want to make promises to either James or Kaysar right now.
- Danielle and James think they James has these votes to stay: Erika, Marcellas, Chicken George (Danielle said she talked to him). He wants to nullify Janelle's vote.
- James thinks the plan (to evict Kaysar) will work better than any previous plan in BB history. [Editor's note: @@ Eyeroll alert!]
- Danielle did a crying stint saying she felt bad for Kaysar, but it's business. [Editor's note: @@ Again!]
- Despite the fact Kaysar said yesterday he wouldn't campaign... he talked to Erika who first said she didn't know how much difference her vote could make and then said something about she was worried "what she..." FLAME/CLOUDS due to singing on another feed. She didn't commit, but he pointed out several reasons she should vote to keep him over James.
- The Kaysar campaigned to George.
- Erika went crying to Marcellas and Danielle upset about her talk with Kaysar. She wanted to know if they were keeping the right one of the two. Marcellas and Danielle together tried to convince her Kaysar had to go. Then Marcellas left and Danielle told Erika that she won't tell anyone what she plans in case of a tie - she had told Kaysar that he just had to do what he had to do. And it is what it is.
- Poor George. Everyone's making the rounds. He, so far, hasn't promised anything to anybody. He's thinking about it.
- Mike Boogie told Kaysar they still plan to go to the Final Five with him.
- Will shouted out to the Internet people that they wanted banner planes. BB cut him off when he started to give the address of the BB House.
- Thanks to Will singing, the feeds kept cutting in and out as Erika talked to George. She's going to take him under wing and help him in comps and such? All I caught of a Kaysar/James mention was what a nice guy he is. So, they had to be talking Kaysar, but I don't know if either committed. [Editor's note: Although she seems like she will vote Kaysar for Danielle... though I'm beginning to wonder if Danielle really wants to keep James if there's a tie. Oh, I'm getting dizzy again!]
Phew! What a day!
OMG...I will not be able to watch anymore if Kaysar goes home...I hate James..He is the biggest whiner..It will make my day if this backfires on James, and he goes home!!I sure hope Janelle wins HOH next week, and takes Danielle out....That would be great!!Thanks for the updates....i look forward to them everyday..
Hi, great job Jackie. Just to let you know you were a lifesaver when I was in the hospital. I was able to keep up with the show and the house. I have a few illnesses and this is not the first time I needed you to keep me up to date. I found a link to your article with CBS and they asked for a vote and a comment, I posted both for you. This is the site. http://tv.netscape.com/story/2006/08/03/interview-with-big-brother-7-all-stars-executive-producer-arnold-shapiro/. Well keep up the good work. We both live in same area & I have 2 cats also. Kat.
It is sad that Kaysar will probably be evicted. I cannot get out of my mind that the first thing Boogie and Will said to each other upon entering the house is that they wanted to get rid of Kaysar. My gut tells me the house guests want him out because he is more of a threat because he is smarter and nice than James.
I think the only thing that can save Kaysar is this so called Coup but otherwise, my favorite HG of all time ( Kaysar ) will be toast and out of the house Thursday.
I do not think he has the votes especially with James' nullifying one vote. This was the Week Kaysar needed to win that Egg or HOH. I would have never thought Howie losing HOH would result in Kaysar being in danger.
James may be whiney and obnoxious but the HG see him as split from Season 6 and they can use him. They see Kaysar as the key member in Season 6.
Thanks, Kat! Sorry to hear you've been ill, but that was very sweet of you! :D
Jackie I am so glad you wrote about James and the things he says. He is the house spinner, every thread has one common factor "James said". And anything he says is untrue, so no wonder all is confusion in there. For example, he and Danielle were (I think?) alligned way before Janelle put Dianne up. But, James is making it sound as if he ran to Danielle as the only way to keep his honor intact (I know...) Kaysar agreed with Janelle to put out Dianne, she didn't go against her alliance in that. I do have hope that the special thing I can't spell that Julie mentioned that could tumble a HOH will be something fun to watch. Also, Danielle (and someone should tell her it is too early in the game to be so pleased with her work...and to be quite about it)has the opportunity to make a very strong partner in the house, by keeping Kaysar and making him understand it is only through her that he stays. she may even have done that already. I think James' power is in his lies and that all may crumble so that Danielle can't rely on it. In fact, who can Danielle rely on...Marc the loose cannon, James the snake and Erica the unknown? Thanks Jackie, Sue
I am a junkie for this blog!!!
Thank you so much for doing this Jackie.
I think George will vote to evict James because when he gave Howie that pep talk he said watch out for the snake so he knows what James is up to.
UUUMMMM Jackie I'm pale with a forehead the size of Ohio..is that a bad thing?!!! Just joking keep up the good work
Jackie, Maybe James' "NYC is pretty much a Third World Country." is not so much a racist remark as it is a reference to the numbers of the less than well off. Any large city has quite a number of visible poor folks compared to small mid-western cities. But still I give his comment an @@.
If theres a tie Danielle better vote to evicted James...He is such a snake...hisssss!!
Hey Jackie! Love your blog. I live in Cincinnati and I'm very upset that you compared anything referring to James to the great state of Ohio! ; ) He has got to go!
Keep up the great work!!
Funny... back in Season 6 I loved Janelle. Glad to have seen James out back then. This season... I like James way better than Janelle. And sad to say Kaysar deserves to go. SS6rs got way to cocky... too soon. James is out for revenge and rightly so.
Not that it matters... but I'd like to see Danielle, Dr. Will and James in the final three... if only for entertainment sake.
I really, really hope james stays. thats all i'm gonna say.
I don't think that Kaysar has the votes to stay...Ameen, I think that Erika is going to vote for James to stay as she is going along with Dani's instructions, so it will probably be Janie and Howie for Kaysar, and then the rest for James to stay....that is what I think...I know Marci wants James to stay.
I don't know about anyone else, but if I hear "It is what it is" one more time I'm going to scream. Is there such a lack of creativity and taking responsibility for your actions that they have to lay everything off to that as though it explains everything?
Hi. I love your updates and respect your dedication and hard work for all of us. I am just alittle upset about about a recent comment made about NYC residents - NYC represents what this Country stands for freedom. The majority of NYC is middle to upperclass and it is very expensive to live in NYC. NYC welcomes all kinds and is fair from raciest. You experience all cultures and people. Not to mention the hearts of our people coming together after 9/11. Please dont comment on NYC in any negative way - you dont know who looks at Jackies sight and may be hurt from that - I am proud to be a New Yorker and I am not rich. If you have never experienced the cultures in the city - dont comment.
Jackie,Thanks for the updates.I still watch the show to see all the reaction.
Don't know why everyone got upset when Janelle didn't put up Ct.They all had the opportunity."Get over it."
I hope they get rid of James,he's the biggest SNAKE in the house.Using everyone.
Looking forward to Thursday night.
Keep up the good work.
I'm from Boston area.
I absolutely hate the game James is playing. He came into this house saying to us he was still pissed at the S6 people. I hate the game Danielle is playing, although I was impressed with her playing within her season, she rode Jason's coat-tails, this why she got second place.
They all know James is running from person to person being the whiney ass that he is, but they see Kaysar as a bigger threat.
I guess things will be a little more clear once we see the DR sessions tomorrow.
Carrie in TX
Anon - JAMES made that comment about NYC. Check my location on the upper right sidebar. ;-)
It's my favorite place in the world.
Jackie, I laughed OUT LOUD at your James-forehead-Ohio joke... HA-larious! I would love it if Danielle's ultimate goal is to have James out... maybe she'll switch her crowd at the last moment to confuse James.... If I have to hear that theme song blaring ONE MORE TIME... it is infecting my brain. I guess it is what it is... I do agree with anon 8:12 (another great BB Bible passage) that Kaysar has been such a sad-sack lately that folks might wish him gone.... What's with Howie this year? He's lost his mind-- he knows good TV better than to rehash last year's jokes every two seconds! Yikes.... I can't understand why Janelle isn't seeing through James. Where does she think he's been the last two weeks when he's not hanging with Sov4?? Oh, the mug-shot of Janelle on the internet is awful... hey, she was just a kid (still is.) But it IS a good idea to actually SHOW UP in court after an arrest, so I've heard... I'm cringing at how cruel Mike & James are being to Georgie tonight, grow-up children. In George's real life, he probably would've punched one of them in the face-- you don't talk about a man's wife like that, idiots.... Last night's show was downright boring compared to Jackie's writing... next year, they need to let Jackie just EDIT the entire show! They don't use HALF the funny stuff Jackie tells us. Thanks, Jackie, you rock, you roll... and with that said.... you RULE! Your Big Fan, Robin in Manchester
Jackie or Robin from Manchester-
What are Will and Mike saying to George? I don't have live feeds and only know what's going on when Jackie posts.
Jackie - i was not referring to you at all. I was referring to a comment made by Susan. Its ok - i just took it to heart, as i am here to read your great stuff and not hear about more visible poor people in NYC - or other big cities. Some of us may be just that.
Anon 10:34
Susan didn't make the comment about NYC either. READ Jackie's blog... JAMES made that comment. Susan was just commenting on HIS comment.
Thank you sooo much for your great work! It is amazing how different the show is from what actually goes on. I would not know what to do without your blog! You Rock!
I don't think the floaters like or respect James; but they tend to think he has left the Season 6 Alliance and Joined the floaters. Or they think he will help them. James has been spending a lot of time with the floaters and Erika and Marcellus will probably vote the way Danielle wishes them to vote. I think the floaters fear Kaysar voting them out and not James..they are being fooled. We all know Marcellus and Erika like Kaysar more but they want to Win and probably think they can manipulate James better than Kaysar.
Remember James has a lot of the HG convinced he will get rid of Janelle if they get rid of Kaysar.
Love Kaysar, but I fear he is gone unless this Coup happens to help him..however that plays out.
this is my prediction for eviction day. this is just my thought.
Will will vote Kayser out
Mike will vote Kayser out
because they know they don't have chance with Kayser if they are in final two. Will is very smart.
Danielle will vote Kayser out
Erica will vote Kayser out
Marcellas will vote Kayser out
because Danielle can manipulate James...she needs James to tell her everything that goes around S6 like she has her own spy in the house. Erica will vote with Danielle b/c they are floaters and she knows she must stay with them and follow the vote with them to ensure her chance to stay home longer. She liking Kaysar has nothing to do with it b/c she is playing the game....remember she throw herself from winning HOH b/c she doesn't want to be a target for next week just in case S6 win HOH. She is very smart player. Kaysar is just eye candy for her. Marcellas had a major crush on Kaysar but he knows he had to get rid of Kaysar to win the money.
Howie will vote James out
Janelle will vote James out
George will vote James out
It will be 5 to 3 and James will stay and Kaysar is out. Kaysar is boring this season anyways i won't miss him much....It's better to watch and be entertained by the snake and a traitor and someone stirring things up than someone who is boring and mute. It's more reality TV to keep James in the house. Why do so many people like Kaysar i just don't understand is it because he is handsome? but face has nothing to do with playing the game. If you are in the house with all star to play the game to win...play the game. He is talking about high morals and all that but where is his morals when he told people he isn't going to campaign to save him but what did he do? he is campaigning to save his butt with Erica and George. At least we know James is a snake and he will do whatever it takes to stay at home.... If he has any moral, he wouldn't come back to play all star...so please keep that moral things to urself...we don't believe u. This is a game, playing mind games to win the big bucks so play the game!!! stop thinking u are better than others by talking morals. Once again, if any of these HGs have morals they wouldn't come back to play the game again.
I guess no one is going after Chilltown until the HG break up Season 6 by getting Kaysar out and then Janelle. Then how much do you wanna bet their next target will be James or Howie and meanwhile that immature, arrogant, Chilltown skates free. I never saw Boogie or Will before as I only started watching last year...but they disgusted me from the first time I saw them enter the house. I do not find them funny, only silly, immature, and mean.
I love Kaysar, Janie and even Howie even though Howie is acting too crazy and odd....but i fear the HG are only interested in getting rid of Season 6 and forget CT is the bigger threat and nastier too than any of the other HG.
the reason floaters are targeting S6 is b/c S6 target floaters everytime they won HOH. To ensure floaters to have the numbers they need to get one of S6 out. next week, will be much different story i will bet. if S6 wins HOH, they will target floaters again, if floater wins, they may target CT. and if CT wins, i don't know....they are so unpredictable...but i think they will target floaters because they have the numbers. they sure do make things interesting.
am i missing something?
am i the only one that is not supportive of janelle or kaysar?
i just don't get it, where's the big draw?...yeah maybe against the "nerd herd" it was a no brainer to support them, but this season i'm all about the evil doctor.
how great would it be if he could manipulate another housefull of hamsters?...that's talent, especially since they should all know his M.O.
I think Danielle's strategy has been great this week. She has put up 2 from season 6, which gets support from the floaters and she can claim she is a woman of her word because she did not put up Howie after promising him he was safe. She not only talked the talk but she walked the walk.
But her strategy is only good for this week. With S6 weakened there will be some scrambling. After this week's eviction, the number of Hg's is 9. 2CT and 3 from S6.
A new alliance, which the Good Doctor has been working on for a few weeks, is all set to happen. ("We'll split the money 5 ways ...")
I think Will doesn't care about the $$ as much as manipulating the HG's and America. He's already won BB already so why is he there? Ego. Pride. Fame. He's like a boxer who refuses to admit that he shouldd hang it up. (Although Will is no has-been. He's playing a great game. He just needed the rush one more time. )
Ego, pride and fame. Exactly how many famous dermetologists are there, anyway?
I was a Kaysar fan, rooted hard for Janelle last year and Howie cracks me up ... but I'm pulling for George this year. Occasionally, nice guys should finish first.
comment from 1:02 am
I am with you! Im not a fan of S6 I do not understand the draw- In my opinion people are reliving S6 and this is ALL STARS which they are not- Janelle is an awesome game player, I have the live feeds as well- she does a lot of trash talking herself- In her defense- not as much as some- but she is just as guilty as others.
Im a rooting for George but the Doc has made this whole season worth watching. It is what it is.
If we didn't have James, Will or Danelle in the house, what a BORING place it would be and we all would quit watching. Come on folks!
The NYC comment was not racist as blogged. But actually your response was -- both by presuming it's racist and by making further physically racist comments. There's a difference between behavior and identity, especially racial identity. (I don't respect James.)
For a gamer, it's too early to get rid of James. I would much rather watch Kaysar than the annoying annoyed James, but I want Chilltown to take the game since I'm a gamer.
Danielle should have promised James to save him in a tie. She already expressly convinced James to "trust me on this".
I love this blog. I can overlook your racist notes pretty easily. I am a Survivor-watching veteran, and this is my first season of BB. I used to think it was completely moronic. Full gaming is here though. I had the free 3 days of superpass and now I'm done, so this blog is where I'll settle... unless I'm not welcome for calling you racist.
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