Before I get into the day's events on the live feeds, I'd like to respond to a few things mentioned in comments. So, bear with me, please! First - Sue wondered why, when Danielle was previously one of her favorite houseguests in her season, she seems to have changed (nothing to do with her noms - they were good on a strategical level). Sue wondered if I had similar feelings. Yup. I too like Danielle and think she's one of the best game-players in the house. I think the change this season might be who she's chosen as an ally. We looked at Jason and... who couldn't like him and think it was the perfect cover? Now, James doesn't play smart. He's all over the map with lies and will be more of a liablity to her. I think that may be the difference.
And, I apologize to the state of Ohio for my "forehead the size of..." (in reference to James) comment. Heehee! I didn't mean to malign the state.
Onto the day's events in that Big Brother House of Swelling Egos and a Flatulent Floater:
- This morning Danielle and Mike Boogie talked about Kaysar. She said that he can't be honorable if he lies and that she told him "expect the unexpected" just to throw him off.
- She also told him that she's the "mole" in the floaters and James is her "mole" for S6.
- Danielle also mentioned talking to James about the show pre-show. [Editor's note: But we knew that. James seems to have called many of the HG pre-season. Interesting, eh?]
- She said that Kaysar thinks the vote will be 3-3 and she'll keep him. She told Will/Boogie not to tell their votes to anyone - let it be a secret.
- Danielle, James and Mike Boogie spent a chunk of time trashtalking Janelle. Oh, well... not unexpected.
- Mike continued to lie about his actual winnings from the POV comp. I guess we'll see tonight why they don't seem to know what each other won.
- James said he'd been setting Janelle up for the fall for weeks.
- Danielle and James think the vote will be 5-1 for Kaysar to leave.
- Erika begged Big Brother for food. I mean BEGGED. She's cracking.
- Will wants BB to give them a puppy. Or a dolphin. Um... okay.
- After an outdoor lockdown, BB had been up to stuff. One of the devil duckies is missing off the wall in the bathroom and the camera kept focusing on the spot where it had been.
- Will/Boogie whispered in the storeroom about "we'll just tell her we had to change our vote. James is too big of a threat." [Editor's note: Aha! Aha!]
- Another cam started zooming in on the tarantula cage and a nearby sign said "Do Not Open" and the side door of the cage seems to be open. [Editor's note: Arachnids on the run! They want out of the drama!]
- Janelle told Howie she can't play for Veto next week. Something to do with POV, I assume. It might be something she gave up to win. She asked him not to tell anyone. So... shhh... folks, don't tell anyone!
- So, then she told Kaysar.
- George said his chicken necklace is missing. [Editor's note: Duh, houseguests! You're all so wrapped up in strategies that you're not noticing BB did STUFF! Sheesh!]
- Danielle, Marcellas and Erika studied for the HOH comp (thinking it's due to be questions) much like Howie and Janelle are always studying.
- Janelle swore revenge on Danielle.
And, that's that!
Graphic by Zoetawny.
thanks Jackie...oh the hope you gave me!!!
I think Kaysar's popularity is fading fast. I noticed many readers want Kaysar out. Doesn't suprise me. He is playing lousy game this season. Now, after he got nominated, he is telling people he is not ready to go home and ready to play the game? lol....he should have played the game from the day one. This is strategy playing chess game. Always think how and what oppotents think and what their next move is. Kaysar you lose...go home and play chess with your sister and hope you will get better at the game when you get chosen to come back to the house.
I haven't said this in a few weeks ;) but I love your blog-I can't believe how much time you spend on watching and posting for us. Love your witty comments!
And Zoetawny-once again-you are amazing!! On one of your graphics I couldn't figure out what diffent-then I saw the end of Jase's? nose change just a little bit-Perfect!!
Back to the show-I am still hoping James gets voted out but Will and Mike seemed to always talk about their votes this way and then vote the other way. Still my fingers are crossed that Kaysar stays.
And Janelle will get revenge!!!!!!!
Thanks Jackie!!!! Love your blog. I hope Kaysar stays but I do agree he hasn't played the game this season like he did on bb6.
Is it me, or does Boogie look like Fredie Kruger from Nightmare on Elmstreet?
I agree with you guys, I loved Kaysar last yr. but he's been so boring this yr. Janelle is much more fun - unfotunately she won't win but it's fun to watch her fight. And I am enjoying Will again, he is such a good player, evil but fun to watch, these people are the reasons we watch.
forget kaysar and james for right now. i would love nothing more then to see boogie, erika or marc become hoh next week and put janelle up on the block again. cant play for pov. omg i'm so excited to see her leave!!
I dont know why they (will/boogie) would want to vote out james right now. that would be leaving season 6 in tact and they still have the power. hmm.. that would be stupid. oh well.
Yeah Boogie does look like Freddie.:)
The missing bathroom devil duck, the open spider cage and George's missing chicken necklace may have something to do with the coup d' etat. What do you think?
The show sure leaves out A LOT of info that we get on your blog, Jackie. Thanks.
I looked up the definition of the coup de'atet(sp). "an overthrowing of power" What is BB up to??? HMMMMMM
Will and Mike's votes.. hmmm
I can't help feeling they will vote to evict James. Why? To weaken another alliance aka Dani and James. As far as the game, Mike and Will know their alliance is the only one that is true - the rest are part of the game. Last week by manipulating Janelle, they put doubt in S6 and therefore weakened their strength. Now, my opinion is, they will weaken another one which will also reveal to them what other alliances may be in the house... aka Danielle and George? I just find it interesting how Mike and Will play for their own interest and also never seem to really compete in the HOH competitions... I keep thinking of a rattlesnake in the grass and I'm waiting for them to start taking power - but not until they have everyone else on shakey ground with each other leaving everyone but themselves somewhat doesn't appear like Will is playing the game, but in reality I think he really is by having everyone else work against each other instead of him going after people... just rambling...
After tonights show, Willboogie don't care about anyone except themseleves, and I thought it was hallerious they went after all the luxary items, and then pinned it on Marcellas. Danielle has ZERO alliances except maybe Erika, the Legion of Doom does not exist, except in James' head.
I think shock and awe should occur-- Willboogie should evict James. Kaysar is not there to play for some reason. What Up Kaysar????
Thanks Jackie!!
Carrie in TX
PS: Perhaps this power to overthrow will be what we have all been waiting for for 7 seasons-- for America to decide who becomes HOH, America decides who goes, or America is HOH for a week.
Carrie, I think giving America power would be great. These are All-Stars and they should be prepared for anything.
It would be interesting to see who America would put on the block. Would America make the same mistakes as the house guests? Does the Evil Doctor and his bumbling assistant have the power to control the viewers? Will Chilltown finally be put on the block together and actually have to compete in a competition?
Hmmm. . . I wonder what would happen if the fans were given one shot at taking out the Dynamic Duo? Come on CBS, give us a chance.
As usual, you are absolutely right about Danielle this season. Her alliance with lovable Jason made her "shrewdness" more palatable. Is James' mean spiritedness rubbing off on Dani? I'd love to take a poll on who actually likes James.
Hey, Jackie, I'm originally from OH and didn't get offended. You could have said something much worse about James. ;) I admire your restraint. Regarding Danielle's comment to Boogie about Kaysar not being honorable because he lies...she sure can spin things in the BB House of Liars.
Darn she's good if not a little ruthless. Sounds like we still don't know for sure if Kaysar is leaving. Still 45 min. to go until tonight's show.
LOL! Boogie does look a little like Freddie Kruger. Thanks for the laugh! :))
Hey Jackie! I've been thinking about this vote that James get's to nullify and wondering just how it works. Do you have any idea? Does he have to use it BEFORE the voting is done/revealed? And does he have to use it on a specific persons vote? If that's the way it works, I would love to see him use it to nullify Janelle's vote . . . . . and then see her vote to keep him in, therefore giving him the opposite effect he expects. If something like this happened, I'd LOVE to see his face when he realized his nullification just came around and bit him in the butt!
I can dream, can't I? :)
I think Kaysar is playing it smart this time around. On his regular season, he was in charge and everyone knew it and went after him. This time around he's trying to play it better by laying low and playing his own game. I didn't like him the first time around but I do now and would hate to see him voted off. Plus I want to see his hair grow back in!
First of all, Jackie you are AWESOME. I love your seriously rock.
Okay moving on. I believe that the missing/changed items (evil duckie, spider cage open, necklace) are going to be part of the HOH competition. Anyone else agree?
I read on another site that a friend of Kaysar's passed away while he was in the house. Can anyone confirm or deny that?
Kaysar can't go soon enough for me. He is such a phony. Last year he acted like a terrorist. This year he is acting so honorable. Too much of a change for me.
you know, everyone keeps saying "Janelle will never win".....didn't we also think/say that about the EVIL DR. WILL and , low and behold, look who walked away with a mill.
GO JANIE....!!! Janie and two!
I know will and Boogie annoy a lot of people, but I have to admit to finding them massively amusing. I cannot help but laugh at Will especially. Normally someone like that would crawl up my skin but his charisma, which he fully knows how to use, is remarkable. The house would simply be a whole lot less fun without him.
Meanwhile, I have to classify James as having negative charisma. Now HE is annoying! I've never seen a grown man whine so much.
i'd much rather see janelle (that bubblehead voice is killing me!) go this week, but i can live with kaysar (what game is he playing?)
marcellas HAS got to GO!...oh the drama!...he makes me cringe whenever he's on screen...
and yes, james is annoying...and perhaps a snake too...he just doesn't bother me as much as marc does...
this season wouldn't be anything if it weren't for the "chill" factor
I know this is completely from left field and grasping, but maybe the big thing is that no one goes home this week and maybe the intended person going home becomes HOH, I think everyone would loose their mind, Dani and James face would be priceless!!
Thanks for the great work Jackie
I am so over Danielle, I want her gone. All she does is cry. As far as that snake James goes, I hope he gets sent home this week. His face will be an absolute picture that Zoetawney could use over and over again. Great work both of you.
I am so over Danielle, I want her gone. All she does is cry. As far as that snake James goes, I hope he gets sent home this week. His face will be an absolute picture that Zoetawney could use over and over again. Great work both of you.
Being from Ohio your comment did catch my eye. But then I looked at his forehead, and with his hairline it DOES look like our state!!
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