Did you know I don't care for James? I'm sure I've cleverly concealed my feelings.
Um... maybe not, eh?
I can't be the one to call whether the re-do of the HOH competition was fair or not. We all saw it malfunction, so that's not the issue. And, though I didn't want Erika to be HOH, I do feel sorry for her. If I were in her shoes, I'd be crying more than she has been.
Here are the events from the daytime hours in that Big Brother House of Overturns Sans Coup d'Etat:
- BB had the hamsters up before 8 AM their time. Backyard lockdown. Oy.
- Marcellas told Danielle he won't be hanging out in the HOH room because he's just a bleepin' floater. When he said something about Erika having a good lawsuit, the feeds went to flame/clouds.
- Woogie (Mike/Will) discussed how they'll use hand signals to let each other know if they got the Coup d'Etat. [Editor's note: So, does Danielle have it? Or is she bluffing? Or is it something in Marcellas' mind that she has it?]
- When Marcellas told James that he, Danielle and Erika won't vote for Janelle to win if they go on the block, James said it was shades of the Nerd Herd (S6). [Editor's note: Okay, I give him credit for that. He's right. The voting should be on who played the best game, not who likes whom.]
- At 11 AM PT, BB opened the doors to the house to start off the food comp.
- The comp was a Slop Cook-Off. The HG had to prepare a dish which includes BB Slop as one ingredient. Dishes included Slop Waffles, Slop Mexican, Slop Cupcakes, Slop Pancakes, SlopCakes (like crab cakes), Slop 'n Garlic Pasta and more.
- Nicole, Jun and Marvin from previous seasons were the judges. Remember, Nicole was Will's nemesis in his season. I can still see him running that radio-controlled car into her over and over again - "I can't figure out how to work this!" THUMP! "Will, quit it!"
- After some banter - the judges were on the plasma screen - the feeds were blocked for a bit. When they came back, the judges were gone.
- Will's Slop Cupcakes got the second-highest score. Oh, he can bake!
- Howie told Janie he may go Hurricane on Erika. [Editor's note: Don't, Howie. Just don't. Right now Erika has a good reason to be upset.]
- Janelle told Mike Boogie that James has to be in their alliance. [Editor's note: Janelle, Janelle... where is your mind? Sheesh! Stop trusting James. Stop trusting Will and Mike, too... but really stop trusting James!] She really wants Danielle evicted.
- She says the floaters will go with Danielle first, George last on the list.
- James and Woogie said that if they can, with the POV they want to backdoor Marcellas. [Editor's note: I can think of some really obvious gay comebacks here, but I'll restrain myself.]
- The Nominations are today. Busy day for the hamsters!
- George thinks he'll be nominated with Danielle.
- When Danielle and George talked, he thought her DNA answer for the Coup d'Etat (Dolly/sheep/cloned/Do Not Assume season) was right.
That's where we stand at the time of posting. Once I know the noms, I'll get the information out to you. Thank you everyone for really getting into discussion in the comments. Cool beans!
[The spirit of Nakomis must have visited my computer.]
It looks like the only slop day may be Wednesday from what they're saying. Once I can gather more, I'll post it in the next regular update late tonight.
And folks... please try to be respectful about others. I love all the discussion, but I don't want fisticuffs in the comments, please!
Hi Jackie and all...
So this really has nothing to do with whats going on in the house, but I have a question... are the Live Feeds worth purchasing? I am thinking of it, but I work full-time so it's not as though I could watch it during the day... it would just be in the evening when I am home. Your thoughts?
I can't wait for nominations! I really hope she'd put up Marci and Danielle. (Wow that soudns racist LOL)
I liek marci but he's not good for Janelle.
Patricia - The plan for a month (which would cover series end) might be worthwhile for you. If you're Eastern Time, the HG tend to sleep well into your workday. A lot happens in the evening hours and weekends.
Why don't you try the free two-week trial offered at many sites or see what the deal is they're offering at real.com (RealNetworks who supply the feeds.)
I thought someone mentioned another clue - a fly in a toilet. Who one first place in the Food Comp? Thanks.
It really does sound like Danielle hunch on the sheep is correct. I don't know if it is. I was hoping for lots of other clues. If one of them was a snake, then I would guess the BB term was "Houseguests". But, if Dani got it, there is now power on both sides of the house. Did anyone notice it was a full moon last night? What? that doesn't seem off topic to me.
So, if I understand this correctly, IF Dani won the Coup-de-villan, having Jani as the HOH is pointless as Dani can knock her & her nominations out. Is this right?
jackie, your right, there are alot of comments on your blog. That goes to show you how people love your hard work on it. I know I do. I love the fact that we can get all the info before the shows airs. Last Tuesday's show (POV) was preempted by a baseball game, but thanks to you, I knew what was happening, otherwise, it would of been really upsetting that I missed it. I know I could of watched on CBS.com, but my computer is old & may not be able to access it. So thanks. You do a great job.
Regarding this coup d'etat, they said it would last three weeks. Does that mean the SAME person has it for three weeks, OR three DIFFERENT people may get it? Did they say?
I just noticed that the CBS website has removed the marker of HOH from Erika's picture.
The winner of the coup d'etat could use it once at any of the next three eliminations.
How's this for a possible answer?
"Ewe are what you eat"
and the've eaten a lot of slop.
The CBS site has removed the HOH competition from the episode videos. Hmmmm!
Thanks Jackie, I would never have gotten hooked on spoilers until I started reading your blogs! You are great!
I just wanted to say thank you for such a great blog. It is both informative and entertaining to read. I'm not much of a computer person, but I check it out at least once a day. I've even recommended it to a friend. Thanks a bunch.
Just wanted to thank you Jackie! thanks for all your awesome work and time you have put into this. You Rock!
Jackie, Thank you for all you do in posting on your blog. I left a donation for your efforts since I know it takes a lot of time and effort!! Chris in Texas.
Here's a thought on the Coup... that person can overthrow the current HOH. So the phase could be, "You (ewe) have just won HOH." And if anybody has already said that... ummm sorry. I haven't seen it.
Just a shot in the dark here - but couldn't the coup d'etat answer be: A wolf in SHEEP's clothing?
For Patricia...
You may want to consider the 14-day trial. It is free during that time and give you a chance to see. I work also and tend to check in at night and some on the weekends. I will see where things are and then decide if I want to continue.
I agree that lies are a part of BB; always have been. However, James is just a mean 'ol sour puss. Will lies, will tell you he lies, and then lies to your face. And then of course, laughs about it in the diary room. I really think he has a chance. The only thing against him is that he has won it once and he won b/c everyone ASSUMED they could take him to the final two and beat him. That was obviously a mistake. Hopefully, Janey would realize that. But, ya know, it would probably be a close one between those two. They are equally disliked and respected. Love ya Jackie,,,,great job. We appreciate you!
He says they (internet viewers) are so self-centered, they think everything is about them. He says they only think about is which HG would be friends w/ them...or rather who wouldn't make fun of them.
This is Will talking, I for one would not want to be friends with any of them. To tell you the truth, they scare me. Will is so arrogant....and I think Marcellas is more masculine then he is....last night He looked like a girl....there is nothing masculine about Will. I dont understand why he is on BB, and not practicing. I think he is probably a loser as a doctor.I watch BB for entertainment purposes only, and I don't think anyone with an ounce of social intelligence would be on that show....I mean, it is just an updated version of Jerry Springer.
Hey Anonymous 10:13 Then don't watch. Or better yet go watch Jerry then.
Wow Jackie! I get back online after a mere seven hour shift at work and there were more than a hundred new comments on one post-apparently the lurkers finally decided to speak up. LOL I skimmed through them though-too many to read.
I think that you have to lie to win the game (hopefully I'm wrong and George wins!)-and that's what it is... a game, but my problem with James is he constantly whines, complains and is just plain rude. He blames Janelle for nominating Diane to save her own butt instead of what's in the best interest of the S6 alliance, but he is the one who nominated George because he didn't like him. He was the first of the S6 alliance to nominate someone that the alliance didn't agree with but then when Janelle did it-he throws a major hissy fit! The boy needs to be voted out! Hopefully Janelle and Howie will open their eyes and see that he is just playing them and is no longer part of their alliance.
This message is posted on CBS.com in bold letters:
Due to technical malfunctions of the buzz-in device, Big Brother will be redoing the Head of Household Competition. It will be broadcast during Sunday night's show.
Did they do the nominations yet?
yes think it is eric and danni I'm about 90% sure
It's too bad Janie is so oblivious to what's happening in the house. I guess she likes to believe loyalty is loyalty no matter what.
I am hoping, AND hoping Danielle doesn't have the clue right, but I fear she does. It's the first thing I thought of when I saw the sheep. If she has it right, Janie's HOH is for not. Doesn't it mean she (Danielle) can put Janelle up on the block too? If she does, Janelle is gone. Or does the present HOH have a bye? It's confusing.
I agree with Nikki, James is mad at Janelle for "wasting" nominations. However, he didn't follow his own "rules." If he was so worried about Woogie, why didn't he put them up too? He just doesn't like Janelle.
Jackie, I just love this blog. Hope you don't mind me using Woogie. It's great!! And, so are you!!! Thanks.
Hi Jackie, I love your blogs.
Julie Chen said that there will be several clues to coup d'etat. Why did the majority of the people guess after seeing eue. Why didn't they wait for the second clue to see if they are right. And why did Danielle go blabbing her answer out to everyone. If it was me, I would have kept my mouth shut and I would have rung the bell, when no one was around, so they would have no idea if I had the answer or not.
Secondly, re-do of the HOH comepetiton, like any race, if there is a false start, everyone gets a chance to race, they don't start taking you out of the competition unless you do it twice. To make the HOH competition fair for everyone, the re-do was the right decision. Granted they could have made Erika a co-HOH like they did in the beginning.
James is a wolf in sheeps clothing and he will always be a snake in the grass. Will is a liar and he tells you right to your face that he is a liar and he also said, if you do not put me up on the block, I will throw every POV, HOH and food competition. He told the HG right to their faces and on national TV that he will intentionally lose all the competions. He does not care if they are on slop for the week. Why are they still keeping him in the house, because to them he is not a threat. But in reality he is a threat.
Final thought, why is it that HOH is not using the spy cam in HOH room more. I would be watching the spycam everytime someone left the HOH room to see who the HG are going to. If the HOH would use the spycam they would be able to tell that everytime James leaves the HOH room, he either goes straight to Danielle or ChillTown.
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