Here are the overnight events from that Big Brother House of Boozers, Smoozers and Smoochers:
- Boogie wants Janelle and Will to take over the Red Room.
- They played Spin the Bottle in the hot tub. Erika, in particular, enjoyed kissing Mike.
- In the game, she gave Janelle a quick kiss (more of a peck), too.
- This was all wine-fueled. Of course.
- Howie got to kiss Will. [Editor's note: I bet he was happy! Howie, not Will.]
- Marcellas told James that he wouldn't put up him (James) or Janelle if he got HOH next week.
- Danielle talked Howie into taking off his shorts in the hot tub. [Editor's note: Hiding my eyes.]
- Mike Boogie mentioned to James that it will look bad that he's fooling around with the person they're all voting off this week.
- Janelle told Danielle she doesn't cut deals. Danielle told her she (D) has no alliance. [Editor's note: @@]
- Will told Janelle to get crazy and put James on the block.
- Janelle told Howie that she thinks putting up CHicken George may be best. [Editor's note: No! No!]
- James pushed Janelle more to put George on the block.
Still no real decision from the buxom blonde.
I read on the feeds that Mike Boogie won the Coup D'Etat and that BB confirmed it. He guessed it was "You reap what you sew" when BB revealed a 3rd clue of "the grim reaper." Can you confirm this Jackie? Thanks as always for the excellent updates!! You ROCK!!!
Oh...nevermind about the 7:28 post...I thought that was the newest update but I just read below what you wrote last night!! LOL..sorry bout that! I think Mike has it for sure too. Thanks...Celine
i just have to comment on the people who post in this blog, some of the ones who bash the nastiness of the hg, are just as bad at bashing the hg as the hg themselves !!
i think of the situation of the hg as most of us on holidays when we get together with extended families, & all end of fighting & bad mouthing each other - put a bunch of people in a room together for a long period of time, & it's gonna happen - except on bb, lots of money is at stake !! i could never live in that kind of situation, locked up with all those people for months, all trying to win a 1/2 million bucks
I think most of the hg aren't quite the way they are in the house as they are at home.
but i've watched bb since season 1, & i find that the people that i liked in their season, i don't like this season - i loved janelle in her season, don't like her now - i didn't like will, but he cracks me up this season - howie was funny in his season, boring this one, etc.
i DO love this blog, & the comments from everyone - it doesn't take anything away from the show for me, (knowing things ahead of time) it just enhances the show, it's like a "behind the scenes" kind of thing
thanks Jackie - keep up the good work
When was the phrase "You reap what you Sew" ever used in the BB house, and by who?
At the end of the show BB showed Mike Boogie kissing Erica. If Mike did win the Coup D'Etat, you can be assured Erica will not be leaving.
Again...I will say,Julie said the person who won the coup would not know they had won until Thursday WHEN the power of the win would be revealed. Now if BB is going against what they have Chen say,then,once again,they have their heads up their butts. Or BOOGER is just so sure of himself and is trying to freak everyone out,just like Dani did in the beginning.It makes me smile that Dani jumped the gun and was soooo sure SHE had guessed the right answer after one clue.But I am still suspicious that BB can make anybody THEY choose win,since the phrase was not revealed to us,what were we going to do,send them signals? It would have been so much more above board if they had done it that way.
I cannot believe that ONCE AGAIN,Janie is going to do something so stupid as to put George up in place of Dani.Does she have rocks in her head this time? NO,she's listening to WILL and just about everybody else instead of using her own brain.HOWIE is the only true friend she has in that house and yet,she disregards everything he says and he's on the right track.
I don't think BOOGER will use the coup this week,IF he indeed has won it,but would be willing to throw Erika under the bus,if it furthers WOOGER's cause. I think they have a deal to split the money anyway,the three of them.BUT if Janie will put up MARCI,I think CT would save ERIKA and get rid of MARCI,they want him gone bad.
JACKIE...I will say it once again,I admire your dedication to what you do. I have the feeds this year and I find it mind boringly tedious for the most part. I get so frustrated just waiting for things to happen,that I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this so interesting and for the depth that you go to to bring us these insights! I have branched out and gone to a couple of other sites.....and you blow them away,girl!! I can't believe the amount of hits your site is getting. Keep on keeping on...you ROCK!!!!
Hi Jackie! Didn't I read it (much earlier than the Sunday show) here on your blog or comments about the 'grim reaper' showing up? Good thinking! I was going for the "So Bahhhhh" guess, but that's just me. Seeemd to fit so well, too.
Along the lines of a theme, I had forgotten the Good vs Evil until you reminded me. I am thinking we viewers and maybe the hgs themselves are redefining their definitions (another theme) of those two words. The might be seeing Good as in 'on your side' vs Evil, as in 'their side'. Good means shaving your head (not vain) against dropping out because your head turned blue(vain).
I also understand Janelle's wanting to put CG up after watching the Sunday show. She is mistaken, but at least it explained that rather odd nom she was thinking.
Along the bashing of hgs lines, I also had a thought. I like to bash, but it makes me feel bad too. (at least that is what Will told me to say). So another good vs evil theme maker. From the first reality show (well, not the Loud's I was too young to get the deepers layers of that show)so from Survivor and BB first season, I have noticed that I (and maybe other viewers, too) pick personalities we like and then forgive them just about anything. So those we bash may just remind us of the guy who sits near us at work, or the sister in law who we can't stand, or the person we always wanted to date in high school who ignored us. Although, I can't think of a Janelle or a Will in my life, so maybe it is just that they are having fun and I enjoy that.
Will said that other night, in the hot tub when he outed Erica and Boogie's coupledom, that he was producing the show. True to some extent perhaps, but what makes him think BB didn't know Boogie and Erica were together. I always thought it odd BB fixed the numbers with so many in S6, but if they already knew of Will, Eric, Boogie as a firm 3, then the numbers aren't so lopsided...especially if Will counts for two since he won.
Thank you Jackie. Sue
Yea Me...I guessed "You reap what you sow". Someone said the phrase had never been used on the show. Julie said the phrase was something that could describe the bb house. And boy does that phrase describe this mess.
Thanks Jackie, you're doing great. I also subscribed and .... BORING !!! So I can watch sometimes but rely on you for a full accounting.
Regarding the botched HOH comp, wouldn't have been more fair and interesting to watch had they had the two winners--Erika and Janelle as co-HOHs, like they did the first week?
True, about Kaysar being on Regis............when do they go into sequester?
How about Will actually suggesting to Janey to put up JAMES! There you go, he TOLD her, and she had the opportunity...........
Janey is so blindsided by FOOD and stuck in NOT seeing past her thinking out side the box possibly?
Could it be she is bombarded by so many, Will, James, Howie, all who she thinks are "on her side?"
Good point about Boogie's winning the Coup D'Etat, that BB could give it to whomever they wanted since no one knows what it was......bummer. Does make you realize how much control they need to make ratings and DO. Suppose when $$$$ is involved in THEIR pockets ( not the houseguests).......they do what's best for CBS. If so, they sure made last season's the Nerd Heard b o r i n g!
America needs a vote in who wins! It would be one to insure some hope for no repeat of past lame winners!
Wouldn't it have been funny if the phrase would have been "baahh bahh bitches!" LOL
I missed last night's show. ::can't get used to it being on Sunday:: Saw the last 20 minutes of it. Who else has tried to guess the coup?
Thanks Jackie, love the blog!!
I would like to make a comment on the fact that there were 4 season 6 people in the house from the beginning. It was America's Choice that put them there. I was shocked that there were 3 people from season 5, Nakomis, Diane and Jase, also America's Choice but haven't heard one complaint about that. Clearly, a "team" was put into the game and is was NOT season 6. I do believe that CT is, indeed producing this show. It almost makes me feel bad for James and Danielle when they realize that they have been played so royally.
As for Boogie winning the coup.....he probably has, especially with the reaper clue, altho I have never heard that phrase on BB. Julie clearly stated that the winner would not know that they have won or what they have won until Thursday's live show right before the vote. Once again, this is most likely a case of the producers fabricating stuff as the show progresses. As Woogie says, it's all about making good tv.
The producers probably get free meals at their restaurants..... I'm sure the check has already been written. I believe that CBS is trying to kill this show and most likely has succeeded IMO.
I Love Janelle, and I just hope she realizes that James is playing her, and puts him on the block in Dani's place. Thanks Jackie for all the updates. Keep up the good work!!
"When was the phrase "You reap what you Sew" ever used in the BB house, and by who? "
the comment doesn't have to have ever been SAID, it was just explained that it related to the BB HG.
First off..Jackie, you are awesome! Your blog rocks! It's the only way I can truly keep up with this show.
Now..sorry all you Jani fans, but i'm all over CT. Woogie seem to have THE most "together" strategy out of the bunch. The two actually WORK together to acheive their goal to be the final two standing. They listen to each other and actually stick with their plans. Jani, on the other hand, doesn't listen to her alliance, nor does she really have ANY strategy, other than "get rid of her cause she might go after me". She's not really "playing' the game at all. I don't exactly agree with the backbiting and lying that CT does, but you gotta give em props for pretty much "pulling the wool over EVERYONES eyes" this season. They pretty much have the entire house believing they are in an alliance with each of them..and they are pretty darn convincing. Really, the only person who has an inkling of a thought that they might be shady is Howie...and with his man-crush on Will, well, I don't think he's really going to take any steps to put either of them on the block. But anyway, just wanted to give my 2 cents on this whole thing. I've been have a ball reading everyone comments and keeping up with Jackie's blogging!
If it's true that Mike Boogie got the Coup D'Etat and if he would be able to change the nominations than who would he put on the block? I think Marcellus and James.
boogie wouldnt put up James, he is in the L.O.D with him and he seems more to his word then Will does. I hate Janelle. He wouldnt use is this week becasue he isnt in danger, he would only use it if someone was smart enough to put CT on the block which may not happen. I hate Jani and CT, and the fact is no one cares about CT they could slide all the way. James get HOH and nominate Jani and Will. Be smart!
why can't janelle and howie figur out that james vetoed one of their votes to keep Kayser in the game
If any of the houseguests are smart, they could cause a big problem with the quote for the coup d'etat.
The actual quote reads:
"for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."
(Galatians 6:7-9)
The clues were presented in the following order:
1 - ewe
2 - thread/needle (sew)
3 - The Grim Reaper
If someone went into the diary room and said the quote in the correct order (the ways the clues were presented), BB would have quite the predictament.
If BB says there's another clue, look for the Bible Danielle had.
If someone has stated this already, I apologize for the redundancy.
Jackie, again thanks as always. I have watched BB since day 1 and loved the show, but I am so disappointed this year. I feel like I got ripped off on the live feeds, they just aren't fun anymore. There really isn't anyone to cheer for except CG and you know he is going to be history soon. Kaysar is gone, Janelle is playing horribly. I work with special ed kids and the comment James made about retards really sickened me. I appreciate all your efforts, but the mean spirits of the current HG's don't deserve all our attentions. I hope this turns around and becomes fun with someone to cheer on.
Petal at 1:54 ( took me a while to catch on that this is a time stamp...I kept thinking people were quoting Bible verses) Interesting to remember about Boogie and his on air engagement. I didn't even remember her name was Kristin until you mentioned it. Such is fame, right? I think that might tie into this season, as you brought out. I remember as I watched Boogie that finale night, that he wasn't getting a girl but screwing his "best friend" out of some air time. Is that the real Boogie and will he sell out Will, does it bother him to be second banana to the charismtic Doctor? Is he just waiting for the chance (maybe along with James) to take out Will while saying he is innocent of it? So if push comes to shove..who goes out? Thank you Jackie. Sue
Question: I keep hearing about the "Jack Shack," what is it? And what happened in there that everyone keeps refering to?????
Thanks for letting me know...I have no idea what that's about!!
SUE at 9:22 AM.......I LOVE the comment..."at least that's what WILL told me to say"...hilarious!!!So true to the context of the game.
JACKIE is rubbing off on all of us,we are getting quite creative in turning a phrase......LOL!
I'm getting tired of good players like George,Marcellas,Danny being used as targets by clicks so hopefully one of them will win BB ALL-STARS and this crazy show will be over with.
Hey, lets all focus our thoughts and send jani a esp message to put up james !
In reference to the "Jack Shack" - if you really want to know; Google "Howie jack shack". You may just regret it... I know I did!!
If you really want to know and don't want to google - it's a shack where they jack....
I don't beleive this site. Check it out.
It sells BB Howie t-shirts
Ilove "Baah Baah, Bitches"!
YOu have to give the CT strategy the props. I also do not agree with the tactics, but they (Will) is masterful at putting things out there and making his point. He is probably the only that knows there is no true alliance in the end becasue only two take home money and one the big money. George has a shot to make the final 4 because no one will see him as a threat until it comes to the jury. I just hope James does not get the Coup D'Etat........
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