I want to let you know that while I don't respond to every comment posted, I do indeed read them all. I'm thrilled that most folks are enjoying the blog as much as they are and I'm proud of the community that's grown in the comments area. Have I told you lately that you guys and gals rock? You do! I will be answering some questions posed in a separate entry, but I do read them all.
Here are the events from today so far in that Big Brother House of a Sulking Gay Black Man and Frat Boys:
- For the first time in weeks, Danielle actually got up before 7:30. Of course, no one else did.
- Well after 9:00 AM when others were starting to get up, she told Erika that she had been up since 5:30 because of George's snoring. [Editor's note: She has not!]
- Mike told Erika and Danielle that he thinks George is just George, no big schemer or player. Both women said he played checkers well and that's a sign he uses strategy. [Editor's note: I think chess would be more telling. Or, better yet for the house, RISK!]
- Near 10:00 AM, BB announced that the POV Ceremony would begin in two hours. [Editor's note: Okay, that would be noon. Let's keep track!]
- Danielle thinks that if an America's Choice contest were held now, S6 wouldn't win anything. She thinks the contenders would be Will, Mike or Chicken George.
- Danielle and George both think Woogie will make it to the end.
- James complained to George, Erika and Mike Boogie that he hated the way Howie and Janelle celebrated upon winning HOH or Veto... or winning. [Editor's note: I think he hates them winning anything, too!]
- Mike said Erika wouldn't put up a Chill Town if she won HOH. [Editor's note: And he should know!]
- Woogie worked on Janelle to put Marcellas in Danielle's place on the block... again.
- Will said Danielle told Erika not to knock him out of the POV Comp and they would save her.
- Mike Boogie told Howie and others that Erika is probably laughing at him in the Diary Room, but he'll have the last laugh. [Editor's note: @@ Have to roll the eyes, have to!]
- About 15 minutes AFTER the POV Ceremony was to begin, Janelle broke down and said she'd put Marcellas on the block.
- Mike Boogie reported to Danielle that they succeeded in convincing Janelle to put up Marcellas.
- Janelle told Marcellas and told him he's NOT going home. [Editor's note: SHE won't vote him out. She can't vote. But, dollars to doughnuts, I bet he'll be voted out over Erika unless the Coup d'Etat affects the eviction nominations.]
- Mike still thinks he's won the Coup d'Etat and so do the others. He still has no clue what the "secret power" is.
- Marcellas is not a happy camper. Not that he usually is this season, more more not happy than usual.
- Mike wants to spread paranoia about the "secret power." [Editor's note: Remember, Mike... with great power comes great responsibility.]
- Finally, at about 1 PM their time, the POV Ceremony was held and... Marcellas sure is on the block with Erika.
- Marcellas claimed it was "the alpha-males ganging up and picking on the [homosexual]."
- George is shocked that he'll be around another week. He was fully expecting to be nominated. Janelle told him when she won HOH that she wasn't going to nominate him, but would most likely put him on the block if the Veto was used.
- Janelle keeps telling Marcellas he's safe because she thinks he is. He knows he's not safe.
- James thinks Erika never broke her ribs (in the slop trough food comp.)
- When Danielle asked James what he wants to do, he said "Chicken George is as stupid as Howie and annoys me, but I want Marcellas out."
- Mike Boogie worked on Danielle for the Marcellas oust.
- George went to see Janelle in the HOH room to thank her for not nominating him. He told her, "Maybe some day in the future, you'll need me. I'll be there for you. I remember." [Editor's note: And, so he does.]
- Marcellas approached George looking for a vote to stay. George was nice, but didn't commit.
- Woogie decided it might be best not to mention "the secret power" at all to scare people.
- Erika asked George if she still had his vote to stay and he told her they'd talk later. [Editor's note: When they want him for something, they're all his best friends, eh?]
- George got a giggle out of his newly-found popularity. Talking to himself, he said, "They're all asking ME for a vote!"
- George told Erika and Danielle he'd vote for Erika to stay. [Editor's note: He's always been a bit closer to her than Marcellas. Not unexpected.]
- Danielle and Janelle want BB to give the HG alcohol for the evening. "It makes for better television!"
- Will wondered why there's been no America's Choice yet this season.
And, there you are... updated!
Graphic by Zoetawny.
Thank you again jackie!
When does it get to sequester and how is that going to work this year?
Thank you so much for your blog! My husband thought for sure that I paid money for the 24/7 live feed (cause that is something I would do), and he's still wondering because of the info I give him and the rest of my family daily! Thank you! For saving me $ and for letting my family listen to me again!
Jackie you're doing a bang-up job. I went to the BB boards and was horrified to read all the in-fighting and meanness between posters. And then I came here and have found a happy home.
Your blog is funny, informative, and a definite must-read. And the posting comments here are much more insightful, civilized, and well-written than the BB boards. Thank you Jackie for your kind service!
"Danielle thinks that if an America's Choice contest were held now, S6 wouldn't win anything. She thinks the contenders would be Will, Mike or Chicken George."
OMG - Jackie, this makes me laugh! I don't know about her comment. I do not like Boogie, but I do like Will and CG.
Howie is a little irritating, but so is James, Danielle, and Mike.
I'm sorry, but Will makes me laugh. Everyone who watched BB2 knows this guy is a liar, but they still believe him. Boogie would be nothing if it weren't for Will. As much of a liar as Will is, he is so very charming. He bring a lot to this BB.
Great blog Jackie! Can't wait for the live show on Thursday!
Will rocks the house! He's soooo funny and such a great game player. So glad CG is still in it.
Sorry Petals -- I missed something -- what is TAS? What clip?
Hi Jackie, Janelle could have done worst with her nomination. As I remember before Kaysar left he was saying to get Marci next and pointing out to her why that was necessary. If that is as I remember it, (and it might not be, but someone will tell me if so) then she might have been a little more firm about her replacement than she let on.
I think one reason James has not liked CG from the beginning is that George sees through him. About the only negative comments CG has made the entire season involved James. That seems intereting, I would like to hear what happened between the two of them to make George see James in that light.
And a question to you , Jackie, and anyone who listens to the feeds. I'd like your opinion about Woogie. They lie, we know that, they know that. But, when they are talking privately just the two of them, like in the storeroom, do you think that is for the feeds to pick up on or are they ever sincere? I guess I am wondering if they lie to each other as much as to every one else? Thank you Jackie, Sue
To anon at 9:24--go to the comments for Jackie's last entry. There's a link to a video clip and an entry from Joker that talks about a secret relationship between Mike and Erica.
And I'm TAS :)
Yes...that is true about the video of Will, Mike and Erika in a the hottub talking about there relationship you can view it @
Enjoy! (caution: it contains very graphic language)
BBLover in Cali
Thanks TAS --
YAY!!! Marcellas got exactly what he deserved...even though it would have been simply marvelous if James had gone up...but he's going to reap what he sows..I can just feel it, lol!
Well that whole clip that was left on the previous post section was disturbing. Instead of Chill Town, they should be called Sleeze town. Though...if true, I wonder if Erika will be disposed of like a used Kleenex, just so Boogers(W&M) get what they want from the game. Makes me wonder how Will has a practice..I would love to see his clientele...
Petals -- TAS are my initials too!!! (except I'm a girl)
I love that Janie put Marci up. I loved him in his last season, but I don't like him now. I'm glad that he's going now because I'd hate for him to go anywhere near the end just because everyone is trying to get the "real" competition out of the way. I'm convinced that's how Maggie won last year & that almost made me not want to watch BB ever again. (yes, it's true...i wasn't gonna watch anymore). Keeping James for now doesn't bother me...I think he just adds another layer of flavor to the game.
Petals -- I'm not your husband! I promise! I'm a single mom from WI who just loves BB & can't afford the feed. Thank goodness I found Jackie!
I still don't understand how Will has managed to stay in the game as long as he has...HELLO...don't you put up the biggest threat in the house? HE KNOWS HOW TO PLAY THE GAME FOLKS...he has won..sorry for my vent..but seeing that clip just makes me puke
Oh yea. For those of you who've watched the Woogie/Erica video, I don't buy it! I think Will made it all up to get US to talk about it! Guess what...we're his sheep too because WE'RE TALKING ABOUT IT!!! :)
True TAS....i wondered as all Erica did was giggle nervously...i wonder what was said when the flames went on..
Then I made the unfortunate mistake of understanding the Jack shack thing...GOOD LORD.....not sure what is worse, the fact that I watched the clip, or that Howie didn't wash his hands and ate chips right away...I don't think too many HG ask for his lotion :P
I need to read Jackie's postings and the comments in order. I read and commented here about if Woogie ever speak the truth, even to each other, and then read the comments on the previous post. So, my question sounded odd. But, I watched that hot tub scene the night it happened. I think it was a combination of 'good tv' by the boys and truth. Remember Boogie's Mom said that Erica and Mike had a secret...not sure of her wording. I would guess Will had a good idea coming into the house when he would tell the web, all in his game to have fun and make fools out of everyone. Since that hot tub scene Boogie has insulted Erica to others..is that to keep his secret so they won't know he wants her to stay or is he just a low class womanizer? After the hot tub, Janelle walked in on the big bed with only the two in it(Boogie and Erica. They must have been discussing game plans because they were hiding under the covers. Janelle flipped on the light...strange and rude, unless she was trying to catch them. Then the shower fun started the next day (or so?). So, Janelle may either have been directed by Will to go into the bedroom, or guessed something was up. I mean, that they might be trying to hide something. It looked like a set up to me.
In the hot tub, Will made it sound as if even the producers didn't know, and I don't think that has to be true. I think they would have wanted to bring that in. Maybe they didn't see fit to tell Will about it. In fact have you noticed that most previous season's themes are represented and an having a secret couple would fit there. Sue
Petals...i am addicted to the show this year as well...after finally finishing my Masters...i guess it is down to some "me" time...i love the show and this blog. I wish BB season came more than once a year.
OK --- I just watched it and can't decide if its true or not. I'm not sure what the "rules" are but if it were true I think BB would have yanked these guys. Knowing Will, this has to be a lie. But if so, how does this lie help his game? If true, how does revealing it in that manner help his game (not Chill Town's -- HIS)? Because that's what its all about -- he as much said so -- "I'm the producer" He just HAS to be the puppetmaster -- that's what he gets off on, more than winning -- its controlling others. Sad to say -- I do love the guy (in the context of this game - in real life I suspect he wears thin pretty quickly).
p.s...I would love to see these guys on Survivor
Petals -- ok, I am in a secret alliance with your husband, but don't tell him that you know. We can start our own alliance to vote him out and go to the final two! Then we can split the money and go to the Bahamas :)
I'm addicted too and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Everyone has a dirty little secret. Mike has Erica, I have Big Brother!! Amen!
Oh, Im so gonna tell, unless im in the final 3 :) hehe
Evil Dr.Will is thee most obnoxious...rude...disrespectful...disgusting...lying...sleezeball...
ever! .....and I am unfortunately sickly addicted to watching his every! Help me... please help me...I need help! j/k
BBLover in Cali
Some of us might like Will because we are the nice kind of people...and we never use, or rarely use, our alter ego...there is a little of Will in all of us :)
23 hours and one minute...but whose counting
do you get to watch live feeds in the sequester house????
Ok. I know this is a BB7 blog, but I'm so thrilled that Heather just won Hell's Kitchen. The reason I say this is that I picked her in the first episode. If that's any indication of my reality winner picking for this summer, then Dani will win BB7. Just a thought...
What was really kind of cool about Will in BB2 is he was nominated like practically every week and I think they thought he was so hated they "knew" they could get him out any time (until he actually won).
Hmmm..maybe I'll channel my inner Will tomorrow and tell my husband and kids what they want to hear to "puppet master" them into a few things (like picking up after themselves!)
"Channel my inner Will"...I LOVE IT!
In past seasons, the HGs in sequester only got to see what Big Brother wanted them to see. The most recently evicted HG brought a video tape with them to the sequester house. I know the tape showed all the competitions for the week, but I don't know if it showed anything else. They also get to talk to eachother to get any tidbits that happened in the house after they left. Hope that helps...
Thanks for the excellent job of blogging again this year!! You make the show twice as fun -- at least.
This is MY summer for knee surgery. Though I'm still working and traveling for work, it's hard, and your blog has made it easier.
didn't someone say in the beginning of the season there was a 'mole' in the hosue to stir p trouble? could will or boogie be that 'mole?' jma
Remember back in the day when the hgs names and occupations appeared below their faces? Or maybe that was some other show and we had to look on CBS.com to find out occupations. My point is, I don't hear them talk about work much anymore. And isn't Erica doing casting for Reality shows? We know Boogie has his club(s) with part owner Will, who also works as a doctor. Janelle is often photographed..is she a model or just have a portfolio? I don't know what Danielle does, but she has mentioned her work it seems like. George, I think owns his own business, but I don't know what it is. And Marci? Just curious. James talked of meeting Sarah while he was working, but not the type of work. Dianne said she didn't work or needed work or something like that.
I like BB because there are many differnt plot lines going on at once. All a viewer has to do is seperate them. For example, only believe Danielle when she is speaking to ....who? James maybe. Will would only speak the truth (if it is possible) to Boogie. Janelle maybe to Howie..but she withholds some..maybe not lying, but tries to protect her plans because he might slip and tell someone. So if I can tell which hg a hg doesn't lie to, then I can see where alliances are. Except that only works if they are alone, because if a third party is in the room then the convo is for that 3rd party's benefit.
Anon @ 9:02 - I believe next week is the first week of the jury. I think it would work similar to previous years.
Anon @ 9:03 - :-) My pleasure.
Petals - Hang in there.
Anon @ 10:06 - No feeds in the sequester house.
Hats off to you Jackie! Keep up the good work! Always a pleasure to visit your latest updates.
The shower scene for those who care.
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