<--- Janelle listening to Chicken George. When George laughs quietly, he's reminding me of some dog cartoon character. Not Scooby Do, perhaps Precious Pup? Is there even a Precious Pup? Or have I lost my mind?
Here's the events from the daytime hours in that Big Brother House of Woe-Is-Me Whiners and Wacky Winners:
- First, let me say that today is a bit of a replay from the overnight hours for the most part. Although I may be showing my age, I'm reminded of the old Herman's Hermits song with the line, "Second verse, same as the first!"
- The producers have apparently told the houseguests that they will NOT be re-doing the POV competition and the results stand.
- James is bitter about it all and the game itself. He's a broken record going on about Janelle cheating and how the producers like her better than they like him. [Editor's note: Another age clue - I'm reminded of Tom and Dickie Smothers with their "Mom always liked you best!" routine.]
- Danielle asked James who he thinks Janelle will go after. He told her Chill Town and Erika. Then he added that she (Janelle) has lost four votes in this fiasco. [Editor's note: But she's still in the house. She would have NO votes if she gets evicted... duh, James!]
- When Danielle asked him who Mike Boogie is putting in Janelle's place, he thinks it will be George and hopes it's not Erika.
- James is pretty sure that Janelle's vote will be to evict him no matter who goes on the block with him. "She's been gunning for me since the first week."
- BB had to remind the houseguests dozens of times not to talk about their Diary Room sesssions. Between that talk and the fussing about the producers, we're getting blocked a lot.
- Shades of Will, Danielle's been doing her own shmoozing of the other houseguests. She's good at it, but I think Will has the edge. It comes across looking like damage control since she's likely to lose her ally James.
- Danielle and James both want George to go up on the block with James. Both (yes, James, too) think that it's probably a given that James will be voted out. Except for fussing about producers, James is doing no campaigning to stay at this time and his behavior seems to have many houseguests either walking on eggshells around him or avoiding him altogether.
- Mike Boogie and Will aren't committing to putting any specific person up on the block at this time.
- Janelle said James is a whiner and Will agreed and added, "It's pathetic."
- Even Danielle has told James and others that they have to move on - "It is what it is."
- Danielle told George that she thinks "America's favorite is Janelle." (George asked her the question, she didn't just bring it up this time.) She also told him that she thought he's probably very popular, too. She doesn't think she herself is popular.
And that's about it. James has been hiding under covers sulking as of late and things are basically small-talk chitchat.
As if I didn't have enough on my mind, what with wondering how much of the last few days make the show and whether the weather blows out the electicity before BBTime, I now have a parade of cartoon dogs running through my head. Snagglepuss? Is he/she/it the one who goes in the other room and laughs while the other characters talk. I can hear him, but I can't see him. At least it isn't a TV commercial jingle...I hate when they get stuck in my head. Thank you Jackie, Sue
Wow, I don't see any other comments. Am I actually the first? Or is my computer screwy?
Go Janey girl!
I hope they don't put up CG and go for Erica or Danielle.
Can't wait for the show tonight.
Even though I already know Howie is gone from the house, it will be hard to see him leave.
I love this blog!
Thanks Jackie!
There's a lot to be said for those of us who can remember Herman and the Smothers Brothers! As always thanks for your in depth coverage of the wacky world that is BB.
PS: Hope your knee is doing well this summer. I had mine worked on last week and your blog is keeping me entertained while I *try* to be good and listen to the doctor about taking it easy.
LOL I was almost first..LOL
i am new to this, but am fascinated by the activities in the BB house.
Jackie, awesome job..love this site.
i am inspired to comment only because you have made reference to your age and i sadly, can identify. i knew exactly to what you were refering in both references.
isn't there something the producers can do to help james? the whining and nasty language(name calling) sounds terrible. that's just wrong...
thanks again for your hard work!
If Howie had to go, good that James will be next. The house can do without all the adolescent angst and cry-baby whining. At least I'll feel better, and everyone in the house as well. I guess some people really do not care how they are viewed.Speaking of which, CG is undoubtedly the most mature and that should win him some votes from the judges when they look back over the course of how the game was played.
Hey Jackie..Good Job!!! Speaking of The Smothers Brothers remeber their routine on the 'pumus'..lol?
I hope James goes. He's such a sore sport and such a baby. People talked about Howie being a sore loser...well, James is just as bad. Good riddance.
Danielle- when you get home, take a look at the tape they ran before the guests were chosen. You were so arrogant - I already decided you were too fond of yourself. Your mother seems to be a real lady, however - maybe you should take some lessons from her.
I too like Janelle- she is beautiful but I am not insecure about that - I like her because I think she has a kind heart.
Will is soooo fond of himself - it's really hard to like him.
Janelle studies for the competitions - maybe thats why she keeps winning!!
Maybe when they give the houseguests wine - they should limit it to one or two glasses.
Jackie...I think you are thinking of Muttley:
Thanks so much for all you do Jackie! You're the best!!!!
Hey Jackie!
Herman's Hermits?! Tom and Dickie?! Glad you are from my generation! GREAT job you do , Jackie! I really enjoy it! THANKS!! **GO JANIE!!**
Hahahaaaaaaa- Jackie I busted out laughing as I read what you wrote - Danelle's over-used comment " it is what it is" I will laugh louder if Mike puts her on the block afterwards remark to her " its just a game " It would be priceless, I'm betting she would suddenly find that not as being a game but personal, if it's just a game, then why does she feel anger towards George because he doesn't reveal his game plan with her? Although it is just a game unless your not the target.
Janelle for President.What a come back-yet again!2 days ago she was so sad-if you haven't seen the Janie/Against all odds video go to Aldav.com and click on "Janie" it is one of the best bits of video out there.
Hey Jackie -- glad to know you are of my generation -- also was happy to see two 70 yr old bloggers. Since BB is such a "young" game (I posted a few days ago how I think they need to put in more diverse ages) I didn't realize the following is older than the players. Maybe that's why many comment about what "babies" they act like.
SO glad for James to go.
I agree that Janelle studies for comps (although the HOH redo still ticks me off). I didn't get into S6 so those guys are new to me.
TO ANon 5:55 -- yes Will is into himself -- they ALL are. But, he is without a doubt the best to have ever played this game. I really am in awe and am glad I don't know him in real life. Gotta be really hard to be his girlfriend and figure you are getting played most of the time.
To show how addicted my husband and I are -- we are die hard BB (Big Brother and Baseball) fans -- me the Yankees and him the Red Sox and we are going to put the kids to bed, watch BB and actually miss the first hour of the Sox-Yanks game tonight because we are so intrigued thanks to your blog. (Of course given the lengths of the first 3 games of the Sox-Yanks series we should only be in the 2nd inning after BB ends). Funny how even knowing what's going to happen tonight - we are still dying to see it.
Thanks so much Jackie!!
Beantown BB Fan.
Thanks for you blog Jackie, I come here because I really like your site and it is so hard to post on the spoiler site, I mean they really can get nasty and today is how women are jealous of women all day...nothing about the bb7 game....I am sorry I just need to vent.I mean it is great to post where you are not going to get blasted for your comments....anyway I think Dani wants to really make a deal with Jani, but will Jani go for it...I hope not
jackie or anyone
do you know where I can purchase of tape of BB2 season, I missed that and want to see Will in action...I know the 3 and 4 are available, but I can't find season 2....I am also an oldie.....but young in spirit and I love BB and I love your site and all the hard work you do
Janelle, Miss "I'm here to crush dreams," has a KIND HEART? Puh-lease!
Danielle's a LOT less arrogant and manipulative than she was back in her debut season -- instead of telling people what they want to hear, she's actually told some people "I don't know what I'm going to do" when the vote is uncertain. Sure, people have thrown competitions to her, but so what? If people are willing to give her powers and privileges, that just shows how great her mental game is. She's far more interesting to me than the younger, shallower players.
Janelle, on the other hand, tells Marcellas that she's renewing their pact to be in the final two (which of course he doesn't buy, but that's because he KNOWS she has no intention of carrying through with it). She also seems to have flirted with Chill Town while season 6 was still going strong, and now she and Chicken George might have an alliance? She cried over destroying her original alliance, and she was right -- she did them in. Now she's pretty much got to keep winning HOH and POV to stay in the house. Of course, if she cries and mentions suicide every time things go her way, she might be able to stay in even when she doesn't win.
I don't see how James got this far -- whereas he may have been justified in leaving the season six alliance (Chill Town has proven to be dangerous to all other alliances), he continued to play both sides, and it's hard to tell where he stands. It's finally coming back to haunt him, and it's about time. James, whining doesn't work for a guy -- especially a guy that's proven himself to be a shrewd player.
As far as who DESERVES to be in the top two, Will and Janelle probably do -- they've managed to pull the wool over the eyes of pretty much the whole rest of the house. I'd love to see a Danielle / Chicken George top two, though -- I have far more respect for their lives outside the house and the potential use of the grand prize money.
I think Howie will use Marcis robe to strangle James when he get to the sequestor house.
Hello BB Fans,
Jackie just a quick question, how are you able to watch the live feeds 245/7? I remember in an earlier post you mentioned you were returning to work after being on vacation...so how are you able to give us such awesome updates?
Okay fans, I'm taking bets, how many of you want to bet Will will take it all or come in second... I bet you the house will not vote him out...any takers (Alana- New York
Just wondering Jackie,
I have watched every season of BB but this is the first year I have found your blog (LOVE IT). My question is, are the responses always so mean and hurtful as they have been this year? It seems that this blog is here for a group of different people from all over that share a love of BB. Why does it turn so ugly? I personally love Janelle, have from day one; cannot stand James or Danielle, however, I do not feel it necessary to bash those that do like them. So, I was just wondering if it is always this way, or if this season is just particularly causing a riot?
Yes I totally agree...it was Muttley..."hehheheh" aside...and Smothers Brothers rule....Now thats what we used to watch before BB!!
Like the others have said... Thank you for taking the time Jackie. This is the first place I stop when I sign on.
I just wanted to say that my thoughts mirror the poster that said they would like to see a Danielle/Chicken George final. I think of them raising families and the impact the money would have on their lives.
Just my 2 cents for what it's worth.
I'm so proud of Janie! She seems to be a really nice person, unlike some of the rest of them. BB is an evil game, and I think Janelle plays it with grace.
Man, James is still complaining; refusing to wear his mic because he is "not part of the show". Of course, BB made him put it back on. He is refusing to play basketball and "give them footage". Hey James, newsflash, we don't want to watch you, buddy. He appears to be just wondering the house, complaining, and making people leave whenever he enters the room. I am thankful that Janelle has not confronted him and had a blow up (remember last season?). She is playing it smart to obviously avoid him at all cost. Bye James, thanks for....nothing.
Jen -- ANon 6:41
With some exceptions I think this is an incredibly well behaved blog of commenters who relaly enjoy the show and Jackie's effort. I was kind of surprised it wasn't meaner or more off track - as these things tend to get.
I think its a testament to Jackie's great work -- everyone (well, almost) respects what she does and is pretty well behaved IMHO (honest or humble, take your pick!)
My 93 year old mother LOVES BB!! She can't wait for me to read Jackie's blog to let her know what has been happening! Thank you, Jackie!!!
I've been away from my computer and I just got caught up on the events from Friday until now. I can't believe that Howie is gone, its so sad. I was mad that Mike put up Janelle, but I was happy won she won the POV and I really hope James gets kicked out. Thank you Jackie for the updates. Your the greatest!!
I was just wondering if it is always this way, or if this season is just particularly causing a riot?
8/20/2006 6:41 PM
I realize why - I was confused when people would add anon 6:41 or what have you, I thought there was an actual S/N - haha - its easier for myself to add part of what they've written, as I reply - of course that's just me - I'm not Jackie however OIMO I've read Jackies Blogs for years - generally commented on our S/N's until this year its different - which IMO has been much more negative posts from Anonymous, this BB also differs being that they've known of one anothers tactics creating further trashy talk by comparing previous HG behaviors, had they been unknown, it may not have been this much of personal name bashing.
Let me start this with the statement that I'm not a Danielle fan. However, the comments about having competitions handed to her isn't fair. No one throws a competition unles it benefits the person who throws it. It put the focus on Danielle and the HOH and took the attention off James and Team Woogie.
For heavens sake. I turned on the live feeds and James is STILL complaining about the POV. Now he's added that Janey jumped the start after being warned a few times. JAMES!!! Quit your bellyaching and just MOVE ON!!
They've already told them it would not be re-done.
I love Danielle's dreams. It was mother of pearle Escalade. Janelle in the car instead of her and no room for Danielle. No room in the car because Janelle got all the seats. And the other one was her husband came to visit in pajamas, but the America's Choice was Janelle and not her. Her husband told her (Dani) she was not well liked and Janelle was loved by America. LOL.
And, I wish they'd stop bashing the producers so we won't keep getting the flames. It's irritating.
I bet Will wishes he didnt get rid of Howie so he had a playmate....As juvenile as our Howie could be James you are now voted biggest baby in BB history.
Hey.......is there anything better than us BOOMERS!!!! I love all your references to "our" era,Jackie!
I have often thought it would be fun to see a "senior" version of BB or Survivor...but of course,the networks say we aren't their "target audience. Who do they think has all the money and time to watch??? What we need is an "oldies" network that caters to us. Hear that Mr. Moonves or Murdoch??? I get tired of all these immature "hard-bodies" that they pack on the shows. How is that "reality" televison?
Just wanted to thank Jackie for all she does. I am seriously addicted. I am really excited that Janelle is staying at least another week. I thought she was a goner for sure. I also hope James is gone this week. I really don't like how he plays the game. I didn't last year either. Too bad everyone didn't figure him out sooner. Kaysar and Howie might still be in the house if they had. Go Janelle!!!!
Once again,thanks jackie.I'm another senior (76)who"s been watching BB since the first year.I"m a bit dissapointed in the all star group>But then as the saying goes it"s only a game.
Jani really is good in the comps.Good luck Jani.
Hope she"s one of the last two.Wouldn"t it be great if she wins HOH again,that would truly drive Dani & Erica up a wall.
As far as who should win the game.It doesn"t matter what their lives are outside the house,it"s how they play the game.
Dani is too bossy,wants to know everyones strategy,but keeps hers close to her vvest.
Will is definitely concieted,but plays a hell of a game.
Mike is a Will hanger on.
CG is probably one of the nicest people in the house.
James is a cry baby.
Erica is,what can I say "Erica" Rides on everyones coattail.Certainly not her own person.Needs help.
Nough said.Looking forward to tonight.
Thanks again Jackie.This is the first season I found you on line.Really love your blog.
Tess from Mass. Boston area
Hi Everyone! I just wanted to post to give a different perspective to the James situation. I agree that he has made some dirty deals in this game, and that he is certainly not the most trustworthy player either, but I have to admit that I like to watch him play. I think that he made a smart move by being the first member of S6 to pull out of their alliance because that gave him time to develop some strong relationships with other players in the house. It is true that he was not loyal to his alliance, but I don't expect anyone to be in this game, that's why I like it. However, I do think that he is leaving this week.
Ultimately, I am rooting for Danielle to win. I was part of her very small fan base during season 3 and I continue to root for her this season. I love her mental game and I think she is the only other player that can manipulate just as well as Will. Personally, I think that she is a very funny girl and that she sees this as a game, and therefore does not try and make it personal.
I think Will and Danielle are the best players, but at this point I think that anyone who makes it to the end deserves to win. I think everyone in that house has come up with very unique strategies that play off of their personalities and I will not be disappointed no matter who wins.
I would also like to thank Jackie for doing such a fabulous job on this site! This is my favorite blog (even though there are not many James or Danielle fans on here, haha). Thanx!
Will's Master Plan- Go to the final three with the strongest players and then fight it out!
Janelle, Danielle and Will if possible. Everyone else wants to eliminate the competition, and Will, he wants to play with the best and who knows, Danni or Jani just might win this whole thing! Jackie, again, as always, YOU ROCK MY SOCKS OFF!
KC loves BB
Anonymous(7:23) said.. "And, I wish they'd stop bashing the producers so we won't keep getting the flames. It's irritating."
Yes,irritating and futile But as the saying goes, 'If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.'
I know I'm in the minority, but I really hate Janelle. I didn't like her in S6 and she's just as bad here. How can you respect someone whose alliance should have dominated? Seems to me Will and Boogie are doing more floating than the floaters. Janelle is lucky at competitions...sorry thats all. Her voice is annoying, she really is not attractive, and she is very black-hearted and evil. I see nothing good at all about her. She is not the best game player...maybe the luckest competition player...but game player...no. As far as who wins, I'm not sure, but as much influence as Will has on her, maybe he should win again. He may not be good at competitions but he plays BB well. The reason S6 lasted so long to begin with was that everyone was "Janie crazy" and wanted to be all over them. They should have organized the first week and destroyed season 6 when they had the numbers. But since the other house guests had Janie and Kasyer fever (I'll never know why..) they didn't and now S6 stilllllll holds on. Gesh, just get them outta here.
Anybody but Janelle
Good Evening Jackie...Again sending much love from the North Coast for ALL of your hardwork for keeping us so well informed. I won't lie, I'm kinda sad that my boy James most likely will be leaving BB ALL-STARS real soon. Obviously from your reports, HE REALLY doesn't have ANYBODY to blame but himself and his ensuing behavior/temper tantrum(s) are inapropriate. JAMES IT'S A GAME, LIFE GOES ON. You just have to accept YOU GOT PLAYED by CT and someone who you NEVER should have been sincerely dealing with - DANI. You're most likely going to be evicted because you did exactly what you accused Janie of doing and that is making the game personal. You should have NEVER been so intent on getting Janie out of the house. Although I do agree Janie made it quite clear she made a deal with CT, you completely lost your focus and the bigger picture to the game(s) going on. Hopefully CT cuts Dani's & Erika's throat real soon and the final four are Boogie, CG, Dr. Will and the eventual winner Janie (fingers crossed).
Petals -- I'm sorry, but did you really say "I respect it when good-looking people can hang out together and NOT grope" about Janelle? Did you miss the footage of her and Will? She's been all over him for weeks. She was trying to force him to kiss her in the shower last week! It's not that I dislike Janie or anything, I just can't believe you feel that way. She has openly (in the DR) said that she thinks Will has a crush on her and she will use it to her advantage.
Gotta get back to the show now. I just had to say something about that comment. Please don't think I'm attacking you, I just don't know where your comment came from.
Jani, Dani and Will in the final three is not how it is going to happen. Dani will leave soon. Will cannot control her and beat her in veto comps. He already knows he has Jani to win the comps and she will never put him up. She is definitely got a thing for him and is reacting from her heart and not her head where he is concerned.
will knows that Boogie cannot win comps but he can persuade Jani and possibly he can persuade Erika to vote on who he wants to stay.
Dani will not be in the final three unless she can win all the comps. Will considers her too much of a challenge to him. The others are not a challenge. He can control the others even if they win the comps.
This is his game, and he will play it for Jani to leave in the ifnal three so that he and Boogie can be the final two.
It was planned before they ever came in the house. Will knows he can mentally beat Boogie, so we have a winner - his name is WILL as usual.
So sad Howie is Gone :(
Danielle is such a loser. America doesn't like her because she is mean, a lier and a person who cannot be trusted.
I love Janelle - she deserves to win b/c she keeps winning the comps all by herself. She has no alliance left.
I want another America's Choice so Janelle can get it and piss off James. She should get something extra for winning Prom Queen anyway.
I still am in shock that Chill Town was not evited the first 2 weeks of the show.
Thanks Jackie! I wish there were live feeds in the sequester house.
I agree. Will will win and take Jani and Boogie up to the end and then crush them.
I look at this way. This is so unfortunate. It appears that neither Will or Boogie need the money, while there are others like CG, Dani, Jani, Erika that could really use this money for their families. I hate it when the rich get richer and the people who really need the money are left out again even if they are deserving.
Seems to be the Big Brother way though.
So I guess we get to see Will get richer again. An with his new career in television, evne richer.
yeesh!!!! james is so nasty...
it takes the fun out of this..it's just blatantly mean. strategy be gone...just not nice
I agree, why didn't they get Will and Boogie out in the first couple of shows is beyond me. They make it 100% possible for Will to win this with Boogie coming in 2nd.
James wanted him out in the beginning, he knew he was a biggest threat. Boy, for all-stars I really believe this has been the dumbest group yet. I don't consider them all stars. Just all star stupid.
I just had to say that I really cannot stand how boogie talked to chickengeorge, I cannot stand boogie and james and I'm sorry will is not far behind.
Thanks for keeping us updated Jackie
This is so sad how they played Howie. I hate Will and Boogie.
What scumbags. How can anybody want to be near them.
Jani you need to cut these guys lose to the place where the sun don't shine because they are the worse in this lot of liars.
Poor howie.
Jackie I love your blog. I read up on it then tell everyone about the upcoming episodes. You Rock!!!
anon 8:46
no kidding...it's just wrong
Jani I will lose a lot of respect for you if you listen to one more thing from Boogie and Will. They are BAD to the Bone. Evil.
They don't care about anyone or anything but themselves. I don't believe Will cares one bit about Jani. She is just the road to victory for him.
I can't believe anybody would like Janelle. How in the world could you call Danelle a liar and not the rest of them. I still think Danelle has been one of the most honest players in the game. Time after time Janelle has broken her work. To James, to howie, to everone else in the house and in her alliance.
I have no sympathy for her when Howie left. Because had it been her way, she would have torn the other alliances appart and laughed to their face about it. Have you seen her try to confort Danelle or any other house guess when they're partner left and they were crying? No, she and Howie go laugh about it in a room. Yet, once again they were all over her when she was crying...pu-lease...let her cry her eyes out. Let her voluntary leave....spoiled brat. Period.
I'm not fond of James, but he did try to tell Janielle and Howie when they were messing up and like it or not HE WAS RIGHT!!! James shouldn't leave!
Don't care who wins, as long as its not Janelle!!!
I think the show tonight really has shown us the true colors of Boogie and Will.
I now am rooting for anyone in this house but them. Get it together guys, go after these two evil egos.
By the way,
I LOVE YOU JACKIE....thanks so MUCH for the site....I visit EVERYDAY...
I appreciate you so much no matter how many times you roll your eyes at my favorite players and praise Janelle!!!
See, Howie and Janielle made from one cloth...ugg.....
Howie is a baby...Janielle is spoiled 4 year old...ugg...
James was the only one to see the light and jump off the season 6 ship.
I don't care what anybody else says, James is the only one that can beat Will and Boogie at their own game.
He has the guts and "evil" to battle the evil. The rest are like lambs to slaughter. it is soooo sad to watch.
Too bad James will be evicted, I would love to see him take on Boogie and Will with the rest of the group, it could defintiely be compelling TV and not just a bad comedy (of errors on trusting Woogies for sure).
I don't think Howie is going to be that upset with James when it sees him. It was Boogie that totally betrayed him.
This guy is plain mean. I'm guessing that James will be very easy to influence in the jury. James voted for him.
Will and Boogie have to go.
I'm really hoping James gets evicted this week. In sequester, he might finally figure out that he's not the genius he thinks he is.
Go Woogie! They play a great game and actually, they all have been having their moments of greatness. But Woogie can play 'da game. I also admire Danielle's game and Janie's so far. James will go this week probably but he's gotten so bitter. Great show!
Way to leave the house Howie..I am glad he shoved off Boogies hat when he left..that was pretty funny...Boogie is such a smarta*@!!
WIll is a much better player than him...Danielle makes me SICK!! as well as Erica...(Talk about pathetic)...Erica, a 37 year old wannabe of Janelle....I think Howie should be able to come back becuz Boogie threatened George about the POWER he had....PLEASE SEND JAMES HOME!!!! I just cant take it anymore...He is the biggest cry baby I have ever seen!!
Thanks Jackie for the blog..I look forward to reading every morning, and afternoon...
wow, the only way tonights show was at all tolerable is knowing that Janelle does get POV. Man, Mike is wrong, evil, and ...just wrong. I am not sure which is worse, James or Mike. Mike is a manipulator and James is just a baby. And I am sooooo glad the CDT was taken from Mike. ha ha
hasnt boogie lost his chance to use the coup since he is the hoh and this is the third one since he won it?
After watching the eviction on tonight's episode, My dislike for Boogie has grown in leaps and bounds. He was a bully who was hiding behind the the remaining HG's and BB staff. (Not physically hiding - he knew Howie had to leave.
Shouting 'Super Bowl' after he won was juvenile.
Anybody but Boogie.
Anon: 9:09.....
You are kidding right? Boogie a great playa? PULEASSEE...HE IS A BACKSTABBING JACK!*#....I think Will is even sick of him....At least Will is polite about being two faced...(If that is possible) If James doesn't leave this week, I have to quit watching..I cannot stand him...or I agree with one of the other anonymous writers that it would be great to see DANIELLE leave..or even Erica...I agree with that comment Erica is a bitter woman, and I think she is very jealous of Janie...
jef/julie - My condolences on the knee. I've been there and done that! ;-)
Anon @ 5:56 - Yes! Muttley! George laughs like Muttley!
Mario @ 6:27 - That season isn't available on DVD. :-(
Anon @ 8:54 - Although you personally don't care for Janelle, it seems she does have a lot of supporters in the comments area here and other places I peruse. Hey, different strokes, as they say.
Anon @ 8:56 - I roll my eyes just as much at Janelle as some of the others, perhaps more. I think she studies hard and is strong in competitions, but she's far from my favorite player in the game and she's done a lot of dumb moves this season. That's just my opinion and I realize she has a huge fan and a huge anti-fan base. I come somewhere in between the two on her.
I don't like James. I don't like Mike. Erika doesn't thrill me - she's almost like she's not even there. I find the most interesting players to watch are Will and Danielle. I admire Janelle's determination at comps. I also think George is a sweet guy out of his element. That's sort of where I stand.
Mike Boogie is playing a great game. He's stepped up and he's playing a great game. That's what he's there for. It's a game.
I CAN'T STAND THE WAY BOOGIE ACTS!! I was really hoping Howie would take a shot at him...more than just knocking his hat off.
Up until tonight I thought that the only reason Will insisted on bringing Boogie into the house with him was so that he could use him to play the "bad cop" and take the heat off of himself. Then it finally hit me...Will and Boogie are friends outside the house. I can totally see Boogie acting like that in real life. Now I'm really questioning Will's integrity. How can he be friends with someone like that? The manipulation that Will does is part of the game, but the bullying Boggie does is just plain wrong. I'm sure he was the target of bullies as a child and now he's getting his revenge in the BB house. He makes me sick.
I know I'm rambling so I'll stop now :-)
James going or what? Jani should be fed up with CG after what she did to Howie. Who will go.
I agree with you, Jackie. Erika is sort of just taking up space and running around trying to just pity or beg her way. I really think Will has played an amazing game. Danielle has as well. And I'm surprised that George has held on as long as he has! - Chris
I know this is terrible to say (and Lord I apologize), but I wish Howie would have knocked the sh*t out of Mike. Howie can knock him three ways of Sunday with one hand. Hey, he was leaving anyway. Why not? That is terrible, I know. But Mike is like , a buck o' five, at best.....he needs to watch that alligator mouth.
Oh yea...did Boogie lose his power before Howie went up? The reason I ask is this...if he wanted Janelle on the block so badly, why didn't he use it then? He threatened George with it, so I'm inclined to believe he still had it. If he's such a great player, he would have changed the nominations and "stepped up" at that point.
A few questions and comments:
I just watched the show and am wondering if the scene in the Red Room before the Veto ceremony was seen on the live feeds or was it first seen tonight on air? It made me uncomfortable and I wasn't even in the room. Does intimidation belong in the game? Obviously it worked and Boogie protected his buddy. And Will remained unmarked by any of the fallout. How can anyone in the hosue not know that Will is the leader and Boogie his goon?
I keep hearing about James abandoning his S6 alliance. I thought he came into the game and was never more than a spy in S6, just pretended to be one of them and then split off at the first opportunity while, in some unknown way, still made them think he was one of them. James confuses me. Am I the only one who heard that was his plan from the beginning and he did it so that he would make S6 look bad?
I am glad they showed the Howie eviction, even though it was ugly. Woogie said on feeds that they didn't want Big Boy to know he was leaving to spare them his drama. That was cowardly. All Howie asked was am I going? They could have evaded his question, as hgs have done all season. Boogie says anything goes and I understand that, but it is ugly and I thought unnecessary. I guess there is no way Boogie will make it to Sequester and live with Howie.
Yay! Howie gets to do the Morning Show. Not doing it bothered him. But, I was surprised he didn't react when Julie said the last show was Sept 12.
Janelle and Will spoke of the humilation of the HOH comp, with all involved. It was a strange move for CBS, I thought. Sue
ABB!!! ABJ!!
(Anyone but Boogie, Anyone but James!)
I hope James does go this week; it would be great to see him exit before our beloved Chicken Man.
Jackie -- thank you for all you do, you rock!!
Witt :)
Mike lost the CDT after what was aired tonight. He lost it after he became HOH. Why he did not use it tonight to put up Janelle? Who knows what goes on in that little brain of his. uggg....I heard he hated that he was called booger on the internet. Well, Booger, you deserve it.
Sue -- what a perfect analogy "Will is the leader and Boggie his goon". I could totally see them doing a Godfather scene. Will as the Godfather with Boogie as one of the smarmy little goons in the background saying "You want I should take him out boss?". That makes me laugh!!!
Does anyone know what the POV competition was except that it involved dolls?
I'm sure Mike will put Chicken George up when Jani uses the POV. He has said numerous times that CG is a "wild card". Not what you want left in the game near the end.
I agree with Howie's characterization that Mike "threatened" CG about putting Will up for nominations. That's exactly what it looked like to me. I mean it would have been risky for Mike to use the CDT even if he still had it at that time. By the way, since BB may have revoked the power due to his conversations with Will, did Mike really even have the power at the time he threatened CG in the red room?
I'm not sure how or when Boogie "threatened" Chicken George. All he did was allude to the power - which everybody knows someone has (or had, as the case may be). And then in an effot to save his friend (who should've let Boogie in on the fact that he'd volunteered to be nominated) opened George's eyes to the fact that his "friends," Janelle and Howie, had been inches away from chucking him - feathers and all - under the bus last week until CT stepped in and convinced them to dump Marcellas instead. Neither Janelle nor Howie was able to look George in the face and honestly say, "nope, CT is lying to you. We never even considered nominating you Georgie old buddy old pal. It was Marcellas all the way!" Instead they just sat there looking guilty while the lightbulb went on over George's head and he realized he was lucky to still be in the house. I think if Janelle and Howie had lied - or tried to- George would've thought Mike was lying for his own benefit- George would likely have put Will up and taken his chances against "the power." Instead, Howie and Janelle looked like very naughty children who'd been caught filching cookies from the cookie jar at dinner time.
I think Howie was a liability and Janelle knew it - she's better off without him and as long as she can keep Danielle and Erika from realizing that she and CT have an alliance (which is the only logical explanation for Janelle's nomination decisions this year - in almost total opposition to the wishes of her "allies" Kaysar, Howie, and James), that Janelle and Will will likely go all the way.
Personally, I'd rather see Chicken George hang in til the end. His strategy seems to be working for him (and the unmitigated gall of anyone who feels it behooves George to share that strategy absolutely amazes me. I don't see everyone in the house running to share their strategy and plans with George every time they decide to do something). You just have to admire a guy who's been pretty much hung out to dry all by himself, won one competition strictly by luck, treats everybody else in the house with as much respect as one can manage in a game like this, maintains a positive outlook despite eating slop most of the time, and is still there while everybody in the house burns bridges, lies and stabs their "friends" in the back.
I don't see Will winning, I would LOVE if he did. I think he is the strongest player. It looks like people are onto Chilltown and they may be the next on the block
As for "rich get richer". I'd like to point out that Boogie came from a single parent home and worked his way up to be a restuaranter and Will studied hard to be a doctor. DO they need the money? No, probably not but neither of them were independently wealthy. They both worked hard for their earnings. If they win THIS game, they will continue to have earned their winnings on their own, as well. If they DESERVE to win, the "they already have money" shouldn't be the reason they lose. It seems unfair.
On the feeds, James is wanting to see his contract. Apparently he wants to go home and wants to check the contract to see if he would lose any money (they get paid for each week they are there). Bye James, don't let the door knob hit your a** on the way out.
I need to know
Is James going or what. Are there votes for him to stay? You would think Jani would keep him after he tried to keep Howie.
It's funny that people are claiming that "so-and-so has an alliance with Chill Town." Do you really think that Will and Mike have any allegiances beyond each other? They'll play any side they want and get away with it. Say what you want about James, but he knew from the beginning that Chill Town was dangerous, and the house seems to be blind to it as they get involved in Season 6 versus floaters or Legion of Doom versus Janelle.
I haven't read anywhere, but was JAmes made at CT for nominating him? did he think they betrayed the LOD?
Anon @ 9:41 - No one can tell you for sure if James will go home or not. It appears that, with his latest behavior, no one in the house wants him to stay. He's fussing that he wants to walk out, too. The eviction isn't until Thursday and the replacement nom isn't even named yet. Yes, I think he will go home. But, no... I can't say it will definitely happen. Not this early, anyway.
It surprises me that people are so surprised that Woogie voted Howie out. They were playing him the entire game and they did what they had to do to get farther. Sure, it may not have been a nice thing to do but this game is not about great morals, it is about strategy. It's aired on CBS not Lifetime. Personally, I am not very sorry to see Howie go because he was not much of a player and whenever he tried to be funny he was just offensive.
I also agree that James needs to let the Veto comp incident go... he has been whining for too long. However, I do think that there is a bit of a double standard here. When Janelle was wallowing in self pity everyone was giving her sympathy and demanding that she should get to see the show shrink. James on the other hand has been told to suck it up. Just a thought.
May the best player win!
P.S. Thanks Jackie you do a great job!
Is it finally the end for James? Looks like th LOD is done and CT is moving on. What a fascinating weekend.
THanks, Jackie
Jackie - can't wait to hear your thoughts on the show tonight..........especially Howie outing Boogie in the interview with Julie. Did she really have to stay there an extra day to tape that?
What was CBS thinking with that comp? I think it was just another example of "people will do anything for money". Whether it's lock themselves in a house with other people for 3 months, or dress up as a gnome. I don't feel sorry for any of them (the HGs or the little people). They're getting paid and they seem to be okay with it.
Are we sure there will be a sequester and the same voting at the end as before?
ANON 9:38 writes: It appears that neither Will or Boogie need the money, while there are others like CG, Dani, Jani, Erika that could really use this money for their families. I hate it when the rich get richer and the people who really need the money are left out again even if they are deserving.
With all due respect, this isn't at all about who needs or is deserving of the money the most. Its a competition. Like any other. (When Tiger Woods wins a tournement, I don't hear anyone say, hey let someone who needs or deserves the money win).
They are getting a stipend of a believe $2k a week they are in the house and if they make it to the jury they get paid for 15 weeks (30K). They chose to participate in this and I hope the best player wins, regardless of whether they "need" the money.
I don't care about Boogie working his way up. Lots of people have, he doesn't care about the money anyway just the intimdation or domination over others. You can tell he gets a kick out of controlling people. Not unlike Will. Two different styles though, Boogie through goon style and Will through smooth talking. He is definitely a thug.
both basically are dishonest and unlikeable people who most people would never have anything to do with in real life. You could never trust them and I would be afraid of the anger that I saw in Boogie with Howie tonight. He was very scary. They worry about James, I would worry about crossing Boogie and getting out of there alive.
Anon @ 10:10 - Oops, the Julie Chen interview was one thing I didn't mention. To me, it doesn't make much of a difference that he told her about Boogie threatening with the power or whatever. She doesn't care. She reads her script. She's been out in L.A. for most of this. They just had her work that night. I'm sure she didn't do it out of the goodness of her heart! ;-)
HOwie is a clown that was not playing the game and really had no chance of winning. He showed no class and the temperment of a 3yr old which is also not surprising.
Who says Janelle is not attractive? She blows doors compared to most of the BB woman for six seasons. Her and Erika have to be up there with Lisa as the hottest.
That aside, Janelle should be the most feared player. If she makes it to the end, she will win because they all have to respect her ability to win when necessary. Her strategy S6 &7 is weak at best, but everyone is gunning for her and she keeps coming. Only the vindictive losers (Macellous, James) would not vote for her.
I was surprised to read someone say that Mike didn't like being called Booger on the internet. I thought all the HG's weren't able to contact have with the outside world. If that's true how can Mike know what is being said about him on the internet???????
I don't care about Boogie's past either. You grow up and treat people with respect in a competition or you treat people with no respect. Boogie has treated everybody with little respect and I have no respect for him and his actions. I don't care about it being a game. If he wins this, he still will not have my respect. Booger you are not worthy to win anything.
There is no way Boogie is winning unless Will wants him to win. It will never happen. I don't believe he will make the final 3.
Jackie or anyone with a feed -- what's going on in the house??
Anon @ 10:32 - The houseguests don't have Internet access while in the house. But almost all were active at various sites (some their own) prior to entering the house.
From what I saw tonight, if I were Will, I would really consider who I view as my friends and their violent behaviors. You never know when you might set the Booger off. I would definitely not want him as a friend. Too strange and I agree there is a lot of hidden anger there and now we understand his weirdness.
Anon @ 10:40 - Refresh your page or hit August 2006 on the main page. I posted an update just a little while ago. Not that there's much going on, mind you.
Do they do psychological exams on these HG's before they put them in with other people in a setting like this. I wonder how Boogie psych exam was rated. he really scared me and I'm not sure I would want to be confined with this guy.
Something is very off about him.
Yep, I wondered that too. How do they know that they are not putting a "psycho" in the house?
I don't believe they tested the Boogie enough for this?
I think that Boogie is a little strange. I'm worried that he will go off on someone that might play him or he can't control.
Is there safeguards to protect the other people.
You know, I felt the same way tonight. For the first time, I had shivers go down my back in watching the reaction of Boogie to Howie. His eyes were very scary and I wondered if james had not stepped in between them, what would he have done.
Did I miss something???
What I SAW happen was HOWIE walk up to Boogie and throw his hat.
Boogie made the comment about that being really classy (should have said trashy..) and THEN HOWIE BECOMES AGRESSIVE!!!
Those of you calling Boggie agressive...did you see the same show?
HOWIE should be tested!!! He started it and he's the one that nearly went to blows...all boogie did was react to Howie. How many of us would have just let him take something of ours and throw it and not AT LEAST say something about it.
Come up...lets get real...
It is so surreal reading this blog and reading a board that tracks the live feed and then watching the show. Everything on the show is from about two days ago, this blog is from today and the boards tracking the live feed are from about a minute ago. It's like I've got my own time machine! And frankly at the moment I'm feeling a little dizzy. But it's so cool knowing the HG's immediate futures while I'm watching the show that was taped in the past. OK, feeling dizzy again.. So when D says Janelle "is done" I know that in fact she isn't. It makes me feel kind of smug. I like it.
It never ceases to amaze me how we are all watching the same show but we all see it so differently. The Danielle fans are baffled by the Janelle fans who are baffled by the James fans who are baffled by the Boogie fans.
So let me baffle a few people by putting in a good word for CG.
First of all this poor guy probably had the shortest and most miserable reign as HOH of anybody ever in that game. Hardly anybody besides Howie spoke to him for 47 days. And most of that time he was on slop. So he finally wins the golden egg:the HOH. And what happens? He gets 5 minutes to enjoy it before he has to nominate two people, and 5 minutes after that everybody is bombarding him with suggestions, demands, lies, and threats. 5 minutes after that his chosen target wins POV.
So he decides to put Will up, and then Boogie gets all mega confrontational and threatening (I don't remember that happening to any of the other HOH's this season), Will doesn't own up as being the one who volunteered, and that leaves George hanging in the wind while boogie takes bites out of his flesh. Then his pal Howie goes postal on his ass. Then a "fight" breaks out between H and MB. Jeez, all the other HOH's got sucked up to and asked what THEY wanted. George gets browbeated, threated and told he better do WHAT THE HOUSE WANTS!
Meanwhile George's game I believe, is just trying to be a good guy. Be honorable, be kind, be loyal. Unfortunately in the heat of the moment he placed his loyalty with MB for "saving him" (@@) last week,
instead of Jedi Howie. But I think if George had put up anybody besides Howie MB would have used the CDT and our girl Janelle would have been out. Cuz I don't think MB lost the CDT until he won HOH later on.
I'm sorry for Howie, happy for Jani, and I personally vote for George getting a "Pain & Suffering" monetary bonus on top of his $30k because he's had to put up with more crap than anybody else in that house.
Just a clarification of what I said about Janelle having a deal with CT (since someone commented on it).....I believe Janelle thinks CT has a deal with her, too, but Will and Mike's only loyalties are to Will and Mike. They seem to have one-sided alliances with everybody else in the house (ie. the other HGs think they have some kind of agreement with CT, while CT's only real agreement is with each other). It just seems to me that everybody has thrown his/her hat into the CT ring and expects to get something for their troubles. All they're going to wind up with is everybody CT wants out of the house evicted, and Will or Mike winning the big prize at the end. When the dust settles, everyone else will be doing the "where, oh where, did I go wrong" headshake.
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