Here are the events of the afternoon (their time, not mine - it's well into the evening here) from that Big Brother House of Sullied Reputations:
- Chicken George mentioned that another thing he didn't get in his short reign as HOH was the camera. Aw, he's right. I didn't think about that. He really got the short end of the stick, didn't he?
- James told Danielle to go after Chill Town if he leaves tomorrow. She told him she will, but she goes about things in a roundabout way.
- Mike Boogie and Will actually studied for comps. [Editor's note: As if they intend to win? Well, I think Will wasn't pleased with Mike's rather premature HOH win and it may have kicked them into action where they feel they have to win every week from now on to be safe.]
- Chicken George and James talked today. James told George that they all have choices and he chose to put Howie up. George said the decision was rushed and both agreed that Howie is probably angrier with Chill Town than at George.
- James told George that he (James) and Marcellas were friends prior to the show this season - Marcellas went to Chicago and they hung out together. George was surprised to hear the information. He said he knew no one prior to the show.
- Danielle is still upset - she told Erika she didn't think she belonged in the game anymore. She said that prior to going on the show she thought she wouldn't because she knew she'd be an emotional mess... and now she is indeed one. [Editor's note: I do think she's having a rough time as of late, but I also think she could snap back. She's a shrewd BB player at heart.]
- When Janelle asked Will if he thought James would vote with them if he stayed, Will told her that he (James) would be coming after both her and Chill Town. When she asked why, the feeds were cut (doubt that's why - someone may have been singing on another feed or something).
- Erika wouldn't commit either way when asked by Danielle about who she's voting to evict this week. She said it was a tough decision and both are dangerous players. [Editor's note: Her vote should go with Woogie for James to leave, as of this time anyway.]
- Some of the HG slept a lot through the afternoon. Perhaps if they slept at night, they wouldn't sleep half the day. That's just me being snarky about it.
- When talking with James, Mike Boogie made it sound like he wants George out.
- James has decided that if he leaves 3-1, Janelle has betrayed him. If he leaves 2-2 with Mike casting the tiebreaker against him, Janelle just might be willing to work with Danielle.
- Even Danielle and Erika are at odds about tomorrow's eviction. Danielle told Erika that she knows that James is going home, but she's not happy about it. When Erika commiserated and said no one would be happy, Danielle pointed at her and said, "Some will be happy." [Editor's note: Well, Erika... she nailed ya.]
- Woogie is worried that Danielle will work on Erika to change the vote. [Editor's note: That would only make it 2-2 with Mike as the tiebreaker. Janelle and Will seem (note I said SEEM as anything can change anytime before the live vote) to be going for James' eviction, Erika for James and Danielle for George to go. That's how it stands right now.]
- Woogie (alone together) talked about how they'll have to change strategies in a game without James. They weighed the pros and cons of how long Danielle, Erika, Janelle and George should last and who would work best with them. Will pushed the Janelle issue with Mike (again).
I feel that Woogie is in complete control of the game with the minor exeption of Jani. I know her game will come full on when this weeks evictions are over and done with. She has been vunerable this season but with the outcomes of late she realizes that she HAS to be extremly careful from now on with EVERY move she makes. If James is evicted tomorrow(Fingers Crossed) then the HG need to rid of Danielle right away. Then it will be a game of games. Let the best HG win but I am REALLY pulling for Jani. Thanks for all your blogs they are wonderful and who ever reads this I hope you have a great night!!!
well, I think woogie will be in control IF will wins hoh this week.
or possibly erika. If not they are in trouble.
I really feel that James will be gone this week so Woogie IS in control with Jani right on their tails.
What do any of you think about my first comment>?>> It is the first comment in this section.
woogie works so well together and they hash out all possible scenarios..I think Will wants to keep Janelle cause he enjoys the fact she is a competitor and easy on the eyes..I would hope Janelle and CG could somehow get Woogie out but I am doubting it....
hey JAckie -
What do you mean Will is working on mike about Janelle??
I thought they wanted to keep her?
I am confused..
I was referring to this :
"Will pushed the Janelle issue with Mike (again). "
That would be great if Jani and CG could out smart CT but the way things have been going who knows...
Although...if James is ousted tomorrow night things could go that way which would be awesome!!!
GO Jani!!!!
Remeber everyone D.N.A. and "Expect the unexpected" - Everyone might just get a shock Thursday night as I beleive James will stay and the chicken man will leave the roost.
What's this about Mike farting on Erika? Too funny! I guess that's why they both stink.
I wonder if Woogie's mothers are proud now.
If Mike is such a wonderful son that surely he should put a new roof on his mom's New Hampshire home. After all, he's already made thousands on BB7.
Mike and Will should go on the Aruba vacation together. No one else willl want them after their Woogie Show.
A Janette
According to Hamster Watch, Erica & Mike were in bed together and he turned over and farted on her. They so deserve one another. What ugly kids they'd make.
New shirt for Woogie
I'm a farting pimp
To those posting about Mike's um... um... flatulence er... on Erika. Yes, it happened. I didn't mention it as I thought it was sort of tacky for a main blog entry kind of thing. But, yes, it happened. Blech.
Cyndi - Mike isn't as certain that Janelle is the right person to go into the final three with them. Will has been selling Mike on Janelle for a few weeks now. Will may be scheming, but he's also a bit smitten in a friendly kind of way. At least that's what I think.
I agree with you, Jackie. Will seems smitten to me, too.
I'd like to see the final four be Janelle, CG, and Woogie--with Janelle or CG the winner!
Just checking in to see what's up.
Get some rest all of you, especially Jackie, It's going to be a long day tomorrow.
Thanks again for your great site, Jackie.
PS Another confirmation Mike is a pig because of the farting.
Rosalee - It's fairly quiet. A few minutes ago Mike assured George he was staying and asked if "the girls" had been working on him or promised him anything for their votes. George admitted they did in a roundabout way, but that he didn't commit to anything.
And that's the latest... hot off the press!
Oh, now they're just playing pool. Boring!
jackie, do you think they will have another double eviction soon or wait till the end? Man, is it really only 19 days until the end?
thanks Mick
Mick - Just crunching the numbers, I think they'll have to have another double eviction week and cut down the time with the final 3/2. I personally don't think they'd do a double this week back to back with last, but I'm on guard for next week.
Then again, I could be totally wrong. But I like to say "crunch the numbers" anyway. ;-)
Hey Jackie- you aren't snarky, you are just right... peace
KC Loves BB and Jackie's blog!
Once again,things done by BOOGER convince me he has NO class at all.Now,you might fart on your spouse,but on a "girlfriend" and on national tv feeds! Oh,his Mommy must be so proud of her boy!
You know,in the last POV,BOOGER and WILL made JANIE think they were going to "help" her win,but know what? I don't think she needed their help then or ever. Yeah,BOOGER made a "big" point of telling how he "gave" her a doll,but dollars to donuts,she would have found one all on her own.AND I am not convinced that either of WOOGER CAN beat her on any given day in any given comp. JANIE is a hell of a competitor and I think she could give them both a run for the money. That's why they try to block her out of comps when they don't want her to win. Did that make you feel like a big man,BOOGER???
GO JANIE...show them what you are made of and win HOH this Thursday!
I don't like Mike anymore. I used to, as a gamer. But he's not like Will. Mike seems heartless. At least James (who can be worse in behavior) seems like he is acting out a fake persona.
So, I still like Will a lot. But since he is set on helping Mike win, I'm bummed. I'm a Christian. I don't like lying, but I like strategy. Yet, here we have quite the mixture, as a fan of Will in a game full of lying. I'm very "put-out". The lying is just too much, I can't overlook it anymore. The evil behind it reveals itself to be the bad pervasive thing that it is. I always liked Danielle. It's too late to root for her to win.... maybe. I can't root for anyone anymore. I guess I can only watch.
If Will gets his way I have to say I'll be glad, although maybe now the reason will partly be that reality shows itself. The liar wins the lying game. Ewe reap what you sow.
Jackie, thanks for the minutes. I'll have to check and see what your Survivor coverage is like. But, as an avid watcher, and (objectively) better than most all as a predictor, I don't know what else I could discuss.
Jackie: do you know of another BB blog that does more in-depth strategy coverage than yours? (If they did minutes like you do, that would be better yet.) You got a great thing going... I'm simply wondering if there's something even more within my focus, out there.
i dunno i have totally changed my mind about will and i hated him and yes i am using the word hate here when he was in his season but maybe it was because of shannon i couldnt abide her at all...but this season i have seen a whole new side of him....esp with janelle gosh u can really misjudge some people but i still cannot stand ugh mike or james ... i would love to see jannelle and will in the final two wooohoo
Jackie -
I have been enjoying your blogs for 2 seasons now - Thanks so much for taking the time to fill us all in!!
I have a question that I'm hoping you can answer - I watch the feeds and usually have an idea of what's going on the house, but I am baffled by Will & Janelle's relationship. It appears as if they have truly fallen in love. What's your opinion, and have you heard any responses from Will's girlfriend Erin?
Go Janie!
Hi Jackie. Thanks again for all the info on the houseguests. I know there has been a lot of talk concerning Danielle's drinking and I was wondering what your opinion is. A friend of mine who keeps an eye on the feeds just told me via email that Danielle actually hides alcohol for herself from the others and drinks when people aren't looking. My friend feels Dani is either an alcoholic or close to being one. Do you feel the same way? Does she really hoard and hide alcohol? Thanks again, SuzieQue
Everyone is hinting of a romance/showmance between Will and Janelle; does anyone know the status of Will and his girlfriend Erin Brodie? Or Janelle and her boyfriend? Just curious,
Will is in complete control now. They will vote out James.
Dani will be upset, and will be the next target. Everyone thinks they have a deal with 'chill', so when one chicken gets the chopping block, the other chickens think 'hey, it wasn't me, so I'm in good with them'.
Its a good strategy.
The only thing that can upset this now is, ironically..Chicken George...since he is allied to Jani, he will put up at least 1 of chilltown (if not both, well..he doesn't know how to play then). Or Jani, if she is brave enough to go against Chilltown..that looks doubtful now.
Bottom line: Everyone fears chilltown, and thinks they are allied to them, they are ripe pickings for Will at this point in the game. Game over. :D
I would love to see Chicken George save the day, since he is such an underdog. I did not want Will to win at the start, but he deserve it now, he played them all for the dummies they are.
"James has decided that if he leaves 3-1, Janelle has betrayed him. If he leaves 2-2 with Mike casting the tiebreaker against him, Janelle just might be willing to work with Danielle"
he is kidding, isn't he? who betrayed who first? bye bye james!
Jackie, I am the person who asked how ya get ya info with work and stuff, and I just wanted to tell you I loved your answer. :) I only read to BB sites, this Blog and Jokers, and I have to say I do enjoy this one the most.
Is there going to be any more secret things coming up like bring houseguest backs or anything. Post here
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