As tonight's the live eviction, let me take a moment to remind folks that I'll be posting updates on the big events as they air here on the East Coast. So, if you're a West Coast show night spoilers lover, this is the place to be! The eviction usually happens a bit after the half hour, HOH at the end of the show. If you're not seeing a new post, it may help to refresh the page or click on the August 2006 archive hyperlink on the right sidebar of the main blog page (not an individual post).
Onto the events of the day in that Big Brother House of Jumpy James and Curious George:
- Big Brother woke up the houseguests at the crack of about 10:20 AM their time.
- The HG were in the mood for Big Brother the Musical, so the feeds were blocked on and off for over an hour because of their singing. Grr.
- James told Danielle that he realized that BB is a game, not a job... and now he's ready to stay, play and win. He also mentioned that he didn't have someone like her on his side last year. [Editor's note: I believe it may be a bit late for this epiphany.]
- The now sober crew teased Mike about not letting them into the HOH room last night. [Editor's note: I wouldn't have let them in, either!]
- BB told Mike he had to be out of the HOH room by noon.
- Woogie talked about their questions asked during Diary Room sessions. Houseguests, do NOT discuss your Diary Room sessions with other houseguests.) Will said he keeps getting asked if people are playing him or he's playing people. Mike keeps getting asked if something is real or fake.
- Will told Mike that over the past few days he's 100% sure Janelle isn't playing him. [Editor's note: Dr. Gullible, paging Dr. Gullible... that's the way to a Code Blue.]
- Mike said he's not as sure of Erika.
- Both want Janelle to win HOH this week. They think they're safe if she does.
- Will said that he has the potential to win HOH this week. If he does, he'll put up Erika and Danielle telling them the plan is to backdoor Janelle. Then either they or Janelle win POV and won't use it.
- Woogie talked to Danielle confirming they're evicting James tonight. Danielle told them to do what they want to do, but she's not happy about it.
- Hmm... the BB voice warned the HG that it's against the rules to discuss their votes with other houseguests. That usually happens during taped votes. Hmmm.
- Will told Boogie that he now intends on throwing the HOH.
- Chicken George packed his bags... including a trash bag. He's so not like the others!
- Erika and Danielle drilled each other on HOH-type questions.
- Danielle told Erika that she told Marcellas to take the prizes (that Mike Boogie is lying and said he took) in the graveyard comp. [Editor's note: Don't ask my why she's saying that. I don't know. We all know that she didn't want Janelle to win the comp.]
- Danielle wants Erika to do her dirty work... er, to tell George why she (Danielle) has to vote for James to stay -- that she just can't cast a vote to evict him even though she knows he's going. She wants George to understand it's not a vote against him.
- Danielle and Erika think that the Coup d'Etat can still be used, or another power. They just referred to it as a "power."
- Danielle cried some more because she doesn't want James to go.
- James told her she needs to take out Chill Town, but she feels she needs to be up with one of them in the end -- it would be her only chance to win. He thinks she shoudl get rid of Will first because Janelle will try to protect him.
- She then muttered that Chill Town would lose three jury votes if they kicked out James.
- Meanwhile, James told her that he accepts that he isn't in the same league as Chill Town.
And there's where we stand. They're primping and cleaning for tonight's live show and it still looks like a James eviction.
One more note: Folks, please don't call other commenters names or harass me for removing posts in which other commenters were called names. Do I have to send a few to the Diary Room or what? Also, if the posts are getting nasty, trust me... I'll get to them. I thank the folks who are keeping things to show talk, no matter who you're cheering on. The majority of the comments are great and it's the comments that make this blog as much as my own entries. So, be cool, kick your feet up and watch the show! Then come back here to celebrate or to drown your sorrows in the written words.
"Dr. Gullible, paging Dr. Gullible..."
Maybe you should watch The Amanda Show, which includes a sketch involving a substitute teacher named Mr. Gullible. Funny stuff for Nick.
I know its been said but...you are the best!
Jackie, thanks for all that you do!! What are we going to do once the show is over at the end of the season???? - Chris
Chris - Sleep one good FULL night, then it's time for Survivor and Amazing Race blogging, then in October add Lost.
Almost showtime here...
jackie im sorry you have people bugging you... im a west coaster and live for the spoilers!! debbie
hi jackieeeeeeeeeee,
long time no hear, lol
i appreciate you,
and that's all i want to say:>
go janey go danielle!!!
I can't believe the Bible isn't burning Janelle's hands!
Just kidding. Watching the show and trying to be funny....hahaha
i just recently found this blog and am finding it very useful in finding out whats the deal in the house. thx a lot and hope for the best
Just want to say that your blog is what I look forward to after a long day at work. Thank you!! I also wonder why BB puts flames up when the houseguests sing...did I miss you explaining this already???
Thanks again for all of your hard work - Shelley
Yeah!!! Marcellas is right.
Hey another shout out from all us West Coasters who live for your Blogs..your opinions, asides and humor.....So sorry you have a rowdy bunch that you need to scold..Cause you ROCK Jackie!!
Still wanting JAMESBEGONE.....CG and Jani in the final!
I never thought I'd say this, but I hope Janelle wins and nominated Will and Boogie. I think I like them less than Janelle (never thought that'd be possible...)
Wouldn't it be great if Erica and Janie were working together to split up Woogie? They could totally do that! We may have found a use for Erica!!!
woohooo James is gone!!!
thank god!
Shelley - There are copyright issues with songs, so the feeds are blocked. It's considered broadcasting to send them out over the Internet.
Now...I want to see CG or Erica win HOH! We'll see where her true alliance is!!!
Go Chicken George!!!
Hehehehe...I love the wink Will gives the camera in the diary room....
Okay, the wording that Julie used for the HOH competition was a tad confusing!
Okay, after tonights show a few comments/observations...
Was it just me or did tonight's HOH comp seem confusing? I don't even think the HG's understood it. It was also lackluster and boring.
I thought it odd that Janelle went out so early. These types of comps are usually right up her alley. I wonder if she hasn't finally caught on to Chill town letting everyone else do their dirty work and she is trying to beat them at their own game.
Jackie...have been following your BB blog for more than one season and have to tell you that you do an amazing job and that I am officially addicted to this blog!
Thank you!
OH, how I hope Dr. Gullible wakes up..I sincerely enjoy watching Dr. Delicious, why oh why has he lost his groove!
What was Will's look of confusion about at the end of the HOH comp? He just stood there. I don't get why
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