
Yes, I'm being sarcastic.
Before I dive into the house happenings since the eviction, I'll address a few recent comments...
Some folks think that the second evictee may be an America's Choice thing. I don't think so. From the way Julie Chen worded it (an action-packed hour), it sounds like there will either be multiple comps or one really super comp on next week's live show. I don't know how they'll do it and since the houseguests know nothing about what's to come - I won't know anything outside of my own speculation. I do know that Arnold Shapiro, one of the executive producers, is really against the idea of America voting out houseguests.
Others asked if I knew exactly what Janelle asked Mike Boogie prior to the HOH. I couldn't really make it out, but I got the impression she was asking him one of the questions they had been studying for HOH. Mike, Will and Janelle had all been studying together and she had been bouncing off questions and checking answers with Mike about 15 minutes before the show. I think she just asked him about another question which came to mind.
Onto the evening's happenings since the live show in that Big Brother House of a Dead Legion of Doom:
- Shortly after I posted my last report, but just prior to the live show, James was practically begging Woogie for reassurance. Mike tried to tell him that he was going home, but James kept at him. Will ended up telling him he was safe. We know how that turned out.
- After the feeds returned following the live show, Will took the blame for the last three evictions. I'm not sure of his strategy with that one - perhaps to get Janelle out of the spotlight, perhaps because it means he's also responsible for three others remaining in the house.
- Woogie talked about making sure Janelle wins the veto, either on her own or with their help. They seem pretty sure she will be one of Erika's nominees.
- Erika told Chicken George not to worry because she had his back. Again, I'm not sure of the meaning. He's either not going to be nominated or he's not her target. [Editor's note: Danielle wants him out, though. Did you know she can't figure out his strategy?]
- Danielle is concerned because she knows Janelle voted to evict James.
- Danielle laid a guilt trip on Mike and he ended up telling her he trusts her more than he does Will. [Editor's note: If you're going to lie and shmooze, at least do it well. Sheesh. As if she can't see right through that one. As if!]
- Will, Mike and Janelle once again (earlier tonight, too) said something about competing with George for HOH next week. That's why Will said he was going to throw tonight's. Looking at who's there, it shows they expect/want Danielle out this week.
- Danielle kept at Mike telling him she wasn't happy and he's a target.
- Alone, she muttered, "Will's ass is MINE."
- Erika told Danielle she plans to nominate Janelle and George, with George as the pawn.
- Will told Danielle that they have the votes to get Janelle out unless she wins POV. [Editor's note: I watched really closely. Yes, his nose grew just a wee bit, but I saw it!]
- Janelle thinks she's going on the block with Will.
- Will told Janelle that if he, her and Mike are still around next week, it's to the Final Three for them.
- Poor Erika. The last time she was HOH, it was a re-do. This time BB gave her the key and she went to the living room and shouted the typical, "Who wants to see my HOH room?" Dead quiet. Everyone was outside. Erika then said, "Well, that was anti-climatic." It cracked me up, maybe you had to be there.
- Her room is flower-themed.
- Danielle and Erika can't figure out why Will took the blame for James' leaving. It bothers Danielle. [Editor's note: A lot bothers Danielle.]
- Will and Mike tried to get a plane to flash its lights by waving pool cues at it. The plane ignored them. Will said it had to be a pilot who was just a company-man.]
- Will and Mike went over several scenarios trying to figure their best approach to strategy. They want Janelle to stay in the game. Now Erika is Yoko and Janelle is Paul's new ex-Heather. Listening to these two brainstorm ideas makes me thankful they're not ruling the world. I could see a takeover. Every angle, every move... they're planning it.
- Their food arrived (every live show night, they get food delivered). Will doesn't like it. He complained about pizza and wanted sushi. They got Mexican.
- George was hoping they'd let him eat, but no go. Will told him that if another slop pass is a prize for anything, he try to win it for him.
- The HG all think it was very awkward when Julie mentioned Howie's exit and Mike being called a punk by him.
- Erika thought BB would give her a picture of Jack for her HOH room. Nope, she did a shout-out. "Jack, I miss you!"
- Janelle told Will that the comp was hard and there's no way she could have won.
- Will and Janelle said they did a phone call bit for the Diary Room last night, apparently like the Chill Town ones.
- Will is explaing to Janelle that the game is about deceit and lying, not love and honor.
That's the scoop. The newest BB ad for Sunday's show has a bit of Will's Internet Lovefest so that should be fun to rewatch!
Okay, if i had any respect left for Erika, it is gone now. She just asked BB to give them more alcohol. She said if the did she would give them more sex scenes, sex sells!
Oh lord, what must her mother think!
Sorry to step on your toes there Jackie, too juicy to not pass on.
I agree, Erika is gross! The whole house will have to go to Rehab after this season! LOL
Jani asked Boogie if he was 2nd or last in the competition w/ the rats.
Oh do a Chicken George/Bobby Hill graphic...........pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee:)
Danielle, I just noticed because I am slow on this type of thing, evidentally, only sees her part in anything. Will sees the entire picture. For example, Danielle wants to know why this or why that and their explanations are fine as long as it doesn't include her being voted out. She probably wouldn't even mind what George was thinking if she knew he wasn't coming after her. Focus is good in a game like this, but not tunnel vision. Although, I have to admit she is still there, so it must be working for her.
I saw a glimmer of an eye roll from Janelle tonight. She was playing pool with Will and he made a mean hearted insulting remark about a woman and she kept up the fake agreement with him, but just for an instant you could tell she wanted to roll those eyes at having to put up with little boys boosting. The more confident Will is with her the bigger jerk he becomes. He is really letting his Boogie side show around her. He ordered her to do some game things tonight. Hmmmm, I'm thinking everytime he does something like that it reinforces her stance. At least I hope so. Thank you, Jackie, Mary
Marjealous is the only person on the planet who would say something as assinine as "this is the worst week of my life!" while standing outside that gorgeous house in Mexico!
What a peevy, petty, little putz he is! Poor Don't-call-me-Marci-I-hate-that-Marjealous! Oh the horror, to be forced to live in that beautiful locale and get paid $4000 a week to do it, the rude trauma of it all, how will he ever survive?
Meanwhile I think Howie needs to get a massage and calm down before he strokes out.
And why on earth would Danielle tell Mike that she's coming after Will? Especially on a week she doesn't have HOH? Is she suffering from alcohol poisoning?
I think right now Will is taking BLAME for the guys in jury...but come the end he will be taking CREDIT for it....and by saying it over and over again it is going in everyones cognitive memory and he will use that at the end.
WILL is the MAN
Go Will
Go Jani
I almost fell out when Marci (hah) said that he was now living in hell on earth or something like that. That is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. What is his dealio??????
First off I want to say thank you Jackie for all the time and effort you put into this blog! This is my first year watching BB (i know what took me so long?)LOL..anyway and reading this blog keeps me even more interested in the show. Secondly, I saw something about a picture of "Jack" that Erika wanted in her HOH room.. Since I am new to BB I have no idea who Jack is..is he a boyfriend? thank you!
jackie... let me just tell you THANKS I really am grateful for your blog. I love BB and I dont know what I would do (beside life feed) to keep me updated since I dont get to watch the live feed often!! anyway just wanted to tell you thanks!!!!
As for what Janelle said to Mike it was something like, "The comp. with the rats--you were last?" And Mike says, "last."
Jack was Erika's only ally in her season. They were pretty close.
It was so hilarious! "Don't call me Marci, my name is Marcellas" and Howie's "oh. Sorry about that, Marjealous." I had to pause and rewind a couple of times dying with laughter. Despite M's negativity this season, I still like him a lot even though I didn't want him to win.
I did not think that comp was hard AT ALL! Usually I think they are much harder, like the one with the definitions.
Next Thurs should be very interesting! I don't think Janie will go unless Woogie wants her to. The only vote against her would be Dani, out of everyone left, and they have a truce. Let's see if Dani honors it.
I know Janelle said in the diary room that she really was going after chill town and it was an act, etc. but I don't buy it at all. Just like when she told Julie Chen she didn't have a thing for Will. It's easy to see she does.
Also, can someone please tell me what the heck Will's love fest is?
Here is the link to that interview Will referred to. Funny as heck!
I may be one of those internet freaks he's always talking about....
The more I watch, the more I cannot stand Mike. Will is charming, but Mike is just skum. The way he talks about Ericka, even tho' I don't like her, is so disrespectful("Bros before HOs"). He IS a punk, and he's a hustler. Money is all he cares about. He wouldn't even have made it on the show if it weren't for Will. Ugh. Erika: Dump him, even if it's only s "showmance."
Oops, messed that up.
Media Fiends Interview click here
He actually did predict Janelle falling in love with him.
Does BB give George ANYTHING besides the slop? Is that healthy? No vitamins, fruit, veggies, nothing? I wonder if that's really good for anyone for that length of time.
I heard Janelle whisper to Mike in the storage room prior to the HOH comp. She asked him if he went 2nd or last in the rat competition...
I believe Janelle adores Will, perhaps' is finding it harder and harder to trust Mike, I'm sure she's aware of his shomance with Erica - could be she's really not sure if it's real or not - since he lie's alot and is a snake, Danelle made a lot of promises in regards to " getting back " at chilltown - ( all talk ) She hid some wine, guess she needs to go drink it.
I was wondering if there is a place to get t-shrits that say chill town. Or any shrits Big Brother related.
To anon 6:18... Yes, you can get Chilltown and other various crazy BB stuff on Dr. Will's website which is willkirby.com
There is also a strange and inappropriate T-shirt on Howie's website which is howiegordon.com. This shirt benefits breast cancer research and mentions "boobies" if you can believe that!
HEY, Jackie!!!!! Great to catch up with the goings-on in the BB house with you, don't kniow what I'd do without you!
Just got back from a concert in the town where Mike Boogie's Mom lives... gorgeous little town between two huge lakes. Can Mike really be as rotten a person as he comes off on this show? I think he and Will are putting their real life financial ventures in serious jeopardy... is it just me? Nighty-night, Robin in Manchester
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