
Last night, the POV (which we were blocked from seeing) was one of the morph competitions. The houseguests were presented an image of two former houseguests and had to name the two, then go onto another image. Graphic artist Zoetawny gives us Dr. Winelle here. I find it scary. Yikes! But, if I didn't know who it was, I'd figure Janelle because of the hair and might have a rough time guessing Will.
Here are the events which transpired in the late night and overnight hours in that Big Brother House of An Exuberant Blonde and Her Dazed Competitors:
- The comp took George 24 minutes to complete, Janelle less than one minute. All of the women shined in this one, but Danielle and Erika both forgot to light their light to move on and cost themselves time. Will and Mike did a lot better than George, but nowhere near Danielle, Erika and Janelle.
- Will said that if he was given the answers, it would still take him more than a minute. He's in awe of Janelle's ability in the comp, as is the entire house.
- Danielle hugged Janelle and congratulated her, but later went to the HOH to vent a bit by herself. She mumbled, she paced, she watched the others on the spy screen. She wanted Erika up there, but Erika was with the rest of the houseguests. She got herself together and then rejoined the rest of the house. [Editor's note: She seems in awe, but she wanted this one so bad. She has no reason to believe that Erika will put her on the block, so she's not feeling particularly threatened. I think she actually might want Janelle in the game more than George. Have I told you that not knowing George's strategy bugs her?]
- The HG were saying how more of the face would show as time went on. Will said (paraphrasing), "When George was up they showed the face, then the body and then the person himself came up and tapped him on the shoulder and said 'It's me.'"
- George, in the spirit of the true Chicken Man, laughed at himself and praised Janelle's abilities.
- Woogie approached Erika and told her that she needs to put Danielle on the block in Janelle's place. She told them she couldn't.
- They put on an act, implying that Danielle had said something about coming after her (Erika), but they were interrupted by Janelle walking in.
- Janelle left. Will told Erika not to even tell Danielle she was putting her up; make her think she's safe. "At some point, you're going to have to make some moves that you consider bad (mean), but you have to do what can get you ahead in the game."
- Danielle watched from the spy cam in the HOH room, then asked Erika if she was putting her (Danielle) on the block. Erika told her no and Danielle then said that she always asks. [Editor's note: She didn't mention spying on them. Remember, there's no audio on that spy cam.]
- Janelle said the morph comp was different from the one last season. Last season had three faces combined, this one only had two. Will wondered why they made it "easier" for the All Stars.
- Will put on a good act that he was frustrated with Janelle's abilities to win comps and how easy it was for her.
- Janelle said (of the comp), "I knew those eyes. They were my friends, I looked into those eyes a lot last season."
- Mike said he didn't want to "go down a James Rhine route" but she had to get absolutely nothing wrong in the comp. [Editor's note: To pull a Marcellas is to not use the veto to save yourself. To go down a James Rhine route is to fuss, moan and whine that comps are set for Janelle to win.]
- Danielle thinks that this comp is Janelle's first real win in the game. She claims that all the other wins were even given to her or she cheated. [Editor's note: Ah, Danielle, green doesn't become you. Get your game going, girl.]
- Alone together, Erika told Janelle that she doesn't think she could beat Danielle in the final two. Janelle said she didn't think anyone could. Erika asked Janelle her opinion on what she should do. Janelle told her there are three people left - Mike, Will, George - what did she want her to do? Does she want her to vote a certain way? [Editor's note: These two are asking for opinion, but obviously trying to see what the other knows or plans to do. Not as good as watching the PuppetMaster do it.]
- Janelle hinted to Erika that Mike was good at the game, but Will wasn't good because he throws comps and doesn't really play the game. [Editor's note: She seems to be trying to steer Erika away from nominating Will by showing that he's not a threat to her, but Mike could be.]
- Erika told Mike it worries her to leave him and Will in the game together.
- Will and Mike then promised Erika that Mike would take Erika into the final two. [Editor's note: Now, if they were the final two, that's the one person that Erika might stand a chance to win against. Will she fall for their promise? We'll see.]
- Will told Erika that he hates Janelle, but flirts with her to keep himself in the game. He loves his girlfriend, Erin. He told her that he would "bow out" of the final and leave it as Mike and her (Erika).
- Will to Erika: "If you want to be selfish for yourself, vote out Danielle. If you want to be selfish for your brother and your family, vote out Danielle." And so on... hinting that Danielle is her biggest obstacle between herself and the win.
- Erika told George she guarantees his safety this week - she'll put up someone who will be the target. [Editor's note: Hmmm... the votes are coming from Will, Mike, Janelle or Danielle. Only Danielle would be the sure shoo-out.]
- She then told him it would have to be Danielle. She said that she wasn't even thinking of Will as a possibility.
- Erika seems to have bought the bridge. Her target now seems to be Danielle. But, of course, tomorrow is another day and Danielle has time to work her between now and the POV Ceremony on Monday.
- Will told Janelle that they've gotten Erika to target Danielle. "We work quietly and swiftly, unlike you guys." (S6?)
- All are asleep now and today is supposed to be their food comp prize of Christmas in August.
love it, just love it! go JANEY GIRL~~Danielle goes down, then Boogie in my dreams......
Is Erika really going to put up danielle. this would be betryal they have had an alliance for a while. Why doesnt she just put up Will?
what do you think will happen.
without Danielle there i would hate the show.
Yippee! Janie won once again! I honestly don't care who wins out of Janelle, Will, CG or Boogie as long as Danielle and Erika goes.
Dani willl be so mad at CT & Erica if whe gets the boot. Her vote will automatically go the CG or Janelle.
I seem to remember a conversation between Danielle and James where Danielle said she didn't have an alliance with Erika. She called what they have a "friendship". Too bad James isn't around to remind her of this fact.
I'm glad that Woogie could convince Erika that the best choice would be Dani. I knew they could do it.
The hardest part for me is that I just adore Will (yes, I'm falling for his charm) but I can't stand Mike. I hope they get Dani out first and then they can manage to get Mike out next.
My favorite new Willism is the thing Jackie posted about CG and the competition. About how they showed him the whole body, then the HG tapped him on the shoulder and said "It's me". That's classic!! I hope somebody puts that on youtube!!
Hi Jackie, Good report, thank you. I listened to some of the talk between Janelle and Erica in the HOH room. I felt Janelle was playing her designated Will role to a T. She said all the right Willwords to convince Erica to decide on her own to put up Danielle. Doing it the Will Way. I didn't like seeing it, but, Janelle did mention that the next HOH could take CT out--or seperate CT.
Which means to me one of two things:
1. Janelle is Will's soldier, as he so confidently states. She will stay in the game as long as he wants her there.
2. Her plan is to get the pivotal HOH and take action mowing down the ones who took out her buddies and she wants both CT there with Danielle so that the honor falls to her. Also, the best way to screw over CT would be to take George with her to F2.
So which one is it? Did Janelle fall for the self absorbed doctor? Or is she just waiting to strike?
Or, a third possibility...is she just hoping for any chance to stay in the game and be 'protected' by the power players? While revenge can be sweet, I think she also may feel that she owes Will for his protection, in the same manner that she sheltered James and Marc. Just because she takes care of friends. Boogie, Howie's punk, is not her friend, however.
The problem with any of those possible scenarios is the double eviction, multi-layered Thursday night they are not Expecting.
Thanks Jackie, Mary
I seem to remember a conversation between Danielle and James where Danielle said she didn't have an alliance with Erika. She called what they have a "friendship". Too bad James isn't around to remind her of this fact.
I'm glad that Woogie could convince Erika that the best choice would be Dani. I knew they could do it.
The hardest part for me is that I just adore Will (yes, I'm falling for his charm) but I can't stand Mike. I hope they get Dani out first and then they can manage to get Mike out next.
My favorite new Willism is the thing Jackie posted about CG and the competition. About how they showed him the whole body, then the HG tapped him on the shoulder and said "It's me". That's classic!! I hope somebody puts that on youtube!!
I have NO idea how everyone can sit back and fall for what CT is doing. How can anyone in the world like them. The are rude yet everyone seems to have a blind eye. Boogie is a terrible player and relies on Will all the time. How was boogie and all star in the first place, I really do not know, and how was Erika and all star, she did nothing in her season. If Erika puts up danielle then she is handing the game to CT. Danielle will take Erika to the finals and so will CG (Jani, Will, and mike) will not. If she (Erika) was a smart player then she would put up Will. And that would leave her with the best chances of going to the fina. Chill Town needs to go so people wake up its obvious, they arent good people and they arent good players (will seems to be but he isnt, its he just has gotten Janelle to be his puppet all season)
Jaclie once again Thanks for all your hard work.
Why didn't we see the double eviction coming,we're int Sept.,the final is the 12th.There are 6 Hgs now so it's logical a DE.
The only question is how the DE will work,or how BB is planning it.
That will be interesting.
Now if Dani leaves first,Then Jani wins HOH She should put up Mike & Erika.That's if their still there after this week.
The DE will almost tell it all.
Thanks again Jackie.
Tess from Mass.
ChillTown is still in the game - they've been awesome in this game. It's easy to see why they're still in it and I give credit to the others as well. But in the beginning CT was marked as a target, Day One. They've been amazing and I give them credit for playing the game so well!!
On Joker's Updates there is a blurb about Erin breaking up with Will due to his shananigans. I like Will, but would never want to be his girlfriend. He may be acting to win the game, but he has been disrespectful to Erin.
WCA -- Boogie is an All-Star because Will wouldn't go on the show without him. I have no idea why Erika is there. She wasn't too bad in her season, but she had Jack's support. Jack was truly a good guy. I think part of Erika's problem this season is that she's hooked up with Boogie.
I think Janie is with Woogie because early in the game she realized they weren't going anywhere and they were stronger than the S6 alliance. Kaysar wanted to target the "floaters" which just gave CT more power. It's like the old saying "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em". I think she's playing Will just as much as he's playing her. I'm also beginning to think they may have had a pre-show agreement. I also don't think she likes Boogie much, but she deals with him because Will seems to have a use for him.
The best thing that could happen would be for her to use her brain and put up CT. If there is a vote between CG and CT, I think Danielle and Jani would vote for CG and get rid of CT. I'm not sure Will would want to keep CT at this point and knows he can do better without him.
CT is too evil. Will covers his evil with sweet talking.
The best chance for Erika, Dani, Jani or CG to win is to get rid of CT now. Will becomes the floater. I would love that. Afterall, he is the ultimate floater anyway as long as that float comes back to him.
Is Ericka really that dumb? or has she agreed to split the money and just doesn't want to say it out loud??????Does she know that is what Will means when he says "make everyone happy"
I just don't get it! The biggest liars and control freaks in the show are CT..Can't the rest of the house see that? Why don't they get them out of there. CT isn't backing anyone but themselves. That has seemsed effident to me from the begining and they haven't been trying to hide that fact. So why is everyone else ignoring it?? If anyone understands this, please explain it to me!!
I agree, I think Will and Jani have a preshow arrangement.
The link between them seem to familiar to just be a show thing.
Boogie couldn't win anything without Will's help. He is such a little man in comparison to the master Will. I'm surprised Will would even be associated with this creep.
I just hate it when we still have so many episodes left and everything is so final on the winners already. There has been no surprises, no tense moments for Boogie or Will, everything according to plan.
They have barely worked up a sweat this season for their win. It probably was of no challenge to them at all with the HG's they had to work with.
I think CT is playing a GREAT game, however, they are alienating the jury as we speak!
Unless BOTH members of CT are in the finale, I don't see either of them taking this game. People are too mad at them. Sadly, "I am mad at this person" sometimes makes people forget who the BEST player is. I didn't like James, but I like that he went out with dignity and could say "well, CT is smarter than me".
People MIGHT want to keep Will and Mike just because they might have a chance to win against them now.
I just hope this little DE doesn't mess with Will's chances. I TOTALLY see him getting screwed on that this week :(
Erica is that clueless - Hahahaaa - it's ok at this point - I want her to put Dani on the block - send her home ASAP! Janelle win HOH next week - Janelle did say to Will this next week is most important to win HOH.. That this past week wasn't a good time to be HOH..
I just can not stand Janelle. Darn it she won. I hope Erika wises up and puts up Boogie. Jerkie
Its obvious that Will and Boogie have been laughing all the way to the bank this season. No one to challenge them. They haven't had to win one HOH or POV or anything and it has been just smooth sailing all the way.
The HG's have been so dumb this year. From the beginning James and a few others said Will and Boogie are the threats. No one believed them.
Will's nominate me, I'll leave theme and the phone calls were so adolescent. But I now realize they were only reacting to the mental age of the HG's competing against them.
What normal intelligent person in this house would not want these two out ages ago to win the money and not view them as the biggest threats. Why anyone would let them come this far when they have been so many chances to get them out. I really don't think Will and Boogie have been superior players they just have stupid people to compete with.
Wow - if CT can convince erika to put danielle up, they deserve an award!!
Clearly, will and janelle are playing this game like pro's. Janelle because she is an awesome player and will because he is a master manipulator.
Those two deserve to be the final two.
I do love chicken george too but I would say his way of playing is to not play....
oh - the anonymous at 12:29 was me - thanks Jackie!!
Jackie -- I did it. I finally created my own blog! It's basic for now, but now I have something else to do while waiting for updates from you. I'll definitly put a link to your blog on mine.
Check it out if you get a chance...you were my inspiration!
Janelle is way too smart to fall for Will's crap. She sees right through him. I hope she gets to the final 3 with Will & CG. She should them cut Will off. Even if she comes in 2md th CG that's a better win than losing to Will. ANYBODY BUT CHILLTOWM PLEASE.
Also, what is a classy girl like ERIN doing with a scum boyfriend like Will.
I agree that Will and Janelle must have had a pre-show agreement.
I have wondered if they were told by the network that they could share bigger prize money if they are both in the final two. It is evil versus good - the dark haired evil Will and the blonde Janelle.
It would be in the best interest of the network to keep Will and Janelle in until the final 2 so viewers would continue watching (which I sure am).
Cyndi - I'd like to see a final three of George, Will and Janelle at this time. A final two of Janelle and Will. I wonder how the jury vote would go?
TAS - Congrats! I left a comment.
John - Alas, the Internet will do that. I've found entire entries of mine used all over the place - some linked to me, but others with no credit. The ONLY place I really approve of my entries posted other than here is at http://blogcritics.org because that's me there, not someone else posting my stuff without crediting me. Well, I approved a friend doing it on a small blog, too. But she's not out to gain anything by posting any of my material and she credits me, as well as asked for permission.
I loved Janelle in her season, didn't care for her at the beginning of this season, but I love her again - I think she is the perfect example of "acting" like a dumb blonde, with the big eyes, & the sweet smile, but with a sharp & intelligent mind behind all that !! She is definitely NOT falling for will, she has her own agenda, & flirting with will is part of it, if it seems she is going along with him, it's only as far as her own agenda goes
When Dani goes home, that's it for me. I don't care for any of the five people left in the house. It might be a good thing -- this show isn't especially quality programming. We'd all be better off doing some reading or spending time with friends and family.
All of the current HG are liars that is for sure. They would stab each other in the back given eveyr chance. Some are just better than others and some feel guilty and have a soul.
Boogie, however, is not a person with a soul. He is not a nice person and I do not believe any jury would put him up for the money. The game player of Boogie and Will combo is Will. He even has Boogie do all the dirty work.
If it were between these two, Will would win. But then again Boogie would win, cause they are splitting the money. So who is the real winner. The other HG's that were not smart enough to get them out a long time ago.
I see why Erica talks to her teddy bear about her tangled web.
1. If she doesn't put up Danielle, she has to take a stand that may not perform for her any better than Boogie did. She would have outed her alliance with Woogie and still wouldn't get the person she puts up out. Unless Boogie also takes a big step and would vote out Will. Unlikely, but the strong arm guy might do it, who knows for sure.
2. She 'betrays' Danielle and appears to be with Woogie in a 3 way and she also thinks that will make Janelle happy. Woogie will protect her, they say, but she knows at best she is buying herself 3rd place. And losing Danielle's vote and friendship.
I like the Woogie name Jackie. I saw it here first. In this game Boogie and Will have played together, as one person. Will is the outside guy, the good looking one who tells people what they what to hear and makes them see the world his way. He must be hynotic as a speaker. Will the Pied Piper, but he has an under side, a Boogie that lives within him, and says and does all the mean things. The imaginary friend from childhood who takes that blame for spilling the glass of milk. Together they make up one entity, a Woogie.
What will today bring? Mary
Very happy Janelle won-can't stand miss "holier than thou" Danielle. She acts like shes perfect-never lies-in reality shes as bad as the rest of the imperfect HG. Erika is just an emotional trainwreck. Way too needy. Really hope she gets played by everyone. Janelle, Will, and even chicken george are truly the best players. Mike's ok but hes gonna fall apart if or when things turn on him. Cant wait to see what happens.
I love Jani but I realize her faults also. She has not been a smart player. If she had remained true to alliance and not got involved with Will and boogie I think she would not have to rely on Will and Boogie for survival right now.
You can be good at the comps but as one person said, lack common sense when it comes to people.
She has fallen for Will. It is very obvious. This is not a ploy on her part, its not part of her character. She is too good and descent to convey this deceit. She trues Will without question. She wants him to be her knight in shining armor in this game. She trusts only men to begin with and this is where she has placed her heart and trust.
I just feel bad that she has been used so badly and when she finds out all the things he has really said about her to others, I think she will feel betrayed.
Will and Boogie will use her to win all the comps and HOH until they get to the final two and then she will be gone. She is not going to be part of this money split I guarantee that.
That split will only be between the two that originated this plan from the beginning Will and Boogie.
She would have a much better chance if someone would find a way to get Boogie gone. But it isn't going to happen with Erika, Dani and CG gone. The count with Dani gone now will make it even more difficult. She could have been a vote against CT and his reign.
Jackie, A few days ago Will had a conversation with someone..maybe Danielle...about pre-game. He talked of Kaysar and him (Will) having a plan, if not a true alliance together, before coming in the house. Did you hear any of that?
I was thinking of a trivia HOH comp I would like BB to use. One of the questions could be who won the trip or the money or any of the big prizes on the graveyard Veto. Since, supposedly, Woogie is the only one who knows the truth, then everyone would guess incorrectly and Woogie would have to decide to tell the truth and win an important HOH or keep quite and not win. Won't happen, but I'd like to see BB adding some sparks. Sue
Just watched the feeds and Will mastered his craft again.
He went to Erika and talked about Boogie lack of trust of people because of his troubled childhood and that Boogie trust Erika and he's sure there is a future for them outside of the house because of this trust issue.
Then he goes to Boogie and considers it a done deal to get rid of Dani with the line he just gave Erika and that after this week Erika is gone next week. Then Jani will have to vote out CG and it will look bad for her and they go into the jury saying they didn't kil the chicken.
So game, set, match. Looks like no stopping their plan. Dani, Erika, CG and Jani in that order and I'm betting on it too.
Mary - I coined the Woogie bit for Will/Boogie as far as I know. I didn't see it anywhere else, but it's so easy and obvious that I doubt I can get a copyright on it. ;-) You also ask what today will bring - Christmas in August!
Sue - I mentioned the pre-game "agreement" between Will and Kaysar in either comments or an entry. (The days are all blending together.) I personally doubt it's to the extent that Will says, but they apparently did talk before the season... as most of the others did, too.
Ameeen/Barbara - Thanks for the MySpace pic of Mike - someone out there really does NOT like him, eh?
Thank you for the donation, too! While I definitely won't be quitting my day job, the donations have been a lovely addition this season. I thank those who pressured me to put a donation button on the blog.
In their own way, the comments area itself helps make the blog. Without everyone's participation (no matter who's your favorite HG), this blog would be me talking to a teddy bear.
Oh, wait... that's Erika!
Thanks again!
I agree with the Erika in Chlltown. If she meant it, she would vote out Dani.
I like Dani but I think she needs to go for CT's sake.
Will said in a mediafiend's interview he didn't know Kaysar, so I doubt they had an outside alliance at all
I can see Mike dumping Will at the end and Will being cool with it. He has said many times he is there to help Mike win. If it is Will vs Mike in the two, then Will will win. I think Mike knows that.
That being said, CT doesn't have a chance as a winner unless they ARE the Final 2. If one member of CT is against any OTHER non-CT member, they won't win. They created most people to go to Sequester which is going to bite them in the end.
When is the POV ceremony usually held? I won't believe the Erika is putting up Dani until I see it. I still think CT may be on the chopping block. IF not this time, THURSDAY for sure. I predict Will will go home on Thursday
i think all the alcohol danielle has been drinking is affecting her thinking - even when you are not drunk, you have a hangover & feel the affects of the alcohol, & all of that is clouding her thinking
i think erika is starving herself, by the looks of the bones sticking out, & lack of food clouds your thinking also - both of these girls need to get a grip, they are going to be sorry when it's all over
Janelle is the only woman left who is thinking clearly & in game mode - don't let her fool you
As to the men who are left, they are all "just playing the game" in their own way, except for maybe boogie, are his little escapades in the jack shack & the bathroom helping or hindering his thinking ?? :)
I agree with Barb. Everyone is playing this game. I always hate when I hear people say "floater's didnt play the game". Sure they did, it's just that THEIR game is not to be the dumb dumb who gets everyone voted off, therefore gets them all mad at themselves. In the history of reality contests, those who pi*s off the least amount of people usually wins the game.
I AM curious as to whether the all-stars will vote that way. They seem to be more willing to vote for people they "hate, but played a good game" rather than the floaters. Only time will tell, as Will and Boogie seem to be playing a GREAT game, but are making people mad day by day
Janelle, dont go to hollywood! I personally think that everyone sees right through her acting. Or at least I sure do. I dont have much against her, but i hate her strategy and her way of playing the game. Like, the whole dumb blond thing drives me nuts. Erika has never been one of my favorites, and her getting manipulated by chill town, as much as i love them, has not made me like her any more. I really like Danielle, and I think that she is one of the only honest players that have ever played the game. I hope she doesnt go home. I want Janelle to go ASAP!!
I forgot to say, I think that Janelle has totally fallen for the Dr. Will.
That's just what Janelle wants you to think.
She's a great player, and I really hope she wins.
What, exactly, do you all see in Janelle? She's so fake and phony! She's not told anything honest in this game at all! She makes promises and then breaks them. She acts like a petty little girl on the school playground. She's good at comps, but that's it. If her real personality is like her game persona, I feel sorry for her! She's pretty on the outside, but so very very very ugly on the inside! I hate USERS!!!!
Hi Jackie!
OMG! That morph really is scary.
LOL! I could only work with the photos I have and the program I have so hope it gives you a giggle.
I'm sure Janie and Will wouldn't be too happy with it. ;) Can't wait to see the morph comp.
Well, it looks like Erika is between a rock and a hard spot as to who is replacing Janelle. I hope it's not CG going home but it might very well be. As you've said repeatedly, we don't know if we can trust who is voting for whom until the votes are actually cast.
Thanks again for the update. I can't go a day without checking in here several times. ;)
Have a good Sunday!
Big brother wanta be Boogie has created a personality that is rude, crude and beyond game play. Will his side kick is a user and probably very insecure with himself and losing the competions he just can not help he is a loser except in pimple country. Danielle and her for my family routine has gotten more than old and she lies as much as anyone gotta go asap, Chicken George has laid back and rode their sides almost to the finish is it game play or just dumb luck go figure, Janelle almost lost it with her trusting CT and James but I still think she has played the hardest and feared the most by HGuest and that says a lot for her I am really pulling for her one blonde to another,smiles, because she is the best player that keeps us tunning in each week, sure do miss Kasar what happened to his game play he must have lost heart with all the wicknest going on, poor Howie I hated to see Howie go he kept things interesting and Marcellus what a whinnie queen and he has trust issues of his own, would not want to relie on him. Just my thoughts friends, Linda R from Fay. NC
I don't know how you could possibly think that Erin Brodie is a classey lady. She only wants money. Look what she did on for Love or Money, she selected the money both times. Also, she isn't attractive, I'm surprized Will is with her.
Why does noone put Dr.W and Booger??Is "the Doctor" a doctor of animal husbandry? Is that why he can take so much time off? I guess getting another vet to replace you is fairly easy, think about it. Or maybe he is a professor of forensics or phys ed!!! ha ha, George or Daniell or Erika,are falling for the three suckers in the house, if WillY or Boog wins...I will not watch another B.B.Contest.
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