
Once again, the tides have turned in the Big Brother house. Now it's Erika's turn at betrayal. Will she go through with it and put her friend on the block during tomorrow's Veto Ceremony? It's a given that Janelle will save herself. At this time, Danielle knows that Erika plans to put her on the block to replace Janelle. Will Danielle fight to stay in the house or will she just go gentle into that good night? (My apologies for really misusing a fine Dylan Thomas poem.)
Here are the evening events from that Big Brother House of Pompous Playboys:
- After telling Janelle that Erika told her that she was going on the block, Danielle warned Janelle that Erika can't be trusted. Good timing there, Danielle.
- Danielle told Chicken George that he can trust Janelle. [Editor's note: It looks like Danielle wants to tie up any loose ends before leaving. Is she resigned to her fate?]
- Danielle thinks Janelle should start training George for competitions.
- Meanwhile, Erika is jumping on the trampoline in a bikini. [Editor's note: Maybe it does something for Mike or Will, but blech for me.]
- While bouncing together on the trampoline (not with Erika), Will and Janelle whispered about how great it is that Erika is going to put up Danielle... and then Erika goes home next week! Bounce. Bounce.
- Will talked to the Internet fans once again. This time he talked of welcoming us to the TerrorDome and taunted us. [Editor's note: Sigh, how quickly he forgot his love for us. Sniffle.]
- Will and Janelle discussed Janelle's pseudo-alliance with Erika. Janelle told all. It's obvious that she's playing Erika, but Erika's probably playing her, too.
- Will once again told George not to worry - he won't be going home this week. [Editor's note: Ah, but they think only one houseguest will leave this week. Welcome to our TerrorDome! Bwahahaha! Ahem.]
- They talked about American Idol. Janelle was a Katharine fan while Will liked Taylor better.
- Will wants a total body transplant because he hates working out. [Editor's note: I can identify with that!]
- Janelle and Will flirted more while on the trampoline.
- Danielle ducked to hide a cigarette she was smoking. [Editor's note: I don't think she wants her family to see her smoking or just doesn't want to be seen smoking on television. But, she's indeed stressed.]
For the most part, with the exception of Danielle knowing she's to be placed on the block tomorrow and the fact they had Christmas today, it's been a bit on the uneventful side. On the other hand, the food comp on tonight's show was a hoot! And, though they drastically shortened it and didn't mention that Will was talking to US, not the camera... his LoveFest was great. He has nice teeth, doesn't he?
Dear Jackie
Thank you for another weekend of great reporting. As usual, you are the best.
Jackie - this was a great show tonight. Thanks for always keeping us updated!
I rolled on the floor when will was flirting with the camera! He deserves best actor and the money!
I liked the food competition too! Tonight has to be one of the funniest.
I went back and rewatched thursday nights show. This week is going to be good.
Thanks again
Dear Jackie
Why did it look like Danielle was hiding behind the couch? Was it because of the smoking or was she trying to over hear conversations?
)-: I will miss Dani.
Do you think Boogie is favoring Erika rather than Will now?... that may be a good strategic move for Boogie.
Tonight's show was hilarious! From the food comp(could not believe ERIKA thought pumping up and down on BOOGER was scandalous after all they've done),to the WILL moment w/America,to the oh so funny WILL/JANIE DR sessions! How cute were they!! This is what makes it all worthwhile......waiting for moments like those!
I still cannot believe DANI who will not let go of the questioning of why JANIE voted for JAMES to leave. Did she(DANI) not have an alliance w/JAMES to get rid of JANIE for how long??? And did not D. fall for CT's promise of getting rid of JANIE w/LOD with JAMES?? DANI is arrogant beyond belief and is shameless in pulling out the "Mommy" card yet again! How stupid does she think these people are or how brilliant does she think she is(a legend in her OWN mind). I'll be very happy if she goes and then ERIKA comes off as HOH and follows her right out the door. They can fly to sequester together!!!
Jackie, Thanks. This was a fun show tonight. Knowing beforehand what happens takes the anxiety out of watching.
This show was as well produced as any sitcom I have seen - very fun to watch.
Oh and TAR won yet another EMMY for best reality/action show!! Way to go TAR!!!!! Van't wait for it and Survivor to begin!
Great blog again, thanks jackie. I am surprised that these women seem so bamboozled by the two lying Boogers! Why was Dani so surprised that James was evicted? Why in the world would air-ICK-ugh think Mike was putting her above his 5 year old alliance with his real-life business partner Will? And Janelle? I certainly hope she is ready to strike against ill Town as soon as the opportunity arrises. Hopefully on Thursdays show!! I would really dread Mike getting to the final two. I just cannot stomach him. He reminds me of the young white guy on Prison Break who pretends he is a black rapper. It's all so Vanilla Ice and Mike should be embarrassed acting like that at his age. But I gotta admit, I LOVE to hate Will. He seems to be the only one with a perspective. Of course this could all be in the editing, but I don't think so.
Oh... did anyone notice that Dani looked a lil tipsy at the poker table on the show tonight? Too funny!
I totally agree with you about the teeth Jackie! Couldn't stop noticing how nice they were!
Tonights food competition was by far the funniest shit I have seen this season. It was almost like a PG-13 porno! It was so freaking hilarious watching George on top of Janelle and Erika on top of Boogie. By far the funniest competiton to date on BB.
I too thought the food comp was the best thing I had seen in a long time, it was hilarious! I was really impressed that these guys didn't moan and complain about dressing up in those humiliating costumes!!! They took it well...it was so funny. George was working it wasn't he?! I loved it. You just have to love ole George. I am afraid of what is going to happen, but if Dani, Erica and Boogie don't get out of there, I am just going to boycott or something!!! I have to agree with whoever said that about Erica's family watching her act like that. Really, I am not being jealous, but why was she walking around in a bikini and then jumping on a trampoline in a bikini for goodness sake. Doesn't do much for her rep or whatever. I am really not using words right tonight...and no..I have not been imbibing with a secret stash like Dani, LOL!
Jackie thanks so much, you have made this such a fun season.
Hey Jackie,
Hope things are well where you are because in KC tonight, we had storms and had some weatherforcasting going on during the beginning of BB. Thanks for all you do in keeping us up, even when we can't watch the show live on tv. It's event, what can I say. Oh yeah, and, GO GEORGE. I'm on the chickens bandwagon now...don't know why, but he is a good guy and I hope he wins. Still love jani and will, but c'mon, give it to the chickenman! he's everywhere, everywhere, everywhere.
KC loves BB and does not tornadic activity!
totally loved the food comp...best ever...I love that they got the slop pass for CG and also a five star meal...
Thanks Jackie for the amazing reports all weekend!~
Now I can to to sleep happy!
Erika has low self esteem. She's 36 and it appears she still can't support herself. She can't even look in the camera when she's in the DR. She bugs.... she should know better.
Danielle playing poor me is so wrong. She deserves what she gets. Remember how she bragged to CT in the beginnning about knowing how to read BB players? She showed her hand to Booger.
The boys are working it this year (Will does not disappoint) but I am holding out hope that Janielle will blow up their scheming ways. No one else has a chance.
Does anyone know the houseguests website addresses? I keep hearing references to different things on their websites that I guess their fans, or friends and family are putting in there. Just curious, would love to look them up.
Poor Chicken George. He has to listen to the non-stop rantings of a drunk woman. The drink is making Dani think she is smarter.
i just hope george isn't a victim of the double eviction. any idea how this will be done? jackie you're fantastic for keeping this blog for us!
Jackie, I know you need your rest, but I hope you are up and watching Danielle "talk" to Erica. A couple of things come to mind.
1. Why doesn't Erica get up and leave the area?
2. How much has Danielle had to drink?
3. How will George translate the convo to the others? He is quietly taking it all in.
4. Erica isn't Danielle's Jason and for some reason that surprises Danielle. Danielle had Erica's back and now E won't have D's vote.
Janelle and Will are playing cards in the bedroom and I don't know where Boogie is. Danielle is so loud I don't know why they don't all hear her. Maybe they have by now.
Danielle is not there to win the game. Danielle just said. I hate to see this, oh and Danielle is smoking out in the open now.
A question for ya'
My daughter is 8. She likes to watch BB with me but I am little concerned about having her watch it with me when they show the christmas party - the Santa issue?? would they allow someone to blow it on national tv?
The will with the camera thing - very odd. Made me uncomfortable and boy, do I feel bad for his girlfriend, if she is still his girlfriend after all this!!
Thanks Jackie - you are awesome!
I've been watching the late night performance. Erica would have flipped her veto replacement if it weren't for Will. Boogie was useless...he was too sleepy to come to E's aid. Will had no choice but to lock himself and Erica into the HOH as Danielle hangs on the doorbell. I have it on quads and in a strange way, Will and Danielle are working it in very similar methods. Different words but similar attitudes. Odd. Danielle's main downfall is that she only is repeating the same three sentences continually-- forever. And then as the loop winds now D says "Whatever" and begins it all again. Chainsmoking the entire time. Both camps are working it and pulling out whatever ammo they have. On the plus side for Erica, she has the undivided attention of Will for the night. Mary
I cannot believe what a whiner Danielle is. Although Erika is foolish and being duped yet again by Master Will. If Justice is real then Erika will go out right after Dani and she will have satisfaction. At this point Janelle should certainly win because no one in their right mind will allow Will or Boogie to get the cash. I understand that Dani feels betrayed but she has betrayed MANY in the house. At least with Janelle, Will or Boogie, it is what it is!I seem to remember hearing over and over from Dani that one should "leave the house with class" not with a bad attitude. She is just angry that she didn't think of this move first. Ultimately, Erika will REGRET getting rid of her in the end. I never thought I would say this but GO JANELLE! And Hang on Chicken George!!!!
ANON in KC...Wern't you just yelling at Katie Horner to get off the air. The storm was over and and well on its way to St Louis and she is talking about how much rain we got in different areas and why the roads were slow to drain....THE STORM IS OVER, TELL ME THAT AT 1OP NEWS.
She is the worst at trying to get air time..at 630 when it was kind of raining they wern't interupting Star Wars. But like i said she likes to be on TV.
I sure hope Erica goes thru with putting up dani.
I thoroughly enjoyed the show last night. They had so much fun with the food comp. Now if we could all figure out the double eviction twist, I could relax again!
What exactly are you trying to accomplish? The "predictions" you make are almost always yesterday's news. I'm not trying to pick a fight, I just dont' get it. Is it an attempt at sarcastic humor??
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