Hmmm... just saw an ad for Sunday's show - they're showing BB Slop and said special guest judges choose the winner on Sunday. Hmmm...
Oh, well. I want to touch on the show a bit, though this won't be a full recap. First, I thought Danielle looked very nice tonight, as did Janelle. Erika needs to get off the Slop (and she will as HOH) - she's way too thin. George is George. He was funny with the outfit and the fake pipe. I remember Will had trouble getting BB to give them tape to make it.
Here's what I thought...
Call me corny, but I liked the segment with Woogie Mamas. They both seemed to be tickled. Will was a cute kid. Mike has said on the feeds that he got picked on a lot. Unfortunately, weight on a child tends to draw bullies. As much as I don't like Mike, I'm glad he slimmed down and overcame a not-so-hot childhood.
I enjoyed the pre-HOH seance. After watching the clues in the house that the houseguests didn't pick up on, it was great fun to see Holly with the missing Devil Duckie, Bunky with his namesake tarantula. But the absolute best was the chicken with George's chicken necklace! Perfect! That said, Bunky and Josh have both gained weight. Thankfully, Holly didn't talk much. And even Eric seemed to be a good sport about things.
James wasn't thinking. He knew the vote was set. He wasted his Nullify. But, it's bad for him, not for me.
Kaysar got evicted on his birthday. [Sniffle] I feel bad for him and I'll miss him, but he really isn't a match for the game.
Whoa, Julie Chen! She laid out the ugliness that is James for Kaysar to see! Excellent! I'm glad she did it, but it's ugly. Very ugly.
Then there was the HOH Comp. Howie definitely pushed the button long before he re-pushed it at Julie's request and then lost his chance at HOH. Mike pushed his and the light didn't light, but he didn't get eliminated. Howie is seething on the feeds. They blocked for a long time and I think it's due to them complaining about the equipment not functioning right. That and getting the sheep out of the house.
We seem to have a movement going in comments to vote Marcellas as Prom Queen and George as Prom King. Who's in?
The Coup d'Etat is a phrase. We know it's probably ewe, not sheep. It's part of a phrase related to the show. We have "Big Brother is watching EWE" as a possibility. I was thinking along the lines of "EWE can expect the unexpected." As clues are picked up, I'll get them to you the best I can.
The houseguests think the Coup d'Etat will result in a double eviction this week.
As I post this, Will and Howie are complaining about the slop and the comp. Mike is worrying that he called the ewe a goat on live television. They don't seem to be thinking about the clue at all. The ewe seems to have been removed during the feeds blockage.
Wow, tough for Howie, he did hit the button first from what I've viewed, I hope he or Janelle win the power to over-turn, whom Ever Erica nominates which, I'm sure it will be Janelle and Howie.
LOL @ Mike worrying about calling the sheep a goat! That's funny. They should worry more about other things they do on live visiting the private area disguised as a port-a-potty.
I didn't think about Erika getting to eat again...I'm happy for her. I was worrying that she would waste away to nothing. Good thing she doesn't have to trade fates with George.
I wonder if there is anything that can be done about the mishaps in the comp? I thought I saw something with Mike....clearly saw Howie hit the button and then told he needed to do so. Something was awry and it doesn't seem fair, but then again, I don't want to see Erika lose her food either.
Do they get to keep the sheep as a pet? Or does it seem gone for good? (Lord, I hope it doesn't show up as dinner for them! If they get a lamb dinner, please don't let us know!)
I'm all for George as Prom King, and love the idea of Marci as Queen. Can we vote online, or do we have to use our cells?
Thanks again for all the hard work Jackie. It's starting to get more exciting again...
Jackie - I so enjoy reading your recaps. I've been watching BB religiously since Season 2. This is the first time I'm posting a comment. I must admit, though, I'm rooting for James to win because he should've won BB6. This was a rough week for me because at the start of ALL-STARS season I wanted James or Kaysar to win. I agree the Coup D'tat clue isn't sheep, but ewe/you. My guess for the phrase is "YOU HAVE BEEN EVICTED FROM THE HOUSE" What do you think?
SharonS - Mmm... lamb chops! Mutton! :::grin:::
I believe they'll open up voting on the CBS site after midnight ET in addition to the text message thing. I'll look in the morning to see if we can vote online, but we usually can.
I don't know if anything will be done about Howie's HOH malfunction. I can say we've had more flame/clouds than action since the show ended. Maybe they're checking? I don't know.
Tony - Welcome aboard! It could be. I want another clue! ;-)
I know a lot of people probably want Janelle to win the coup d'etat, but has anyone stopped to think that they person who wins it is supposed to keep it secret? I like Janey, but when was the last time she kept anything secret?
Didn't the promo say a prom queen or king??? Not Prom king **and** queen?
Meaning we have to choose one or the other?
Still sick in TX
I am very disappointed with the show tonight. I do think it is rigged. I hope that Janie or Howie get the overturn award. I am all for voting for George as Prom King. As for voting for Marci, no way! It would make his day. I know, vote for James to be Prom Queen. Would that ever chap his snaky behind!
Where do we go to vote?
Didn't Julie say that whoever wins the prom vote will benefit? Is there anyway to check this? My first impression was that this is a way for America to have a vote (indirectly)on who leaves next week.
I do not want a "joke" vote to benefit someone who doesn't desrve the help.
What a disappointing,predictable ending to the eviction ceremony.
And what now,BB fixed the HOH so that Erika could get something to eat?? I know she looks scrawny,but them's the breaks. It looks more and more like these comps are being designed to skew it in favor of those that BB decides should win,mostly to cover their butts for things that are going awry in the house. But Howie got a raw deal and if BOOGER thinks he did,you can bet he and Will will be yelling their heads off too.
The Woogie Moms was kind of interesting. I would have loved to been able to ask them how they feel about their son's disgusting mouths and poor,POOR attitude towards women in general.They have no respect at all,and I,for one,find them morally offensive,NOT funny(as a lot of you have described Will's antics).
I also don't understand why every other word out of EVERYBODY's mouth(except for George(bless him) and Kaysar(for the most part)is the F*** word. Does all of America,including the women,talk like this today?
And if electing any of these people gets them extra perks or exemptions,then I would NEVER vote for MarJEALOUS to win anything. He has burned his bridges with me for this season. When did he get so mean and nasty,though he did with Amy in his season,so maybe I'm not as shocked after all.NO to putting MarJEALOUS up for anything!! But George would get MY vote in a heartbeat.
You can go to Big Brother's Home page and at the bottom, go to feedback and post a complaint to CBS regarding Howie not getting to fairly play in the HOH comp. I did! Also, it would be hilarious to have Marcellas as queen, but let's don't give him any advantage over Jannelle! She needs all the support she can get with Kaysar gone and James being a total jerk. Also, have watched BB every year, and Jackie, you do a great job! Keep it up!
I beleive Julie said that who ever won Prom King or Queen would have an advantage in the next HOH competition. My immediate thought was what if the person who actually won Americas vote was evicted during the live vote... the show just seems so rigged this year... too many mistakes and malfuctions
Storms here and the cable is out, :-( did not get to watch the live show,Thanks Jackie!
Is it me, or is Julie Chen messing up a lot lately? She flubs lines, makes wrong calls, etc. Rumor has it she's pregnant, too. Her clothes were loose fitting tonight, unlike usual.
And I vote for James to be: most annoying, most snake in the grass, most evil, most...well you get the idea.
What is going on --- I wonder this year if the producers are running the show, as there seem to be so many odd votes in the end.. and then things like this, where Howie gets wrongly ousted from the competitiona nd Mike stays in though the same thing happened. Also, what was up with James in the veto comp... was he so sure he was safe that he gave away points not just once ot call his gf but TWICE? It is so not like the James of last year it makes me wonder if things are rigged. Last evidence... Kaysar saying he wasn't for this game, when he was such a strategist and in control and strong last year. Was he coached to do this by his family and the Islamic woman who spoke about him when they did the profile on Kaysar-- switching his game to be more "moral" so he could be an ambassador for the majority of "good" Islamics? Jackie, let me know your opinion on all of this... thanks!
they are redoing the HOH tonight
Please oh PLEASE do not vote Marci as Prom Queen. Julie said that the winners would have more power and that we the viewers would be giving it to them and effect the outcome of the game. I wouldn't give Marci the time of day, much less any vote from "america". guess on the phrase is...Ewe have been evicted from the Big Brother house. Hasn't Julie said that in every season to each evicted guest?
I agree wolfpackred on everything you said. the phrase can also be changed depending on which hg the producers want to win, they started with an easy word EWE (you) can be anything and since thye didn't tell us viewers the phrase either.. just seems like the show this year has been thrown together and not produced very well
I agree wolfpackred on everything you said. the phrase can also be changed depending on which hg the producers want to win, they started with an easy word EWE (you) can be anything and since thye didn't tell us viewers the phrase either.. just seems like the show this year has been thrown together and not produced very well
You mean James could have used his nullify anytime. Hee Hee Hee, that might eat away at him. He didn't want to "pull a Marcellas" and not save himself...but still. As soon as Janelle voted to send James home, I knew she knew it was hopeless to save Kaysar (since she didn't try to switch the vote James would nullify). That says she knew how the voting was going to go. Kaysar may have known but still had hope. Danielle is pretty. Kind of a slam when BB showed her, uh..not at her best, as they said to vote for best looking. Funny, though. I like the Mom's too. It sounded like they know their youngsters well. I wish Woogie knew their Mom's were on...that always makes kids nervous. Thank you Jackie, Sue
I agree with not giving Marcellus anything. I'm certainly not going to give him any help--I'm voting for Janelle.
I want Will as most hot. GOD IS HE HOT! And I'd like Will as class clown too. I'm gonig to vote when we can CANT WAIT!
The wrong answer got elimonated. Only the slowest correct answer would be eliminated if everyone was correct.
I agree that James hasn't exactly played things so nicely. However when Janelle made a "pact" so to speak with CT, even though the others in her alliance didn't want her to, I started to side with James a bit more. ok enough of that lol. I didn't watch any of the other big brothers, so I am a bit unbiased. And for some reason I have liked Chicken George from the start. However, i don't think he's "evil" enough to make it to the end. But agree that he should get prom king. that would be hysterical and he would be honored i'm sure. Thank you jackie for keeping up with all this. I have now become a big brotherholic lol..
i haven't read all the comments yet, but WHY would you want to vote for marcellas other than the title "prom queen"....the vote gives the winner an ADVANTAGE in the next HOH competition...who wants HIM TO WIN??? also, it sounds like only ONE person wins...if it's a girl, it's prom queen, if it's a guy, it's prom king, right? only one winner? or did i totally misunderstand this america's choice? i'm personally going over to vote on the cbs site for Marcellas as MOST ANNOYING!
Julie never asked James if hr wanted to use the nullification. It seemed like he had to use it. And the nullification didn't switch the vote, just cancelled it out. "By a vote of 5-1 ...
Since Erica and Boogie have an alliance (according to his Mom) Woogie might ask her to nominate someone (like Danielle from her own 'alliance') just to stir things up. One thing about the show I haven't seen mentioned...or missed it maybe...was HOH Danielle saying James was the only one she could trust. Julie and i both were shocked at that. But, Danielle seemed very confident. Could James really be true to her?
Now I feel kinda dumb after readin all y'all's ideas, but when I saw the sheep I told my huz "Holly" I thought, as they were introducing the ghost's they called Holly "lil bo peep"
"Due to technical malfunction of the buzz-in device, Big Brother will be redoing the Head of Household Competition. It will be broadcast during Sunday night's show." -
Does that mean Erika's not HOH?
susan, i agree with you...julie chen is messing up a LOT. he almost said kaysar won the vote instead of james. and another week she tried to tell Nakomis (maybe?) that she won hoh instead of james or kaysar (i can't remember, i just remember she said the wrong name)...
i guess will figured, if she didn't like "sweetheart" he'd call her "jules"...
and it really seems like she should have said something when Mike and Howie's answers didn't light up. don't they test this stuff????
I just heard them say they were doing it at 10:30 tonight and that is why they can't drink alcohol yet.
anon at 12:13
i think what the other person was saying, is that mike's answer never lit up, he might have been wrong also. then he and janelle would BOTH have been eliminated.
Someone posted saying that only WRONG answers got eliminated which is why Mike's buzzer not going off didn't matter...TECHNICALLY, Mike might have answered wrong, too so its possible he should have gotten kicked out that round, as well! I am glad he didn't get kicked out that round, but it WAS a mistake.
I am not sure if i am glad they are redoing it or not! I am worried who will get it now. I felt okay with Erika having it..Perhaps they will have CO-head of households to make it fair to Erika?!?
i agree that james doesn't think...
however he could only use the nulification thingy this week.
ps. ty for ur hard work jackie. you are awesome.
No we shouldn't waste the prom vote on MARCELLOUT! He deserves nothing in this house but an eviction!
As HOH I think Erika is too timid to stir anything up. She's flat out boring. She'll play it safe, I bet. She'll go along with what Danielle wants, I'm afraid. Unless the game has significant twists, it's not looking so good for Howie and Janie.
I don't want to watch this show anymore if Janelle and Howie get voted off. I don't like the other players. None of them deserve to win especially James!!
looks like somebody already guessed the coup d'teau (sp?)
how long until they redo the hoh competition?
also, anybody know if the winner of the coup can put up hoh as one of the noms? or no? i can't remember if they said on the show...
From what source does anyone know they are re-doing the HOH comp?
(By the way, I was the one commenting on Erika/boring.)
According to
Due to technical malfunctions of the buzz-in device, Big Brother will be redoing the Head of Household Competition. It will be broadcast during Sunday night's show.
I love bb,
Why shouldn't be signals be allowed? Will and Boogie are allowed to talk with each other all week about nominations. I don't understand what the issue is? Whether they decide 2 days or 2 seconds before, they are in an alliance and have the right to vote the same (though, they don't always anyway)
Do we know who won the Coup d'etat? Somebody mentioned somebody got it already..who?
Hey guys....I just read on Morty's recap that they think that Danielle won the coup t'eta (however you spell it...i failed french!) She was seen earlier saying the first thing she thought about was Dolly the cloned sheep when she was talking to James. They also said that she was asking BB to call her the diary room to vote. Then later you see her and Marcelles talking in the storage room and he said to her "well at least that thing you won will help you"
- Michele
It's Prom Night!
Who would you coose for each catergory?
This is my first time posting as well. I have watched all the big brother shows, and I have to say, I am disappointed in this one. After Janelle and Howie leave (and I am sure they are next in that order) it will be very difficult for me to watch. The rest of them are so unlikeable. Will is amusing, but not a nice person, so I don't want to see his evilness be rewarded again. At this point, I have to say, I am going for chicken George.
PLEASE vote for Janelle and Howie for King and Queen. The odds are against them, they need the advantage that will come with it. NOT Marcelles. HE DOES NOT DESERVE IT!
I hope that it is true that they are re-doing the HOH comp. Although, the only chance Janie and Howie have, is for Howie to win it, and I am not putting much faith in that, as much as I like him.
Thanks Jackie, I check your site fatihfully three times a day. I found it late in the season last year, and went looking for it right at the start of this season. Your blog is exellent, and I LOVE your asides!
Jackie or anyone, why does Julie keep saying hoh will kick off a week worth of comps. Are they not airing some of the comps? - Jen
The CBS categories....
here are my about everyone else's?
Class Clown- will
Best Looking-Will
Who is Most Likely to Take Over the World? Will
Who is Most Likely to Take Over the World? Will
Who is Most Likely to Succeed? Will
Who is Most Likely to Go to Heaven?
Who is Most Intelligent? Will
Who is Best Dressed? Marcellas
Who is the Life of the Party? Boogie
Who is Most Likely to Win the Nobel Peace Prize? Danielle
Who is the Biggest Flirt? Janelle
Who is Most Annoying? James
Who is Most Likely to Max Out Their Credit Cards? Janelle
Who is Most Likely to Die Alone? Howie
Who is Most Likely to Break Hearts? Will
Who is Most Likely to Be Mistaken for Furniture? Howie
Who is Most Likely to Use a Voodoo Doll? Marcellas
Who is Worst Dressed? George
Who is Most Gullible? Howie
Who is Most Stuck Up? Janelle
Who is the Biggest Whiner? James
Has anyone else seen anything about the HOH re-do? I was just on the cbs site and it didn't say anything about it that I could find.
Well, that just stinks if Dani got it..ugh.
I guess Jani needs to start packing. She can't win PVO this week.
They just got called to the dining room for it. Now we have flames and clouds. Hope it doesn't take too long!
Boy, were you right about the ugly.......Julie was just down right brutal with Kaysar. Played for a fool by his "friend" and then humiliated on national tv by rubbing it in his face. Happy Birthday Kaysar!!!!!!!
James is playing to win.....ugly. Too bad he won't. Woogie are running the house this year and everyone seems to be letting them, including the producers. Been reading the live feeds and is it just me or has anyone else noticed that they talk freely (to each other) about what they were promised, like big prizes, big pay offs, etc.? They also talk constantly about splitting the $$ and that is definately against the rules. They will yell at Will to not talk about his DR sessions or to stop hanging on the staircase but they never tell them to stop talking about the $$.
Glad to hear that they are playing HOH over since it was so blatantly unfair during the live show....and Julie certainly did not help. I would feel bad for Erika but since she will use her HOH to do Dani's bidding and not make her own move I won't be feeling sorry for her.
Thanks for the place to vent.
They are doing the new HOH comp. now and showing it!
My guess for the phrase: "YOU ARE THE NEW HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD".
It would make sense and would play right into the concept of the prize/privilege being offered.
Janelle won!
shoot. I wanted anyone BUT Janelle to win, darn it!
Who will she put up? Danielle and who else? James? Eri
Final 3 in comp were Janelle Mike and James...
James out
then Mike
I wish we could all collectively send a message to Janelle to put that BASTARD james up.. he's gonna make it to final 2 at this point.
They redid the HOH comp last night. Too correct the errors on the live show. New HOH is Jani.
Yay! I just watched Janelle win again! oh well, revenge will be sweet! Howie and Janelle both leaped for joy saying the win was for Kaysar! What did we say about "Karma" - what goes around, comes around and it does not take long!
Janelle just asked Boogie if he threw the comp. and he whispered YES... "I love you, Boogie!" screamed Janelle.... I didn't even know this was going on, I fell asleep early tonight and wandered in to check emails around 1:50 AM... lo and behold, the clouds on the feeds parted, and do I believe my eyes.... a new HOH contest??? LUV IT!! Can't wait to hear what Jackie has to say about this!! Nighy-nite, Robin in Manchester
Yes, Dani , we are Janelle and Howie fans and we are happy!
I'm thinking that Janelle winning wasn't such a good thing if, as it has been posted, Danielle has the power of coup d'etat. There is no one Danielle would rather use it on than Janelle. Should be an interesting week.
Janey HOH!! GREAT! There's hope again! I just wish I could see Danielle's face! (Don't have the live feed.)
Thanks, everyone, for the updates!
Do we know for sure Danielle won the coup d'etat? The feeds mentioned that Marcellus mentioned, " that thing you won". But did not Julie say that the House guests could NOT tell anyone if they Won. Maybe Danielle would be disqualified if she told Marci or is Marci just thinking she won?
I am afraid for Janie because the chances are someone else..probably Dani would the Coup D'etat and will overthrow Janie Thursday night and take over and Evict Janie, is my guess. I am sad enough about Kaysar going, it is just getting worse. Bummer!
The ONLY hope for Janie is if Dani did not win the Coup..but from the feeds, it sure looks like she won and told Marcellus.
What do you think Jackie about if Danielle won the Coup D' etat?
It is not right Anonymous because it is fine to discuss stradegy and how to vote, but if they are such a great alliance why would they need signals?????DUH! I like Chilltown but come on....if this kind of voting happened to them they would be crying how unfair it is and how they want a revote with no one being allowed to use signals! How long you been watching BB two days?
Didn't Julie give up a secret to Danielle by telling her James took the phone call? I didn't think he told anyone.
Anonymous has a point: if they win that french thing, to overthrow a HOH, they're not supposed to tell anyone. They CAN'T tell until it happens. So she WOULD be in violation. Not that Julie Chen makes much sense these days.
But is it just a rumor that Danielle won it?? Can't wait for Jackie to come back.
One request: will "Anonymous" people leave their name/nickname at the bottom so we know who to address our remarks/questions to??Thanks, SusanB
i think they're allowed to say they won, but AREN'T allowed to tell anyone what it ALLOWS them to do. or at least that's the way i understood it. i could be way off.
also, janelle's safer as hoh than without it. i don't know if the winner of the coup d'whatever is allowed to put hoh up or if they just replace the noms with their choices. does anyone know? because at least as HOH,janelle has a CHANCE. because danielle (if she won it) would definitely nominate her when the coup came into play. it just means janelle's picks probably won't do her any good. meaning if she puts danielle up, danielle can save herself and put up howie and someone else. (HOPEFULLY JAMES OR MARCELLUS) or i may be completely wrong:)
do we know if danielle won the coup d'etat for sure? i read in a thread that she thought she'd figured it out. the sheep (dolly) that was not assume. i don't know if she was right or not. but it looks like they think she won from that convo in the SR. anyone?
Good point, Tiffany, about the coup being about not telling what it ALLOWS her to do. Dunno, tho.
The trouble is, as smart as Dani is, she seems utterly blinded by James, and thinks he's completely loyal to her --as if he could be loyal to ANYONE.(Attn: Sarah!)
I was thinking the phrase was something like "a wolf in sheep's clothing." But I didn't know it was an ewe.
I want Will to be Prom King, just because he's so dreamy! and it will mean more airtime and I'll get to look at him more. I loved the mom thing too.
Thanks so much for all of your effort Jackie!!! I don't kwow what we'd do without you.
Be careful who you vote for: Whoever gets to be prom king/queen will have a lot of power, I think. After all, a king or queen can overthrow a government, right? Or am I reading too much into this? (My head hurts!)
Oh, that's interesting about Julie confirming to Dani that James won the phone call. He did admit he won it but still...she shouldn't confirm it.
About Janie winning HOH, I don't think she should have even been in the Comp because she was already eliminated before the malfunction, just my opinion but it is what it is LMAO.
As far as the Coup, Julie said that the winner will not even know they won until Thursday. And I doubt the DNA thing is right because Julie said it was a phrase frequently used and DNA was only one season. I rather like the "Ewe are the new HOH," suggestion because that is essentially the reward for winning the Coup.
Vote for Will!
Kaysar just wasn't himself this time around. Too quite! I can't see how BB6 didn't take advantage of getting rid of chill town. Grave mistake. But your right, Kaysar is just too good of a guy to be in a game like this. So sad to see him go.
Omg....I am glad Jani got the I would like everyone to vote for her for prom queen, as Julie said the winner will have an advantage over the others as far as the competition
I checked the tape, Julie did say the winner of the prom contest will have an advantage
reading the comments people say that dani won that coup thing if she did doesnt that mean that she can overthrow the hoh noms and even the hoh so if this is fixed isnt that what the producers would want not erika winning i am so happy for your blog i get confused sometimes with all the stuff going on thank you again
How about Wolf in Sheep's Clothing!
I'm a James fan and a Kaysar fan too. I used to like Janelle until she turned dirty. I wish Julie would have told Kaysar how Janelle made deals with Chill town and caused the "team" to break up. I wanted to see S6 take it and get rid of Will and Boogie, but she ruined it all. She wanted Diane out, she wanted Jase out. Janelle controlled S6's nominations early in this game. GO JAMES! I hope the legion of doom ends and he floats with Erika and Danielle. That's just me. Enough of those silly "phone calls" between will and Boogie.
Keep up the great work Jackie! I love reading your blogs.
PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT vote Marci as prom queen. He DOES NOT deserve any special treats!
It boggles my mind how people on this board can love Janelle and Howie (???). She is pretty, so what...that does not make her a "good person." Howie (aka "Big Boy") might be the biggest idiot in that house. Frankly, I cannot wait for Janie and Howie to be gone. Hope Will takes it all.
I'm guessing that the phrase is, "Beware of the wolf in sheeps clothing". We'll see....
Janelle and Howie (and what used to be Season 6 alliance) were really not too bright in not taking out Mike and Will at the beginning. They never even tried! I am so sick of watching them (season 6) win most competitions. After Janelle replaced Erica for HOH due to "technical malfunctions", and this being the week that Janelle would not be able to play in the Power of Veto competition (had she not won), there is not much doubt left in my mind that this season is rigged. Too many things have happened that haven't made sense to make me think otherwise.
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