Sunday, August 20, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feed Bulletin - POV Winner

Janelle won POV. James is very upset, Danielle is irked but complimenting Janelle's abilities to Erika. She told Erika not to be swayed - if it's a tie, let Mike be the bad guy.

Will seems pleased.


Anonymous said...


Way to go, Jani! WAY TO GO!!!!!


Anonymous said...

WAY TO GO JANI!!! I'm glad she's back in the game and I hope this means that James will be leaving!

Anonymous said...

GO Janelle! Here's to all the people who doubt her abilities; she deserves to win, she's a great competitor and strategist.

Tiffany said...

WOOT! So long James!

Anonymous said...

To willunrivale....

You must be his mother or another relative. No one else would write such crap.

Thanks Jackie & a Goodnight to all

Anonymous said...

Willlalalalala person,
your post makes me want to say...ICK!

Anonymous said...

Alright WTG JANELLE - Come Back ..You can do it! I can sleep much better - I would comment on the Will stuff however - why feed it - Night ladies, oh what the heck - as a Man, Women can separate emotion and reason - men who justify bad behavior will eventually become a loner, live unhappy lives.

Tom S

Anonymous said...

YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! GO JANEY Oooooooohhhhh, life is so good! I am soooo thrilled. Eat your heart out LOD!!!!

I don't think people are bashing Will, it's Woogie. And part of Woogie is Mike. Boogie is not good for Will. Yes, he's a friend, but I think Will takes him along because it makes Will look so much better. LOL

Anyway. Yeah Janey. I am thrilled! I hope Mike puts up Danielle, but he won't. He'll put up Chicken George and that's sad. I hope they evict James. Let's hope.


Anonymous said...

Go Janey! What great news. I couldn't be happier!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry it's taken you so long to write all of what you did, it's apparent you envy and are jealous of Will- I for one don't believe you know the real Will..I actually do know him very well..He does feel guilty about what he did to Jani, I believe you yourself are a manhater..

Anonymous said...

I have to admit that when I saw Howie evicted last night, my "slight"(as much as I hate to admit) obsession with BB lost its flame. I love Janelle as a player and I really worried after seeing the way she reacted to Howie's eviction that it would affect her gameplay. I'm so excited to see that she won the POV, because now I really think she can make it to the end. Not to mention that I think the chemistry (whether it be friendship, game strategy or what) between her and Will is just so cute to watch.


Anonymous said...

I wish everyone would just ignore willunriYadaYadaYadaYadaYadaYada.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I wish everyone would just ignore willunriYadaYadaYadaYadaYadaYada.


8/20/2006 2:08 AM
I wish Jackie would delete his post - HAHAHAAAAA - provided he added a link just as the same troll had posted previous - therefore - perhaps' the same individual. Night ladies -

Anonymous said...

What I object to is WillUnrivaled stereotypical comments about women and bashing women, not that he is a Will fan.
We should be discussing the Houseguests and not bashing fans, especially this guy who goes off on women in general. It is just disgusting when anyone stereotypes another group. Every individual is different, unique, no one group is exactly the same.

Anonymous said...

This comment is despicable where you said...
" The problem is you women can't separate emotion and reason. "

How dare you? I know men who cannot separate emotion from reason too. I find your comment offensive.

It would be far better to just discuss the Houseguests' strategy and the game of Big Brother than to go after fans of the show...I think..far less destructive and more fun....also.


Jackie S. said...

Folks... can you guys please stick to commenting about houseguests instead of the posters?

That post was obviously put here for effect... the more attention you give it and you know the rest.


Anonymous said...

Yes way to go Janie, I love Will only because he is the master of this game Janelle and Will to the final 2

Anonymous said...

May 17, 2006
E-mail, blogging, and social cues
posted by Kaimipono D. Wenger

Over at Volokh, Juan Non-Volokh Jonathan Adler cites to a Christian Science Monitor article on why e-mails are easily misunderstood. Adler quotes from the article:

First and foremost, e-mail lacks cues like facial expression and tone of voice. That makes it difficult for recipients to decode meaning well. Second, the prospect of instantaneous communication creates an urgency that pressures e-mailers to think and write quickly, which can lead to carelessness. Finally, the inability to develop personal rapport over e-mail makes relationships fragile in the face of conflict.
The article discusses the potential pitfalls of e-mail sarcasm, and the difficulties of conveying nuance in a quickly composed message. The comments to Adler's VC thus far seem to be skeptical and heavy on sarcasm. This reaction illustrates perfectly a follow-up point: Every one of the CS-Monitor's points applies in spades to blogging.

Blog posts are often fired off in haste, and they lack the nuances of facial expression. Blog posts are often sarcastic, and sometimes that sarcasm leads to unintended flame wars. (Sometimes it leads to intended flame wars, but that's another story.) Blog posts are also, like e-mail, often composed with some sense of urgency. And as with e-mail, the fragile fabric of the blogosphere often provides little leeway for social missteps. Change a half-dozen words here and there, and the CS-Monitor story could well be about blogging.

Of course, there's a flip side. Those of us who are social outcasts introverts may prefer a world without all of those damned non-verbal cues to worry about. Perhaps this explains the number of social outcasts introverts who blog. For example, my esteemed co-blogger Dave. . .

Shoot, and now I'm being sarcastic in a blog post. Um, did he catch the sarcasm? I hope he understands it's a joke. I'm just kidding, buddy. Really! Damn, how do I make that little happy-face emoticon? Something about punctuation. Oh, there we go:


Whew! Is that better? Sheesh, that was close. I'd better put that emoticon on speed-dial. No wonder everyone always OD's on damn emoticons . . .

Posted by Kaimipono D. Wenger at May 17, 2006 01:36 AM

Jackie S. said...

Anon @ 2:30 - Um... okay.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie ~~ is it a full moon?

Jackie S. said...

SusanB - I'm just innocently sitting here watching James whine and almost cry a few times because he thinks Janelle "stole" a doll in the comp out of his hand.

Now it's rigged. When he wins, he doesn't claim rigged. @@

Anonymous said...

Well now, we certainly are emotional today, understandably so. Amazing what a reality show can bring out in certain personalities. We should be discussing the game play and not trying to psychoanalyze the other posters. As a clinical psychologist myself, I've tried to refrain from judging the house guests personally by their "performance" in the house..not an easy task, as I too, have my favorites and least favorites. We all have our favs and when they win we are happy and when they loose we are unhappy. Lighten up and let's enjoy the "show".
Have a good weekend all!

Jackie S. said...

SusanB - This one won't be on tomorrow's show, I don't think. I believe we'll see the HOH Mike comp, but this POV will probably be Tuesday.

A 12-Step program may be needed, but I blog other shows when BB doesn't take up my life.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, this is so ridiculous! I can not believe James is carrying on like this. I am shocked listening to them Janelle bash like this. Poor Janelle, living in a house like this is worse than the nerd herd.

Anonymous said...

Jackie...Do you think James has a legitamate beef about the POV or just sour grapes? I don't want to go to bed and wake up tomorrow with another redo and my gal Janie without the POV!!!!!

Jackie S. said...

Anon @ 3:08 - The producers already told him they have nothing which indicates rules were broken on tape. I think it's mainly sour grapes. Apparently they were told no physical contact, but IF she grabbed the doll out of his hand, that's the doll, not him. Even he's not claiming she tackled him or anything. He should have held onto it better, I would think. It sounds like basketball where someone steals the ball... if she even did take it from him. They could have both been reaching for it, who knows?

I don't think there will be a re-do from what I'm hearing. Of course, I didn't SEE any of it.

Anonymous said...

All right! Game back on!

Carrie in TX

Anonymous said...

Right now, they are calling each of the Houseguests to the DR to talk about the Veto I hope there will not be a Re-do. Erika wants a house meeting with the Executive Producer.Dani refuses to comment on it until she reviews the tape. I rather expected Erika, Dani to be on James' side but the HG seems a bit rattled by this and it all seems unsettled. I am guessing BB's decision is final but they want to interview everyone and get everyone's eyewitness account of what they saw..just to be sure...

Anonymous said...

Jackie..serious q's! Is it true that Will was the winner of this BB7? I read at Dingo's Hamsterwatch, he was the second time winner ::ouch:: and the site even talked about all the HGs and what they've been up to since this season. Is that any true at all for this stats.? ::bummer:: so this show was an encore and how about the live feed? Been cheering up for Janie & yet what's the point? ::sigh:: Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Janelle wins too darn much--makes it look like something may be 'rigged' there.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 4:05

You must have just misunderstood what Hamsterwatch said. The show is still happening. The live feeds are actually live. So no one has won yet.

Anonymous said...

to Anon 4:05!
check it out..(noted on 8/7,"Dr Will" - After winning 'Big Brother' for a second time, Dr. Kirby went on to win the Nobel Prize for his patented, revolutionary reputation removal procedure, .... Rumors that he'll star on 'The Bachelor XXII' are unconfirmed, as are stories connecting him to his buxom blonde co-star Janelle Pierzina, now a recluse living somewhere in the Midwest. Dr. Will responds to queries about both rumors with the same press bio of six-time 'For Love or Money' winner Erin Brodie and a flyer for SoniClear. Kirby claims he has no hard feelings about Ms. Brodie's latest 'For Love or Money' cycle in which she convinced two of his former co-hamsters (Mike 'Boogie' Malin and Howie Gordon) to fall in love with her, and says he & Ms. Brodie have a doggie.

Do you think HW just fooling around? I hope..::phew:: still couldn't sleep (just got back from one of the club in Hollywood and guessed who I saw...Michael fr BB6)eww..! Jakie you might asleep by happy dreaming!! ciao from LA!!

Anonymous said...

Too bad they didn't have a "World's Sorest Loser" award during prom night cuz James would have won it hands down.

So let me get this straight, James, Will, Boogie, and Danielle actively and admittedly throw a POV comp to Danielle and that's OK. That's not "rigging a game". But Jani and James tussle a few moments over a Howie doll and James' world as he knows it comes to an end??!!

He claims rigging, he claims BB favoritism, he demands to speak to BB producers, doctor, lawyer and review the tape for...wait for it..."SIGNS OF CHEATING" ????!!!

Holy Mother of Reality TV where does this guy get off? He certainly sees the world through James colored glasses doesn't he.

Meanwhile I'm imagining that behind the scenes the producers are thinking whose f@#*#!@ng idea was it do do a BB All-Stars? They're thinking this is the most high-maintenance, litigious, difficult, whining, and just plain nutty and unstable group BB has ever had. I picture the executive producer yelling NO MORE ALL STAR SHOWS!

Jani rules!


Anonymous said...

Jackie...thanks so much for this blog! Knowing what's going on is great and what I really LOVE is your sense of humor as you write. I also appreciate your moderation to keep things "moderate" in the face of commenters who get carried away for "effect". Thanks!

Aaaaah Zoetawny...ever the voice of reason. A big "hiya" from your fellow therapist! LOL@us!!! Both of us so addicted to BB that we're talking to each other via Jackie's blog. LOVE your graphics and you just get better and better! Can't wait for the end of season when we might have time to email again. TTYS


Anonymous said...

Well as a garbage collector, I too have a perspective on suicide and the relationships in the house...why is it that every psychologist has to identify themselves as such...Caroline and Zoetawny....we don't care what you's grandiose and narcissistic...other people may be shrinks but we don't have to advertise it all the time on BB blogs...please...STOP!! It's makes our profession seem tarnished and too full of don't have to present every post (Caroline esp.) with "I'm a psychologist" or "as a psychologist" we get it...Read the APA code of Ethics and the state board policy on Internet's NOT cool to tell the internet world that you're a psychologist just for attention and to throw your knowledge around...let's be ethical here. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

LOL Anon forgot Bdoll. And as an MD myself, Will is a crappy and wellness minded doctors would never encourage botox.

My wife, as a manicurist, agrees.


Anonymous said...

Anon @5:56:

Please, let's not knock other people's "ethics" while making sure to mention that you are in the same profession, which, btw, is what you're criticizing in someone else while you do it yourself. A bit too much irony there.

Zoetawny, you rock!! Along with our Jackie, of course!

Anonymous said...

LOL Anonymous 6:01. Thanks for including me. After all, we only say something for attention so obviously it would have wounded my inflated ego to be missing from a critical post ;) <~~~ That means I'm being tongue in cheek :)

We're all watching the same show and reading the best blog about it, that's really all any of this is about. Enjoy the show tonight, all.


Anonymous said...

Anon 6:09...I too like Zoetawny and Jackie...and my point was only that when talking about suicide and relationships in the shouldn't emphasize your points with "I'm a psychologist." And honestly, they know would take someone in the profession to point this out to them...

Plus, it is ridiculous when no one else is stating thier professions in their posts except for all the psychologists and therapists? Why is that? I said what I said to emphasize my point and to get them to stop doing it...NOT to just say..."Well listen to me because I'm a psychologist and my post is really somthing to pay attention to" because when they do that it is seen as a "Professional Opinion", rather than just an everyday opinion by Joe Schmoe...and THAT is the problem. Plus it's getting annoying and I'm not the only one who obviously thinks so!

Anonymous said...

Anon @5:56 and 6:19. Respectfully, I ask that you get over yourself. I know Zoetawny and she was not saying anything to get attention or to give a "professional opinion". You'd benefit from her suggestion to "lighten up".

I, and I'm sure many others, got your point and could read between the accusatory lines as well. We're all BB fans under the skin :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy that Janie won the POV! Go, Janie!

Anonymous said...

Susan B: AGREED!!

Also, when do the 12 step meetings begin? :)

Anonymous said...

poster with too many letter in his must be making up for his "short" comings by creating a "long" name. Take a look in the mirror buddy, your comments make you look like a women hater/basher. so what makes you any better? Get off your pedestal you certainly do not belong there.

(sorry Jackie, I couldn't let this one go) I will write "I promise to keep comments on the HG's only" 100 times.

Jackie, you are the best, and greatly appreciated!


Anonymous said...

I was just up and ready to begin another beautiful day in the neighborhood when I checked in on one of my favorite sites and learned a few things.
1. Janelle got her spirt back.
2. Even in these Enlightened Times the Men vs Women will generate conversation.
3. There are many commenters named 'Anonymous', more than one signing as "Sue", and only one Jackie.

Thanks for addressing my question about the prize share, I also had wondered, but didn't ask if Boogie was lying about loosing the Coup so that the hgs would be shocked when he used it. But, he did tell Danielle about it in guess not. Thanks, Sue

Anonymous said...

It isn't over yet. They have all been called in the DR apparently Janie cheated imagine that. Janie cheating not her she has never stolen in her life.

I guess it will be decided today.

Anonymous said...

To "Willunrivale....." save your speech about Will....he doesn't need anyone to defend him...he's a selfish and mean person. He doesn't deserve to win. Anyone who likes that kind of a person has a screw or two loose.....

Anonymous said...

Let me say the 1st poster was funny and while not all women are as how he applies to most. and yes some men fall into that as well but most do not.

As for the psychologist "out here" so not targeting blog posters. Psychologist are to help the weak if someone says..writes.. etc... I know to not pay attention. Your jedi tricks will not work on me.


I want to see them fall for each other.


Anonymous said...

Hi again, Will understands the game, now I would like to understand Will. Can some of you help me do that? A possible weakness of his is that he doesn't liked to be touched. At least no unauthorized touching. Like when Dani started to give him a back massage and he didn't know she was going to. I have seen that same look on his face when Howie would invade his space. And Howie did seem to be the only one who rufflied the doc. Was that because Howie was so out of bounds and Uncontrolable? So my question is....what does that reveal about Will? Thanks, Sue

Anonymous said...

Is James reall going? I do not understand why the LOD is sticking together. Or are they going to shock everyone and kick out CG?

Please let me know what you think

Anonymous said...

My previous message made no sense so here it is again.

Are they really going to vote James out. Why isnt the Legend of Doom sticking together? Or are they going to shock everyone and vote of CG?

Please let me know your thoughts.

Anonymous said...

ToPosterwithLongName: I just read that article you suggested and I had to chuckle ... but just for a minute. I know most of you "young'uns" weren't around when that piece was written, but I was, and that's exactly how we were raised to think. We have "come a long way baby". So lighten up ... we "ladies" know who we are and what we're capable of and we're secure in our sexuality. That said...

GO JANEY!!! I hope nothing's changed since I started to type this comment, and Jani is still owner of the POV! meb

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:37am said that "it wasn't over yet". Is something happening that may change the outcome of the POV?

IS THIS TRUE? Janelle may not have it?

Anonymous said...

To Anon 8:45

Some people are really sensitive to touch and can not handle people in their space (for fear they will be touched). I think that Will falls into that category. Furthermore, these types of people tend to be leaders, so that they can be in charge of the situation, hence avoiding "touch".

The easiest way to describe the feeling that they get is to imagine the noise created when someone scratches their nails on the chalkboard. The way the hairs on your neck stand up...
well, when people go into their space and touch them, the hairs on their neck stand up and they need to get out of the situation.
I know Will is this type of person. I hope that explains some of his personality.

Anonymous said...

On BB7 "live feed message board" last night rumor was that Kasar was back due to a legality and was wearing a red shirt which says "You reap what you sow". Any one know anything about it???

Anonymous said...

Jackie I have loved your blog for many seasons. Both BB and Survivor.

Go Jani and Will. Would love to see them as the Final 2.

Tired of James from day one.


Anonymous said...

whew! just read all the posts..glad I had a good nights sleep! GO JANEY YOU ROCK!!
JAMESBEGONE is my formal request.
Personally, I didnt like Will, I mean he won, so I didnt want him on,just as I wouldnt want Maggie or Jun on to try and win again. He makes good TV. I think he doesnt want to be touched because he (unlike some others) realizes they are always watched and he doesnt want to offend "Erin" and is worried what she will think. That he is being unfaithful. Mike on the other hand doesnt care what anyone thinks...and thats why I dont like him.
James is a weinie and a whiner...he should never win, and Sarah should get a clue..

Anonymous said...

I really want Janelle to win...however I think the person playing the game the best this season is Will..he's playing the crap out of EVERYONE, and even though he already won in his season if it really came down to it he should take the money...BUT YAY FOR MY GIRL JANELLE!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

James has got to go. He is so mean spirited. Does he have to continually call Janelle a whore? Janelle has never called anyone a name and does not go back on her alliances. Will wants her to go to Erica and pretend to start an alliance with her and she said she does not think she can do it. She is proof that you can be nice and honest and just win by actually winning competitions! Go Janey! Good Riddens James!

Anonymous said...

Will and Janelle are my two favorite players...don't really care about anyone in the house, and as far as I am concerned James needed to go, right after Nakomis.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see CT and Janelle and CG start their own little alliance right now and vote out Dani, Erica and James. I'd love to see a Will and Jani final 2.!

Anonymous said...

To Anon @ 10:07 -- We are very aware that there are "a lot of charities who deserve a donation". Jackie deleted your links because they don't belong here. WE decide what WE do with our money and WE don't need anyone telling us where to send it. Please go elsewhere to preach your sermon.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see James and Janey fighting over a dolly...just like preschool

Anonymous said...

Janelle has never called anyone a name? And does not go back on her alliances? Are we all watching the same show????


Anonymous said...

If BB has a POV do-over than they've just handed the game to Danielle, James and Erika. How unfair!
Danielle has never won anything on her own and Erika is coasting along, James is a spoiled brat, Mike Boogie is....well, just icky.
So the only ones I really like are Janelle, George and yes I like Will, but I don't want him to win.

Anonymous said...

Janelle is by far the best player and should win in the end while Will by far has the best strategy in the game. They should be the final 2 for sure.

Anonymous said...

I am an addict and I agree with the no more BIG BROTHER ALLSTARS. For the first few weeks, they acted like they were scared because they didn't want to be a target. And how many times have you actually seen someone in a normal season THROW a comp? I think the difference between Will and the other houseguests is that he realizes that it is just a game. When it is over he goes back to HIS life and he could care less if someone is upset with him for voting him out. I think some of the other houseguests get to into the game and make the game their life. This is good for the viewers but in the end makes them lose the game. Will is having fun and you can't knock the man for being good at playing a game. I wonder who is going to finally get the guts to nominate him and mike at the same time on the block? Dani might do it next week. But Will is the only one who seems to play the game without fear.
I think the touching thing is a control issue. He likes to be in control of the situation at all times and when he can't control things he gets uncomfortable.
I also think that Will is falling for Janelle. He may not leave his gf and be with her, but he has feelings for her. He spends so much time with her even when she is not HOH. And he doesn't seem to want her to get evicted. I think maybe Will has two alliances- Mike and Janelle. Maybe he just wants Mike to win so that he can tell him how to spend the money.. lol

and the houseguests wanting to have meetings with the producers... did i miss something.. they are on a reality show right- and not making a hollywood movie. Do they realize that in a month or so they will be off of the big screen and back to their normal lives? James will have to go to counseling just to adjust to the fact that is a normal personal again.

Anonymous said...

Some of you have been going back and forth about nothing. All I care about is the game. Is anything new? Does Janelle still have POV?

Anonymous said...

for all you James haters back off!

Second off, does Jani still have the POV I really want know know, and whats this Kaysar rumor?


Anonymous said...

Let me begin by thanking Jackie for the hard work in creating and updating this blog. I have been enlightened and entertained by it.
Also, to all the contributors, I am impressed by your passion for you favorite BB7 participant. I wish I felt as strongly for one or more of the contestants as all of you do.
I've been dissapointed by BB7. AS much as I enjoy Big Brother, I hope they will continue with complete strangers, instead of bringing back former house guests.
I don't know if it's their familiarity of the game, but those house guests that I once rooted for in their season, have changed. They seem to me (could it be editing?) angrier and more vicious than in the past. I love Howie, but his adolescent tirade when he was voted out is ridiculous. THe mean spiritedness of Dani and James is sad.
I also am upset with the sloppiness of the BB7 production staff. The "redo's" because of whatever failure should be blamed on the executive producers. Their responsibility should be to produce a quality program. To many mistakes this year.
So keep writing to Jackie's blog. I enjoy all of you comments. I think I enjoy your input more than this year's show itself. Jackie, thanks for putting this all together.


Anonymous said...


I completely agree with everything you said about Will. I ignored the part everyone objected to because it was either your opinion with which I did not agree, or sarcasm. Either way, it should not have diluted the basis of your message which was spot on. I keep watching and wondering... How can they talk to a man who has "I'm probably lying" on his shirt and believe that he isn't lying to them? He is playing a masterful psychological game and the rest just aren't up to his level.

Whether or not I think that spills over into his real life is immaterial. I don't know him, I'm never likely to meet him, and it has no impact on me. I enjoy watching him and THAT is why I watch the show... entertainment.

Anonymous said...

"In IN" wrote about BB AllStars not having the same oop as past seasons. I like the show, but it isn't the same show as regular BB. I think that is why we have been focusing on the players and their personality quirks on this page. We are so familiar with their TV personnas and you know what familiarity breeds.
But, I also think the hgs have changed from when we knew them before. They are older and jaded and it is coming through their play. The fire of youth has been put out by fear of doing the wrong thing. They have studied a game that is just meant to be played spontaneously. They over think and then make uninformed moves. A dichotomy syndrome that makes it confusing to watch.
Will is entertaining to follow, but I was thinking today that he reminds me of the Quick Change Act on America's Got Talent. The English judge kept saying to them that their act was spectacular and that no one can figure out how it works. The audience is in awe of them the first or second time they see it. But, then, even without knowing what strings are pulled, we become used to it after multiple viewings. Here is where she steps on the big scarf, Now will be the polka dotted dress. Next Will will tell Dani he doesn't like Janelle and then .... see the comparison.
As always Jackie, you do a great job. Sue

Jackie S. said...

Anon @ 11:06 - First, folks can cheer on whichever HG they want, whether it be James or Janelle.

Janelle still has the POV and I doubt that will change.

Kaysar is NOT in the house - the keyword is RUMOR. I personally think he wouldn't ever want to be in there again.

Anonymous said...


Do you think that James is defiently going or will they shock the house and especially Jani and CG (if he is put up) and vote out CG?

Anonymous said...

Morning Jackie - Wow you have lots of long comments to one special guest as you've stated don't feed it.. It actually is time consuming to -generally-- I stroll all the way down begin reading from there, I read a comment on here the POV was done and Janelle won again? I can't find it - I hope it wasn't re-done and perhaps' that's why the comment poofed? I hope, I don't need new glasses...Thanks Jackie

Jackie S. said...

Tom S - The competition was not re-done and Janelle still is the POV winner. My most recent entry tells more - refresh your page, it may not be showing.

If there was a POOF, that's not why.

Oh... and Kaysar is NOT in the house.

Also, the sentiment seems to be overall (including Danielle and Erika talks) that James should go this week. Of course, it's always subject to change. Thursday is a ways away and, if the past two days are any indication, anything can happen!

Anonymous said...

So you saying Dani is going to vote out James maybe as well.
What ever happend, James was allianted becasue he helped save Dani, now she is voting him out,
what happened to the legend of doom?

Anonymous said...

YEEEEAAAAH!!!!!! i just scared my nephew's by yelling! i really never liked janelle, but i still think this is good. i wanted george to win, until he put howie up. now i'm not so sure. my nephew's wanted will because he's a good player, even though he is evil. i hope james goes 'bye bye' too bad kasyer isn't in the seq house to spill the beans about james.