It hasn't been a thrill a minute in the BB House, but it is what it is.
Fairly quiet.
Yep, that's what it is.
Here are the late night and overnight events (or lack thereof) from the Big Brother House of the Blues:
- Will had an amusing talk with the Internet, declaring love for us (is he lying?) and so much more. It was a hoot to watch him, better than the season Marcellas sat and talked to himself for hours. Someone posted the YouTube clip of this in the comments of my previous entry. Check it out if you can - but the clip is just a bit of what went on!
- Will claims he invented the mandana, not Jase. He wore one in Season 2; Jase didn't come along until Season 5.
- Will and Mike said that if they were up for an America's Choice, no one would call. [Editor's note: I think Will would get some calls, but I don't see too many thrilled with Mike.]
- James talked to the show's doctor Dr. Zachary for quite a while, but didn't tell us about the visit.
- James wants to make a voodoo doll of George to scare him.
- Danielle thinks she can only win against Erika. [Editor's note: I would think she'd be a shoe-in against Mike, too.]
- The HG are bored. They had so much action for a few days in a row, now nothing for them until the live show Thursday.
- Will bounced a ball around until BB shouted at him and then laid down the law - "There will be no ball-playing in the house!"
- After Will got called out for ball playing by BB, he claimed he'd use this as evidence. [Editor's note: Mocking James' lawsuit claims over the POV, for sure!]
- The target still seems to be James this week, not Chicken George.
- Will told Janelle he's committed to her and Mike Boogie. [Editor's note: When he's with Danielle, he's committed to her and Mike Boogie.]
- Danielle and James think the show won't show him calling Janelle a liar because she's "America's Choice." [Editor's note: @@ <-- have to roll those eyes!]
- Will told Mike that the Diary Room told him that anything else broken in the house will be taken out of their stipends. [Editor's note: In other words, knock off the tomfoolery, boys!]
- Mike gave James the nickname "YuckMouth" because he's talking so much trash. [Editor's note: Takes one to know one?]
- Danielle told James that LOD is tight. [Editor's note: Is not! Is not! She's lying to her boy!]
- Will spoke with Janelle about splitting the money once again. I'm surprised that BB isn't saying much to them, but BB is definitely aware of the talk. Maybe Will will get a surprise penalty nom, maybe not. But, BB must not be taking any of the talk seriously as they haven't acted.
- They were talking about splitting the money legally, abiding by whatever the contract says, it seems.
- Most of the HG played poker for a long time.
- James is still choosing to be alone except for occasional talks with Danielle.
- Will and Danielle spent most of the night up talking about past seasons, then were joined by Janelle and the talk continued.
- Now they (Will, Danielle and Janelle) are playing cards as I post this. Oy. These folks are going to have trouble fixing their sleep patterns when the show is over.
I love it when you post early Jackie... I can read it and then get ready for work and not feel like I've missed something. Thanks. I did go watch that video... As much as you want not to like Will... he is so cute!!! And the bit about Erin (his girlfriend) that she's probably dumped him, but he still loves her and he's going to try to win her back! The boy has charm, I gotta say.
I hope all this wait until Thursday for live evictions doesn't give them too much time to change their minds about James. He's gotta go! meb
Thanks for the great posts, Jackie. Love your writing and comments.
Oh... AND I LOVE WILL !! MAKES THE SHOW! He's better when Boogie's not around, though, that's for sure.
Can hardly wait until Thursday. Hoping James still goes, is he starting to lose his mind in there? Is that why he was talking to the doctor or was it a medical problem?
Who would go next??? Danielle? Erika? Mike? CG?
UGH!! The video is unavailable. I am such a big Will fan. I had to come out of the lurking closet for this one!!
I love your blog, jackie!! keep up the good work.
I started out not liking Will, but now I do. Everyone knows how he was in past seasons, so if they fall for it, thats on them. A lot of people don't like Janelle but she is a strong player. I hope it is the two of them in the end.
i really do love this blog jackie but i dont understand how a grown woman has time to watch so much to get so much information. dont you have a job or kids or any kind of grownup responceabailitys at all........
I am with Anon 8:23, I hope all this time doesn't give them a chance to change their mind. But honestly, all of these days listening to James has to be grating on their nerves and if I were them, I would definitely want to get rid of him for sure now. That is JMO.
Thanks Jackie
p.s. i sure do wish we could live feeds into the sequester house, that is getting ready to be fun to watch.
Can someone clarify what is Americas Choice-- and what it all entails for me? Thanks!
Is there a chance Dani, along with Erika and possibly someone else shock the house and vote out CG?
tbc: The link to Will's Internet Love video on YouTube is still operational. Try again.
And, anon8:46, as far as "grown" women (or men) and BB7 live-feeding or recappage, you'd be amazed what someone blessed with powerful nerdilicious mojo can fit into a day. I wouldn't doubt that our dear Jackie has a very full life outside this blog, the feeds, the shows, YouTubing, and all things BB. And, Will, if you're reading this, I can swear on my gay baby dolphin it's the truth.
I watched Will's loving the internet clip. He is the funniest houseguest ever. He has such charisma; you can tell how he gets away with manipulating all the other people in the house. I think BB should give the houseguests a trampoline, so they will have something to do.
Go, Will!! Will and Janey are cute together.
I love Will and have since S2 -- he is the best player - but I just watched the video and thought it was weird to be honest. I do feel bad that they don't have enough to do-- part of the BB master plan I'm sure.
Even Danielle must realize that if she wants to be in the final two, James has to go. And go now, because if he's left in the house he will push himself to the limit to win the next HOH or POV (or both. And he's more apt to think revenge than strategy this time, based on his behavior this week (unless this really is all an act).
James has to know that if he takes Danielle to the end with him, she will win - she's done a lot of behind the scenes backstabbing and manipulating, but he's been very vocal about things, which will hurt him. Not to mention the fact that nobody trusts or even seems to like him (poor Sara).
It's a no win situation right now for anybody as far as going up against Will goes. If he stays in the house, he'll continue to manipulate the HGs. If he winds up in sequester, and people keep Boogie because they think they can beat him, Will will manipulate the votes and Boogie will win.
As far as Will and Boogie "sharing" their winnings - they're business partners. So if, one of them won and then invested money into a joint business venture (as it seems Will did last time), it might not be viewed as technically sharing the prize - even if the other partner took money out of the business. If they then hired another HG (or more than one) and gave him/her/them a "signing bonus," that might not be viewed by CBS as technically sharing the prize, either. Everybody must realize that, and that's probably one reason why Woogie has hung on so long - the other HGs likely believe there's something there for everybody.
I have to so letting the HG be soo bored. giving them nothing to do, is this part of the BB torture? Slop was a nasty thing, much rather PBNJ...this is an experiment in torture.
At any rate thanks somuch for early postings we CA fans love it.
Jackie you ROCK!! tons of love to Zoetawny too...and Janelle!
Thank you, lilysq. I was able to watch the entire video. I wonder what the problem was earlier. I tried a number of combinations, thinking I must have done SOMETHING wrong. LOL.
I have been a Will fan since S2. I loved the fact that he used to "confess his soul" in the diary room entries. We don't get as many of those this season. Boogie is riding his apron strings...I'm afraid all the way to the bank.
What happened to willunrival......(long name) guy. He has disappeared.
Again, Jackie, thank you for all you do. This is the best place on the net for BB info. I will be a faithful blogger between here and survivor and amazing race.....even lost. I am lost with lost these days. LOL.
I think Will and Boggie MAKE this show - when the 2 of them go into the Diary room, they crack me up! I do hope they get rid of James - no wonder they cant have any sharp knifes! And what was that stunt howie pulled on Boggie? What a loser.
Your doing a great job jackie!
You know,I HATE to say this,but I am starting to like WILL, BUT ONLY WHEN HE'S NOT WITH BOOGER!!!!! He can talk very calmly and kindly and he is VERY entertaining.No doubt he has some bedside manner...LOL.I really hope he doesn't win though,only because he has won once and does not need the money and he would share it with BOOGER. Janie or George could use the money,they are working people and,I guess so could Dani,but her hateful and drunken behavior have put me off her. I hope WILL cuts BOOGER loose and soon.
It's a shame they cram all the action into one or two days and then give them all this mind numbing time to try and entertain themselves. No wonder the plotting and scheming gets so intense,they have nothing else to occupy their time. I hope James is still the one to go this week,but if CG goes,I can live with that too.
Also,on the money splitting thing,WILL/JANIE were discussing it while walking in the backyard last night and WILL made it very clear he would "invest" in "projects" of Janie's,even if she left next week. I wonder how many of the others he's made that promise to? Have they offered ERIKA any money,does anyone know?
Love the blog. Thanks for all the hard work.
Another site you should check out for updates is www.Hamstertime.net
Sandy said...
Oh... AND I LOVE WILL !! MAKES THE SHOW! He's better when Boogie's not around, though, that's for sure.
8/22/2006 7:36 AM
LOL...everyone is better without a boogie hanging on them!
You know, I was never really a big Will fan, but he grows on you. I didn't dislike either him nor Nicole in BB2, but I knew he lied big time. Some of the reasons I do not dislike him:
He's funny. The internet love "affair" was hilarious.
He tells you exactly what he's like. He lies. If you believe him, it's your fault.
He advertises what he does. Again, if you trust him, it's your fault.
He has a great bedside manner. He can talk his way out of anything.
I love it. Sure he schemes, but his sense of humor is impeccable.
His downfall? Mike. Does he hang around the guy because it makes him look so good? It just makes me wonder.
will's talk to the internet was priceless... Jackie, was he drunk?
Will has a gift and he has certainly learned how to use it. If James is who they want gone, then the Woogie will vote for him and tell him later that he was too emotional to keep and they had to change their votes at the last minute. They don't want to deal with his "drama"...heard that before? Whatever. As Jackie said (and caused flames to occur by using the lyric) 'same song, second verse'. If the Woogie really wants George out, then they will use the compassion vote..ah Georgie we love you man and we promised you, but we thought you needed to eat...see you later chicken man, hug, hug.
Funny that the hg made much of Janelle seeming to want the women out of the house, while the Woogie votes out men and to Janelle calls Erica and Danielle 'the girls' and says they are weaker players. And they must be weaker if the Woogie wants to keep them. Because he is the expert.
I think last night was planned and was completely damage control. As Janelle and Will pace away Will, clearing and loudly, explains that any splitting of money would be done legally (is he telling us or BB lawyers) by buying into a business or some way. People will work at the Woogie Lounge. Janelle is nodding and okaying throughout. She is playing along as they discussed in the HOH convo of a few days ago. They go into detail. They are up front. Then Will begins and Janelle follows his lead on a long involved fantasy of their meeting as step siblings and what transpires. Janelle adds to it, in the way of the Gossip game. In fact it is clear that they are showing BB that both scenarios are just that, a word game two intelligent people are using to fill time in a boring house with no games.
He is good. I don't want to see the Will video, withdrawal is too difficult and I'm already on my road to recovery.
You are the best Jackie. Thanks, Sue
Hi Jackie and Zoetawny (did I get your name apelled right Z?) Do you have a graphic of the Woogie? I haven't ever seen one. Perhaps the one in captivity at the BB zoo is the only one in the world. Just wondering. Thank you both for good work well done. Sue
I just love Will more and more!
FIRST OFF I HATE WILL AND BOOGIE AND JANELLE, I cant sit here any more and read this LOVe for these 3. sure James went off, but that it just becasue he had all the right to. I mean he is playing with people he though were on his side (CT) and now this.
why is everyone obsessed with these 3 idiots (Jani and CT), and does James HAVE ANY CHANCE of staying in the house?
BB should give the HG's a luxury comp to tide them over until the HOH comp on Thursday. That way they won't be so bored, and can stop fussing about nothing to do. Thats just my idea.
I miss Howie..Go Janey!!
I must say the alliances this season are sure harder to figure out than past seasons.
I wonder if CT is more loyal to Danielle or Janelle? I wonder who they will throw under the bus first.
I noticed Mike Boogie did not hesitate to put Janie on the block but refuses to even think about putting Danielle on the block.
The boredom is part of the game and BB plays it up. Or they are tired of trying to please the hgs by this time in the season. I'm never sure which, but it always happens. Producers seem to lose interest and guests whine about being confined with nothing to do. That is why the high school prom theme seemed inspired. Teenagers acting out.
BB wants the hgs at each other and saying things they wouldn't say if content. Good TV. Will is really wearing on me. I know his MO is working, but it is getting boring. In fact I liked him better when he was the quite man with the jokes. Watching the feeds makes me hate the sound of his voice. And prep school stories that make fun of the anorexic sisters of Stinky make his charm wear thin to me. But then maybe it is just a latent memory of mine that his gift of gab brings to mind. You see I had this bad experience with a used car dealer who tried to fast talk me into buying a used Pinto. Never mind, long story.
Comment to anon 12:36.James is not an honest person to anyone but James.But then wich HG is really that honest.Their all lieing to each other.
Hope they stick with evicting James.CG has been the most honest to all the HGs.Would hate to see him go this week.
Wouldn't it be something if Jani wins HOH again this week.
Thanks again Jackie
Tess Mass.
Comment to anon 12:36.James is not an honest person to anyone but James.But then wich HG is really that honest.Their all lieing to each other.
Hope they stick with evicting James.CG has been the most honest to all the HGs.Would hate to see him go this week.
Wouldn't it be something if Jani wins HOH again this week.
Thanks again Jackie
Tess Mass.
Tonight's the night we finally get to see what all the broo-ha-ha was about right? I can hardly wait! I'm dying to see Janelle and James tussle over the Howie/Marcellas dolls and then watch James dissolve into his temper tantrum.
James is the kind of person that when things go his way he says it's because he's the best bad ass player and everyone else are stupid idiots.
Then when things don't go his way he claims people cheated and the game is rigged and he's gonna get a lawyer. He's like a five year old. I wouldn't even want to play checkers with the guy cuz if he starts to lose he'd probably throw the board at my head!
I'm hoping against hope that the "alliance" involving G-Jani-Woogie holds out long enough that James will be voted Thurs and Dani and Erica go next. I would love to see Jani and George in the final four and then watch where it goes from there!
anon 12:36 didn't sign a name, sounds like it could be Sara!! ha ha
D n A
Is it just me or does Danielle need to get herself to a few AA meetings and then stop by Macy's or some place for a makeover?
Meanwhile Mike and Erica are the only people on the planet that seem to feel Erica is hot.
I don't know if BB is gonna do the grab for free clothes luxury comp this year or not but I should would love to see BB send in a professional team this year and do makeovers on everybody! Wouldn't we all love to see Will and CG in suits and Danielle in almost anything that is not a bathrobe! Boogie and Erica are gonna need the most cosmetic work. But James is going to require a surgical team to remove the sulk from his face!
Can anyone who has feeds answer a question for me? How is George's snoring going? Has it improved? I haven't heard the mentions made early in the game and hope it has. Since it could mean his health is improving. Good for Slop, if so. I notice George's walk is even smoother than in the first comps. He may hate the food, but maybe the food loves him. Has anyone noticed? Thank you Jackie, Sue
I don't even think Boogie thinks Erica is hot. Diane left, and Erica was the only one who aggreed to a "showmance" and to kiss him!! The others were running for their lives!
Remember the first Hannibal movie where the serial murderer skinned his female victims and wore their skins and how he danced in front of the mirror with their skins on, admiring himself as a woman? That's who Will reminds me of on that video. I think Will's conversation with the camera is kind of creepy. - abigal
I loved Will in S2 and really thought he deserved to win and he was one of my picks for all-stars, but I didn't think he should win all-stars because he won his season. But, the more I watch him this season, the more I'm starting to route for him. If Janie leaves, then I'm all about Will winning. It constantly amazes me how he can twist every situation and always come out smelling like a rose. If Will and Janie had teamed up at the beginning they would have been unstoppable, she wins comps and he's the master strategist.
I just rewatched Sunday nights show and Howies eviction on utube- because I have seen so many comments on the boards about how Janelle was so wronged and she was justified in her crying the other night. Well they all got pie shoved in their faces it was just wrong. They cheered for boogie just as much as Howie and Janelle cheered for Janelle. So Hum, is Janelle playing an act for Will? I know she was sad and crying for Howie and Kayser, but do you think she might just pull one over on Chilltown? Wouldn't that make good tv?
I just LOVE the posters in here! Most all of you just make me chuckle or laugh out loud with your comments. This is almost more fun than watching the actual show..LOL.
Thanks for this,JACKIE.....it's a ball. Love what you do!!
If Janelle was smart that is what she would do. However I think Will has taken her over completely. I think Will knows he cant rely on Danielle because he is able to control Janelle more than Danielle next week.
The post about Will dancing around being similar to Hanibal and the "it puts the lotion on it's skin" guy....hilarious!! I laughed out loud! Love it.
Remind me again who is in the supposed LOD -- Danielle James Will and Mike??
After James is gone (please oh please) we have
2 S2 Chill Town
1 S6 Janelle
1 S3 Danielle
1 Floater CG
1 S4 Erika What is Erica? Is she really Chill? Does she really even play the game?
I think Erika goes next after James --
Anyone have live feeds now? Anything going on to speak of?
love him or hate him...the evil doctor makes good TV
i just watched the vid clip...he kills me!!
"Wouldn't it be something if Jani wins HOH again this week."
Ugggg, I can't imagine...I think I'd throw up....
I'm having BB withdrawals!
LOL @ defending James as though he actually had any allegiance to anyone but himself. HA! He was TRYING to play both S6 and CT so his little "alliance" with Danielle (have we forgotte about LOD?) could get a leg up. Of course, being as they aren't WILL, they aren't the greatest at manipulation and schmoozing (although Danielle has done a good job TRYING). I admit Will and Boogie are VERY sneaky and have done some lying, but so has the rest of the house. No one in the house is innocent to the backstabbing (not even George). But that's just the way the game is. Howie didn't do much of it, but then again, he didn't really do much of ANYTHING other than bank on Janelle's winning comps and HOH and taking the fall for the noms. So really, it was time for him to stop riding coattails and leave.
someone mentioned they didn't think Will should win all-stars just because he won S2...why not? What does him winning S2 have to do with this particular season?? If he can out strategies and outwit all the other HG's...darn tootin, he deserves to win. And as far as I can tell, he's on that road as we speak. Sorry, Janelle doens't quite hold a candle to Will's game play. She's not played a very strong game and therefore, IMHO, doesn't deserve the win. I am still hoping that once James is out the door (and he WILL be out the door..PLEASE for the love of all that's good) that Janelle really needs to pack up and move out!...although if Erika was booted, I wouldn't be that sad, either.
My question is: Is James going or not?
Who is voting to keep him and vice versa.
And no i am not Sara, but I want James to stay.
If I sing in as a blogger do I then have to pay to post a comment
please explain to an almost 70 first time blogger
big sister
sign in not sing in oh well ,,,,,,
b sister
Anon - If you sign in via Blogger, you'll have to create an account... but there's no fee. You could even start a blog to show your friends and relatives you're a hepcat. ;-)
hoh boogie....noms: james & george
Will....george/james who knows
If its a tie i think boogie votes
out george.
I hope not but what do you guys think?
OMG, that youtube clip made me pee pants just about.
"gay baby dolphins"..where the heck is Will's brain at?! OMG, where does he come up with this
Oh, and I would GLADLY vote him america's choice. He is flipping hysterical
He is not the cute, but he sure knows how to charm, doesn't he? He has a great smile
Just because Will won season 2 doesn't mean he shouldn't win this one. I say that if that man finds himself in the final 2 DESPITE the gigantic target on his back then he ABSOLUTELY should win. People should have gotten rid of him the first week, yet he remained
I am rooting for Will, but I do think he may be close to his end now. People are catching on..and Janelle is starting to play him big time.
As for "He doesn't need the money". He may not NEED it, but he worked hard for his current money by going through med school and making good business deals. It's not as if he was born wealthy. He deserves the money just as much as anyone else.
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