
Erika's nomination of George and Janelle wasn't an unexpected move at all. She's still going with the thought that George is the pawn and she thinks he's totally safe. As Woogie has convinced her they want Janelle out, why would she think anything else? After all, they're the controlling vote, right? Unbeknownst to her, Woogie is also working with Janelle.
Dang, I wish I had spooky or suspenseful music that could suddenly play at the end of that paragraph! But I don't, so...
Here are Friday evening's happenings in that Big Brother House of Women and the Boys Who Use Them:
- Danielle once again told Erika that George makes her nervous. Is she leaning towards voting him out? Erika told her that Janelle has to go. Danielle then said she was going to vote Janelle out.
- Janelle and Woogie talked. They think Danielle is very dangerous and has to go. They want Janelle to win POV, but also worry that if she did, Will would go on the block. Janelle told Woogie that Danielle said she was going for revenge on Woogie (Chill Town).
- The food comp from today took its toll on the HG - Will has bruises and Erika's arm is sore.
- George has rediscovered the joy that is chocolate.
- They think one of the tarantulas has died and blame the around the clock lights on the cage.
- Janelle said she's happy with the noms, mainly because "they" will be upset when she's still around next week.
- Will told Mike to go shomance Erika some more.
- The HG are pretty excited about their Christmas in August win in the food comp. It's scheduled for Sunday and they all want George to get a Santa suit.
- The trampoline they won in the food comp arrived. Will is in heaven. [Editor's note: Anyone who watched season two knows how he loves his tramp...oline!]
- They jump, they bounce, they breakdance on it, they box with boxing gloves while bouncing. They don't follow the one at a time rule and just go trampoline-crazy!
- George said he only earned $1600 the first season of Big Brother. They clear more than that a week this season. [George made it fairly far in the game, but I can't recall his exit place. Sequester didn't exist back then, so they just went on home.]
- In the comp, the HG were put on slop for the day and go off of it at midnight. George told them to imagine all the days he was on it. (But he has his Slop Free Pass from the comp.)
- Mike and Danielle discussed how hard the game gets as the numbers go down. Danielle told Mike that if she commits to something, she sticks with it.
- Will jumped on the trampoline on and off (and up and down) through the evening.
- Danielle said that if she had just a beer, she'd be happy. [Editor's note: Beer and slop, what a combination!]
They've been playing cards and anticipating food, nothing really earthshattering has been going on. Tomorrow should be POV and it will be interesting if either George or Janelle win it.
Someone asked about the slop in comments - it's basically a sort of bland oatmeal blended with vitamins and minerals. It probably would go better with beer than chocolate, but...!
hi jackieeeeeeeeeee
thanks again for all u do
i hope they wont use it and send geo home:>
ps jackieeeeeeeeee
the background music is
dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn:>
If wishes were as real as Will's love for his trampoline, I would wish that Janelle and Will made the finale two. I love George to death, but he hasn't done much except be a pawn for everyone. Boogie creeps me out and is going to be a very homely man when he gets old (well, more homely then he is now). Danelle is getting on my nerves. I liked her better in her season. And then there is Erika. The Queen of the floaters who has done nothing at all in this game but ride coat tails and be very quiet. How in the heck did she make it this far?
BTW...I am not sure I care for the term "floaters". It always reminds me of the "floaters" that just won't go down when you flush the toilet. Hummm, well, I guess that's how Erika has made it this far - just can't flush her.
Was Erica a floater? If she and Mike we together b4 the show and par tof the stratagy was for her to be close to the enemy...then flirting with kasar and listening to Dani talk about herself was part of a grand stratagy........of Chill Towns.
Go Will
I agree with Therese. I think Janelle/Will or Janelle/George should be the final two. Erica has about as much personality as the furniture. She would never take any kind of risk-- It would threaten her invisibility. But the way she chooses to be noticed -- in bed with the ultimate gross guy, ugh!!!
I think this whole charade will hurt Booger's business - at least I hope so.
Danielle: all she does is talk about how great she thinks she is, and threaten to "get everyone's ass." Oh, and drink. That girl has a problem. JMO,
Evil Will and Boogie obviously have plans to split the money by jointly investing in an undisclosed business. Hopefully Janelle knows what it is and the play is not going to bite her in the b--->
Erika is embarrassing for her age. I would be more forgiving if she was younger.
Boogie needs Will as a diversion. Will hopes to be the final two but expects at least one of them to win for the undisclosed investment.
I still hope Janelle is playing Will. Suckah!
I have to agree with anon 3:25, Erika is close to 40 years old and is acting like she is 20 years old. I have said that all along about Danielle also, because of her hatefulness, with her age and the fact that her kids could one day watch this show and see how ugly their mom was acting. I am sure she would feel really badly if they saw her like that. I know I would be horrified if my 11 year old or 13 year old saw me acting the way she does. I know that is JMO, but it has bothered me the whole show. Vivian
Erica is 40...WOW. Then I have to say she looks good for her age.
As far as her actions...the world...and def the BB house need more woman like that. I wish Alison stayed longer. Ali, Jani and Will in the final 3...would have been you tube heaven.
No good feeds so far... Danielle re-hashing from whaevah to whatevan... slzzzy erika and boogie, snotty will, as danielle says trash, arrogance and then who cares..BORGING-A
Erika is 36 years old. Old enough to know better. (I just read that she was a former drug addict!)
I just read that Danielle is 34! Wow, she looks older. Will is 33 and Mike is 35. Janelle is 26.
DANILLE=trash talk
So she use to do drugs...Will is a botox adict..Dani is an Alcie...So that doesn't matter to me...i think we need a full week of double date...just Will, Jani, Erica and Booggi.
Oh what a fun house that would be.
i really hope cg goes home. i cant stand mike but i hope he makes it to the end with jani she would win with him im not so syre about will...
We don't want Jani to win...we want Will to win. He is the best player.
We only want Jani there to watch Will with.
I want Janelle to win, but I think both she and Will have played a good game. I hope it isn't Will's plan to get so far and then throw it to Mike. The jury would never vote for him tho.
JACKIE,the musical interlude needs to be the music from "Dark Shadows",they always had that creepy suspenseful music that conveyed that nothing good was about to happen! Will CT survive? Who will be evicted and what does the double eviction mean to the house? Tune in Thursday at 8 when all will be revealed.....LOL.
You know,it's not really nice to condemn the hamsters. We have ALL done things in our lives (well most of us,I dare say)that we are less than proud of. We know nothing of what these people have faced. They have to be kind of "out there" people to begin to be there in the first place. I'd say they are risk takers and edgy people. I would never subject myself to the scrutiny they come under.Do I like BOOGER and the image he projects...NO,but then I don't know what has shaped him into who he is today.Poor ERIKA may just have lousy taste in men,it happens all the time....maybe she does feel her biological clock ticking(loudly),but I don't think BOOGER is the star to hitch her hopes to.Try to cut them a break a little!I found myself saying "I HATE" this one or that one and realized that HATE is an emotion best spent on things that matter,not this game or the people in it. Life will go on after BB7 is done!
Does that sound like a sermon...yep and I didn't mean it as such. I just know after going through BB6 last eason,that emotions run really high as it comes down to the finish and we all need to be a little nicer about these people,they are still human beings with lives and are they doing anything to hurt us. They are just entertaining us!
jackie...luv ya....BUT....how can u say oatmeal would go better with beer than chocolate?!?!?!?! haha. that just stuck out in my mind reading this post! u are great though!
maybe the double eviction will be similar to last weeks, with one happening (unexpectedly to them) in the middle of the week, and the next happening on the live show thursday, but they will both be shown on tv thursday.
Given the comments about it being an ALL LIVE action packed Thursday, I imagine they are going to do the first eviction at the top of the show followed immediately by HOH, POV and 2nd eviction of the night.
Hi Jackie, Last night sometime Danielle and George were on the red sofa outside. From the sound, Will (or someone) must have been tramping. (He really is a poster boy for the hyperactive, isn't it? He fidgits, he seems to have to jump, climb, click lighters, wiggle all the time)
Danielle was talking and comparing her two seasons. Did you hear it? I thought it intuitive and sweet of her, but wonder if you thought it sincere. And isn't that just he worst question ever to be asked, since someone who speaks of their family should always be sincere. But, this is BB and everyone on it is working for votes.
She said to George that she realized while in the house this time that she is a strong person, but she is strong because of her family, and without them near her, she loses her strength. Did you hear her say that?
Thanks Jackie for blogging, Mary
Will is good at manipulating in the game, but I don't want to see him win. First of all, he has already won in his season, and second of all, he doesn't need to money. It would be nice for someone to win who could really use the money. He is funny to watch at times though.
Mary - Yes, I think Danielle was being sincere. I don't think she's a bad person at all. I bet outside the house, she's very devoted to her family and a good friend to her friends. Inside the house, she turns on her game-mind.
I think the double eviction will be the winner of next weeks HOH will nominate immediately and than a vote. I don't think they will drag it out like with Howie.
I would like Janelle to go home this week! I hope CT makes it to the final two...their hilarious! I hope Will wins again. If he's in the final two against anyone, I think he'll win!
Why does everyone on here like Janelle???? She is SO ANNOYING! She epitomizes "dumb blonde."
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