I'm Jackie and I watch TV. I'm not proud. Bookmark the blog now as your source for live feed reports from inside the 'Big Brother' house! Come, join in on the fun ...
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Finale Show Update - Winner of America's Choice
Ugh. Now I can move on to TAR and Survivor. Thanks Jackie for sticking it out to the bitter end. This is the worst season ending ever. You made it fun, though.
Turned out good. I think it was tack when Mike went in the studio he went ahead of Erika and left her there. She came in by herself a few minutes later. She'll prob'ly still think they're a match made in heaven -- LOL. ~SusanB
I knew Janelle won win the $25,000 and she derserves it big time. I'm so glad its over, and I'm upset that Janelle didn't win BB7 All Stars, but I can't do anything about that. Jackie you were great this year, and can't wait until next season with some new people in the BB house. I'm glad Boogie won. After hearing the Janelle and the jury talk about Erika, I changed my mind on who I wanted to win, so I'm glad Erika lost. Okay its OVER...like Jackie said.
yes, Erika was almost completely ignored by Julie Chen, and Janelle certainly did not have a hug for her when she came out -- looked like few did. I do feel bad for that, and it takes alot to make me feel anything for either E or M.
my prediction....erica will end up found in some cheap motel passed out on those sleeping pills she likes so much OR she will be the next house guest on the Surreal Life.
Will must be trying hard to get back with Erin. He tried very hard to distance himself from Janelle. Boy, they seemed different with each other. ~SusanB
Mike won...Yawn. Now he can go buy another restaurant. Big Whoop! (To think CG might have put his kids through college with that money.) Erika was left at the door (did Mike actually slam it in her face?) Hilarious! She's probably still pondering Allison's comment about buying some dignity ("say what?"). Janelle sat front and center in the jury group glowing like a star, and took the $25,000 prize to boot. Yay!!! And THAT is the only reason I watched this stupid finale. Thanks again for your amazing efforts, Jackie. Now we can all move on. Amen!
One thing that always gets me about BB. Everyone who is evicted is told, at one time or another, that they were such a good player they had to go. Tonight that was mentioned often as a reason that Boogie or Erica had to take someone out of the game. Wouldn't it follow that if all the good players were targets that had to be eliminated then at the end of the game only the two worst players would be left?
Let the healing begin. Thanks to the finale everybody already knows enough to know they were all played and insulted in one way or another. No illusions left.
I had the feeling that Erica would have said 'all is forgiven' to Mike if he had even looked at her or acknowledged her in any way after he found out he won.
Thank you Jackie, how frustrating this season would have been had I not had a forum (yours!) to vent my player frustrations. Sue
Thanks, Petals. Janelle was the true star of the show. Erika had to hear the cheers, and it must have killed her that Janey won America's Choice AGAIN.
Under the circumstances, tonight's show couldn't have been better. Except to all of us who would've loved to see the happy ending with Will and Janelle. I'm still rooting for them!
Anyone notice when asked what he would do with the money Boogie mentioned nothing about spliting with Will. But he does owe him a gold chain and a jetski...HUH? Someone with all Will has can not buy himself a gold chain or jetski. Hell I can buy him that...
Alison would love to be Janey. She does look better this year, but she is my least favorite houseguest of all time! I can't believe it but I do feel bad for Erika only from the professional sense that the show producers should have given her a little bit more of a welcome. I have to say that I noticed that there seemed to have been a staff person behind the front door who timed Mike's opening it from the inside, so that same person may haveheld Erika back.... does anyone else think so?
Boy! Am I disappointed! I didn't even want to watch tonight. All this show shows is that the BIGGER liar you are, the BIGGEST loser, wins. Even though Erika wasn't my favorite, I would have rather seen her win. I am glad Janelle won America's choice. Evi
Mike probably can't admit to splitting it. Not that he would'nt go back on his sleazy word. I wonder how they can be "best friends." They're so different. Will has a personality. ~SusanB
I seem to remember past seasons where the winner is the last one to come out of the house. However, I think Maggie came out before Ivette last year and it was done on purpose. I don't think Erika being left behind was a slight.
They shoulda had Erika come out first so Boogie could truely be the last HG in the house...
Anyone is who is loved like Janelle is by so many, is a first place winner regardless of the outcome of the game. Erika may be $50,000 richre but I don't think any amount of money is worth how she will be feeling now.
"Petals: "And did you see how luminous she was?" Anybody: "yes" Petals: "Don't you want to give it up & admit your undying affection to Janelle, once and for all?" Anybody: "yes"
Someone's taking my phone calls....
Undying affection...no......undying dred, gloom, and sick feeling in the pit of my stomach...yeah..
abybodybut, No disrespect intended but is the shy blue in your world? you sure see things alot different then most of america when it comes to Janelle.
Thanks Jackie! Really REALLY sad to see Will go. God I love watching him! GORGEOUS~
I guess I'll have to wait for Dr.90210 in December :). Does your blog like die half of the year Jackie? And also, is there going to be a BB8? Julie said there would be (something like that.) I LOVE YOU JACKIE!
Just for the record, someone in the last post insulted me because I didn't answer a question for them. I had about 20 minutes where I couldn't get onto the blog...I'm assuming because of traffic. If the "anon" who insulted me is here now, thanks for the personal insult and try signing your name next time.
petals and Ork -- do you watch Survior and TAR... I will miss you if you aren't here commenting still.... Anybody but, thatnk GOODNESS we hear you take on someone new... yes whomever styled Diane's hari tonight. If I could only get my hands on that girl and fix her up!!!
Finale aside for a moment, I'd like to say THANKS to Jackie and everyone here. Nobody in my real life watches this show, and for once, after finding this blog, I feel like I'm not alone!
Petals -- Not a big deal. I had some techincal difficulties and couldn't get to ANY Blogger site, including my own!! It was the worst 20 minutes of my life (ok, not really...)
I need to make one comment. Mike did say that everyone should remember that it is an EDITTED tv show. I agree to a point but if anyone gets or reads the live feeds, it's not THAT editted. We all know what went on in that house.
CBS did a fabulous job editting the show.
Thanks Jackie!!! Great job, hope to see you next season!!!!!
Re: Diane -- It was something funny bangs cut too short liek she did it herself (Betty Page you are not) and in fact the side facing the camera was cut oddly and plastered to her head. Poor gal! She tries... don't want to rag on the girl --
Sydney -- I live for Survivor and TAR (ok, not really, I live for my baby girl and just love my reality tv...)
Reality TV has taken on a whole new dimension now that I've found Jackie and the "family". Like a few others, I don't have anyone to talk reality tv with, so this is the perfect place for me (and I can do it in my pj's). I'll be around and may even watch Lost again. Does anyone know of a good site where I can get caught up on Lost? I didn't watch at all last season...
ANYBUT, ya just can't back up your comments. You sound a little bitter for someone who says it's just a game. Next time you Brrrrring....Bring a therapist.
Jackie -- When you started this blog, did you ever imagine it would get this big? You are like a cult phenomenon!! Do you ever look at the number of comments you get on any given post and think "Holy cow!! These people love me??"
You deserve all of the thanks and many more!! Can't wait to see how this works for Survivor and TAR!!
Anybody -- Nakomis also said the final two shoulda been Will & Janelle. You probably don't remember what she said cuz you blocked it with your Anti-Janie goggles and ear-plugs. Try taking them off and get with the rest of the country ;)
Mike: Hey Lonnie waazzzuupp! Did you see I won Big Brother, am I the man or what!
Lonnie: Yeah Mike, or what is about it.
Mike: Dude, what do you mean, I killed them, did you see me shag that ho Erika?
Lonnie: Yeah Mike I saw, that’s one of the reasons I called.
Mike: Called to high five me over the phone huh!
Lonnie: No, Mike, I called to fire you, you suck and are a disgrace to be associated with in a tasteful restaurant like Dolce. Don’t come back, I’ll mail you your buy out. By the way, class act fool, class act!
Waaah ha Petals -- saying Nakomis said J looked Lunimous -- ABJ, I think you hear Petals knockin', and I think she's comin' in.... (I think Will has competition in the ability to charm dept!)
Anon 10:02 -- Thanks a million for the link! I bookmarked it and will check it out when I have a few minutes. When does Lost premiere? I wanna make sure I get caught up before then...
Thank you soooo much Jackie. Have a great year and we will see you here next year at this time...I hope that BB or CBS will make YOU "AMERICAN'S CHOICE". You deserve to be paid for the WONDERFUL JOB YOU do.....THANKS AGAIN
Neal said: Don't assume. I don't like Janelle either. She is spoiled, shallow, and thinks she should have everything handed to her because she is pretty.
Funny...in two seasons I've never seen that side of her. The side I saw this year was of someone who, while admittedly making mistakes and being swayed by a funny and interesting man, was someone who gave a sh#t in competitions and didn't throw them so that "the target would be off her back."
You don't have to like her, but I choose to. And I'm glad she won the $25K!!
"Nakomis also said the final two shoulda been Will & Janelle."
I agree with her. If you check back a few blogs, you'll find I said that repeatidly.....
HOWEVER, had Janelle (or anybody for that matter) taken out CT...it might have been a Janelle/Kayer final two! I think THAT WOULD have been worth watching....
I bet Janie land is PINK...uggg...warm fuzzy and pink....wow...hmmmmm
In case I forget... thanks Jackie. You rocked on the AOL Journals and you rock on here. I plugged your blog every chance I had early on and hope that you have an accurate counter this year. Hugs. :) It has to be through the roof! Job well done... awesome, awesome, awesome.
I HONESTLY am very proud of the way Janelle acted in the Jury. She didn't make it personal with mike and she had every reason to be bitter to him. She looked at the game very logically and with more smarts than I gave her credit for.
Janelle, I must admit, made an excellent Jury member and MAYBE...that would be the reason she MAY deserve the 25K. She didn't make is personal and focused on the winner. She choose with her brain not her heart.
Anybody -- I don't think Kaysar woulda made it to the end. He wasn't playing the game and he even said that his heart wasn't in it. He also said that he "wasn't made" for this game. He's just not a cut throat person...
Holy Cow!! Anybodybutjanelle just gave Janie a compliment!! Not to push our luck, but were you proud of the way she handled James' DR comments? I think that was a real "Class Act"!!
Jackie, you need to link to Anybody's comment in your next entry. Nobody is gonna believe it ;)
Truvy: What are your colors Shelby? M'Lynn: Her colors are pink and pink. Shelby: My colors are blush and bashful...I have chosen two shades of pink, one is much deeper than the other! M'Lynn: Looks like the whole sanctuary was hosed down in Pepto Bismol!
I thought of that movie when Janie won her first HOH and got the Barbie room!!!
Will was probably given instructions from Erin to keep his distance from Janelle...he may have been flirtmancing...but body language talks and during the season he was a bit "smitten" even if he won't acknowledge it. Now's he's bad mouthing Janelle saying she was the "type" of woman he would have been attracted to 10 years ago. Well, that's about right since Janie is so much younger than he is. But Janie is a woman for all seasons, and I think she deserves somebody classier than Will. As for Will's comment that that Erin has class...well, she's referred to on blog sites as the greedy girl who conned two men to win two million. They deserve one another. Go Janie...next stop, a vacation with your family. Good for you.
Ok..even though Erika and mike admitted to playing one another, and that it was a game....I don't know how Erika could just sit there when/after she heard what Mike said..especially the ho part...granted, the way she displayed herself on tv was "ho-ish", but man...i would have slapped the guy in the face....Erika didn't even seem phased by it...either she think she is one or hears it all the time so it doesn't matter...who knows..but dang..that was a shocker.
Melissa -- I'm so glad they showed the DR where he said he used her up and doesn't need her anymore. I do feel sorry for her. She's getting older, she's looking rough, she has no man, and no child (which she desperately wants). I'd really like to just have 2 minutes with her to tell her "NO man is better than the WRONG man"!! I'm the same age as her & it took me a long time to realize that. Somebody needs to help the poor woman!!
What a show! I haven't even watched it yet. FOFL! Thanks so much for the updates, Jackie! We folks on the West Coast just can't wait. ;)
Well, it went pretty much as I thought it would but I can't wait to see the emotions.
I wonder if Boogie will split the money with Will? HeeHee!
I read that many of you feel sorry for Erika and a part of me feels the same way. Although, I think the money was more important to Erika than Mike was. I'm expecting her excuse and denial of how she was portrayed will be that she was playing HIM.
Another quandary, why was Janelle soooo upset when Erika told her all about CT playing her,when Janelle is now saying she knew CT, especially Will, was playing her all along, and she was playing CT (Will) as well? I think Janelle did get caught up in her "feelings" for Will. She should have learned from Diane/Drew that showmances are just that.
Ironically, Erika was gloating on and on about how she played CT and connived Janelle into taking out Will now it sounds like she got a hard dose of "what goes around comes around". I'm not so sure that should have been played up so much on national TV. I'm sure it was hard on her family.
Show starting in 10 min. here. Thanks for all your feedback. KUDOS to Jackie!!!!!!!!
Sooooooo,the bigger scumbag,BOOGER won...whoopdee doo.....so glad it is over and am ecstatic that JANIE won the America's Choice(as if we had any doubt)!!!
Watching the DR's was painful(and funny),but we all know.....YOU REAP WHAT EWE SEW.........LOL.
LOVED DWTS tonight and think that Mario was fabulous,how cute are those dimples!! Him and Jeff Probst,love those dimples!! I was amazed to see how Emmitt Smith can move off the field as well as on it! Tucker Carlson should be the one to go first...he was Master P tonight(although he actually tried)!!!
Love to you,JACKIE and see you on Thursday for SURVIVOR13!! You will NEVER be voted off my island,Girl!!!
I totally hate to break it to you people, but Janelle sucks at Big Brother. She won comps, but ITS NOT THE OLYMPICS, FOR GODS SAKE!! And don't tell me to come to Janey-ville or whatever the heck it is because she played the dumb blond. And FYI, I can back up everything I have said in this post. And rather that just assuming that everybody here likes Janelle and whoever says they dont like her just doesnt want to admit it, I could say the same about you and Will or Boogie. Try accepting someome else's opinion for once.
Well, I guess this is it for us -- thanks so much Jackie, Zoetawny and the regular posters -- ABJ, Orkmommy, Petals and everyone else who made this show so fun -- even in the last, dreadful week. It was really fun to hang with you all.
Jackie -- you have real talent -- good luck to you.
How so? The fact she didn't make a smart move on her own in the entire game (until the jury house)? The fact that she got voted out of the house and didn't win first or second place?
I'm just curious. Are you basing the "absurd" statement on the fact that she won lots of competitions? If the person who one the most competitions was the winner, then yeah...Janelle would be the best BB player ever. As it happens, BB is NOT about winning competitions, its about outlasting. And Janelle didn't. Erika and Boogie did. Janelle lost. She's not the winner, so obviously she's not the best player.;
Mike Boogie is a scumbag!!! I can't belive that that idiot won! I was so upset. I don't really like Erica but that guy talked so much crap about the houseguests and he was so disrespectful to the women. He's in love with Will. It's no wonder he had no problem "not letting personal feelings get in the way" of a showmance. AAAHHH!I can't believe that such a "user" was rewarded. I would have loved to see that 35 year old(going on 15) pout when he lost. Again...this is not a vote for Erica but a vote against Booger!!!
Voting. Marcellas. See, he's a girl. Chicken George. I'm glad he changed his outlook. I thought he'd revert back to his heart for his vote. Howie. I forgot to think far enough ahead to the fact that Janelle would influence his vote. Kind of pathetic of him. Janelle. Wonder if she is still oriented around Will. She didn't need any stoking though in order to bash Erika. Danielle. Like she said, she voted for the best, and it is what it is. James. See, I told you. Will. This is my first and last season of BB... unless this guy shows up for another all-star season.
It was real. It was cool. Was it real cool? ...Yeah, often it was. Thanks again to Jackie.
I should've gave George the benefit of the doubt in his vote for Mike. When CG won HOH, he took advantage very very well. He went from completely in the dark (although he was wary) to knowing all the dynamics because he made everyone work to inform him. Very cool. But then he lied down again and didn't engage in the game. ...So I thought he'd revert back to his heart for his final vote. ...Again: so glad he didn't. He's a slow learner, but hey, he's a learner.
Anybut, I'll take trust (even if misplaced) over lying, deceit and manipulation any day.
America (with the exception of you) loves Janelle because she led with her heart. In your opinion, that's not wise; and indeed, she didn't win the game. But she may have won much, much more.
Am I alone in being thoroughly disgusted with the way Erika was treated tonight? Even the CBS footage of her "showmance" was so pathetic. I've never been a fan of hers, but no one deserves to be treated like that.
anon 11:39 "Anybut, this game is based on luck. That is as much of a factor as anything you keep spouted about."
I agree. Luck plays a huge part of it..I've said a hundred times that Janelle and Will should have been the final 2 with Will winning in an idea world. Will played the MESS outta this game.
"Anybut, I'll take trust (even if misplaced) over lying, deceit and manipulation any day."
So she TRUSTED Will when she voted him off? She Trusted Will after he got Howie and Marcellas evicted? Hmmm, doesn't sound very smart to keep trusting someone like that...where was all this TRUST, when James tried to tell Janelle that CT was running things and playing S6??? You can talk about trust all you want to, but Janelle lied and decieved as much as anyone else did (with the exception of Will...)
"America (with the exception of you) loves Janelle because she led with her heart. "
I'd dare to say, I'm not the only one. The majority doesn't mean its right...just ask the democrats. She didn't LEAD with her heart....she was lead by it...like a leash..
"In your opinion, that's not wise; and indeed, she didn't win the game. But she may have won much, much more."
Won much more??? Like Will??? What else did she win??? hmmmmm, was there a secret prize I didn't know about?
Didn't win a car, a plasma tv, a trip...hmmmm....I don't get it....
As much as I loved Janey, I was disappointed in her tonight. She jumped all over Erika, and I felt like she was doing that so she'd been "in with the popular crowd". Erika learned that America hates her, only got one jury vote, and had to sit back and watch her showmance play out. Boogie didn't even hug her when they left the house. What a creep!
I am sure that the show held Erika from going out of the door with Mike. He won and it was his thunder and only right. I find it amazing the way some people interpret things. Even if he had slammed the door, it wouldn't have taken her but 2 sec to open it and obviously it took much longer.
I do not like Erika. But I don't feel that she deserves everything that is being thrown at her. She's just a dumb girl, who got played, and not evil or anything but certainly not the moral person she appeared in Season 4. And Mike could have thrown her a bone of dignity, instead of pretending he was too good for her.
I thought it was hilarious when Erika took credit for Dani's nomination. Puleeze!!!
You reap what you sow. It's a little late for Erica, and I don't think she knows she is pathetic. But I hope she gets ticked off about this show because BB7 was the last to use her not Boogie. I didn't think Will and Janelle acted odd. I am hopeful that Boogie is moving to Atlanta. Sorry Atlanta.
Anybut, Janelle may not have won a plasma screen, a trip, or a car, etc... BUT she did win the respect of a lot of people the way she handeled herself on the finale...face it, you yourself admitted in so many words that she was a class act!!
I dare to say that we will be seeing & hearing a lot of Janie in the future & Erika & Boogie will sink further and further.
Janelle's future is so much brighter than those two could ever imagine.. ~SMH
"BUT she did win the respect of a lot of people the way she handeled herself on the finale...face it, you yourself admitted in so many words that she was a class act!!"
I'll give you credit for that...she did vote very smart tonight. FINALLy voting with her head not her heart. And I didn't even see her ask Will ONE TIME how to vote...
And about the money... Then why go on the show if its not about the money??? I hope I don't have to do a reality show to "find myself" or "get value" or whatever we're talking about....plu-leeze...and if we see more of her face..all the better for me...that way, I won't have to change my name....
Yes to Janelle. America still loves her! Good for Mike although the Doc really deserved to win this game with Janey in second. But, oh well, good for Mike & great for Janey to get America's vote!!!!!
"She did end up with more money than Erika & didn't have to "HO" around to do it!!"
Ho around...no. Alienate James and play a key role in the evition of every member of her alliance...yes.
Not a trade I would have made...ok maybe I would have to win....but I would have targeted CT in the first week. That way, Boogie wouldn't be there to be me out of last HOH and evict me....
If there was no CT in the house, S6 would have been UNSTOPPABLE. WIth NO S6, there'd be no stopping Janelle.
For those who said it was a bad seasons, I disagree. I thought this season ROCKED
For those who think EVERYONE thinks Janelle is the best, I proudly call myself an honororary Chilltown member. Will all the way! No player can beat his charm, brains, and manipulation! (oh, and he isn't bad on the eyes, either)
I was so hoping that Will and Janelle would admit their attraction to each other and because Boogie proposed to Krista before, that Will would propose to Janelle.
Also, because he snuck out of the Sequester House, I thought maybe he had heard that Erin dumped him and he might do it to help his ego.
Anyway, I hope Will and Janelle end up together. I would LOVE to see a reunion show or a "Where are they now?" show with an update.
Several people have mentioned that Janelle won more money overall than Erica's $50,000.00-in addition to the $25,000.00, what did Janelle win in the game?
I think Will and Janelle will end up together. They definately had chemistry. Did anyone see that shower scene where they kissed? I heard that prompted Will's girlfriend Erin to break-up with him and she moved her stuff out of his place the next day.
...and the puppetmaster strikes again...from what was shown on TV looks like he manipulated the houseguests (jury) one last time to vote for Chilltown.......
If I were Will I'd have ashamed of my "friend's" behavior and would want to distance myself from such a slug. I don't like Erika but I felt sorry for her...Mike (class act) jumped off the chair, didn't even give her a look, and bolted out the door practically slamming it in her face. Shame on him and shame on his mother for being all smiles...she should have gone over and given Erika a hug too.
What a bumpy ride it's been. We sure can't say BB7 was boring. Jackie, you have made it so much more fun. We appreciate your many sleepless nights to keep us updated. Aren't you glad Survivor and TAR are only on once a week and don't have live feeds? ;)
Like many of you I didn't like the winners. ::::sigh:::: But, it is what it is. Speaking of, I was glad to see that Dani got her "perspective" and sense of humor back.
Didn't CG look good in his khakis and nice shirt...no flowers or tin foil. LOL! I was rather surprised CG didn't vote for Erika. They all looked good, but Erika looked sad and disappointed. I think she was really hurt. The way she was snubbed while Mike paraded around with his arms in the air was sad. I hope her family can give her some comfort.
And, yes, Janelle does win everything. I would have loved to see that $25K go to CG. Sorry, all you Janelle fans but I'm sick of seeing that tiara on her. ;)
Will seemed to be friendly to all but you could tell that he was keeping his distance from Janelle...damage control for Erin. He sure did look good though. His smile could melt a cold heart. I'd love to know if Janelle goes back with her b/f.
Kaysar looked...well...hot! He was dressed very classy. I'm sure he's glad he didn't get involved with Erika on the show. She did make a play for him early on. I think he might get a career going in film of some sort as I read he was taking acting lessons. His calling out James was great. You could see James swallow. LOL!
The CT "Brrrrrrrring" was too funny with Jase, Kaysar and Diane. I know many of you didn't like CT but they sure made me laugh all season.
A big shout out to Jackie!!!!!!!! THANKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!
Boo Will. I think he actually thought he'd win the jury's vote for the $25,000. What a greedy pig. And he was the last one to congratulate Janelle. Definitely not an adult, not poised, not a class act.
Poor Erika my a$$! She brought it on herself... I mean, she was horrible, was not loyal to one person and even lied when after the game... she wasn't going to take Janelle to the final 2 like she said she would AND the when she was asked about being played... she said "we played each other" yeah right - he didn't go into the diary room and say he met his soul mate on BB... and when she called herself the puppetmaster i almost threw up!!! please does she think that we didn't see her curl up in the fetal position when she didn't win POV in the final 4... and it was Janelle that started talking about CT... man, what a piece of work she is!!!
I do happen to agree that she wasn't treated very nice tonight... however, you reap what you soe!!!!
For anaday26...you are right on..Emmett Smith was amazing...he'll be worth watching all season on Dancing with the Stars, and he's paired with last year's professional winner. The man weighs 225 lbs. and is a football player. Who knew! What a hottie. Both Mike and Will could learn something from that dude about poise and class.
I agree anon 2:04 but you have to admit that it was pretty sad when Julie asked who Boogie was taking on the trip, Erika looked at him like she was hoping it was going to be her... even after she had seen how she was played. m.
Boogie can win the big prize, congratulate hmself, but at the end of the day...he's still a Will wannebee and a "life" loser. He's too crude to ever have a meaningful relationship. And tho Erika claimed they were playing each oher...she wasn't going into the diary room every week trash talking him...on the contrary she thought she had found her soulmate. So sad, but you reap what you sow. Mike is closing in on 40 and by his own admission has never had a meaningful relationship. Duh. Wonder why? Seems to me he's a misogynist. It was painful to look at Erika when Julie asked Mike who he was going to take on his trip...and cruel of her to ask in front of Erika. Everyone but her knew he wouldn't say "I'm going to be a sport and take my showmance...because I've treated her pretty badly."
If he didn't want a trip with her, and who would, he could at least have offered the trip to her. He's got enough money to pay for his own damn trip...piggy, piggy, piggy.
Mike is an empty, empty man. Some day Erika will realize that, hopefully sooner than later. But I have to say she deserved it. She's not some kid. She went back after being treated like something he'd wipe off his shoe. Nobody is that stupid!
And besides that, she's taking credit for being a better "puppetmaster" than Will (!) and calling Janelle a fat something or other, accusing Janelle of being jealous of HER. This woman needs serious therapy. She's just plain unlikable and vicious. She lied to Danielle about who's idea it was to evict her - it was most definately Chilltown! She said it was her, because Dani was so good a player, yada, yada. A lier, jealous, pathetic, anorexic,...ugh. ~SusanB
YICK! Mike was completely shameless and a leech of Wils. At least Erica had some genuine emotion. Such a turnout truly leaves me with a sick feeling. The guy seriously gives me the creeps. I hope the jury will realize they all bought into his last demented lie when he stood up there and faked an appeal to their “emotions.” I wouldn’t trust that guy with changing my tire. (WOW. I’m really lettin’ loose!). Howie completely surprised me this season by being the most emotional player. He left the show so angry! Marcellus ended up the smartest. Danielle’s pride was hurt to badly she couldn’t see the move was just strategic. I just hope Erica can survive the bashing she took and realize the viewers liked her more than most dimwits in the house. She was a pretty straight shooter given all the other backstabbing each of them did. I felt so badly for her after that screwball won the $$. He didn’t even shake her hand when he won. Maybe he won Big Brother, but as a person, MIKE IS A LOSER.
Sorry anybodybutjanelle, but after some of your views tonight I'm sure glad you are not teaching my kids. Many people have gone on reality shows and won without treating others the way Mike did.
I think everyone has been fooled by Chill town. Janelle was truly jealous of Erica - can't you see she doesn't get along with women at all?? She came out like hissing like a cat agains't Erica when it was MIKE who voted her out. What th?? Chill town played everyone till the end!! The jury even bought Mike's emotional appeal? And do you really think Wil and Janelle will make it outside the show? Those two are both two big for the room. And you don't think Wil and Boogie are splitting it??? Come on!! Where are people's heads?? Lord. I don't care how much people hated Erica. She still wasn't fooled by their bull, and took Wil out. So she was played by Boogie. She at least really had some genuine interest in the schmuck and who hasn't been there done that. Hope she knows she can walk out the door being the most decent person.
Erika will walk out the door "the most decent person"..? I don't think so. (JMO) Decent if you think jumping Mike's bones every chance she got, even tho he'd turn away disgusted. Where was her pride when he did that to her?
And Janelle jealous? She does anticipate other woman not liking her; but with good reason. A lot of people are jealous of her.
I personally doubt Janelle and Will will be an item after the show. Back to the real world, & all. But I think they are cute together. And I think everyone can agree Chill Town mowed over everyone and played a "good" game.
But I do believe, yes, indeed, Erika was fooled by their bull. She was trying (too late) on the show to save face. Didn't work. JMO ~SusanB
It's one thing if you don't really like the person and are using them like Mike. I think Erica really liked Mike. And she said she was attracted to him. "Turned away in disgust?" Who was it then that was kissing her? In bed with her? Maybe towards the end, yeah, but by then she had picked up on it. At least she obviously really wanted something with him. He admitted throughout it was just for the game. HE IS THE FRIGGIN HO. hellOOO!!!!
As soon as Janelle won America's Choice, my first thought was for her to share a piece with other sequester guests. You know like found money? That would have lowered her tax base and showed she was truly a "princess", great person, all think she is. Who am I kidding, she is no better or worse than the rest.
If you would like to see pics of the HGs after the show, check out this web site:
Click on "entertainment"
Then search for Big Brother photos in the last 24 hours.
Verry intewesting! :) There are more pics of Jani than of Boogie. There is also a couple showing Jani and Erica, one looking like Erica may be trying to explain. There are even some with Will and Jani on the lounger in the BY. He has his hand across the back, but not around her. In one she is holding a sign "Paging Dr. Delicious".
Anon 7:00 (again): I just finished looking at all of the pics -- great link! Thanks!! Great pictures. Liked the ones of Janelle and Will (it looked like they were snuggled up on the lounge chair.) Can't help it/hopeless romantic :) And Jase doesn't think too much of himself, huh? He's too kewwwllll. ~SusanB
Anon 11:09 , You hit the nail on the head. I am not a Janelle fan at all. Will is way too good for her. I can't beleive that America would pick her. Just shows what kind of shallow society we live in .
Everyone seems to feel sorry for Erica,however in my opinion, they couldn't use those clips of Mike calling her a ho if they didn't have her action clips to back it up. Remember that the whole purpose of this show is to entertain. She should have thought of how she ( and her family) would feel before acting in this way ( knowing she was constantly being watched). It has also been said that people feel sorry for her for being older and wanting a man and baby so bad. Someone needs to tell her that the way to find a "GOOD" man who treats her with respect is to conduct herself with respect and as she was told" buy some dignity"
OMG! on the early show Boogie just told Julie, when asked about his relationship with Erika that he didn't do anything socially in the house that he would not have done outside the house. So to all of you who say give Mike a break he is just playing the game I say, look out women, the playa is out of the house.
Just a couple of things regarding some of the previous posts: I think Ericka was absolutely upset when they played the video of Mike bashing her. She looked flustered and embarassed and mad. Also, I did notice the body language between will and Janelle - he was turning away from her and she knew it :-( I also think, while I love Janie, she is unduly upset. I truly believe Erika did NOT throw that lost comp and she had every intention of taking janie with her to the final two. I don't know why Janelle is so mad at her. I have to say, I was hoping Erika would win the whole thing. I just feel so sorry for her. I fear she will act on the suicidal thoughts once she is home and sees what really went on. Cyndi
Janey was hurt by his showmance chill town call about how he got her to vote out her BF. I think that is why she didn't go to him for a hug when she won America's choice.
anon at 9:09 am - I think you are mistaken. I believe she said she DID NOT throw the last comp... Can anyone verify?? I thought she even admitted last night she would have taken Janelle to the final two. Am I wrong?? Cyndi
I am actually glad Erika did not win. She is a HOE. Boogie did not even bother to talk to her or anything. He ignored her. It was great. She deserves that and more. She must really be a HOE since it did not even bother her seeing Boogie comments and calling her a HOE. If she was really not a HOE and she had dignity she would have gotten up and slapped the crap out of him.
I am so happy Jani won the 25K. She is so loved by Anerica.
what I find so interesting is that the men on these reality shows can be as disgusting as possible and all is forgiven. The women cannot get a break for lying, much less being a fool.
Told it from the start. CHILL TOWN !!! Everybody said Janelle, I knew she wouldn' get it. Should have been Will. Boy, does Janelle have it bad for Will. Did anybody else read all her body language? Will is playing it CHILL... Yeah !!
What is americas obsession with Janelle... her baby talking and strategy drove us crazy. Americas choice? Americas princess? Will looked better in the crown!
Jackie...this was the first season I have followed your stuff. Thanks so much. You Rock!
My take on Erica being disliked vs playing the game. I don't think the jury wanted to vote for either. I do think they wanted a united front and Marci's vote for Erica was of the pity type and to add some tension as Julie pulled the keys.
I think the jury decided Will won the game and a vote for Boogie was a vote for Will. I think Will believed that, at least. If, Erica had behaved exactly as she did in the game except won the last HOH and took Janelle I think the jury would have seen her as a great player who made twist in the game. Taking Mike made it look differently. Taking Boogie made her into a Chilltown soldier and not a player in her own right. And I don't mean that fans and jury would have liked her because of Janelle... it would have been the elimnating of Chilltown that would have swayed them. After all, if Chilltown survived all the evictions, then they won. If anyone took them out, that hg won. That is how it came down. Thank you Jackie, You are so popular!!!, the I didn't have time to read all the comments and know that this one my just repeat what others say. Thanks, Sue
Just wanted to throw in my thanks to Jackie for keeping me informed all season and helping to make All-Stars a lot more fun for me. I greatly enjoyed reading everyone's comments and the fact that Jackie never allowed things to get nasty.
I didn't like either of the F2, but did think Boogie deserved win over Erika.
Best part of last night was seeing Janie get all the attention (America's Darling) and getting to see Kaysar again - I'm gonna miss seeing his beautiful face (big sigh).
I was also glad that they showed Erika all the things Boogie said about her - maybe she will finally wake up about him. It was great that they let Alison be the one to tell her!
Did anyone have any doubts that Janie would get the $25K - I sure didn't.
Once again, thanks Jackie and I'll be checking in for Survivor and Amazing Race - one question though, is there any kind of live feed for those shows? Rbennie
I thought that Boogie (even though I was a Will or Jani fan) deserved to win...and I think he won becasue of his answers to the questions he answered honestly and made no apologies. Erica lied through her teeth and it was apparent to everyone that she was trying to take credit for things to make it appear that she had some kind of game play which she didn't.
I think that Will was making an effort not to show any feelings for Jani and he went so far the other way to the extreme that it made it look as though he were trying too hard and he must have some pretty strong feelings for her if he didn't he would have had been better at covering his feelings because he wouldn't have had any. It shouldn't have been that awkward..just my opinion.
I don't watch the Amazing Race but would if Will or jani were on it. I just want to see more of either of them or both.
You may be right, but Janelle said, while in the house and talking to Erica, that she thought it wrong that being in the finals took away the $30,000 a hg earned up to that point. I don't think BB wants us to know the money angle, and they went to music as soon as she said it. Sue
Sue - I heard that reference, too. Apparently BB doesn't award the stipend to the 1st and 2nd place winners. Without an America's Choice, the 2nd place winner would win much more than just the stipend. However, when Janelle's extra 25K is added to the stipend, it comes up to more than the second place.
Me? I think BB is cheap with their prizes. Most other reality shows give a million to their winners and substantially more to the runners-up spots than BB. BB's normal stipend in the past was only $750 a week. I think they upped it just for All Stars.
yea Janey!
YAYYYY!!! I'm glad Erika did NOT win. But even better - Janey is STILL America's Choice. LOVED IT.
augh.. who wants to watchboogie on CBS tomorrow am -- no one but his parents!
Does that mean Janelle will get more $$ than Erica?
Ugh. Now I can move on to TAR and Survivor.
Thanks Jackie for sticking it out to the bitter end. This is the worst season ending ever. You made it fun, though.
Anyone want to read the body language between Janelle and Will? Very interesting tabloid material the next few weeks!
THANK YOU JACKIE!!! see ya thur nite LOL!~!
Well, CRAP...I guesss Janelle HAD to win something....thanks A LOT guys....
I guess 25K is ok....at least 2 people beat her!
Did you see when Janie won, that Will was the last to hug her, adn that hug looked very uncomfortable! Boo Hoo
Anon 9:07 Good point....I think it does! 30 k + 25K = 55k, doesn't it? Poor Erika...she ended up third!
Turned out good. I think it was tack when Mike went in the studio he went ahead of Erika and left her there. She came in by herself a few minutes later. She'll prob'ly still think they're a match made in heaven -- LOL.
Way to go Boogie!!
yes, adds up thta Janelle wins $5000 more than Erika
So there you go ANybodyBut..Janie came in 2nd after all. HA.
I knew Janelle won win the $25,000 and she derserves it big time. I'm so glad its over, and I'm upset that Janelle didn't win BB7 All Stars, but I can't do anything about that. Jackie you were great this year, and can't wait until next season with some new people in the BB house. I'm glad Boogie won. After hearing the Janelle and the jury talk about Erika, I changed my mind on who I wanted to win, so I'm glad Erika lost. Okay its OVER...like Jackie said.
One last time: THANK YOU Jackie!
yes, Erika was almost completely ignored by Julie Chen, and Janelle certainly did not have a hug for her when she came out -- looked like few did. I do feel bad for that, and it takes alot to make me feel anything for either E or M.
my prediction....erica will end up found in some cheap motel passed out on those sleeping pills she likes so much OR she will be the next house guest on the Surreal Life.
Sydney said...
yes, adds up thta Janelle wins $5000 more than Erika
Ha, ha, ha...way to go, janie
maybe ugly but truthful. Anyone who sits in that house and talks about suicide and is popping pills left and right deserves it.
Petals, Not a fan of the Surreal Life???
Will must be trying hard to get back with Erin. He tried very hard to distance himself from Janelle. Boy, they seemed different with each other.
Anti climatic!
Hurray for Janie!!
Thanks, Jackie, for all the fun enjoyment you brought to us!
petals said...
Mike can use his money to buy some airtime OUTSIDE of Will's anus
Petals, Girl, I can barely pick my self up off the floor from laughing at your comment.
I guess you missed Janelle's hand all over Will's legs, after the Chill Town calls.
Get the shrink ready. Erika with $50,000...and a former crack addict.
Hope she has a lot of support back home. That woman has been roasted toasted, and ..well you get it.
Petals can do no wrong!!!! IMHO ;-D
So Jackie, what's your take on the "finale"??
Mike won...Yawn. Now he can go buy another restaurant. Big Whoop! (To think CG might have put his kids through college with that money.) Erika was left at the door (did Mike actually slam it in her face?) Hilarious! She's probably still pondering Allison's comment about buying some dignity ("say what?"). Janelle sat front and center in the jury group glowing like a star, and took the $25,000 prize to boot. Yay!!! And THAT is the only reason I watched this stupid finale. Thanks again for your amazing efforts, Jackie. Now we can all move on. Amen!
One thing that always gets me about BB. Everyone who is evicted is told, at one time or another, that they were such a good player they had to go. Tonight that was mentioned often as a reason that Boogie or Erica had to take someone out of the game. Wouldn't it follow that if all the good players were targets that had to be eliminated then at the end of the game only the two worst players would be left?
Let the healing begin. Thanks to the finale everybody already knows enough to know they were all played and insulted in one way or another. No illusions left.
I had the feeling that Erica would have said 'all is forgiven' to Mike if he had even looked at her or acknowledged her in any way after he found out he won.
Thank you Jackie, how frustrating this season would have been had I not had a forum (yours!) to vent my player frustrations. Sue
Thanks, Petals.
Janelle was the true star of the show. Erika had to hear the cheers, and it must have killed her that Janey won America's Choice AGAIN.
Under the circumstances, tonight's show couldn't have been better. Except to all of us who would've loved to see the happy ending with Will and Janelle. I'm still rooting for them!
Money doesn't cover the fact that Janelle was voted OUT by Boogie. Third place is third place.
WILL: Ring Ring
BOOGIE: Yeah, go ahead..
WILL: Hey, did Janelle give you her vote....AFTER YOU SENT HER HOME...
BOOGIE AND WILL erupt into laughter...
You stand ALONE, anybut; Janelle is everyone's favorite...except for you, I guess.
Anyone notice when asked what he would do with the money Boogie mentioned nothing about spliting with Will. But he does owe him a gold chain and a jetski...HUH? Someone with all Will has can not buy himself a gold chain or jetski. Hell I can buy him that...
Alison would love to be Janey. She does look better this year, but she is my least favorite houseguest of all time! I can't believe it but I do feel bad for Erika only from the professional sense that the show producers should have given her a little bit more of a welcome. I have to say that I noticed that there seemed to have been a staff person behind the front door who timed Mike's opening it from the inside, so that same person may haveheld Erika back.... does anyone else think so?
Boy! Am I disappointed! I didn't even want to watch tonight. All this show shows is that the BIGGER liar you are, the BIGGEST loser, wins. Even though Erika wasn't my favorite, I would have rather seen her win. I am glad Janelle won America's choice.
Mike probably can't admit to splitting it. Not that he would'nt go back on his sleazy word. I wonder how they can be "best friends." They're so different. Will has a personality.
Anybody -- Everyone on the jury, except for Will was sent out by Mike/Will...
Janie got more money than Erika, America loves her...
I love ya man, but get over it ;)
This has been such a let down. I was in to BB all season and then it just ended with a fizzle....
I seem to remember past seasons where the winner is the last one to come out of the house. However, I think Maggie came out before Ivette last year and it was done on purpose. I don't think Erika being left behind was a slight.
They shoulda had Erika come out first so Boogie could truely be the last HG in the house...
Anyone is who is loved like Janelle is by so many, is a first place winner regardless of the outcome of the game. Erika may be $50,000 richre but I don't think any amount of money is worth how she will be feeling now.
"Petals: "And did you see how luminous she was?"
Anybody: "yes"
Petals: "Don't you want to give it up & admit your undying affection to Janelle, once and for all?"
Anybody: "yes"
Someone's taking my phone calls....
Undying affection...no......undying dred, gloom, and sick feeling in the pit of my stomach...yeah..
Didn't DIANE look really bad!!!
Thank you for another terrific season of BB, Jackie! You are awesome!!
abybodybut, No disrespect intended but is the shy blue in your world? you sure see things alot different then most of america when it comes to Janelle.
Thanks Jackie! Really REALLY sad to see Will go. God I love watching him! GORGEOUS~
I guess I'll have to wait for Dr.90210 in December :). Does your blog like die half of the year Jackie? And also, is there going to be a BB8? Julie said there would be (something like that.)
Just for the record, someone in the last post insulted me because I didn't answer a question for them. I had about 20 minutes where I couldn't get onto the blog...I'm assuming because of traffic. If the "anon" who insulted me is here now, thanks for the personal insult and try signing your name next time.
So whatup with the "tie breaker vote" from america and the supposed "breakout" by Dani and Will and the sequester house "fight"?
Anon 9:26 great point!
petals and Ork -- do you watch Survior and TAR... I will miss you if you aren't here commenting still....
Anybody but, thatnk GOODNESS we hear you take on someone new... yes whomever styled Diane's hari tonight. If I could only get my hands on that girl and fix her up!!!
Finale aside for a moment, I'd like to say THANKS to Jackie and everyone here. Nobody in my real life watches this show, and for once, after finding this blog, I feel like I'm not alone!
Petals -- Not a big deal. I had some techincal difficulties and couldn't get to ANY Blogger site, including my own!! It was the worst 20 minutes of my life (ok, not really...)
Thanks for the luv!!
I need to make one comment. Mike did say that everyone should remember that it is an EDITTED tv show. I agree to a point but if anyone gets or reads the live feeds, it's not THAT editted. We all know what went on in that house.
CBS did a fabulous job editting the show.
Thanks Jackie!!! Great job, hope to see you next season!!!!!
Re: Diane -- It was something funny bangs cut too short liek she did it herself (Betty Page you are not) and in fact the side facing the camera was cut oddly and plastered to her head. Poor gal! She tries... don't want to rag on the girl --
Sydney -- I live for Survivor and TAR (ok, not really, I live for my baby girl and just love my reality tv...)
Reality TV has taken on a whole new dimension now that I've found Jackie and the "family". Like a few others, I don't have anyone to talk reality tv with, so this is the perfect place for me (and I can do it in my pj's). I'll be around and may even watch Lost again. Does anyone know of a good site where I can get caught up on Lost? I didn't watch at all last season...
ANYBUT, ya just can't back up your comments. You sound a little bitter for someone who says it's just a game. Next time you Brrrrring....Bring a therapist.
BOO!!!!!! At least that's the end of a boring show.
Thanks Jackie for being the only bright spot of this season!!!!
I think Diane looked bad. Jase looked bad too.
I think Kaysars hair is in that 'awkward stage' it looked better short....looked better long...
Allison did look better (doen't look like Janelle).
Did Nakomas say ANYTHING?
Saw the movie and she was GREAT in it, transformed herself and did Betty proud I bet, really brought her alive.
Jackie -- When you started this blog, did you ever imagine it would get this big? You are like a cult phenomenon!! Do you ever look at the number of comments you get on any given post and think "Holy cow!! These people love me??"
You deserve all of the thanks and many more!! Can't wait to see how this works for Survivor and TAR!!
"ya just can't back up your comments"
I can back up anything I say. You just have to take off your Janlle goggles and Janelle ear pieces, and LISTEN.
ABJ: I know! I wanted to hear Nakomis's comments most!
And she freaked us all out by having one color hair -- and it was ... brown!
Don't assume. I don't like Janelle either. She is spoiled, shallow, and thinks she should have everything handed to her because she is pretty.
Go Chill Town, where is my cool kid club card?
Anybody -- Nakomis also said the final two shoulda been Will & Janelle. You probably don't remember what she said cuz you blocked it with your Anti-Janie goggles and ear-plugs. Try taking them off and get with the rest of the country ;)
Hugs & Kisses!!
ORKmommy- http://www.filmfodder.com/tv/lost/
this is the BEST place to find out what you need to know about LOST!
Mike: Hello
Lonnie Moore: Hello Mike
Mike: Hey Lonnie waazzzuupp! Did you see I won Big Brother, am I the man or what!
Lonnie: Yeah Mike, or what is about it.
Mike: Dude, what do you mean, I killed them, did you see me shag that ho Erika?
Lonnie: Yeah Mike I saw, that’s one of the reasons I called.
Mike: Called to high five me over the phone huh!
Lonnie: No, Mike, I called to fire you, you suck and are a disgrace to be associated with in a tasteful restaurant like Dolce. Don’t come back, I’ll mail you your buy out. By the way, class act fool, class act!
C'mon anybut...I was being nice. I bet if Janelle winked at you, you would blush 3 shades of pink. And it might just be a speck of dust.
Allison told Erika to buy some dignity but I remember she slept with many HG in her BB.
Waaah ha Petals -- saying Nakomis said J looked Lunimous -- ABJ, I think you hear Petals knockin', and I think she's comin' in.... (I think Will has competition in the ability to charm dept!)
Anon 10:02 -- Thanks a million for the link! I bookmarked it and will check it out when I have a few minutes. When does Lost premiere? I wanna make sure I get caught up before then...
LOST starts Oct 4
Thank you soooo much Jackie. Have a great year and we will see you here next year at this time...I hope that BB or CBS will make YOU "AMERICAN'S CHOICE". You deserve to be paid for the WONDERFUL JOB YOU do.....THANKS AGAIN
Neal said:
Don't assume. I don't like Janelle either. She is spoiled, shallow, and thinks she should have everything handed to her because she is pretty.
Funny...in two seasons I've never seen that side of her. The side I saw this year was of someone who, while admittedly making mistakes and being swayed by a funny and interesting man, was someone who gave a sh#t in competitions and didn't throw them so that "the target would be off her back."
You don't have to like her, but I choose to. And I'm glad she won the $25K!!
"Nakomis also said the final two shoulda been Will & Janelle."
I agree with her. If you check back a few blogs, you'll find I said that repeatidly.....
HOWEVER, had Janelle (or anybody for that matter) taken out CT...it might have been a Janelle/Kayer final two! I think THAT WOULD have been worth watching....
I bet Janie land is PINK...uggg...warm fuzzy and pink....wow...hmmmmm
In case I forget... thanks Jackie. You rocked on the AOL Journals and you rock on here. I plugged your blog every chance I had early on and hope that you have an accurate counter this year. Hugs. :) It has to be through the roof! Job well done... awesome, awesome, awesome.
Whoever left that insulting message to Orkmommy is truly a jerk!!!
Another Janelle compliment next:
I HONESTLY am very proud of the way Janelle acted in the Jury. She didn't make it personal with mike and she had every reason to be bitter to him. She looked at the game very logically and with more smarts than I gave her credit for.
Janelle, I must admit, made an excellent Jury member and MAYBE...that would be the reason she MAY deserve the 25K. She didn't make is personal and focused on the winner. She choose with her brain not her heart.
Thank you Jeannie :)
Anybody -- I don't think Kaysar woulda made it to the end. He wasn't playing the game and he even said that his heart wasn't in it. He also said that he "wasn't made" for this game. He's just not a cut throat person...
Holy Cow!! Anybodybutjanelle just gave Janie a compliment!! Not to push our luck, but were you proud of the way she handled James' DR comments? I think that was a real "Class Act"!!
Jackie, you need to link to Anybody's comment in your next entry. Nobody is gonna believe it ;)
I just picked myself up off the floor after reading anybut's comments about Janelle. Are you blushing?
Petals -- Did you see Steel Magnolias??
Truvy: What are your colors Shelby?
M'Lynn: Her colors are pink and pink.
Shelby: My colors are blush and bashful...I have chosen two shades of pink, one is much deeper than the other!
M'Lynn: Looks like the whole sanctuary was hosed down in Pepto Bismol!
I thought of that movie when Janie won her first HOH and got the Barbie room!!!
Will was probably given instructions from Erin to keep his distance from Janelle...he may have been flirtmancing...but body language talks and during the season he was a bit "smitten" even if he won't acknowledge it. Now's he's bad mouthing Janelle saying she was the "type" of woman he would have been attracted to 10 years ago. Well, that's about right since Janie is so much younger than he is. But Janie is a woman for all seasons, and I think she deserves somebody classier than Will. As for Will's comment that that Erin has class...well, she's referred to on blog sites as the greedy girl who conned two men to win two million. They deserve one another. Go Janie...next stop, a vacation with your family. Good for you.
Ok..even though Erika and mike admitted to playing one another, and that it was a game....I don't know how Erika could just sit there when/after she heard what Mike said..especially the ho part...granted, the way she displayed herself on tv was "ho-ish", but man...i would have slapped the guy in the face....Erika didn't even seem phased by it...either she think she is one or hears it all the time so it doesn't matter...who knows..but dang..that was a shocker.
Melissa -- I'm so glad they showed the DR where he said he used her up and doesn't need her anymore. I do feel sorry for her. She's getting older, she's looking rough, she has no man, and no child (which she desperately wants). I'd really like to just have 2 minutes with her to tell her "NO man is better than the WRONG man"!! I'm the same age as her & it took me a long time to realize that. Somebody needs to help the poor woman!!
What a show! I haven't even watched it yet. FOFL! Thanks so much for the updates, Jackie! We folks on the West Coast just can't wait. ;)
Well, it went pretty much as I thought it would but I can't wait to see the emotions.
I wonder if Boogie will split the money with Will? HeeHee!
I read that many of you feel sorry for Erika and a part of me feels the same way. Although, I think the money was more important to Erika than Mike was. I'm expecting her excuse and denial of how she was portrayed will be that she was playing HIM.
Another quandary, why was Janelle soooo upset when Erika told her all about CT playing her,when Janelle is now saying she knew CT, especially Will, was playing her all along, and she was playing CT (Will) as well? I think Janelle did get caught up in her "feelings" for Will. She should have learned from Diane/Drew that showmances are just that.
Ironically, Erika was gloating on and on about how she played CT and connived Janelle into taking out Will now it sounds like she got a hard dose of "what goes around comes around". I'm not so sure that should have been played up so much on national TV. I'm sure it was hard on her family.
Show starting in 10 min. here.
Thanks for all your feedback.
KUDOS to Jackie!!!!!!!!
Sooooooo,the bigger scumbag,BOOGER won...whoopdee doo.....so glad it is over and am ecstatic that JANIE won the America's Choice(as if we had any doubt)!!!
Watching the DR's was painful(and funny),but we all know.....YOU REAP WHAT EWE SEW.........LOL.
LOVED DWTS tonight and think that Mario was fabulous,how cute are those dimples!! Him and Jeff Probst,love those dimples!! I was amazed to see how Emmitt Smith can move off the field as well as on it! Tucker Carlson should be the one to go first...he was Master P tonight(although he actually tried)!!!
Love to you,JACKIE and see you on Thursday for SURVIVOR13!! You will NEVER be voted off my island,Girl!!!
Jackie - would love to see you use the awesome video like the blog below uses - I'll definitely pay you for your time and money!!!
You're still the best!!
Hey, I dont want to post my name...but I've already applied and gotten one call back for Big Brother 8.
Hope I make the show and can represent you Jackie! Thanks AGAIN for this year.
I totally hate to break it to you people, but Janelle sucks at Big Brother. She won comps, but ITS NOT THE OLYMPICS, FOR GODS SAKE!! And don't tell me to come to Janey-ville or whatever the heck it is because she played the dumb blond. And FYI, I can back up everything I have said in this post. And rather that just assuming that everybody here likes Janelle and whoever says they dont like her just doesnt want to admit it, I could say the same about you and Will or Boogie. Try accepting someome else's opinion for once.
hey, just letting you now...anon 11:09 is not me...
sounds like me....
but its not....hahaha...
Anonymous at 11:06-- Congrats! I would apply myself if I was actually 21. I'm 15. Boo Hoo. Oh well, maybe they'll still have BB in 6 years!
jackie!! u didnt tell us julie chen was wearing table napkins!!! LOL debie in calif
Janelle does NOT suck at BB; that's absurd.
I certainly hope she doesn't start seeing Will. He doesn't deserve her.
Will and Erin make a great couple, going through life trying to out-manipulate one another. It's a match made in heaven.
Well, I guess this is it for us -- thanks so much Jackie, Zoetawny and the regular posters -- ABJ, Orkmommy, Petals and everyone else who made this show so fun -- even in the last, dreadful week. It was really fun to hang with you all.
Jackie -- you have real talent -- good luck to you.
Beantown BB Fan
"Janelle does NOT suck at BB; that's absurd."
How so? The fact she didn't make a smart move on her own in the entire game (until the jury house)? The fact that she got voted out of the house and didn't win first or second place?
I'm just curious. Are you basing the "absurd" statement on the fact that she won lots of competitions? If the person who one the most competitions was the winner, then yeah...Janelle would be the best BB player ever. As it happens, BB is NOT about winning competitions, its about outlasting. And Janelle didn't. Erika and Boogie did. Janelle lost. She's not the winner, so obviously she's not the best player.;
Mike Boogie is a scumbag!!! I can't belive that that idiot won! I was so upset. I don't really like Erica but that guy talked so much crap about the houseguests and he was so disrespectful to the women. He's in love with Will. It's no wonder he had no problem "not letting personal feelings get in the way" of a showmance. AAAHHH!I can't believe that such a "user" was rewarded. I would have loved to see that 35 year old(going on 15) pout when he lost. Again...this is not a vote for Erica but a vote against Booger!!!
Hats off to you Jackie!You made this crummy season bearable.Not the ending we were looking for @@ ......
Anybut, this game is based on luck. That is as much of a factor as anything you keep spouted about.
Marcellas. See, he's a girl.
Chicken George. I'm glad he changed his outlook. I thought he'd revert back to his heart for his vote.
Howie. I forgot to think far enough ahead to the fact that Janelle would influence his vote. Kind of pathetic of him.
Janelle. Wonder if she is still oriented around Will. She didn't need any stoking though in order to bash Erika.
Danielle. Like she said, she voted for the best, and it is what it is.
James. See, I told you.
Will. This is my first and last season of BB... unless this guy shows up for another all-star season.
It was real. It was cool. Was it real cool? ...Yeah, often it was.
Thanks again to Jackie.
I should've gave George the benefit of the doubt in his vote for Mike. When CG won HOH, he took advantage very very well. He went from completely in the dark (although he was wary) to knowing all the dynamics because he made everyone work to inform him. Very cool. But then he lied down again and didn't engage in the game. ...So I thought he'd revert back to his heart for his final vote. ...Again: so glad he didn't. He's a slow learner, but hey, he's a learner.
I'm glad hoho didnt win. She should have put Danelle down.
Anybut, I'll take trust (even if misplaced) over lying, deceit and manipulation any day.
America (with the exception of you) loves Janelle because she led with her heart. In your opinion, that's not wise; and indeed, she didn't win the game. But she may have won much, much more.
Am I alone in being thoroughly disgusted with the way Erika was treated tonight? Even the CBS footage of her "showmance" was so pathetic. I've never been a fan of hers, but no one deserves to be treated like that.
anon 11:39
"Anybut, this game is based on luck. That is as much of a factor as anything you keep spouted about."
I agree. Luck plays a huge part of it..I've said a hundred times that Janelle and Will should have been the final 2 with Will winning in an idea world. Will played the MESS outta this game.
And I don't spout. I type.
I meant hoho should NOT have put Danelle down!
Very funny!
About Erika being treated poorly.
I agree. I thought the same thing.
Just as Mike is a disgusting person, Erika was treated disgustingly tonight.
"Anybut, I'll take trust (even if misplaced) over lying, deceit and manipulation any day."
So she TRUSTED Will when she voted him off? She Trusted Will after he got Howie and Marcellas evicted? Hmmm, doesn't sound very smart to keep trusting someone like that...where was all this TRUST, when James tried to tell Janelle that CT was running things and playing S6??? You can talk about trust all you want to, but Janelle lied and decieved as much as anyone else did (with the exception of Will...)
"America (with the exception of you) loves Janelle because she led with her heart. "
I'd dare to say, I'm not the only one. The majority doesn't mean its right...just ask the democrats. She didn't LEAD with her heart....she was lead by it...like a leash..
"In your opinion, that's not wise; and indeed, she didn't win the game. But she may have won much, much more."
Won much more??? Like Will??? What else did she win??? hmmmmm, was there a secret prize I didn't know about?
Didn't win a car, a plasma tv, a trip...hmmmm....I don't get it....
About Will and Janelle F2.
I have agreed with Jackie and AnybodyBut all along.
As much as I loved Janey, I was disappointed in her tonight. She jumped all over Erika, and I felt like she was doing that so she'd been "in with the popular crowd". Erika learned that America hates her, only got one jury vote, and had to sit back and watch her showmance play out. Boogie didn't even hug her when they left the house. What a creep!
I am sure that the show held Erika from going out of the door with Mike. He won and it was his thunder and only right. I find it amazing the way some people interpret things. Even if he had slammed the door, it wouldn't have taken her but 2 sec to open it and obviously it took much longer.
I do not like Erika. But I don't feel that she deserves everything that is being thrown at her. She's just a dumb girl, who got played, and not evil or anything but certainly not the moral person she appeared in Season 4. And Mike could have thrown her a bone of dignity, instead of pretending he was too good for her.
I thought it was hilarious when Erika took credit for Dani's nomination. Puleeze!!!
You reap what you sow. It's a little late for Erica, and I don't think she knows she is pathetic. But I hope she gets ticked off about this show because BB7 was the last to use her not Boogie. I didn't think Will and Janelle acted odd. I am hopeful that Boogie is moving to Atlanta. Sorry Atlanta.
I know people don't like Mike, but I think a win for Mike was a win for Will and that works for me!!
I love the phone calls, esp Will calling Mike saying "ARE YOU FINAL TWO?" LMAO.
will is the best
just sent you an e-mail...
Janelle may not have won a plasma screen, a trip, or a car, etc...
BUT she did win the respect of a lot of people the way she handeled herself on the finale...face it, you yourself admitted in so many words that she was a class act!!
I dare to say that we will be seeing & hearing a lot of Janie in the future & Erika & Boogie will sink further and further.
Janelle's future is so much brighter than those two could ever imagine..
Oh, please, anybut. We weren't talking about money. Come on!!
Like money is all that matters...
I wish they would do a celebrity BB or a Reality Celebrity BB and maybe even bring back Dr. Will. Let's see if he can do it a 3rd time!!!!
"BUT she did win the respect of a lot of people the way she handeled herself on the finale...face it, you yourself admitted in so many words that she was a class act!!"
I'll give you credit for that...she did vote very smart tonight. FINALLy voting with her head not her heart. And I didn't even see her ask Will ONE TIME how to vote...
And about the money... Then why go on the show if its not about the money??? I hope I don't have to do a reality show to "find myself" or "get value" or whatever we're talking about....plu-leeze...and if we see more of her face..all the better for me...that way, I won't have to change my name....
She did end up with more money than Erika & didn't have to "HO" around to do it!!
Anybut,you just don't get it.
America LOVES this woman! This isn't going unnoticed by the entertainment industry powers-that-be.
I think it far more likely that CBS would want Janelle for TAR than Woogie. Although it would be so much fun to see Woogie fail!
Yes to Janelle. America still loves her! Good for Mike although the Doc really deserved to win this game with Janey in second. But, oh well, good for Mike & great for Janey to get America's vote!!!!!
"She did end up with more money than Erika & didn't have to "HO" around to do it!!"
Ho around...no. Alienate James and play a key role in the evition of every member of her alliance...yes.
Not a trade I would have made...ok maybe I would have to win....but I would have targeted CT in the first week. That way, Boogie wouldn't be there to be me out of last HOH and evict me....
If there was no CT in the house, S6 would have been UNSTOPPABLE. WIth NO S6, there'd be no stopping Janelle.
thank jackie
For those who said it was a bad seasons, I disagree. I thought this season ROCKED
For those who think EVERYONE thinks Janelle is the best, I proudly call myself an honororary Chilltown member. Will all the way! No player can beat his charm, brains, and manipulation! (oh, and he isn't bad on the eyes, either)
I was so hoping that Will and Janelle would admit their attraction to each other and because Boogie proposed to Krista before, that Will would propose to Janelle.
Also, because he snuck out of the Sequester House, I thought maybe he had heard that Erin dumped him and he might do it to help his ego.
Anyway, I hope Will and Janelle end up together. I would LOVE to see a reunion show or a "Where are they now?" show with an update.
Several people have mentioned that Janelle won more money overall than Erica's $50,000.00-in addition to the $25,000.00, what did Janelle win in the game?
Janelle got $30,000 for making it to sequester. With the $25,000 prize from America, she won $5000 more than Erika won.
I think Will and Janelle will end up together. They definately had chemistry. Did anyone see that shower scene where they kissed? I heard that prompted Will's girlfriend Erin to break-up with him and she moved her stuff out of his place the next day.
...and the puppetmaster strikes again...from what was shown on TV looks like he manipulated the houseguests (jury) one last time to vote for Chilltown.......
was or is anyone watching the feed from the wrap party? or was that a rumor?
If I were Will I'd have ashamed of my "friend's" behavior and would want to distance myself from such a slug. I don't like Erika but I felt sorry for her...Mike (class act) jumped off the chair, didn't even give her a look, and bolted out the door practically slamming it in her face. Shame on him and shame on his mother for being all smiles...she should have gone over and given Erika a hug too.
What a bumpy ride it's been. We sure can't say BB7 was boring. Jackie, you have made it so much more fun. We appreciate your many sleepless nights to keep us updated. Aren't you glad Survivor and TAR are only on once a week and don't have live feeds? ;)
Like many of you I didn't like the winners. ::::sigh:::: But, it is what it is. Speaking of, I was glad to see that Dani got her "perspective" and sense of humor back.
Didn't CG look good in his khakis and nice shirt...no flowers or tin foil. LOL! I was rather surprised CG didn't vote for Erika. They all looked good, but Erika looked sad and disappointed. I think she was really hurt. The way she was snubbed while Mike paraded around with his arms in the air was sad. I hope her family can give her some comfort.
And, yes, Janelle does win everything. I would have loved to see that $25K go to CG. Sorry, all you Janelle fans but I'm sick of seeing that tiara on her. ;)
Will seemed to be friendly to all but you could tell that he was keeping his distance from Janelle...damage control for Erin.
He sure did look good though. His smile could melt a cold heart.
I'd love to know if Janelle goes back with her b/f.
Kaysar looked...well...hot! He was dressed very classy. I'm sure he's glad he didn't get involved with Erika on the show. She did make a play for him early on. I think he might get a career going in film of some sort as I read he was taking acting lessons. His calling out James was great. You could see James swallow. LOL!
The CT "Brrrrrrrring" was too funny with Jase, Kaysar and Diane.
I know many of you didn't like CT but they sure made me laugh all season.
A big shout out to Jackie!!!!!!!!
Hope to see you here for Survivor and TAR.
Boo Will. I think he actually thought he'd win the jury's vote for the $25,000. What a greedy pig. And he was the last one to congratulate Janelle. Definitely not an adult, not poised, not a class act.
Poor Erika my a$$! She brought it on herself... I mean, she was horrible, was not loyal to one person and even lied when after the game... she wasn't going to take Janelle to the final 2 like she said she would AND the when she was asked about being played... she said "we played each other" yeah right - he didn't go into the diary room and say he met his soul mate on BB... and when she called herself the puppetmaster i almost threw up!!! please does she think that we didn't see her curl up in the fetal position when she didn't win POV in the final 4... and it was Janelle that started talking about CT... man, what a piece of work she is!!!
I do happen to agree that she wasn't treated very nice tonight... however, you reap what you soe!!!!
For anaday26...you are right on..Emmett Smith was amazing...he'll be worth watching all season on Dancing with the Stars, and he's paired with last year's professional winner. The man weighs 225 lbs. and is a football player. Who knew! What a hottie. Both Mike and Will could learn something from that dude about poise and class.
I agree anon 2:04 but you have to admit that it was pretty sad when Julie asked who Boogie was taking on the trip, Erika looked at him like she was hoping it was going to be her... even after she had seen how she was played.
Boogie can win the big prize, congratulate hmself, but at the end of the day...he's still a Will wannebee and a "life" loser. He's too crude to ever have a meaningful relationship. And tho Erika claimed they were playing each oher...she wasn't going into the diary room every week trash talking him...on the contrary she thought she had found her soulmate. So sad, but you reap what you sow. Mike is closing in on 40 and by his own admission has never had a meaningful relationship. Duh. Wonder why? Seems to me he's a misogynist. It was painful to look at Erika when Julie asked Mike who he was going to take on his trip...and cruel of her to ask in front of Erika. Everyone but her knew he wouldn't say "I'm going to be a sport and take my showmance...because I've treated her pretty badly."
If he didn't want a trip with her, and who would, he could at least have offered the trip to her. He's got enough money to pay for his own damn trip...piggy, piggy, piggy.
Mike is an empty, empty man. Some day Erika will realize that, hopefully sooner than later. But I have to say she deserved it. She's not some kid. She went back after being treated like something he'd wipe off his shoe. Nobody is that stupid!
And besides that, she's taking credit for being a better "puppetmaster" than Will (!) and calling Janelle a fat something or other, accusing Janelle of being jealous of HER. This woman needs serious therapy. She's just plain unlikable and vicious.
She lied to Danielle about who's idea it was to evict her - it was most definately Chilltown! She said it was her, because Dani was so good a player, yada, yada. A lier, jealous, pathetic, anorexic,...ugh.
Thanks Jackie... It has been a wonderful year and all because of you... what a great recap and blog... you are amazing! wtg!
YICK! Mike was completely shameless and a leech of Wils. At least Erica had some genuine emotion. Such a turnout truly leaves me with a sick feeling. The guy seriously gives me the creeps. I hope the jury will realize they all bought into his last demented lie when he stood up there and faked an appeal to their “emotions.” I wouldn’t trust that guy with changing my tire. (WOW. I’m really lettin’ loose!). Howie completely surprised me this season by being the most emotional player. He left the show so angry! Marcellus ended up the smartest. Danielle’s pride was hurt to badly she couldn’t see the move was just strategic. I just hope Erica can survive the bashing she took and realize the viewers liked her more than most dimwits in the house. She was a pretty straight shooter given all the other backstabbing each of them did. I felt so badly for her after that screwball won the $$. He didn’t even shake her hand when he won. Maybe he won Big Brother, but as a person, MIKE IS A LOSER.
Sorry anybodybutjanelle, but after some of your views tonight I'm sure glad you are not teaching my kids. Many people have gone on reality shows and won without treating others the way Mike did.
I think everyone has been fooled by Chill town. Janelle was truly jealous of Erica - can't you see she doesn't get along with women at all?? She came out like hissing like a cat agains't Erica when it was MIKE who voted her out. What th?? Chill town played everyone till the end!! The jury even bought Mike's emotional appeal? And do you really think Wil and Janelle will make it outside the show? Those two are both two big for the room. And you don't think Wil and Boogie are splitting it??? Come on!! Where are people's heads?? Lord. I don't care how much people hated Erica. She still wasn't fooled by their bull, and took Wil out. So she was played by Boogie. She at least really had some genuine interest in the schmuck and who hasn't been there done that. Hope she knows she can walk out the door being the most decent person.
Anyone know where we can see pics from the wrap party?
Erika will walk out the door "the most decent person"..? I don't think so. (JMO) Decent if you think jumping Mike's bones every chance she got, even tho he'd turn away disgusted. Where was her pride when he did that to her?
And Janelle jealous? She does anticipate other woman not liking her; but with good reason. A lot of people are jealous of her.
I personally doubt Janelle and Will will be an item after the show. Back to the real world, & all. But I think they are cute together. And I think everyone can agree Chill Town mowed over everyone and played a "good" game.
But I do believe, yes, indeed, Erika was fooled by their bull. She was trying (too late) on the show to save face. Didn't work.
It's one thing if you don't really like the person and are using them like Mike. I think Erica really liked Mike. And she said she was attracted to him. "Turned away in disgust?" Who was it then that was kissing her? In bed with her? Maybe towards the end, yeah, but by then she had picked up on it. At least she obviously really wanted something with him. He admitted throughout it was just for the game. HE IS THE FRIGGIN HO. hellOOO!!!!
As soon as Janelle won America's Choice, my first thought was for her to share a piece with other sequester guests. You know like found money? That would have lowered her tax base and showed she was truly a "princess", great person, all think she is. Who am I kidding, she is no better or worse than the rest.
Janelle actually ended up making more more than Erica...
Janelle's money with the 25 thousand included -- added up to be a higher amount than Erica's -- is what I meant to write..
If you would like to see pics of the HGs after the show, check out this web site:
Click on "entertainment"
Then search for Big Brother photos in the last 24 hours.
Verry intewesting! :) There are more pics of Jani than of Boogie. There is also a couple showing Jani and Erica, one looking like Erica may be trying to explain. There are even some with Will and Jani on the lounger in the BY. He has his hand across the back, but not around her. In one she is holding a sign "Paging Dr. Delicious".
Strange enough, there are none of Nakomis. :(
Anon 7:00: Thanks for that link. I saw several pics of Nakomis -not easy to spot with normal brown hair!
Anon 7:00 (again): I just finished looking at all of the pics -- great link! Thanks!! Great pictures. Liked the ones of Janelle and Will (it looked like they were snuggled up on the lounge chair.) Can't help it/hopeless romantic :)
And Jase doesn't think too much of himself, huh? He's too kewwwllll.
Anon 11:09 ,
You hit the nail on the head. I am not a Janelle fan at all. Will is way too good for her. I can't beleive that America would pick her. Just shows what kind of shallow society we live in .
Everyone seems to feel sorry for Erica,however in my opinion, they couldn't use those clips of Mike calling her a ho if they didn't have her action clips to back it up. Remember that the whole purpose of this show is to entertain. She should have thought of how she ( and her family) would feel before acting in this way ( knowing she was constantly being watched). It has also been said that people feel sorry for her for being older and wanting a man and baby so bad. Someone needs to tell her that the way to find a "GOOD" man who treats her with respect is to conduct herself with respect and as she was told" buy some dignity"
OMG! on the early show Boogie just told Julie, when asked about his relationship with Erika that he didn't do anything socially in the house that he would not have done outside the house. So to all of you who say give Mike a break he is just playing the game I say, look out women, the playa is out of the house.
Jackie, how is that people are saying Janelle won has won more money than Erika. Erika won $50K and Janelle won only $25K.
Janelle got $30,000 for making it to sequester. With the $25,000 prize from America, she won $5000 more than Erika won.
Just a couple of things regarding some of the previous posts:
I think Ericka was absolutely upset when they played the video of Mike bashing her. She looked flustered and embarassed and mad. Also, I did notice the body language between will and Janelle - he was turning away from her and she knew it :-(
I also think, while I love Janie, she is unduly upset. I truly believe Erika did NOT throw that lost comp and she had every intention of taking janie with her to the final two. I don't know why Janelle is so mad at her.
I have to say, I was hoping Erika would win the whole thing. I just feel so sorry for her. I fear she will act on the suicidal thoughts once she is home and sees what really went on.
Janey was hurt by his showmance chill town call about how he got her to vote out her BF. I think that is why she didn't go to him for a hug when she won America's choice.
Erica admitted that she threw the last HOH comp. That is why Janelle was so mad.
anybodybutjanelle said...
Money doesn't cover the fact that Janelle was voted OUT by Boogie. Third place is third place.
WILL: Ring Ring
BOOGIE: Yeah, go ahead..
WILL: Hey, did Janelle give you her vote....AFTER YOU SENT HER HOME...
BOOGIE AND WILL erupt into laughter
You silly guy you. Who cares at this point anyway.
Can anyone explain to me why Howie voted for Boogie? I thought he hated him and they almost got in a fist fight.
Can someone tell me when Erika admitted she threw the last HOH competition? I don't remember that.
anon at 9:09 am - I think you are mistaken. I believe she said she DID NOT throw the last comp... Can anyone verify?? I thought she even admitted last night she would have taken Janelle to the final two. Am I wrong??
we usually don't hear from you til later in the day...
playing hookie today?
I am actually glad Erika did not win. She is a HOE. Boogie did not even bother to talk to her or anything. He ignored her. It was great. She deserves that and more. She must really be a HOE since it did not even bother her seeing Boogie comments and calling her a HOE. If she was really not a HOE and she had dignity she would have gotten up and slapped the crap out of him.
I am so happy Jani won the 25K. She is so loved by Anerica.
Erika is a HOE.
She was probably trying to hook up with Boogie since he has restaurants etc and now he won the grand prize. He won't even take a second look at her.
She is too OLD and is not aging well.
I loved how James looked so humiliated when they showed all of his comments about Janelle. He's such a jerk.
That's a link to the pics from the wrap party - cute!! ENJOY!
what I find so interesting is that the men on these reality shows can be as disgusting as possible and all is forgiven. The women cannot get a break for lying, much less being a fool.
Told it from the start. CHILL TOWN !!! Everybody said Janelle, I knew she wouldn' get it. Should have been Will. Boy, does Janelle have it bad for Will. Did anybody else read all her body language? Will is playing it CHILL... Yeah !!
What is americas obsession with Janelle... her baby talking and strategy drove us crazy. Americas choice? Americas princess? Will looked better in the crown!
Jackie...this was the first season I have followed your stuff. Thanks so much. You Rock!
My take on Erica being disliked vs playing the game. I don't think the jury wanted to vote for either. I do think they wanted a united front and Marci's vote for Erica was of the pity type and to add some tension as Julie pulled the keys.
I think the jury decided Will won the game and a vote for Boogie was a vote for Will. I think Will believed that, at least. If, Erica had behaved exactly as she did in the game except won the last HOH and took Janelle I think the jury would have seen her as a great player who made twist in the game. Taking Mike made it look differently. Taking Boogie made her into a Chilltown soldier and not a player in her own right. And I don't mean that fans and jury would have liked her because of Janelle... it would have been the elimnating of Chilltown that would have swayed them. After all, if Chilltown survived all the evictions, then they won. If anyone took them out, that hg won. That is how it came down. Thank you Jackie, You are so popular!!!, the I didn't have time to read all the comments and know that this one my just repeat what others say. Thanks, Sue
In the images, there is one good picture of Will and Janelle looking at each other an smiling broadly like they did in the house...hmmm
Just wanted to throw in my thanks to Jackie for keeping me informed all season and helping to make All-Stars a lot more fun for me. I greatly enjoyed reading everyone's comments and the fact that Jackie never allowed things to get nasty.
I didn't like either of the F2, but did think Boogie deserved win over Erika.
Best part of last night was seeing Janie get all the attention (America's Darling) and getting to see Kaysar again - I'm gonna miss seeing his beautiful face (big sigh).
I was also glad that they showed Erika all the things Boogie said about her - maybe she will finally wake up about him. It was great that they let Alison be the one to tell her!
Did anyone have any doubts that Janie would get the $25K - I sure didn't.
Once again, thanks Jackie and I'll be checking in for Survivor and Amazing Race - one question though, is there any kind of live feed for those shows?
I thought that Boogie (even though I was a Will or Jani fan) deserved to win...and I think he won becasue of his answers to the questions he answered honestly and made no apologies. Erica lied through her teeth and it was apparent to everyone that she was trying to take credit for things to make it appear that she had some kind of game play which she didn't.
I think that Will was making an effort not to show any feelings for Jani and he went so far the other way to the extreme that it made it look as though he were trying too hard and he must have some pretty strong feelings for her if he didn't he would have had been better at covering his feelings because he wouldn't have had any. It shouldn't have been that awkward..just my opinion.
I don't watch the Amazing Race but would if Will or jani were on it. I just want to see more of either of them or both.
So she make $25,000 MORE than Janelle.
9/13/2006 3:57 PM
You may be right, but Janelle said, while in the house and talking to Erica, that she thought it wrong that being in the finals took away the $30,000 a hg earned up to that point. I don't think BB wants us to know the money angle, and they went to music as soon as she said it. Sue
Sue - I heard that reference, too. Apparently BB doesn't award the stipend to the 1st and 2nd place winners. Without an America's Choice, the 2nd place winner would win much more than just the stipend. However, when Janelle's extra 25K is added to the stipend, it comes up to more than the second place.
Me? I think BB is cheap with their prizes. Most other reality shows give a million to their winners and substantially more to the runners-up spots than BB. BB's normal stipend in the past was only $750 a week. I think they upped it just for All Stars.
Hi Jackie, I just saw your answer to my comment. Thanks! I agree, too, especially with BB running longer than Survivor in hg time. Sue
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