Since the Sunday show was preempted, even canceled in some places, for the Jerry Lewis Telethon, a few folks asked that I post an entry about it.
Your wish is my command.
Or something like that.
I refuse to recap the almost 12 minutes of recaps which started the show. You heard me... almost 12 minutes! Sheesh! They even recapped their last recap.
I'll start talking about the show after they (once again) showed George leaving the house. "It's like the parents are all gone and it's the kids home alone!" In a Diary Room segment, Erika voiced her hopes that she and Mike Boogie make it to the Final Two and thinks they really have a relationship going - "Imagine that, the two lovebirds!" (Which I heard as the "two lepers" and thought it fitting. Alas, she said "lovebirds." Gag me, please.) Meanwhile, Mike's Diary Room showed he has absolutely no interest in her outside of using her in the game and his intent is to be in the Final Two with his Chill Town buddy, Will.
Then came Will talking about his "flirtmance" with Janelle and it's a totally different scene than Mike's shomance. Will admitted it's all in fun and, of course, to further him in the show. In Janelle's session, she said she doesn't really trust Chill Town because they lie so much, but she's hoping to make it to the Final Three with them.
Will suggested he has a "bromance" going on with Mike. I can just see how that will play out on the Internet - "Hey, did you know Will's gay? I thought so all along!" Heh, no I don't think he's gay.
Erika is convinced that Mike actually loves her and they did a bit about having a baby. Argh, she believes him! Boogie is very disappointed that Erika has started smoking again. He doesn't date smokers... not that he plans on dating her at all anyway. I feel sorry for her. She makes so many bad choices when it comes to men!
The HOH Competition had a football field set-up with the houseguests dressed in black and white striped referee shirts. Janelle read questions as Will, Erika and Mike competed. It was called the HOH Bowl (or BB Bowl) and each time a player answered a question wrong, they were penalized yards and had to step further away from the end zone. The questions were all regarding what day number different events occureed. It's a good thing it wasn't physical as Will's thumb is really broken and bandaged up. Mike won it, though Will actually gave it a real try. Mike got the new HOH and his room had cheap junk food in it - Spaghetti-O's, Mac 'n Cheese, Hamburger Helper. (I hope he has real food at his restaurants! I couldn't believe that mix of foodstuffs. Throw in some Ramen noodles and you have a college dorm.)
Erika immediately went into a panic and asked that Mike not put her on the block. Janelle figured she would be a shoe-in for his nomination, so she didn't sweat it. She would have been shocked if he said he wouldn't put her up. Will didn't sweat it either. Heck, he's from Chill Town, he's too cool to sweat. And, it's his boy making the noms. He's safe.
In a Happy Dance in the Storage Room segment, Will and Mike decided to focus on turning Janelle and Erika more against each other than they actually already are.
The Janelle/Will hot tub fight, which was actually much ado about nothing, was shown. They made up and are almost-best-buds once again. Or, at least best flirtmance buddies. Janelle made it clear in the Diary Room sessions tonight that she really doesn't trust him, but at least Will was only joking about marrying her and she knew that. Mike is leading Erika on and she's going to be really hurt. In a Diary Room session, he said how he's fooled her and ended with "I'm going to Hell." That might be too good for him when compared to a woman scorned.
Erika was shown eavesdropping as Will and Janelle talked about getting her (Erika) out of the house. Mike broke it up, but the damage was done. As Will told Janelle, the secret that Janelle was working with them would have been blown this week anyway.
There were bed scenes of Mike leading on Erika and, even if you don't like Erika, it would raise your hackles to see her being used like that. Sigh.
The show ended on a poignant note as Erika put on Janelle's tiara.
Say what you will but I feel that the producers of BB7 are just plain wrong for showing Erica being so vulnerable with her feelings towards Boogie. I mean she's talking about their future baby - I could just die. Can you imagine how embarrassed her family must be listening to her prattle on about Boogie while he's making fun of their "romance" in the diary room?
Wow - I feel so sorry for Erika. Poor thing is going to be mortified when she sees what Mike was actually doing. She even said "Who knew I would find my soul mate on BB" - or something to that effect. I really feel so sorry for her.
Boogie is a jackass. will is playing the game...erika thinks she has a bleak she has no idea...Janelle is the Queen of All....
Well, apparently so! If I didn't dislike her so much, I'd feel sorry for her. Erica, you should have kept Dani.
Looks like Jani wants Erica to go.
Still think our sweet Jani is playing Chill Town.
The whoel E/B thing got to me too. I want Erika gone, but man...Boogie sure is the scum of the earth. He acts like he has true feelings for her and she has fallen hook, line, and sinker. I can't believe she thought that he wouldn't nominate "the future mother of his children." I never thought she had good self-esteem to begin with--I only hope she has a big support system when the show is over and she knows she has been used and humiliated on national TV.
I haven't had time to view all of tonight's epi - I did hear Erica speaking in the back-ground - ouch she is actually more clueless, this year than she was in her season - I'm hoping she's evicted - she needs to Mike is horrible.
Love it when Boogie said "She's looks like she aged 5 years", when referring to Erica! It's as though he's been reading these blogs.
Wouldn't you think Erica's would suspect Boogie is playing her when he (Boogie) made all that noise outside of the SR. She's such a dope. She deserves to be played. No onder she has such bad luck with men. Look how low her standards are.
why all the curse words
Jackie -- I thought she said "Imagine that, the two lovebirds." I didn't hear lepers at all. Then again, hearing goes in old age too ;)
I feel very sorry for Erika, too. She's not my favorite player--I want Janelle to win--but Boogie is really treating her badly.
Doubt he's remembering that "you reap what you sow"--that guy has it coming!
I thought the "Bromance" part was funny when they panned to them in the hottub and showering next to each other. I love that Will plays for the cameras. It just makes it more fun to watch.
I feel bad for Erika. Mike better watch his butt on the outside because his butt will be whooped by anyone who cares about that poor girl. Perhaps this will make Josh wake up and go back to her.
Oh, and I love Will but his part about her ticking clock made me angry. Guys can be so insensitive to us woman sometimes
I am praying Janey still evicts Erika, but I am worried my boy Will has his head on the chopping block this week
Good report Jackie! I saw the show, but you reminded me of several things. One is the tiara. Erica has worn that several times. Odd and sad and yet I want to yell at her to take that off since it isn't hers!
It was bad enough that Boogie was telling the camera about his expertise in fooling Erica...but to see him so pleased about regret in his voice, was extra bad. And not entertaining to see. I wondered her first season about Robert being his partner....they didn't seem to fit, but now we can see a pattern, I guess.
She said to Janelle that she (E) likes to be close with someone (to explain to bed scenes) and didn't need to like them to be with them. Bad Moon rising for her on the outside.
Regardless of how I feel about Ericka, I feel so bad for her. She seems the type that wants to believe in love and romance. I see why she believes the stuff Boogie says to her. She has not reason not to. She is going to need to get therapy when she finds out the whole thing was a sham...
Did I miss it, or did they never even mention their 5 star dinner on the actual show?
I agree with orkmommy. She said LOVEBIRDS, not lepers
Anon @ 10:23 - You can feel free to repost your comment leaving out the F-bombs and all those exclamation points. The first part is because I'd prefer the blog stay at a reasonable language level, the second because it throws off the entire page to have continuous exclamation points (or any character).
Take a deep breath and remember... it's only a show. Unless one of the houseguests is someone in your personal life, it really won't affect your life.
Did anyone else hear Boogie say "Superbowl" at the time George was leaving? And then all of a sudden the HOH comp had to do with football? Doesn't anyone think that is odd. I am really beginning to think this whole show was fixed and we were the ones who were fooled. Just throwing it out there, thanx.
You guys are not going to believe this(well, mostly the GALZ probably would even be remotely entertained by this -- jackie, petals Orkmommy, etc...) -- I had a dream last night that I was making out with Will -- whaaa? The puppet master has come out of the TV into my dreams. I was not even a fan of his! And he was a great kisser! I think watching the part of you tube which he said, with his tousled extra long hair, "I won't bite...haaaard"accompanied by impish smile with perfect teeth.
ORKMommy - I didn't tape it, so I can't go back to check. But I thought it was "lepers" as she was saying how so many wanted them out of the show.
I could very well be wrong.
It is very Entertaining to me. Thanks BIG BROTHER.
I think Mike Boogie is one of the most dispicable, disgusting human beings on earth. I heard a phrase once and have never needed to use it, but here goes...He's a waste of skin!
I can't believe that a serious business man who has a string of successful high-end establishments can go on NATIONAL TV and act that way!! For the sake of his business associates, I hope none of his patrons watch the show. If I lived in the LA area, I would seriously consider picketing his restaurants! Then again, look at what he named two of them "Geisha House" and "Big Wang's". How low can one go??
Jackie -- I didn't tape it either. I guess it doesn't really matter in the great scheme of life. Either way, lovebirds or lepers, I think they're both gross ;)
HI Jackie! I did tape it so I'll see what I can if I can.
Erika got what she deserves. She also (like Janelle) had the chance to remove CT. If I'm gonna fault Janelle for not taking out CT, I gotta fault Erica too. (Janelle's just had more times as HOH to do it...)
I don't feel sorry for Erika, thats what you get for dealing with CT or falling for someone you've known for a few weeks (who's trying to outplay you for MONEY).
Erika and Janelle both should go home for such pitiful gameplay!
Do I think that Janelle is playing will? NO!
Do I think Will has feelings for Janelle? NO!
Will and Boogie for the FINAL 2
ERICA, all the signs are there. The romance between you and Mike does not exsist. Wake UP. Go into therapy, cut your hair, stop smoking and eat a sandwich. She's too pathetic. Don't even feel sorry for her. YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW.
what are you going to call yourself when jani wins?
Hey all you BB Addicts,Watched the show,Thought They would have shown teh POV contest tonight.Guess that'll be Tues. Then the veto ceremony & eviction.Then they'll have to ahve a HOH again,Or do they do that with just 3 remaing HGs.
I'm going for A Jani & Mike twosome for the end,I'm sure Jani could beat Mike.A little leary of Jani with Will.
Guess Tues & Thurs will tell it all.
I don't rememebr how they go about Hoh,POV or Evictions on the last 3.
Only a week to go.
Thanks Jackie for all your hard work you are the GREATEST.
Tess from Mass.
I would really like to see more about the sequester house. It is important to know the conversations in there. not wasting time on "recaps"
I agree with you, but it is so fun to watch.
Orkmommy suggested I change it to
She's gotta win first....
Then maybe she and Will will do Amazing Race and I can change it to
Or maybe
All part of Sleazel 2’s HOH package…SpaghettiOs®, Easy Mac and Hamburger Helper®! And Sleazel 2 is part owner is some fancy smancy restaurants! Class act man, class act!
He's gonna change it to "Anybodybutwhoyoulike" or "Anybodybutthecrowdfavorite"!
That way he can keep stiring the Jackie Blog plot ;)
That should say
Sydney - Ohhh... Dr. McDreamy paid you a visit in your dreams! Heehee!
Tess - I was disappointed that they spent so long on recaps - no update on the sequester house, no POV, basically just the HOH. Tuesday's live show will have to cover POV, the live eviction and the HOH comp.
I've heard rumors that it's to be an endurance comp getting its start on Tuesday night. If it is, I happen to be off from work on Wednesday and should be able to update.
Thanks Rosalee...if I could only be like that in my personal life :)
she said lovebirds... just saw it again.
Please tell me what Scrubika means?
(I'm thinking "witch")
AND, who started calling Erica "scrubika"?
You go Rosalee I was just gonna ask that same question!!!!
Sydney - I guess I should change it. I kinda liked "lepers." That's what I get for having the feeds and show on at the same time! Thank you.
Anon @ 10:52 - I'm not sure who coined it - either Boogie or Will. I thought it had to do with how obsessed she gets while cleaning (when she cleans), but I may be wrong.
You are the voice of reason as well. I think we should all go to Boogie's classy restaurant. After all, he has such classy taste. Can you imagine? His "partners" probably want to kill him.
He probably promised his partners 1/2 too!!
Anon 10:31 --Boogie could have yelled superbowl cux they see some of th ehtings they are building in the backyard??? Even with a lockdown? Or they got their outfits delivered just before he said that and the show's edited out of sequence?
Scrubica came from Will's little puppet show in the HOH bathtub a few weeks ago. Erika's "character" was some type of loofa (sp?) sponge and he called it "Scrubica". You can see the clips at YouTube if you search for "bb7 will puppet show". It's kinda entertaining.
Again, I agree. I like the same shows you do and have the same responses.
Lately, I've been DREAMING about the HGs. Even JACKIE was in the dream. My family thinks I'm crazy.
My husband asked what I was going to do when BB is over. I told him AR and Survivor will be on. Do watch Project Runway? The designers are all FREAKS. Great show too.
erika was pathetic
when she
placed the
tiara on her
head at the
end of the show.
Rosalee - I hope I didn't make a fool of myself in public in your dream.
And, to others - I think I just realized why Mike yelled "Superbowl!" when George left. On the feeds, George and Mike were discussing the All Star show and sports at one time. Mike likened the BB All Stars to the Superbowl - the game of games. I bet that was it.
I thought the tiara made Erica look like the ugly sister from Cinderella. Woefully pathetic and embarassing for her.
No you didn't embarass yourself. In my dream, I could see behind my computer screen and you were working at your computer.
I think when BB is over, I will join the HGs in therapy!
I was just thinking that the only vindication Erika could get at this point is to somehow end up in teh final 2 with Boogie and win the money. Then when she got out to find that he is a scumbag she'll have at least some last laugh.
I'm sure he'll be doing dances trying to tell her it was all an act, to make good TV, which was his and Will's job this season, etc... he never needed the money and neither did Will, he's so happy for her etc... But I bet he'll try to get her to split it with him while he's at it. Just in case she might.
Actualyl,w atching this again, I see tongue in cheek in Erikas DR when she says something about finding her soulmate, and also her musings (DR again) about having bb babay... anyone else get that?
I'm a bit concerned for Erika. During their 5 star dinner there were reports of her acting like she was choking on something and going to the bathroom-- twice. I have been thinking for a while, she doesn't look healthy, especially in comparison to her season.
I think all us girls know what it feels like to be burned by a guy when we were head over heels for them. The conversation they had in the HOH room where Boogie said "I'm so happy" did me in. Does she rememeber the pre-game hook ups between them and nothing came from it???!
She is crazy if she thinks she is going to be in the final 2 at this point. Unless she can change Janelle's mind, which would be a major shake up IMO, she's going to sequester on Tuesday. And my question is-- is Julie going to rat Boogie out live in her eviction interview?
Thanks Jackie!!
Carrie in TX
Funniest scene, however, was Will with the swim float in the hot tub (or pool) with Boogie.
I wonder if Erica likes being the victim and sets herself up. No, I don't have a license to analyze...just thinking somehow she must enjoy getting dumped.
Sigh... Tonights show turned my stomach. Mike is such a no good sleaze. My jaw was on the ground listening to him talking to Erika in bed. He's sick and I only hope that Erika has a good therapist back home. Shame, shame, shame on Mike.
Janelle has to take out Erika for sure. When it comes to endurance, Erika can outlast anyone. Janelle isn't all that strong at endurance - but she could totally beat out Woggie. And the other two being Q&A's...she'd have it for final HOH. Then she would have to take out Will. And it sounds like she really does know this. I was so glad to see her DR's tonight. I wish she were a little stronger in her knowing CT aren't going to help her, but at least she does realize the truth...unlike Erika.
Here's a question that I hope someone knows the answer to - in the SH, does the jury get to see the shows? All but DR, right? I can only hope so. If Erika could just see one of these last weeks she would know she's been played and her vote would go to Janelle for sure.
Yep, I heard lovebirds too. struck me when i heard it because I thought is was sad that she thought that even *before* they showed all the scummy Mike footage.
Sarah - The jury only sees the HOH comps. And, from what Janelle has said on the feeds and Howie said in an interview, show talk is monitored by "handlers" and isn't allowed.
As much as i don't like Erika....i really hate that she is being played by Mike, because I like him even less. Yeah..i so would not want to be Mike when Erika realizes what happened...Mike better hope he can buy the Sequester house after all is said and done, because that is where he will need to be. I can imagine Erika's family screams at the TV everytime Mike does a DR session or they see Erika being played...oye
I don't feel for Erika either...
You get what you "play" for...hahaha
RBP (really bad pun)
We have to remember that on BB6 janelle had a short lived shoemance with Michael. If he hadn't gotten himself evicted by firefighter a.k.a. butthole Eric, things could have gotten steamier. So maybe some people just like to go on reality shows and look for romance. Heck, if i looked like Janelle i might to.
Now the Scrubica boogie thing is disgusting. Imagine if Erika does get pregnant and child comes out of this show what it will think in the years to come when it see's the context in which it was conceived.
i think Boogie would be a dead beat dad, it would prob use the child to sell the chilltown shirts and merchandise. chilltown onesies and bibs. Cloth diapers with chilltown in rhinestones on the butt.
Well, I think people feel sorry for Erika because she doesn't doesn't get to see the side of Mike we all know, obviously. If we saw Mike as Erika does, he is probably the most stable of past boyfriends, in that he owns businesses. No one, or most people anyway, likes to see someone being played, regardless of how skanky someone is.
I have empathy not sympathy for Erica; there's a difference. (Can't imagine anyone wanting to be treated like a skank.)
maybe on the finale this year erika will tell boogie she's pregnent
anon 1130
I agree that in real life I don't like seeing people get played...
But this isn't real life...
1) Erika knows this is a game where people lie.
2) She's watched Boogie play all this season.
3) Did she ever watch the show before?
4) She's actually PLAYED this game once!
Its one thing for a newbie, but she's not new to this game! She should know better...shame on Erika for taking Boogie at his word.
I WOULD NEVER believe in a romance on a show like this! Come on....what reason do you have to believe ANYBODY on this show!
I don't feel sorry for Erika.
(And see I didn't even mention in this post how much I didn't like Janelle....wait...ooops....)
Wow, Anybody! Why don't you say how you really feel?? Enough already.
Bottom line - Mike is vile!
Go Janie!
I just watched Erika begging Janie to take her to the final 2 and let her win the second place prize. "I really need the money! They're both rich! (I know it was talked about before)
I can't believe how bad of a liar Erika is. Janie really stuck to her guns about Erika betraying their agreement for Boogie to get voted out instead of George. If anyone wants to watch, it's at
Mike said it was either going to be Diane or Erika, and since Diane left it has to be Erika.
Well anybodybut..i guess that is the Counselor in me. This is Erika's unfortunate reality while she lives in the house, regardless of previous seasons. It takes a strong mind to go into a house and Erika, I dont believe is strong when it comes to hooking up with someone..she validates love through very bad choices...She is very into Mike.
i didn't say it was my reality, but I still feel bad for her. It's one thing to play the game, its another to drag someone through the mud to get to the end, which might not be a bad thing considering Mike's comment about Erika aging 5 years..a good mud facial ;)
"considering Mike's comment about Erika aging 5 years..a good mud facial ;)"
I hope you didn't take my comments as harsh...I was just giving my reasons for not feeling too bad for her...
Apparently some ANON thinks it was too harsh, but I didn't mean it that way...
And I will continue to speak my mind until Jackie tells me to stop. Thank you very much for your input...
Jackie you ARE the best thing on the INTERNET!!!
Is anyone else having the hardest time posting? Rarely do the letters pop up for me to do my verification, and if they are there, the usually don't take for some reason. I'm having to reload over and over again. I'll wait a while, but still no change. It's driving me nuts.
Anyway - on with what I'm hoping to post. The "Superbowl" shout out is in reference to Howie. I don't remember the whole story behind it, but it started before BB7. Howie started yelling it out when something went his way. Boogie picked up on it and started using it as a way of making fun of Howie. If you remember, Howie yelled it out when he was walking out the BB house - very TIC, BTW.
And Scrubika came from Will's puppet shows in the bath tub. He used a bath scrubby for Erika's character. Since then, they've (J/W/B) have all talked about how she walks through the house - shuffles her feet, head down, glasses on, chain smoking - generally acting like a lazy scrub.
Tom S
marioninheaven811 please please folks would like their GH SOD spoilers fix for next week please get out of here who cares about your project ok Jackie wins blog of the year.
Ha ha!! I just checked out Boogie on The Internet Movie Database. His last credit was playing a drunk in Snoop Dog's movie "Hood of Horror" (2006). I'm sure that wasn't such a stretch for him ;)
gregboi...not so sure about the whole Janelle loves will...Will thinks he is playing her, but I am not convinced yet that Janelle is in love with him....yes, I do see a lot of flirting on her part, but that does not necessarily equate will be interesting to see, if that is possible, what happens after the show, if they hook up because boyfriends/girlfriends have left, or if it was all in fun, or if feelings will ever be told.
I liked Sunday's show. BB edits to sway the watcher.
Mike and Will are very funny. The music chosen to highlight their manipulations is much better than reading about it.
And Erica, hasn't she said she just broke up with her boyfriend? She knows this isn't love. "i like you" "that's very sweet of you"? She's 46 for gosh darn sakes or an age old enough to know better.
I think Janelle is flirting with Will because she likes him and she wants to stay in the game. She hasn't had numbers for weeks now and needs Chill Town.
I still hope Boogie doesn't win anything. After watching him in action, I certainly wouldn't give him my money to run a restaurant.
I have to agree with Rosalee~~I am going to need to go into therapy with the HG's also. I am so addicted to this...I want it to end to see who wins, but then I don't want it to end. If only we could be privy to the sequester house conversations and activities, I think they are probably more exciting at this point.
In regard to Erika..I never was a big fan of hers at all. I always felt she was floating around trying to find a place she could fit in. That is fine I guess, but she was never bold in her game playing. I do feel sorry for her however. I really can't help it. I don't want her to beat Janelle, but it was so pitiful that she thinks she is going to be the mother of Mike's children. The things he was saying to her in the HOH bed were absolutely appalling knowing how he really feels. I just hope Erika's brother is Big and Strong so he can whoop up on Boogie. I have a feeling Erika is going to need some very serious therapy and I hate that so much. Erika is obviously a very needy person and people like that do get taken advantage of a lot, but what mike is doing is just absolutely sinful. I agree with whomever said that his business partners are probably whincing with every word that comes out of Boogies mouth. They are probably going to have to do some PR work on him after this, that is, if he is not in the hospital!!!!!!
I wonder what Will really thinks of Boogie after this season...hum???
Nope, didn't take your comments as harsh have a right to your's just my thoughts, not my life on reality tv, (or unreality tv).
As for Erika's parents, yeah I'd be mad at mike, but also at Erika...did Erika forget that there are a gazillion cameras in the house? I mean, I would hope that she would know that anything goes as far as what the tv audience might see as a result of houseguests actions. Erika really has low self esteem.
Oh I have a question I forgot to ask Jackie or anyone else who knows. Someone mentioned that live eviction was Tuesday with another HOH contest and then Thursday was something, I don't know.
I am confused...does anyone know the schedule of the rest of the show?
"It figures mostly men say she deserves everything she gets"
Wow...a little sexist are we!!!
I certainly wouldn't do that to a woman! However, I believe that as a person we ultimately have the responsibility for our own actions as well as our own responses to others actions.
Orkmommy told me that how we respond to people is more important than the situation. That other people can't hurt our feeling, we make the choice to allow it to happen.
Erika trusted Boogie. That was her mistake.
Nobody deserves to be treated like that unless they choose to be treated like that.
Vivian, I wondered that about what Will thinks too. While Will has his game, he doesn't take it to the low that Mike has. Mike has been honest about hating people, to vote him out, etc.
As for Mike's business and PR, I think that he will be fine. I am sure there will be many men who will high five him (no offense to the men on this blog), as well as women who will throw themselves at him all because he was "star" on t.v...while he may lose some customers, many will most likely go to those places thanks to free advertisement of BB.
OMG, I just saw the show on the west coast. Mike Boogie is really the lowest. He never needs to go as far as he does, he could have shomanced Erika without so many promises and lies, he goes way over the top with his lies. Saying she is so special and not a homance...
Janelle says she doesn't trust them, I hope she really doesn't.
Boyohboy, you folks are really into this reality show NOT. I haven't seen any talk about Boogie's comment about the internet watchers this morning. Anyone care to comment?
Melissa -- Unfortunately, I think you are right about Boogie. His restaurants are all in the Hollywood area where the people have a reputation of being very "fake" (no offense to anyone from or in Hollywood). If anything I think this show will draw more of a crowd. If his businesses were someplace else, say the Hamptons, it would probably have a much different result.
Almost makes me wonder if there aren't royalities being exchanged since BB doesn't block out Mike's t-shirts...not that BB doesn't bring money in on it's own..just surprised I guess that Mike gets to "advertise".
Thanks Jackie. I missed the show tonight (Sunday) and really appreciate you getting your blog up so fast. Thanks again!...Christine
Anybodybut ...
Nobody deserves to be treated like that unless they choose to be treated like that...
Has Erika heard what we heard or seen what we've seen? We know Erika has made bad choices but she doesn't know what we know. Her choices are not based on the things we've witnessed.
Its a reality show. She's watched it before. She's watched Boogie treat other people like that.
I certainly wouldn't involve myself so much with someone in a reality house (and especially in the short time they've known each other).
I wouldn't have to see what we've seen to know not to trust ANYONE in the BB house and especially to fall in "love"
Ok...I have too much time on my hands. Checked out Erika on The Internet Movie Database. She was in a 2005 TV movie called "The Scorned". The cast consisted of almost nothing but reality stars. Check out this list:
Jenna Lewis - Survivor
Trish Schneider - The Bachelor(2002)
Bob Guiney - The Bachelorette (2003)
Reichen Lehmkuhl (aka Burke) - The Amazing Race (also Lance Bass' boyfriend)
Jon Dalton (Jonny Fairplay) - Survivor
Ethan Zohn - Survivor
Stacie Jones Upchurch - The Apprentice
Erika Landin - Big Brother
Jenna Morasca - Survivor
Rebecca Cardon - The Amazing Race
Jonathan Baker - The Amazing Race (VICTORIA!!!)
Victoria Fuller - The Amazing Race
Ivana Ma - The Apprentice
Nikki McKibbin - American Idol
Tian Kitchen - The Amazing Race
Gervase Peterson - Survivor
Lori Valenti - Big Brother
Diane Henry - Big Brother (plays Bikini Girl #2)
Bolo Dar'tainain - The Amazing Race
Pamela Day - The Apprentice
Scott Long - Big Brother
Burton Roberts - Survivor
Rob Cesternino - Survivor (playes "Vomit Guy" and was a co-writer).
And various others from The Real World, Paradise Island, etc...
I'm surprised Boogie didn't make his way into that cast!
I'd love to see a reality game show with Will and Jonny Fairplay playing against eachother!!
Mike is trying to vindicate himself from his original series by being a total jerk off now. He pretty much looked like an idiot proposing and slobbering all over himself the first time around. So, now he wants to be a "cool" guy and jerk the girl. What an ass! That is just wrong and sick. Yuck! He is too insecure for his own good. He disgusts me.
I feel like I am so behind! How did Will break his thumb?
Are you freaking serious??? Are you watching the show??? You are really scary dude.
"Are you freaking serious??? Are you watching the show??? You are really scary dude."
What? What'd I say?
I stand by everything I said.
sorry if someone else already posted this. I am sure one of the reasons we aren't seeing the sequester house is that hurricane John was heading to Cabo. They probably moved them out. CG and Danielle probably never made it there. Go Janie! I am so tired of Will and Janie whispering on live feeds. It is so frustrating. Why does BB allow this? Caligirl
anybodybutjanelle said...
Its a reality show. She's watched it before. She's watched Boogie treat other people like that.
Boogie was all lovey dovey his season. He proposed. She probably thinks he is the same guy. Can't you agree that what Mike is doing is just gross and wrong already.
I like hearing your thoughts, but I don't really agree with them.
Goooooooooooooooo Janie. LOL
Have to be anon as this is truly a guilty pleasure. Mary Smith :-)
ORKMommy - I'm surprised you didn't see that. It was on one of the cable networks last year and was a movie made by reality "stars" as they went along... kind of a kick in the butt to the writers union who's down on reality TV.
"Dude come out of the closet already!! You are either gay or have been dumped by woman so much that you just hate them."
WHAT?! How did you get that out of my dislike for Janelle or my dislike for Erika....
Maybe its my dislike for Will..or perhaps my dislike for Boogie....
Maybe because I can watch the show without Janie Colored glasses on....
ANON 1:01
Thanks...I enjoy hearing everyone ideas too...and for the record...Mike is gross. For LOTS of reasons INCLUDING the way he has treated Erika.
Those are not the 4 people I would have wanted to see there. I don't like any of them personally....but Will is the best player and he should win.
Anon @ 12:51 - Will broke it in the POV comp shown on the live show. He got it tangled as he tried desperately to free his veto.
It's not letting me sign in AGAIN, so I'm posting as annonymous AGAIN....this is Susan.
I agree with Sydney's comments from 11:12pm tonight...I have always thought there was some tongue-in-cheek going on with Erika's comments in the diary room. It's still in the back of my mind that maybe Erika and Boogie are "playing" a showmance and have coordinated all this mess. Unfortunately, it's easier for me to believe this than to watch the show and believe that Mike can actually be that NASTY!!! GGGRRRR....he makes me sick...
I've been saying that Will needs to go since Day 1! I still believe he needs to GO.....but I recognize that Janie has quite a dilema on her hands and I understand why she might send Erika out instead.
Folks - Please remember that while the houseguests are sort of fair game as they're public figures, trashing other commenters here will most likely end up in the removal of the comment. Please treat others with respect even if you don't care for their opinions regarding the show or the houseguests.
Jackie -- I haven't had the internet or cable TV for the past couple of years. Now that I have both, I'm getting caught up with the world. I don't know how I lived without them ;)
I guess it was on E! last year.
Hi, Anybody!
I enjoy your thoughts and comments. Don't let the mean-spirited people cause you to stop.
Anon @ 1:03 - You may feel free to repost your thoughts about Janelle, but without insulting a commenter here for his thoughts.
I am curious for those that bash anybodybut's thoughts makes you better than the person you seem to not like on the show, meaning mike?
Not that I agree with his thoughts, but come on people, do we need to result to being ugly?
I asked earlier, but I might have missed if anyone answered, but does anyone know the schedule for the rest of the shows. For example, Tuesday they said was a live eviction and another HOH, what else on each day is going on. Does anyone know?
Hi all,
Janie's Choice:
There are compelling reasons for Janie to vote out Erika. As many here have pointed out, Erika is likely unbeatable in an endurance competition, which (that being the all-important first round of the final HOH triathlon) gives her a leg up. Plus, CT are fairly inept at competitions generally, and even their "A game" is more like a C-. BUT, should CT pull out a victory, Will will spin her one last time right out the door and she'll be pirhouetting in the SH.
And so I think her best move, should she wake from her Woogie-induced trance, would be to GET WILL OUT NOW. Mike has virtually no chance of winning HOH against Erika and Janie and they - if they were truly thinking strategically, and that's a big if - could conspire to oust him with little effort.
Obviously my sympathies are with Janie here ... and as much as it nauseates me to see Erika in the final two, she can't beat Janie with the jury.
Vivian - There are only three shows left.
This Tuesday - live eviction, hopefully the sequester house entries (but I don't know on that) and the HOH comp - or the start of the three-part HOH as in past seasons. I've heard an endurance comp will start on Tuesday's show going into the night, but that may be just a rumor.
Thursday - The final live eviction and the HOH comp stuff leading to it.
Tuesday (the 12th) - Finale
Steve Irwin, the "Crocodile Hunter" was killed today after being stung by a stingray while diving.
I am so sorry to hear about the Crocodile Hunter, but they did seem to be getting very showoffy and careless.
Erika IS working on Janie, but methinks not effectively enough like outright saying "let's take these boys out and go to the end, may the best woman win..." Instead we hear E saying she is resigned to second place at best and really needs $$ ( then Wizard Will says to Janie that E has 3 cars and a house).
E does say Boogie is a millionaire and the Dr is... well, a Dr (she fails to say he who won this game too), that is good ammon, but she is not throwing the second punch, to propose girrl power.
Why do I bother. Let's face it, even if she did, Janie is too involved with Will now, for as much as she tells the DR she's not trusting him. I will only believe THAT when she uses the veto on herself and sends Will home, which, after last night's antics -- Will and Janie in the same bed, restless all night, touching under the sheets and spooning without pillows between them, rubbing eahcothers backs, Will kissing her cheek, etc -- I highly doubt she's going to do.
Orkmommy -- I watched the making of that reality TV star movie -- they turned it into a reality show of course... and I didn't see Erika at all. She must have ahd a real bit part, as they made all the "actors" live together in the house,coming and going. It was actually a bit of a trainwreck and I couldn't watch it all the way to the end due to Johnny Fairplay's involvement and such bad girl behavior in the house over HIM that I found it hard to be a member of the same gender as they. lol
Any words to describe Boogie would not be appropriate to print. Can't even call him a dog... it's an insult to a fine loving companion. If BB7 has family and friends at the finale this year, it may be more like the 4th of July (fireworks) from those that care about Erika.
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