<---- All dressed up and nowhere to go.
The houseguests are very excited and nervous about the live show tonight. They're like teenaged girls waiting on their first dates.
The live show will start here on the East Coast at 8 PM (5 PM PT). I will have an East Coast Update post going with the important events as they air, so please stop back to discuss the events or sneak a peek from the West Coast!
What happened today in that Big Brother House of Please Stop Singing?
- BB got the houseguests out of bed early at 8:15 with a wake-up song. Of course, the feeds went to Blue Liquid.
- Daniele joked that Internet feed watchers are probably canceling their feeds because they're so boring. (Ha!)
- Early in the morning Kail said she was waiting for Carol to wake up so she could move her stuff in. (Talk about being sure Carol's leaving, eh?) She tried to correct the situation by saying it was her initial room, but...!
- Dick was a vacuuming machine. And, he used one, too!
- The girls and most of the guys primped a lot throughout the day.
- Dick got on a Bash Jen kick. Among the less crude remarks were ones about her talking all about herself (and how great she is) all the time, walking loud when others are trying to sleep.
- He confronted her and said, "Stop being such an inconsiderate b____ or I will make you the most miserable b____ in the house. There isn't a single word that comes out of your mouth that doesn't involve you."
- She told him that BB said the HG had to wake up. He told her it wasn't her responsibility.
- He left the room, she kept combing her hair as if nothing had happened. Um... okay.
- There was a feeds block of about an hour while the HG apparently practiced for the HOH comp. It must not be a house/memory kind of comp as no one is studying or asking questions.
- They're just passing time awaiting the show at this time.
Oh, man! I'm so glad Carrie in Texas is back this season! Jackie-- you and Carrie and Orkmommy have cracked me up more than the actual show!
Maybe the editors can put together a show tonight that at least PRETENDS something happened in that house!
Can we all go in on a pizza and choc. cake delivery for poor Dani? Here's to a decent BB8!
Robin in Manchester
It's great to have you back this season, Robin!
Man, I hope Carol stays!!
Reason 1: Amber is unbelievably annoying and I don't think she has enough tears left to stay much longer. She'll die from dehydration if they don't evict her!
Reason 2: I want to see Jessica's face when they don't evict Carol. That alone is reason enough to keep her in my eyes.
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