Sunday, July 15, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Video Bit - Late Night 7/14

In this video clip from the feeds that I uploaded to YouTube, Dick talks to a captive (chained) Amber and Kail. He discusses Jen and how she needs to change drastically to stay in the house. He tells them that Daniele and he won't be able to entirely solve their issues in the house, but he feels they've taken small steps.

Watching him, it's good strategy at work. It's a shame he decided to pitch the speech to the only player in the game who saw right through it. After he left the room, Kail told Amber how manipulative and intimidating Dick is. "He has to go."

This was late last night in the Big Brother House -- beware, the language gets a bit crude.


Sydney said...

Jackie- I just watched the 5 part You tube clips of
Dick talking to Jen and telling her that she has made such big mistakes and that she has to make a big change if she is going to stay in the house. I wonder why he is telling her this. If she improves, she stays in the house, and becomes one more person who is between him and winning. Hmmm.

Besides a minor ego thing (he's got the power), and a stress release, and while it may look like he's also mending fences in his rough kind of way, it's also possibly going to help her take the target off her back (is that possible? LOL)

It was HARD listening to her for the first 4 but by the end, she was totally silent -- I mean THINKING silent, like he reached her.

sassie said...

Jackie good going on your new job and thanks for the great updates.I watch bb on showtoo and all they do is whisper.They had a conversation about a big blow up about a comment Joe made about cancer anyone know what that is all about? So hope ED stays he is only one that puts any life in the house.Please let it be Joe who goes this week he is such a joke.

Jackie S. said...

Sydney - Remember, Dick has studied behaviors on the show. He's manipulative. If he can strengthen Jen's game, he will improve his own.

Sassie - Joe said something about his sister having cancer, then said she was a fan of Johnny Fairplay (dead grandmother lie for sympathy). But, I also recall in season two, a big lie from Dr. Will about cancer took its toll, as well. It didn't go over too well with the houseguests this time with Joe.

Anonymous said...

ED and Eric were up till the wee hours and when Eric went to bed, ED did dishes and laundry. After that he went back outside and talked, but could not hear what he said. Why is that? I know he was not whispering. Yes I got the feeds, yesterday, for the 2 week trial. Now all asleep!

Jackie S. said...

delee - Hmm... that "conversation" - if it's the one I'm thinking of - was audible. If you aren't having volume problems on the whole and notice that you're on a feed which doesn't seem to have good audio, switch to the quad cam, then go to the other feed on that view. They usually run two feeds on the same scene from different angles. (So much for four feeds, eh?)

Deanna said...

I posted a link yesterday about Jedi Howie putting things up on Ebay to bid on (to help his goddaughter who has a brain tumor). One is a 15min. call from Howie - 10 min call from Mike "Boogie" & Dr. Will and now they have added a 15 min call w/ Kaysar (which is a good one to me). They also have signed photos and such. It is all legit and you can find out more at:

and the link to Ebay is:

sassie said...

Thanks Jackie for clearing things up for me Go ED

Anonymous said...

Amber says Jen loves her. "She wants to be friends with me so bad. Everyone loves me too much." ( she tells this to Dustin) Good Grief, Amber is a Legend in her own Mind.
And she wants to throw Dick under the bus. She was working on Jen to get Dick out of there but Dick stuck up for Amber when Jen made her cry.

I am liking Amber less and less.

Anonymous said...

Kail saw through Dick's being manipulative, but bought the Eric anoxeria story? "I know something is bothering you Eric, you have been quite". she said

Thanks Jackie, Sue

Anonymous said...

I can't help but think Dick thinks a little more of himself than the rest of the HG's do. In that video, Kail & Amber didn't say ANYTHING and he kept talking & talking & talking... Didn't he notice they weren't commenting? At the end, you could tell there was an uncomfortable moment when he mentioned the stool. I thought Dick was smarter than that!